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Design Underground System - Medium

2. Candy Crush - Medium
3. Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List - Medium
4. Invalid Transactions - Medium
5. Two City Scheduling - Medium
6. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II - Medium
7. Meeting Rooms II - Medium
8. Design A Leaderboard - Medium
9. Decode String - Medium
10. Design an Ordered Stream - Easy
11. Number of Islands - Medium
12. LRU Cache - Medium
13. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Medium
14. Word Break II - Hard
15. All Paths From Source to Target - Medium
16. Kill Process - Medium
17. Design Browser History - Medium
18. Add Two Numbers II - Medium
19. Count Unhappy Friends - Medium
20. Copy List with Random Pointer - Medium
21. First Unique Character in a String - Easy
22. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II - Medium
23. Merge Intervals - Medium
24. Add Two Numbers - Medium
25. Sparse Matrix Multiplication - Medium
26. Validate Binary Search Tree - Medium
27. Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram - Medium
28. Valid Triangle Number - Medium
29. Knight Dialer - Medium
30. Number of Distinct Islands - Medium
31. Trapping Rain Water - Hard
32. Word Search - Medium
33. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node - Medium
34. Sort Characters By Frequency - Medium
35. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters - Medium
36. Two Sum - Easy
37. Top K Frequent Words - Medium
38. Remove Invalid Parentheses - Hard
39. Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses - Medium
40. Missing Element in Sorted Array - Medium
41. Valid Parentheses - Easy
42. Design Bounded Blocking Queue - Medium
43. Min Stack - Medium
44. Merge k Sorted Lists - Hard
45. Shortest Palindrome - Hard
46. Word Break – Medium

47. Evaluate Division - Medium
48. Elimination Game - Medium
49. Reconstruct Itinerary - Hard
50. Median of Two Sorted Arrays - Hard
51. Island Perimeter - Easy
52. Number of Distinct Substrings in a String - Medium
53. Shuffle an Array - Medium
54. Valid Anagram - Easy
55. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock - Easy
56. Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses - Easy
57. Move Zeroes - Easy
58. Largest BST Subtree - Medium
59. Find the Winner of the Circular Game - Medium
60. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed - Hard
61. Search in Rotated Sorted Array - Medium
62. Minesweeper - Medium
63. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal - Medium
64. Reverse Integer - Easy
65. LFU Cache - Hard
66. Sort Integers by The Power Value - Medium
67. Pow(x, n) – Medium


68. Web Crawler - Medium

69. Word Ladder - Hard
70. Subsets - Medium
71. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List - Medium
72. Longest Palindromic Substring - Medium
73. Maximum Subarray - Medium
74. Integer to Roman - Medium
75. Sequential Digits - Medium
76. Binary Search Tree Iterator - Medium
77. Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting - Medium
78. Meeting Scheduler - Medium
79. 3Sum - Medium
80. Brick Wall - Medium
81. Binary Trees With Factors - Medium
82. Count and Say - Medium
83. Coin Change - Medium
84. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal - Medium
85. Next Permutation - Medium
86. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal - Medium
87. Roman to Integer - Easy
88. Find Median from Data Stream - Hard
89. Merge Two Sorted Lists - Easy
90. Non-decreasing Array - Medium
91. Reverse Linked List - Easy
92. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree - Medium
93. Meeting Rooms - Easy
94. Interval List Intersections - Medium
95. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self - Hard
96. Max Area of Island - Medium
97. Generate Parentheses - Medium
98. Broken Calculator - Medium
99. Dungeon Game - Hard
100. Top K Frequent Elements - Medium
101. Word Ladder II - Hard
102. Inorder Successor in BST - Medium
103. Binary Tree Right Side View - Medium
104. Sqrt(x) - Easy
105. Regular Expression Matching - Hard
106. Find in Mountain Array - Hard
107. Container With Most Water - Medium
108. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String - Easy
109. Decode Ways - Medium
110. Subarray Sum Equals K - Medium
111. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II - Medium
112. Unique Binary Search Trees - Medium
113. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number - Medium


