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EC34ot : NETWegke ANô SECuRITy

Paar- A

IWbat ast be key benefle netwerk?

.ist tie vespenibibtiet f data -lint loyes ?
3.Daw the Eternet bane Fermat.

6. ermr detecion and emr correc ion ?
7Cf tamning distance
?.I:| Mentien. key atvantoyes and iiadas bye f
Stp and Wait

lo. DLe ?wkaf are the three medes

hat is HDLC
available in HoLe fer Commen'eatien2
ll. ohat is mea t by PPP

4 Ashat is Saoitcking?
s hat is flee lon tal ?
'6:ive te Compa vistn f enieasts mutirt at

1Explin stop and eoai t pe to col for borma/

and nck lost case. ArRhayo3
2Eplai Seleetivo epeat DR flh Coatrel
me thod. Aptay -e2l

Enplai Coray enion

3 elbo,te tha layered avchi friture f oss
medel and distust -tte fanetien / each Pey.
4i)4ese ss the two ypes of nebwovke en
Blne to ott arckiteetue.
) Evaleate the fetions f
is detects Collisions
ei) State t e

Eplain the fmetion of ewiness LaN or

lEee go2. ) in de tal. Nev/ee -to B&, Aralhy /s
7)nplain the dotagran format of Ipve
) nplain in detail about Oatagsam and Vtial
Civuit Aproack for packet Saitcking coibs a aeat
diyan Nov/pec- de2)
Bo)0is as in da tail atout HDLC nd PPP.
colain ia detail abont th fan format ad Conbol
) Emplain

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