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ay We Don't Coach, We Transforn === High Level Topics 1. While India is battling the second wave of the pandemic, what should be of utmost priority of Indian Govt. right now? a. Safeguarding Lives b. Safeguarding livelihood c. Safeguarding Economic Interest of the country 2. What do you think is the most important cause that is hindering development of the country? a. Caste Based Reservation b, Communal politics ¢. Criminalization of Politics 3. The world witnessed the worst ever pandemic in COVID 19. What do you think will be the most significant fall out of this? a, Changing World Order b. World Economic Recession c. Beginning of asymmetric warfare 4. What in your opinion is the main reason for never ending insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir? a. Support from separatist leaders b. Underdevelopment c. Fi Pakistan a We Don't Coach, We Transforn === 5. Which sector requires more attention for all round development of India? a. Agriculture Sector b. Education Sector c. Manufacturing Sector 6. After the separation of Ladakh from Jammu and Kashmir, how do you think the people of Ladakh benefited the most? a. Less insurgency b. New development projects c. Better Livelihood 7. Which is the most responsible reason for ongoing unrest in the world today? a. Religious Diversity b. Racial Diversity c. Political Diversity 8. India is emerging as a new Medical tourism destination of the world. Which of these you think enabled India achieve this status the most? | infrastructure ied doctors a. World class medi b. Availability of qu c. Affordable healthcare We Don't Coach, We Transforn === 9. Artificial Intelligence is the new emerging technology. What do you think is the most significant impact it is having on humanity? a. Resulting in Unemployment b. Speeding up the world c, Manipulating Human Behaviour 10. Which is the most significant impact of CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) over India? a. Breach of territorial integrity b. Military Dominance of China ¢. Economic Dominance of China Il. Indian saw the creation of Chief of Defence Staff and now giving Secretary level posts to officers in uniform. What does it signify the most? a. Increasing synergy between forces and administration b. Elevating the stature of military officers c. Degrading the stature of military officers 12. The water bodies in India are depleting day by day. What according to you is most significant reason behind this problem? a. Rapid Industrialisation b. Increasing population c. Lack of water harvesting measures in the country a We Don't Coach, We Transforn === 13. Which sector of the economy is getting most affected by COVID 19? a. Unorganized Sector b. Service Sector c. Manufacturing Sector 14, What do you think is the biggest threat to humanity? a. Terrorism b. Global Warming c. Weapons of mass destruction 15. What do you think is the main threat to Internal Security of India? a. Naxalism b. Separatists c. Terrorism 16. India is witnessing rapid growth in Unemployment. Which of these you think will majorly help reduce unemployment? a. Increasing FDI b. Skill development programs c. Make in India initiative 17. What is the major reason for India’s poor image in the international community? a. Poor Law and Order ay We Don't Coach, We Transforn === 18. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the country which the Government should address first? a. Economic Growth b. Infrastructure Development c. Countering External Aggression 19. Which of these factors you think is affecting the agriculture sector in India the most:- a. Climate Change b. Lack of Financial Support System c. Lack of Post Harvest Infrastructure 20. American and NATO forces have withdrawn out of Afghanistan. What do you think will be the biggest fall out of this? a. South Asia will become the hub of terrorism b. Afghanistan will become the hug of Drug trade c. Pakistan will have an upper hand in its fight against India 21. China is taking an aggressive stance against India. What do you think will be the best way to counter China? a. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy b. Boycotting Trade c. Building Military Strength a We Don't Coach, We Transforn === 22. India and Pakistan have remained stark enemies since Independence. Which of these you think is the most contentious issue between the two nations? a. Terrorism b. Border Issues c. Religious Differences 23. China is seen to be developing infrastructure across Africa and Asian continents. What do you think is the major agenda behind this? a. Increase Trade and Commerce b. Increase its military presence c. Genuine Development of underdeveloped nations 24. India is seen to be aligning with USA. What do you think will be the major fall out of this? a. Benefit Economically b. Benefit Militarily c. Benefit Diplomatically 25. With Afghanistan in turmoil, what do you think India should do to benefit itself? a. Align with Taliban b Press for elected government in Afghanistan c. Maintain a neutral stand —y We Don't Coach, We Transforn === 26. The USA after being an ally of Pakistan for several decades