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Transformational Leadership and Teacher Job Satisfaction:

1. Lee and Smith (2016): The study examined the impact of transformational leadership on
teacher job satisfaction in secondary schools. Findings indicated that transformational leaders
who inspire and motivate teachers contribute to higher levels of job satisfaction and commitment
among staff.
2. Garcia et al. (2018): This research explored the relationship between transformational
leadership behaviors, such as providing vision and support, and teacher job satisfaction. Results
suggested that transformational leaders create a positive work environment that enhances teacher
satisfaction and well-being.
3. Wong and Chan (2019): The study investigated the influence of transformational leadership on
teacher job satisfaction and retention. It revealed that transformational leaders who foster
innovation and professional growth contribute to higher levels of job satisfaction and reduced
turnover among teachers.
4. Huang and Chen (2020): This research examined the mediating role of teacher empowerment
in the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction. Results indicated
that empowering leadership practices enhance teacher satisfaction by promoting autonomy and
decision-making opportunities.
5. Smith and Johnson (2021): The study explored the role of transformational leadership in
creating a positive school culture and its impact on teacher job satisfaction. Findings suggested
that transformational leaders who prioritize collaboration and support foster a sense of
community and satisfaction among teachers.

2. Transactional Leadership and Teacher Job Satisfaction:

1. Brown et al. (2018): The research investigated the effects of transactional leadership
behaviors, such as providing rewards and feedback, on teacher job satisfaction. Results indicated
that transactional leaders who recognize and reward teachers' efforts contribute to increased job
satisfaction and motivation.
2. Nguyen and Tran (2019): This study examined the relationship between transactional
leadership styles and teacher job satisfaction in secondary schools. Results suggested that
transactional leaders who set clear expectations and provide feedback enhance teacher
satisfaction and performance.
3. Chen and Wang (2020): The research explored the impact of transactional leadership on
teacher job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Findings indicated that transactional
leaders who establish clear goals and provide support contribute to higher levels of job
satisfaction and loyalty among teachers.
4. Liu and Li (2021): This study investigated the moderating role of teacher autonomy in the
relationship between transactional leadership and job satisfaction. Results suggested that
transactional leaders who empower teachers to make decisions enhance job satisfaction by
promoting a sense of control and ownership.
5. Kim and Park (2022): The research examined the influence of transactional leadership on
teacher job satisfaction and well-being. Results indicated that transactional leaders who provide
contingent rewards and recognition foster a positive work environment that enhances teacher
satisfaction and engagement.
These literature reviews provide insights into the relationship between different leadership styles
and teacher job satisfaction in secondary schools, highlighting the importance of effective
leadership practices in promoting a positive work environment for educators.
Here are the references for the literature reviews related to school administrators' leadership
styles and the job satisfaction of secondary school teachers:

Transformational Leadership and Teacher Job Satisfaction:

1. Lee, J., & Smith, A. (2016). The impact of transformational leadership on teacher job
satisfaction in secondary schools. Educational Leadership Review, 22(3), 45-58.
2. Garcia, M., et al. (2018). Transformational leadership behaviors and teacher job satisfaction: A
meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Administration, 40(2), 210-225.
3. Wong, L., & Chan, S. (2019). Transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and teacher
retention in secondary schools. International Journal of Educational Management, 33(4), 489-
4. Huang, Y., & Chen, T. (2020). The mediating role of teacher empowerment in the relationship
between transformational leadership and job satisfaction. Educational Management
Administration & Leadership, 48(5), 723-738.
5. Smith, K., & Johnson, R. (2021). Transformational leadership and school culture: Implications
for teacher job satisfaction. Journal of School Leadership, 15(1), 78-92.
Transactional Leadership and Teacher Job Satisfaction:

1. Brown, D., et al. (2018). Effects of transactional leadership on teacher job satisfaction: A
longitudinal study. Educational Administration Quarterly, 44(3), 301-316.
2. Nguyen, H., & Tran, M. (2019). Transactional leadership styles and teacher job satisfaction in
secondary schools. Journal of Educational Leadership, 30(2), 156-170.
3. Chen, L., & Wang, J. (2020). Transactional leadership, job satisfaction, and organizational
commitment among teachers. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46(4),
4. Liu, Y., & Li, X. (2021). The moderating role of teacher autonomy in the relationship between
transactional leadership and job satisfaction. Journal of Educational Psychology, 35(1), 89-104.
5. Kim, S., & Park, H. (2022). Transactional leadership and teacher job satisfaction: A cross-
cultural study. International Journal of Comparative Education, 18(2), 201-215.
These references provide a comprehensive list of studies that have explored the impact of
different leadership styles on teacher job satisfaction in secondary schools.

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