114. Spiral Matrix - Medium

115. Rotate Image - Medium
116. First Missing Positive - Hard
117. Random Pick with Weight - Medium
118. Odd Even Linked List - Medium
119. Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences - Medium
120. Longest Univalue Path - Medium
121. Maximal Rectangle - Hard
122. Different Ways to Add Parentheses - Medium
123. Encode and Decode TinyURL - Medium
124. Arithmetic Slices - Medium
125. Minimum Number of Refueling Stops - Hard
126. String to Integer (atoi) - Medium
127. Intersection of Two Linked Lists - Easy
128. Reorganize String - Medium
129. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array - Medium
130. Next Greater Element I - Easy
131. Remove Linked List Elements - Easy
132. Reaching Points - Hard
133. Unique Paths - Medium
134. Maximum Width of Binary Tree - Medium
135. Most Frequent Subtree Sum - Medium
136. Excel Sheet Column Number - Easy
137. Recover Binary Search Tree - Medium
138. Daily Temperatures - Medium
139. Pascal's Triangle - Easy
140. Next Greater Element II - Medium
141. Sliding Window Maximum - Hard
142. Trapping Rain Water II - Hard
143. Group Anagrams - Medium
144. Flatten Nested List Iterator - Medium
145. Clone Graph - Medium
146. Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 - Medium
147. Longest Consecutive Sequence - Medium
148. Palindrome Linked List - Easy
149. 3Sum Closest - Medium
150. Finding Pairs With a Certain Sum - Medium
151. Maximum Frequency Stack - Hard
152. Wildcard Matching - Hard
153. Lexicographical Numbers - Medium
154. Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum - Medium
155. Find K Closest Elements - Medium
156. Largest Rectangle in Histogram - Hard
157. Longest Common Prefix - Easy
158. Intersection of Two Arrays - Easy
159. Filling Bookcase Shelves - Medium
160. Find Peak Element - Medium
161. Walls and Gates - Medium
162. Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences - Medium
163. Permutations - Medium
164. Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values - Medium
165. Peak Index in a Mountain Array - Medium
166. Robot Bounded In Circle - Medium
167. Logger Rate Limiter - Easy
168. Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target - Hard
169. Kth Largest Element in an Array - Medium
170. String Compression - Medium
171. Add Strings – Easy


172. Find Duplicate Subtrees - Medium

173. Sort Linked List Already Sorted Using Absolute Values - Medium
174. Exclusive Time of Functions - Medium
175. Palindrome Number - Easy
176. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix - Medium
177. The Maze - Medium
178. Minimum Path Sum - Medium
179. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum - Hard
180. Game of Life - Medium
181. Burst Balloons - Hard
182. Minimum Absolute Difference - Easy
183. K-th Symbol in Grammar - Medium
184. Symmetric Tree - Easy
185. Find Leaves of Binary Tree - Medium
186. Find All Anagrams in a String - Medium
187. Edit Distance - Hard
188. House Robber - Medium
189. Happy Number - Easy
190. Reverse Words in a String - Medium
191. Cousins in Binary Tree - Easy
192. Diameter of Binary Tree - Easy
193. Shuffle the Array - Easy
194. Climbing Stairs - Easy
195. 4Sum - Medium
196. Fizz Buzz - Easy
197. Search a 2D Matrix II - Medium
198. Image Overlap - Medium
199. Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors - Medium
200. Find the Duplicate Number - Medium
201. Course Schedule - Medium
202. PROBLEM NO LONGER EXISTS - Not Applicable
203. All Paths from Source Lead to Destination - Medium
204. Group Shifted Strings - Medium
205. Combination Sum - Medium
206. Jump Game II - Medium
207. Binary Tree Pruning - Medium
208. Reverse Nodes in k-Group - Hard
209. Gas Station - Medium
210. Reverse Linked List II - Medium
211. Zigzag Conversion - Medium
212. Remove Palindromic Subsequences - Easy
213. Single Number II - Medium
214. Multiply Strings - Medium
215. First Bad Version - Easy
216. Longest String Chain - Medium
217. Find and Replace Pattern - Medium
218. Score of Parentheses - Medium
219. Minimum Size Subarray Sum - Medium
220. Longest Valid Parentheses - Hard
221. Mirror Reflection - Medium
222. Reorder List - Medium
223. Search a 2D Matrix - Medium
224. Product of Array Except Self - Medium
225. Interleaving String - Medium
226. Stone Game IV - Hard
227. Minimum Window Substring - Hard
228. Single Number - Easy
229. Maximum Population Year - Easy
230. Furthest Building You Can Reach - Medium
231. Unique Paths II - Medium
232. Shortest Bridge - Medium
233. Missing Number - Easy
234. Find All Duplicates in an Array – Medium


