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Ingenierie en tour leading

Writing script and dialogue of the entire simulation


Tour Leader: We will now be going to cross the ocean to reach the border of Maroantsetra.
Please everyone, be prepared for the choppy ocean. Fix well your belt and wear correctly
your life jacket. The itinerary will last one hour and a half crossing five kilometers gap. Your
vomiting bag will be provided in case you won’t feel well.


A group of tourists were gazing into the bush inside the primitive wonder of Nosy Mangabe.
A marvelous tiny Island mainly covered by evergreen primary forest is located in the North-
Eastern part of Madagascar.
On the way back to Maroantsetra, the getaway town, the group were shipwrecked in the
middle of the ocean after 15 minutes of crossing.

Tour Leader: Gather All the passengers and deploy the rescue canoe.

While gathering the passengers they have found out that 2 of them were critically injured.

National Tour Guide: Voary and Anjaratiana seem to be unconscious

Tour Leader: Quickly lay them on the rescue canoe for first AID. How are you doing feeling
Ashley: A little bit shaken, but that's fine.
Elodie: We have lost all of our stuff, passport, money, cameras, everything!!
Tour Leader: Thank God, we all rescued Don't worry about that, we will sort it out shortly.
Eudrick: Where are we going to? Are we going to carry on or reverse?
Tour Leader: As the sea is still very choppy. We have to make our way back to nosy
Mangabe for safety reasons.
Eudrick: Well noted!
Nosy Mangabe
The island of Nosy Mangabe, easily
visible 5km off-shoreSome
from phone call had been carried out on the return path.
Maroantsetra, is a must-visit the local Tour Operator.
anyone with smidgen of romance in
their blood. This is a thickly forested
and mountainous tropical Leader:
with *Calling the local TO* Good Afternoon! It’s Benjamin,
huge soaring canarium I'm calling
trees arisingfor an emergency. We were shipwrecked few moments ago,
from flying buttress roots.
we are MNP rins two seriously passengers injured and we critically need a
very well-equipped beachside
rescue helicopter to transfer us quickly to Antananarivo, if you could
campground with shelters, pic nic
provide it as soon as possible, we would really appreciate please.
tables toilets and some rental campin
equipment. There are also few basic
bungalows if you don’t Would you also mind to supply with us a doctor with it to control the
have tents.
safety of our passengers?

Local TO: Hold on! We will work it out and revert to you as soon as
National Tour Guide: *Calling the Nosy Mangabe team* Hello it’s
Benjamin again, I’m worried to inform you that we were shipwrecked
few moments ago, two of your passengers were critically injured. We
are on the way back to the island so please, it would be highly
appreciated if you can inform the doctor and make a bungalow ready for
us while waiting for the rescue team.
Once landed on the seashore of nosy Mangabe, they have proceeded to
multiple tasks.

Tour Leader: Please kindly carry them comfortably inside those

bungalows, the emergency help will soon be coming.
2 Passengers: What are we going to do? Are our friends going to
survive? please do the necessary.
Tour Leader: Don’t even worry about that, the situation is under control,
just stay, calm we can manage it.

MAROANTSETRA is situated on
the northern part of Madagascar,
Going by Helicopter, it will take less
than 1h to reach the International
airport of IVATO. The CHU
Anosiala is Located 10 minutes
away from the hospital on the
national Way Number 4
Tour Leader: * calling the Tour Operator *: Good Afternoon, I’m
calling unfortunately to tell uncomfortable news, we have been
surviving from a shipwreck few moments ago. However, twoTour
passengers had been seriously injured during the accident, VoaryOperator:
and Anjaratiana. All the stuff had been gulped down by the oceanMake your
including passports. Would you please mind to provide me moneyflight safe,
money backing for clients’ basic needs for the rest of the trip? Wewell we can
are planning to evacuate them urgently by helicopter to avoidwork on it, we
critical situation. We will inform you with any update. will revert you
later for
Tour Operator: Thank god you are all saved, It won’t be a
problem, we you provide you without any delay the necessary for
the rest of your tour. But try to keep them safe and secured first. Doctor: How
brutal was the
Tour Leader : Million thanks, you are saving lives . accident, does
he has other
Elodie: How about our tour, will it be now cancelled, or how are problem?
you going to manage the situation? Ashley: Yes,
Ashley: How about our friends he has! Please
be gentle when
Tour Leader: It will be fine for them; they will surely be carrying this
hospitalized due to critical injuries but they will be in safer hands. right forearm,
We will carry on our trip meanwhile. he told me
recently that
he was feeling
ACT 4 : THE RESCUE MOMENT pain in this
Few moments after, rescue team finally landed to evacuate the arm.
group as quickly as possible. The group was carried out at the
urgently to Antananarivo on the way to Anosiala Hospital CHU. Elodie:
Doctor, can
the situation
Tour Leader: *calling the Tour Operator* Calling for an update, we be worse?
are on the way to the hospital crossing by helicopter. I have another That was a
request; would you please make an ambulance ready to transfer us very terrible
as quick as possible to the Hospital? And it would be valued if you accident.
can provide us another National TourGuide for the rest of the trip.
Doctor: They
seem to have
nothing very
critical to be
afraid of
externally, but
still, they are
and this, still
hides many
Tour Leader:
Once landing
at the airport,
we are taking
our direction straight away to the nearest hospital. Benjamin will be their ears and
eyes while we will be carrying on our tour. The doctor will be following us to the
hospital, don’t even be afraid they will be over carried until the grey sky is gone.


