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Organized Crime
What is Organized Crime?
- An organized crime is any crime committed
by a person occupying, in an established division of
labor, a position designed for the commission of
crimes providing that such division of labor
includes at least one position for a corrupter, one
position for a corruptee, and one position for an
enforcer. (Donald Cressey, 1969:319)
Organized Crime
An organized crime is all illegal
activities engaged in by members of
criminal syndicates operative throughout
the country (United States) and all illegal
activities engaged in by known associates
and confederates of such members.
Organized Crime
-These are group of activities of three or more
persons, with hierarchical links or personal
relationships, which permit their leaders to
earn profits or control territories or markets,
internal or foreign , by means of violence,
intimidation, or corruption, both in
furtherance of criminal activity and to infiltrate
the legitimate economy. (International
Conference in Warsaw on the problem of
Organized Crime)
Organized Crime
Organized Criminal Group - shall
mean a structured group of three or
more persons, existing for a period of
time and acting in concert with the aim
of committing one or more serious
crimes or offences established in
accordance with UN Convention, in
order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a
financial or other material benefit.
Organized Crime
What are the attributes of an
organized crime group?
 No political goals
 Hierarchical
 Limited or exclusive membership
 Unique subculture
 Self-perpetuating
Organized Crime
 Willing to use illegal violence
and bribery
 Specialization/ division of labor
 Monopolistic
 Governed by explicit rules and
Organized Crime
What are the different kinds of organizational models of
organized crime?
1. Bureaucratic/Corporate Model – this is a rational
organization with the following common attributes:
 A complicated hierarchy
 An extensive division of labor
 Positions assigned on the basis of skill
 Responsibilities carried out in an impersonal manner
 Extensive written rules and regulations
 Communication from the top of the hierarchy to
persons on the bottom usually in written (memo) form
Organized Crime

2. Patrimonial/Patron-Client Model – this

center around families, patrons and their
clients, and other personalistic networks.
The emphasis is on traditional rituals that
demonstrates the emotional bonds
among men.
Organized Crime
 What is the organizational structure of a
typical Mafia Family?

Boss — the head of the family, usually reigning as

a dictator, sometimes called the Don or "Godfather".
The boss receives a cut of every operation
taken on by every member of his family.
Depending on the family, the boss may be
chosen by a vote from the Caporegimes of the family.
In the event of a tie, the Underboss must vote.
Organized Crime
Underboss —usually appointed by the boss,
is the second in command of the family. The
underboss often runs the day-to-day
responsibilities of the family or oversees its most
lucrative rackets.
They usually get a percentage of the
family's income from the bosses cut. The
underboss is usually first in line to become acting
boss if the boss is imprisoned, while also
frequently seen as a logical successor.
Organized Crime
Consigliere —an advisor to the family and
sometimes seen as the Boss's "right-hand man".
They are used as a mediator of disputes,
representatives or aides in meetings with other
In practice the consigliere is normally the third
ranking member of the administration of a
family and was traditionally a senior member
familiar with how the organization is run.
A Boss will often appoint someone close to him
who they trust as their consigliere.
Organized Crime
Caporegime (or capo, captain or skipper) —
in charge of a crew – a group of soldiers who
report directly to him. Each crew usually contains
10-20 soldiers and many more associates.
A capo is appointed by the boss and
reports to him or the underboss. A captain gives
a percentage of his (and his underlings) earnings
to the boss and is also responsible for any tasks
assigned, including murder.
Organized Crime
Soldier (soldato) — a member of the family, and
traditionally can only be of full Italian background
(although today many families require men to be
of only half Italian descent on their father's side).
Once a member is made, he is untouchable,
meaning permission from a soldier's boss must be
given before he is murdered.
When the books are open, meaning that a
family is accepting new members, a Capo (or
several Capos) may recommend an up-and-
coming associate to be a new soldier.
Organized Crime
Soldiers are the main workers of the
family, usually committing crimes
like assault, murder, extortion,
intimidation, etc. In return, they are
given profitable rackets to run by
their superiors and have full access
to their family's connections and
Organized Crime
Associate — not a member of the Mafia, but works for
a crime family none-the-less. An associate can include
a wide range of people who work for the family.
This is where prospective mobsters ("connected
guys") start out to prove their worth. Once a crime
family is accepting new membership, the best
associates are evaluated and picked to become
An associate can have a wide range of duties from
virtually carrying out the same duties as a soldier to
being a simple errand boy.
Organized Crime
 They are usually a go-between or
sometimes deal in drugs to keep the
heat off the actual members, or they can
be people the family does business with
(restaurant owners, etc.) In other cases,
an associate might be a corrupt labor
union delegate or businessman.
Organized Crime
What are the Mafia Rules and Customs?
 Omerta- is the oath or "code of silence", never talk
to the authorities.
 "Ethnicity" - only men of Italian descent are
allowed to become full members (made man)
 "Family secrets" - members are not allowed to talk
about family business to non-members.
 "Blood for blood" - if a family member is killed (by
another member) no one can commit murder (in
revenge) until the boss gives permission.
Organized Crime
 "No fighting among members" - from fist fights to
knife fights.
 "Tribute" - every month; member must pay the
boss; also giving the boss a cut on any side deals.
 "Adultery" - members are not allowed to commit
adultery with another family member’s wife.
 "No facial hair" - members were not allowed to
grow mustaches.
 What are the activities of organized crime
In general:
 Parasitic – members of a criminal organization extort money
from illegal entrepreneurs under a threat of violence.
 Reciprocal – members of a criminal organization require illegal
entrepreneurs to pay a fixed or percentage amount but in
return provide services such as debt collection or restricting
market entry.
 Entrepreneurship – a member of a criminal organization
provides an illegal good or service.