235. Maximum Number of Weeks for Which You Can Work - Medium
236. Last Stone Weight II - Medium
237. Add Digits - Easy
238. Coin Change II - Medium
239. Merge Sorted Array - Easy
240. Reshape the Matrix - Easy
241. Swap Nodes in Pairs - Medium
242. N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal - Medium
243. N-Queens - Hard
244. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree - Medium
245. Sort Colors - Medium
246. Open the Lock - Medium
247. Kth Smallest Element in a BST - Medium
248. Unique Binary Search Trees II - Medium
249. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV - Hard
250. Bag of Tokens - Medium
251. Isomorphic Strings - Easy
252. Minimum Time to Make Rope Colorful - Medium
253. Remove Nth Node From End of List - Medium
254. Rank Transform of an Array - Easy
255. Reverse Words in a String III - Easy
256. Remove K Digits - Medium
257. Intersection of Two Arrays II - Easy
258. Nth Highest Salary - Medium
259. Ugly Number II - Medium
260. Divisor Game - Easy
261. Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray - Medium
262. Design Most Recently Used Queue - Medium
263. Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters - Medium
264. Stock Price Fluctuation - Medium
265. Majority Element II - Medium
266. Car Pooling - Medium
267. Find Root of N-Ary Tree - Medium
268. Making A Large Island - Hard
269. Subsets II - Medium
270. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree - Easy
271. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III - Hard
272. Continuous Subarray Sum - Medium
273. Sum of Left Leaves - Easy
274. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow - Medium
275. Delete Node in a Linked List - Medium
276. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array - Medium
277. Accounts Merge - Medium
278. Number of Subsequences That Satisfy the Given Sum Condition - Medium
279. K-diff Pairs in an Array - Medium
280. Jump Game VI - Medium
281. Sudoku Solver - Hard
282. Rotate List - Medium
283. Triangle - Medium
284. Permutation in String - Medium
285. My Calendar I - Medium
286. Graph Valid Tree - Medium
287. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure - Medium
288. Invert Binary Tree - Easy
289. Arranging Coins - Easy
290. Path Sum II - Medium
291. Calculate Amount Paid in Taxes - Easy
292. Combinations - Medium
293. Majority Element - Easy
294. Find Pivot Index - Easy
295. Longest Increasing Subsequence - Medium
296. Similar String Groups - Hard
297. Unique Number of Occurrences - Easy
298. Partition List - Medium
299. Palindrome Partitioning - Medium
300. Delete Node in a BST - Medium
301. Largest Number - Medium
302. Path Sum III - Medium
303. Reduce Array Size to The Half - Medium
304. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown - Medium
305. Minimum Time Difference - Medium
306. Simplify Path - Medium
307. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree - Hard
308. Custom Sort String - Medium
309. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) - Medium
310. Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position - Easy
311. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted – Medium