A car was already ready to compete an life saving job, 10 minutes to get to the
hospital, on the way, the injured client slowly got awake.

Elodie: Doctor, LOOK, they are finally waking up

Ashley: Thank god. Don’t move you’re on the way to be treated.
Once at the hospital, they were directly driven to a room that already has adequate
treatment equipment.

Tour Leader: Doctor, how do you find the situation? Will they be, staying long?
Could you please tell me more about their situation?
Doctor: We have seen and done all the necessary, fortunately your clients are more
lucky than others, They will be more than lively, within at least 4 days, they need
to rest a bit.
Tour Leader: Our trip is about to end in exactly 2 days starting from tomorrow, do
you think it is possible for them join us with medical assistance on the last day?
Doctor : Sure, it will be possible when they are in medical hands
Tour Leader: Million thanks doctor.
Tour Leader: *To injured* Don’t worry you will be leaving as quick as you get
here. Don’t worry you are already in good hands, High end doctors, Benjamin and
even the manager of the tour operator will be taking care of you. For now, you have
to rest a bit, I will be calling frequently for news.
Meanwhile, the other National Tour Guide arrived to meet the group.

National tour Guide #2: Hello Mister, It’s John .I’ll be you new Tour Guide for the
rest of the tour, I’m already outside.
Tour Leader: *To NTG2* : Hello John, It’s been a while mate, Nice to hear your
voice again, Could you please wait there we are coming?
Tour Leader: *To the rest of the group*: As Benjamin will be staying here, I’ll
introduce you to the new National Tour Guide. His name is John and he will be
guiding us and carrying our trip to Andasibe. I have a other good news, You will be
given 200Dollars each to buys necessary stuff for the rest of our trip.
Ashley : Nice to meet you John, How can we thank you Tonio, you should’nt have
done that.
Elodie : We really could manage it by ourselves, what a kind attention, Huge
Tour Leader : You have until 5Pm to shop the necessary, Accompagned by John,
don’t show large amount of money in public and don’t give to beggars if you ever
cross them, we are not encouraging begging. See you at the hotel.


John : Welcome to Andasibe, the best spot to spot the Insdi in its natural habitat, In
this evergreen humid forest.
Tour Leader : * Calling injured clients* Hello how are you doing? I guess you are
feeling better, we have reached Andasibe few moments ago.
Anjaratiana : Quite fine, you are so Lucky, I would have given my life to see those
magnificent creatures
Tour Leader : * Calling injured clients* Don’t you know? Tomorrow you will be
driven here will the help of the best doctor and of course Benjamin. Did you really
think I’ll let you lose this golden opportunity?
Injured : Really? You should be jocking, it’s too great to be a real news.
Tour leader : Rest well and prepare yourself, We will end your trip together.
Tour Leader : * Calling TO* Good afternoon, We are about to end our trip
tomorrow, How about the passeport of the Clients?
Tour Opertor: Good Afternood, Just send me the copy of those passeport, the Trip
report and the medical assignment, We’ll send it to the embassy. And you’ll be
providing the passeport tomorrow.

Tour leader : Thank you, I’ll send it tonignt.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group didn’t knew that their friend are coming to join

Tour leader : Well this is the last night that will spend together on this trip, I
would like to thank you all with this little cozy party.
Elodie : We really appreciate what you did to us, even if this was not what we
expected about the ending.
Tour leader : Clap your Hands for the trip
Tour leader : Clap you hand for John
Tour leader : Clap your hand for the doctor, and clap your hands for Anjaratiana
an Voary.
Elodie : Tonio, What a big surprise!!!
Tour leader : You are going to have your flight tomorrow as scheduled, don’t
worry about the passport you are going to have new ones tomorrow.


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