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Med Chem Res (2012) 21:2571–2578 MEDICINAL
DOI 10.1007/s00044-011-9781-3

Theoretical study on some non-selective beta-adrenergic

antagonists and correlation to their biologically active
Ahmad Reza Bekhradnia •
Mohammad Ali Ebrahimzadeh

Received: 3 December 2010 / Accepted: 4 August 2011 / Published online: 20 August 2011
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract The non-selective classification refers to those Introduction

beta-blockers capable of blocking both b1 and b2 receptors
with equivalent efficacy. All of these beta-blockers consist In clinical practice, the beta-adrenergic antagonists are an
of an aryloxypropanolamine side chain linked to an aro- important class of drugs due to their high prevalence of
matic or heteroaromatic ring. Each of these drugs possesses use. They are commonly employed in the treatment of
at least one chiral center, and high degree of enantiose- conditions including hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia,
lectivity in binding to beta-adrenergic receptor. In this angina pectoris, tremor, anxiety, migraine and hyperthy-
research, ab initio method with 6-31G* basis set was roidism and also topically for open angle glaucoma (Hor-
employed for investigation of correlation between opti- inouchi et al., 2009; Kadam and Kompella, 2009; Baker,
mized geometry and biologically active configuration 2005). Beta-blockers are normally distinguished based on
on both enantiomers of Timolol, Nadolol, Bunolol, and their selectivity for beta-receptors. The non-selective beta-
Propranolol. These calculations show higher stabilities for blockers, such as Timolol, Nadolol, Bunolol, and Pro-
(S)-enantiomer compared with (R)-antipode, for each ste- pranolol antagonize both b1 and b2 adrenergic receptors.
reoisomer. Also, torsion angles around the N2C3C4O5 bond Selective antagonists, such as metoprolol, atenolol, and
confirm that (S)- and (R)-Propranolol have the lowest and acebutolol have much greater binding affinity for the b1
highest dihedral angles related to other non-selective beta- adrenergic receptors. The selective beta-blockers are nor-
blockers, respectively. Furthermore, the (S)-enantiomers of mally indicated for patients in whom b2 receptor antago-
beta-blockers reveal the more negative natural charges for nism might be associated with an increased risk of adverse
oxygen atom in hydroxyl as well as nitrogen atom in effects. Such patients include those with asthma or diabetes
aryloxypropanolamine group than related (R)-enantiomer. or patients with peripheral vascular disease or Raynaud’s
disease (Baker, 2005; Smith and Teitler, 1999; Mehvar and
Keywords Non-selective beta-adrenergic antagonists  Brocks, 2001).
Ab initio method  Geometrical optimization  A common feature in the chemical structure of beta-
Thermodynamic data blockers has been depicted in Fig. 1. These consist of an
aromatic or heteroaromatic ring linked to an oxygen atom
which is bound to a propanol side chain linked to an amine.
There is at least one aromatic ring structure attached to a
side alkyl chain possessing a secondary hydroxyl and
amine functional group which is a secondary amine and its
A. R. Bekhradnia  M. A. Ebrahimzadeh (&) N-substituent is either an isopropyl or tertiary butyl group
Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center, Department of
which affords optimal affinity and some selectivity for b
Medicinal Chemistry, Mazandaran University of Medical
Sciences, Sari, Iran over a receptors.
e-mail:; In comparing with ethanolamine fragments, it might
A. R. Bekhradnia appear that lengthening the side chain of propanolamine
e-mail: would prevent appropriate binding of the required

2572 Med Chem Res (2012) 21:2571–2578

Propanol Timolol, Nadolol, and Bunolol were studied as four rou-

Oxy H
tinely used non-selective beta-blockers.
Aryl Amine
HO H The intent of this work is a theoretical study to find out
O some correlation between their structure and biological
Ar activity.
Fig. 1 General beta-blocker structure (aryloxypropanolamines)