312. Reverse Pairs - Hard

313. Repeated DNA Sequences - Medium
314. Degree of an Array - Easy
315. Maximum Product Subarray - Medium
316. Implement Stack using Queues - Easy
317. Design Bitset - Medium
318. Longest Mountain in Array - Medium
319. Linked List Cycle II - Medium
320. Russian Doll Envelopes - Hard
321. Contains Duplicate II - Easy
322. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers - Medium
323. Greatest Sum Divisible by Three - Medium
324. Binary Tree Paths - Easy
325. Max Points on a Line - Hard
326. Fair Candy Swap - Easy
327. Delete and Earn - Medium
328. Surrounded Regions - Medium
329. Customers Who Never Order - Easy
330. Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick - Hard
331. Cheapest Flights Within K Stops - Medium
332. Boundary of Binary Tree - Medium
333. Search Insert Position - Easy
334. Longest Palindromic Subsequence - Medium
335. Design HashMap - Easy
336. Basic Calculator - Hard
337. Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence - Medium
338. Valid Palindrome - Easy
339. Add Binary - Easy
340. Count Complete Tree Nodes - Medium
341. Uncrossed Lines - Medium
342. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array - Easy
343. Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String - Medium
344. Next Greater Element III - Medium
345. Determine Whether Matrix Can Be Obtained By Rotation - Easy
346. Squares of a Sorted Array - Easy
347. Set Matrix Zeroes - Medium
348. Word Subsets - Medium
349. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal - Easy
350. Sort the Matrix Diagonally - Medium
351. Course Schedule II - Medium
352. Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To - Medium
353. Possible Bipartition - Medium
354. Linked List Cycle - Easy
355. Jump Game - Medium
356. Monotone Increasing Digits - Medium
357. All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree - Medium
358. Sort List - Medium
359. House Robber III - Medium
360. Valid Palindrome II - Easy
361. Count Square Submatrices with All Ones - Medium
362. Contains Duplicate - Easy
363. Is Subsequence - Easy
364. All Possible Full Binary Trees - Medium
365. Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets - Medium
366. Substring with Concatenation of All Words - Hard
367. Long Pressed Name - Easy
368. Path Sum - Easy
369. Rotate Array - Medium
370. Divide Two Integers - Medium
371. Find the Town Judge - Easy
372. Merge Two Binary Trees - Easy
373. Permutation Sequence - Hard
374. Maximum Units on a Truck - Easy
375. Second Highest Salary - Medium
376. Sort Array by Increasing Frequency - Easy
377. Implement Queue using Stacks - Easy
378. Max Consecutive Ones III - Medium
379. Target Sum - Medium
380. Summary Ranges - Easy
381. Design Parking System - Easy
382. Sum of Square Numbers - Medium
383. Single Number III - Medium
384. Number of Provinces - Medium
385. Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor - Medium
386. Plus One - Easy
387. Single Element in a Sorted Array - Medium
388. Counting Bits - Easy
389. Knight Probability in Chessboard - Medium
390. Toeplitz Matrix - Easy
391. Two Sum IV - Input is a BST - Easy
392. Range Sum Query - Immutable - Easy
393. Min Cost Climbing Stairs - Easy
394. Rotting Oranges - Medium
395. Fibonacci Number - Easy
396. Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings Equal - Easy
397. Largest Divisible Subset - Medium
398. All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees - Medium
399. Increasing Triplet Subsequence - Medium
400. Employees Earning More Than Their Managers - Easy
401. Wiggle Subsequence - Medium
402. Palindromic Substrings - Medium
403. Minimum Cost For Tickets - Medium
404. Transpose Matrix - Easy
405. Sum of Two Integers - Medium
406. Shortest Path to Get Food - Medium
407. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree - Easy
408. Number of Recent Calls - Easy
409. Smallest Range I - Easy
410. Sort an Array - Medium
411. Non-overlapping Intervals – Medium


412. Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets - Medium

413. Longest Repeating Character Replacement - Medium
414. Permutations II - Medium
415. Count Nodes With the Highest Score - Medium
416. Partition Equal Subset Sum - Medium
417. Trim a Binary Search Tree - Medium
418. Time Based Key-Value Store - Medium
419. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree - Easy
420. Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column - Medium
421. House Robber II - Medium
422. Hamming Distance - Easy
423. Find Eventual Safe States - Medium
424. Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists - Hard
425. Power of Two - Easy
426. Path with Maximum Gold - Medium
427. Combination Sum II - Medium
428. Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique - Medium
429. Rearrange Products Table - Easy
430. 4Sum II - Medium
431. Online Stock Span - Medium
432. Candy - Hard
433. Reverse Vowels of a String - Easy
434. Koko Eating Bananas - Medium
435. Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon - Medium
436. Longest Common Subsequence - Medium
437. Kth Missing Positive Number - Easy
438. Longest Arithmetic Subsequence - Medium
439. Insert Interval - Medium
440. Same Tree - Easy
441. Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards - Medium
442. Factorial Trailing Zeroes - Medium
443. Flood Fill - Easy
444. Time Needed to Inform All Employees - Medium
445. Construct the Rectangle - Easy
446. Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree - Medium
447. Frog Jump - Hard
448. Balanced Binary Tree - Easy
449. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee - Medium
450. Shortest Path in Binary Matrix - Medium
451. Reconstruct Original Digits from English - Medium
452. Delete Operation for Two Strings - Medium
453. Big Countries - Easy
454. Maximum Value at a Given Index in a Bounded Array - Medium
455. Kth Largest Sum in a Binary Tree - Medium
456. Build Array from Permutation - Easy
457. Minimum Genetic Mutation - Medium
458. Matrix Diagonal Sum - Easy
459. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation - Medium
460. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal - Easy
461. Find the Difference - Easy
462. Relative Ranks - Easy
463. Truncate Sentence - Easy
464. Find Original Array From Doubled Array - Medium
465. Redundant Connection - Medium
466. Remove Element - Easy
467. Intersection of Multiple Arrays - Easy
468. Keys and Rooms - Medium
469. Count Sorted Vowel Strings - Medium
470. Swapping Nodes in a Linked List - Medium
471. Concatenation of Array - Easy
472. Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations - Easy
473. Last Stone Weight - Easy
474. Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target - Easy
475. Backspace String Compare - Easy
476. Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums - Medium
477. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal - Easy
478. Sorting the Sentence - Easy
479. Add to Array-Form of Integer - Easy
480. Critical Connections in a Network - Hard
481. Number of 1 Bits - Easy
482. Max Chunks To Make Sorted II - Hard
483. Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days - Medium
484. Asteroid Collision – Medium


485. Length of Last Word - Easy

486. Shortest Path with Alternating Colors - Medium
487. Power of Three - Easy
488. H-Index - Medium
489. Gray Code - Medium
490. Ugly Number - Easy
491. Check If N and Its Double Exist - Easy
492. Boats to Save People - Medium
493. Can Place Flowers - Easy
494. Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal - Medium
495. Kth Largest Sum in a Binary Tree - Medium
496. Minimum Genetic Mutation - Medium
497. Matrix Diagonal Sum - Easy
498. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation - Medium
499. Find the Difference - Easy
500. Relative Ranks - Easy
501. Truncate Sentence - Easy
502. Redundant Connection - Medium
503. Intersection of Multiple Arrays - Easy
504. Keys and Rooms - Medium
505. Add Two Integers - Easy
506. Count Sorted Vowel Strings - Medium
507. Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations - Easy
508. Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target - Easy
509. Backspace String Compare - Easy
510. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal - Easy
511. Shortest Distance to Target String in a Circular Array - Easy
512. Palindrome Permutation - Easy
513. Check if All the Integers in a Range Are Covered - Easy
514. Path In Zigzag Labelled Binary Tree - Medium
515. Even Odd Tree - Medium
516. Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports - Medium
517. Maximum Number of Accepted Invitations - Medium

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