is seen to be coming close to India. What do you think is the major agenda behind this? a. Exploit the economic potential of India b. Counter China c. Controlling Terrorism emanating from South Asia 27. The United States of America after ruining Iraq is seen to be getting after Iran. What do you think is the major agenda behind this? a. Maintaining supremacy in West Asia b. Exploiting the oil reserves of Iran c. To prevent Nuclear Proliferation in the region 28. The present government at the centre has implemented several path breaking schemes. Which has these schemes do you think has the maximum impact to the nation at large? a. Swach Bharat Abhiyan b. Digital India Mission c. Skill India Mission 29. Which if the following may trigger world war three? a. US - China Conflicts b, US- Russia Conflicts ¢. Iran-Israel Conflicts a We Don't Coach, We Transforn === 30. What do you think is the biggest mistake committed by India in its history? a. Taking the Kashmir issue to the UN b. Recognizing Tibet as a Chinese territory c, Release of Terrorist during Kandhahar highjack 31. India though a huge market, not many MNCs are investing in India. Which of these you think is the major reason? a. Lack of infrastructure b. Lack of skilled manpower c. Corruption 32. India aspires to be a 5 trillion economy. Which of these sectors should India develop more to achieve this milestone? a. Primary Sector b. Secondary Sector c. Tertiary Sector 33 The government repealed the three farm bills after a year of its introduction. What do you think is the major reason behind it? a. Genuine flaws in the bills b. Elections in major states c. Opposition party pressure a We Don't Coach, We Transforn === Social Topics 1, Unemployment in India is increasing rapidly. What do you think is the major reason behind this? a. Poor Educational System b. Failing Agriculture c. Stagnating Industrial Growth 2. Indian Farmers are seen to be in distress. What do you think is the major reason? a. Lack of financial support system b. Climate Change c. Lack of post harvest infrastructure 3. E-Commerce in India is growing exponentially. What do you think will be the most significant fallout of e-commerce growth? a. Increase Tax collection b. Ruin small businesses c. Provide employment 4. India women have been subjugated for decades. Which of these you think will truly empower them? a. Reservation in Government Jobs b. Reservation in Politics a We Don't Coach, We Transforn === 5. Crime in India is increasing by the day. What do you think is the major reason behind it? a. Degrading moral values b. Poor law and order c. Increasing Unemployment 6. Internet usage in India is increasing exponentially. What do you think will be the major fall out of this? a. Major source of knowledge b. Increase in Cyber crime c. Increase in mental health issues 7. India though a country of 1.3 billion, our performance in international sports arena is very poor. What do you think is the major reason behind this? a. Lack of parental support b. Poor sports infrastructure c. Poor sports administration 8. Juvenile crime in our country is increasing by the day. What do you think is the major reason behind this? a. Lack of parental supervision b. Influence of internet and media c. Peer pressure a We Don't Coach, We Transforn === 9. What do you think is the major reason for increase in extra marital affairs? a. Influence of western culture b. Social Media c, Women joining the work force 10. What do you think is the major reason for increasing divorce rates? a. Women empowerment b. Growing intolerance between the genders c. Influence of western culture Tl. India though a country with highest youth population, the armed forces have huge shortage in the officers’ cadre. What do you think is the major reason? a. Lack of required qualities b. Lack of patriotism c. Lack of parental support 12. What do you think is the major reason for increasing road accidents in the country? a. Poor condition of roads b. Poor traffic policing c. Increasing motor traffic a We Don't Coach, We Transforn === 13. Mental health issues are increasing amongst our youth. What do you think is the major reason behind this? a. Poor Life Style b. Influence of media and internet c. Increasing Aspirations 14. Crime against women is growing in our country. Who do you think is majorly responsible for this? a. Changing values of Women b. Poor Law and Order c. Patriarchic Society 15. India suffered a big blow during the second wave of the COVID - 19 Pandemic. Who do you think is majorly responsible for this? a. The general public b. The government c. The administration 16. What do you think is the most appropriate method to support agriculture and farmers? a. Minimum Support Price b. Input based subsidies c. e-Mandis like e-NAM A We Don't Coach, We Transform === . APPA omen Ee 17. What is the factor fostering unemployment in India the most? a. Overpopulation b. Poor Industrial Growth c. Poor Education system 18. What do you think is the main reason for rapid growth of COVID-19 in India in April 2021? a. Religious Events b. Elections c. Carelessness of People

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