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U40935 aonfiee war stenfie sepia sae COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Postcode -#iftta rari aftatft star /Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2021 2a 4) Paper - 1: om, srequ ud are Aaa/Noting, Drafting and Precis Writing aryajTime- 2.00 Hours 1 Marks ~ 100 cgeftcere ure het ret ead ata card ee 8 ae TT To be filled in by the candidate with blue/black ink ball point pen “galiaare a7 Farm PARTICULARS OF THE CANDIDATE (Write in Block Levers) re, (tet Hy Roll Number (In fgares)__—_— ra or Roll Number (In words) gafreare 41 aTT/Name of the candidate, -sefteure peer ‘Signature of the Candidate en es | ete anfrer (erer rafera aerita & PQEVALUATION TABLE (ONLY FOR OFFICE USE) ‘arate MARKS 1 | OBTAINED “peer tate /INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES a To wee wg Sa eT He ae ae te a 1B PH Bh ee HTH FT +—— spedt er ef, ee er ek Heer Pee te ere se SAT eT RT TT pe a Bae eff yes aero aE era TT eT Hen a Fy a, ee tee rt 2 are aft Pre fe L 4, Tals Question cum Answer Booklet contains 18 pages including précis sect and space for rough wok = Maske indicated agua! each quetton To answer the questions, Blank space has been provided MAGI cach quasi. Each question mst be answered inthe space provided therein. No additional = FeU tte provided."You should not write on anything excep on space povided agaist each question Total/ ‘sere fe et ar eth are ae tee ere ft ie aT aT Pen, Foe writing answers, we Bluc/Blac ink Ball Plat Pens Eo eres fare ae feo we Te Te, ea Ae ot Fe eT A yea A te Se eee se ae, a are ore rh ee rae een ry eee arg rt Before you st iting up your Roll Number snd other dts, et. onthe cover page, plese ensure dat seifeckie somuins regu numberof questions and page, ané these are no tom or mutilated. You nay change the Booklet, i required, Defere attempting eny answers. Seon arse see ae eat rd ae a eT ye, TT MATT TT et ee feat Write your Roll Number in figure and words und oter requisite particulars correctly and clearly inthe propriate space provided. . rene a eee -sene fren Fee 8 ce Te ea PT aT eT TAY Rough work may be done only onthe page provided forthe purpose. rare ar tot ae ea srr eT A ATA THT {Use of mobile cameraphone, Tab or any othr electron gadget, ts pohibted. cater ol ae of er Se Ae, eo veneer etre TA “afer the Teste over, you must hand over this complete Booklet to the Invigiatoe before leaving the examination Hall eda ie are Peed FET se ae AT ATE TCA AFR, HA TT satire He Frauke of any difference between Hindi and English version of # question oF answer option, English version will previ safe ang rat ar rae Tet aT SAT T wea tart Tro ar found copying or resorting any nfl means, it shal be treated as miscondct and ale sarc ae at Pear eT TET eT Fea action as per sues rch aeav7/Signature ofthe Invigilator_ SEAL 2 FOR ROUGH WORK % sem firefox ARR re Fe oe ae eT fe # Ae See ST aftr (gRir-aie) PATE Erb seater we gee aie ft aes Hr sag eA Sean irate rai gee Oey MeN RTA ar BO eT FAT ite Fare FI (20H) ‘Am official Sri X has submitted an application for the deputation post but he has not Completed the cooting-off period. Prepare a note for seeking the orders of the competent suthority for relaxation of the cooling-off period for forwarding the application of the official for deputation post (20 Marks) FA es on ath ots panes er: far wera # mgrrn arqarr after ea Hardee & argh sere at 2012 % aren Hart atte dare a ate dea Hoan ofits Per ar antatieat & fart ie afer ata dare aes at ae ae fra Pee am ait Harare ae adres St rey ya ar eter aa (%) aes Heer 85 aT aarTy aaeT afer aah gee fares sors Fa ea nr # fererer fear ara @ Ph germ aa a ofa AT Herr 30 4 afte am (@)) Sarr ser arene Fi raf 10 art fear art (0) are ate fh areae arent # araewr fran, aaa fae 2016, aredrare afahrrr 2005, aarara fram, aren ate area, raters afm, ot a, aprdty ofan, ears fae, aera ofa, Fara area te asta are ore am (8) sre aha Haar Pett ar HP ot rear see ar ta Peat wert arr ft mfr erm (2) after cesar Pea ee rere eri ten arte At arth (20 a) ‘You are working as Assistant Section Officer in CSIR Head quarter. In pursuance to the National Training Policy 2012, you have to request the Ministry of Personnel to prepare a training module for newly inducted employees in your organisation. Draft a letter to the concerned authority on the basis of facts given below. (a) There are about 85 newly recruited Assistant Section Officer who are to be imparted training in batches of not exceeding 30 participants each (6) The duration of the foundation training course will be 10 working days ©) The course content of the training module will include Conduct Rules, Pay Rules 2016, RTI Act 2005, Leave Rules, Noting and Drafting, Office Procedure, Government Machinery, Parliamentary Procedure, Establishment rules, Purchase procedure, Reservation in Service and national security. (d) The Training programme will also have a three days study tour to any ‘organisation under government in some part of the country. (©) A qualifying assessment test will be conducted on the last day of the training course. (20 marks) 10 dinins (fort) fers, 1972 3 aed, oe ga ae ater ar ofa fares to Wa a0 aaa A ary vatorariieaa Hf om greay At eg Re aT eer aA aa Fase ator vorefte agent 30 at aaa afgarat 4 at aaa eee gt, faraet & rere at arfearion tor At etl farm tt oreg fits At ieee farerer rt raat Fem 3) ae aT A arts rest aie Arar of A a eA eae TAT cor f vata At omg fie tet ft ava afar a fare a fare Gert et eT fats far ara & far arate ate aor cet ar ane afar Pett rer fer ae aT fro gear vat Ree are vatnararteara xara arqarer a are, Hat atte Panis tar aretha Frans are are Fares are aa 81 PTA oer eae ae Seer afeerat amare oe ara ft ais Fee arate feats Ft ere era gu we aie wage at ate wearer arta ot rena eet Ew sy seferenieat % freer wor FF) (15 ia) Under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, the spouse of a deceased Govt servant is entitled to get family pension. Sh. Lachchu Singh, a driver in your Laboratory/Institute, died of cardiac arrest, The Admin section received two separate representations from two different ‘women, each claiming to be the surviving widow of Sh Lachchu Singh, for sanction of family pension to them. On scrutiny of the personnel file and service book of the deceased ‘employee it was found that Late Sh Lachchu Singh never submitted details of his family or the nomination for family pension and other terminal benefits in respect of his spouse or any other dependent member of his family. ‘You are the Assistant Section Officer dealing with the pension and family Pension matters in the Admin Section of your Laboratory/Institute, Please write a note examining the matter in view of the representations and the available records bringing out the factual position and seeking directions of the higher authorities while suggesting the possible course of action. (15 Marks) a B (aa setae Rar Farag char TTT wT H RT HT ATA) (Bee nfire revere ar arrow are area H faftareor far ate Sea TTT AN afr tG qrinfee ee 8 area tt watew, ea ae aang # omg art 1 wg eT eT em Patera wey #1 Ber H seonfer WHET wr 65% & 70% Frater Frat ara &, aA ae Ht aaa tere ex A art #1 sprorgts ara H, aretta tracer at geht eae Safe apres ete var ara Bi sree ier a At aber rare & areca deh, Rrate ay aver ce tar serve & ere are aarp eH gra Saray ca Serre gore A fit sera Bh ag ea wer A ere 8 AH ee eT ge area Safire satay ae ate pe aes eat acon eat A eT Hata at eT ar & arden Taare Rrra 2 Rar oe eeAT RM 8, SPs AT ea ifn RTT pete By Sree Phar A gee Hara aT eT ew Bi BEET ae, Serer Hats THT Be & she wate gare wets Pinner Rezo (ses) ear Fa aT a TART gaat akfar ales dare oe SE Te a 15 feat Aiea atx 25 fexft Berne sy dar ae arena areas atthe & Fare sry 8, oral Career & Fore 20 Fesht Afeere 390 fae Afteras area Bara ate ard moray SITE eh Bl ahaa FT af aerare ate Sao ft aracerne ret & site ae af BHT ore on Ferg sage raft fraeer ge arare Be Gat H sok or aah By ithe Pre, sere ew Aree (a at drew), ot oe (tee) SB ate Tt & we eter @, ate eer A yet fet afte arr At orate a afte St pare aa Borat ste Sr 4, wath Craeer At are Peta A ee as a (307 #r=2) (25 a) 4 (Question Number 4 for those candidates who opted English as medium of examination) ‘Make precis of the following paragraph in an approximately one third words and give a suitable title to it Coffee is traditionally grown in Kamataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu in India. 1 is predominantly an export-oriented commodity and 65% to 70% of the coffee produced in the country is exported, while the rest is consumed within the country. In the international market, Indian Robusta is highly preferred for its good blending quality ‘Arabica coffee from India is also well received in the international market. Coffee is an export product with low import intensity and high employment content. This is evident from the fact that more than six lakh persons are directly employed and an equal number of individuals get indirect employment from this sector. Arabica is a mild coffee, but the ‘beans being more aromatic; it has a higher market value compared to Robusta beans. On the other hand, Robusta has more strength and is therefore used in making various blends, Arabica is grown in higher altitudes than Robusta. The cool and cquable ‘temperature, ranging between 15°C and 25°C, is suitable for Arabica, while for Robusta, a hot and humid climate with temperature ranging from 20°C to 30°C is suitable. Arabica requires more care and nurture and is more suitable for large holdings, whereas Robusta is suitable irrespective of the size of the farm. Arabica is susceptible to pests and diseases, such as White Stem Borer, leaf rust, and requires more shade than Robusta. The harvest of Arabica takes place between November and January, while for Robusta, it is from December to February. (244 words) (25 marks) 35 ih ne oe i yeaa ata @ aa om ote fers Write only one word in each box 15 ~ 20 25 30 35 EU) 5 50 35 5 70 15 80 85 90 95 100) 105 110 115) 120 Ainarsar & warhrens A ae a at Siererst He weet ate at ow oa fd, fram (5) Severe vy at are ad & seafite rear ft sae, (a) ere aT ww gia ft aus & me a am 10 afta At atl aon (a) water A Soh aaravre spit ate gear ye ae rae ae Pay Te BA aT eT TAT AT (20 si) Write a letter on behalf of the Director General CSIR to all Head of Laboratories, ete. emphasizing (a) the need of utmost economy in the expenditure on overtime, (b) atleast 10 per cent cut in petrol consumption on staff cars, (c) check on wasteful use and misuse of office stationery, (20 Marks) was

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