 Extortion
 Gambling
 Loansharking
 Theft, robbery and fencing
 Sex business
 Human trafficking
 Drug business
 Labor racketeering
 Business racketeering
 Money laundering
 Legitimate business
Italian Organized Criminal Group
 Sicilian Mafia
 Camorra or Neapolitan Mafia
 ’Ndrangheta or Calabrian Mafia

Their criminal activities are international with members and

affiliates in Canada, South America, Australia, and parts of
Europe. They are also known to collaborate with other
international organized crime groups from all over the world,
especially in drug trafficking.
 An underground secret society formed initially
as resistance fighters against the invaders and to
exact frontier vigilante justice against
 A member was known as a “Man Of Honor,”
respected and admired because he protected his
family and friends and kept silent even unto
 Charles “Lucky” Luciano
a Mafioso from Sicily, came to the U.S.
during this era and is credited for making the
American La Cosa Nostra what it is today. Luciano
structured the La Cosa Nostra after the Sicilian
When Luciano was deported back to Italy in 1946
for operating a prostitution ring, he became a
liaison between the Sicilian Mafia and La Cosa
Luciano is considered the Father of Modern
Organized Crime in the United States for
splitting New York City into five different Mafia
crime families
Sicilian Mafia (based in Sicily)
The Sicilian Mafia formed in the mid-
1800s to unify the Sicilian peasants against their
enemies. In Sicily, the word Mafia tends to
mean “manly.” The Sicilian Mafia changed from
a group of honorable Sicilian men to an
organized criminal group in the 1920s.
The Sicilian Mafia is infamous for its aggressive assaults
on Italian law enforcement officials.
In Sicily the term “Excellent Cadaver” is used to
distinguish the assassination of prominent government
officials from the common criminals and ordinary
citizens killed by the Mafia.
High-ranking victims include police commissioners,
mayors, judges, police colonels and generals, and
Parliament members.
Camorra or Neapolitan Mafia (based in
The word “Camorra” means gang. The
Camorra first appeared in the mid-1800s in Naples,
Italy, as a prison gang. Once released, members
formed clans in the cities and continued to grow in
power. The Camorra has more than 100 clans and
approximately 7,000 members, making it the
largest of the Italian organized crime groups.
’Ndrangheta or Calabrian Mafia (based in

The word “’Ndrangheta” comes from the Greek

meaning courage or loyalty. The ’Ndrangheta
formed in the 1860s when a group of Sicilians was
banished from the island by the Italian
government. They settled in Calabria and formed
small criminal groups.

They specialize in kidnapping and political

corruption, but also engage in drug
trafficking, murder, bombings,
counterfeiting, gambling, frauds, thefts,
labor racketeering, loansharking, and
alien smuggling.
La Cosa Nostra
Literally translated into English it means
“this thing of ours.” It is a nationwide
alliance of criminals—linked by blood ties
or through conspiracy—dedicated to
pursuing crime and protecting its
translation: "The Base" and alternatively
spelled al-Qaida and sometimes al-Qa'ida) is a
global militant Islamist organization founded by
Osama bin Laden at some point between
August 1988.
Abu Sayyaf
is one of several militant Islamist separatist groups
based in and around the southern Philippines, in
Bangsamoro (Jolo and Basilan), where for almost
30 years Muslim groups have been engaged in an
insurgency for an independent province in the
The name of the group is derived from the Arabic‫و‬,
abu ("father of") and sayyaf ("swordsmith"). The
group calls itself "Al-Harakat Al-Islamiyya" or the
"Islamic Movement".

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