Materials and methods

functional groups to the same receptor site. Nevertheless, Rotational energy around the entire single bonds of 2, 3,
molecular models illustrate that the side chains of aryl- 4, and 5 (Tables 1, 2, 3, 4), were determined using
oxypropanolamines can approve a conformation that places ab initio HF calculation and STO-3G basis sets. Calcu-
the hydroxyl and amine groups into approximately the lations were performed by means of the Gaussian 98
identical position in space. The aryloxypropanolamine are system of programs (GAUSSIAN, 1998). The geometrical
more potent beta-blockers than the related arylethanolam- structures, corresponding to the ground states were
ines and the beta-blockers currently consumed clinically investigated at HF/STO-3G level of theory. To assess the
are aryloxypropanolamines. performance of this approach, all species were computed
For all of beta-blockers, the amino group is important at higher level. Consequently, the STO-3G outputs were
because the amine is a main site of drug metabolism and so used as inputs for the HF/6-31G* calculations. The Har-
drug inactivation. Also, this functional group causes the tree–Fock method usually works well for frequency pre-
compounds which are predominantly ionized at physio- dictions and geometry optimizations. Moreover, the
logic pH and protonated amine group is required for b natural charges outcome Natural Bond Orbital analysis
receptor binding. Evidently, the biological activity is (NBO) are calculated in ab initio method with 6-31G*
affected by propanolamine segment. Nearly all of these b basis set. Structures, thermal energies (E), thermal
blockers consist of an aryloxypropanolamine side chain enthalpies (H), and thermal Gibbs free energies (G) for
linked to an aromatic or heteroatom ring which is ortho- each enantiomer are calculated at HF level of theory,
substituted. Generally, heteroaromatic one (e.g., pindolo- using 6-31G* basis sets. The ab initio calculation for each
land timolol) have higher binding affinities for b receptors enantiomer show higher stabilities for (S)-enantiomer
than non-hetero aromatics due to additional interactions compared with (R)-antipode. A noticeable consistency is
with complementary sites on the receptor (Baker, 2005). found between results of HF theoretical calculations and
Each of the available b blockers has one or more chiral biological activity of these drugs.
centers in its structure, and in all cases, at least one of the Dihedral angles around the N2C3C4O5 bond confirm
chiral carbon atoms residing in the alkyl side chain is that (S)- and (R)-Propranolol have the lowest and highest
directly attached to a hydroxyl group (Fig. 1) (Baker, dihedral angles related to other non-selective beta-block-
2005). The enantiomers of beta-blockers possess markedly ers. Also, it is found the minimum variation for (S)- and
different pharmacodynamics, and in some cases, pharma- (R)-enantiomer around the N2C3C4O5 dihedral angle.
cokinetics. The available data regarding the pharmacologic Therefore, propranolol is used clinically as racemic mix-
action of b blockers indicate that the interaction of these ture, whereas some of the others (e.g. bunolol and timo-
agents with b adrenoceptors is highly stereoselective lol) are employed as pure (S)-enantiomer. It can be
(Pearson et al., 1989; Stoschitzky et al., 1993; Jeppsson related to differences of dihedral angles around the
et al., 1984; Barrett and Cullum, 1968). N2C3C4O5 bond for (R)- and (S)-enantiomer in each drug.
Generally, the cardiac beta-blocking activity of the b In fact, some non-selective beta-blockers which are used
blockers with two enantiomers resides in their (S)-enanti- as racemic mixture, has a minimum difference around the
omers (Pearson et al., 1989; Stoschitzky et al., 1993; N2C3C4O5 dihedral angle for related (S)- and (R)-enanti-
Jeppsson et al., 1984; Barrett and Cullum, 1968), and the omers. Apparently, the exceptions show the maximum
reported S:R activity ratio being in the range of 33–530 variation around mentioned dihedral angle. This is due to
(Horinouchi et al., 2009; Mehvar and Brocks, 2001; interaction between active site of related stereoisomer and
Nathanson, 1988). beta-receptor. The reliable biological effects are found
In the following of our research program toward when the beta-receptor and relative beta-adrenergic
molecular modeling of compounds (Bekhradnia et al., antagonists’ active site are coordinated through the
2007, 2011, 2009; Arshadi et al., 2011; Kassaee et al., N2C3C4O5 dihedral angle.
2008), we look at the molecular structure of some non- Additionally, the (S)-enantiomers of beta-blockers
selective beta-blockers. In this research, Propranolol, reveal the more negative natural charges for oxygen atom

Med Chem Res (2012) 21:2571–2578 2573

Table 1 Energies (E), enthalpies (H), and Gibbs free energies (G) in (kcal mol-1), important bond angles (A), dihedral angles (D), bond length
(L), and natural charges for optimized Timolol enantiomers obtained by HF (6-31G*) calculations
D(1,2,3,4) 153.621 Thermodynamic data (kcal mol-1) A(1,2,3) 118.824 L(1,2) 1.47072 Natural charges
D(2,3,4,5) 66.454 A(2,3,4) 109.295 L(2,3) 1.45519 1 0.150806
D(2,3,4,6) 169.169 Thermal energy -844155.163 A(3,4,5) 111.118 L(3,4) 1.52842 2 -0.741955
D(3,4,6,7) 168.873 A(3,4,6) 111.027 L(4,5) 1.40255 3 -0.145846
D(5,4,0.6,7) -69.427 Enthalpy -844243.751 A(5,4,6) 107.654 L(4,6) 1.51223 4 0.155443
D(6,7,8,9) 4.312 Free Gibbs energy -844155.297 A(4,6,7) 108.274 L(6,7) 1.441743 5 -0.754324
D(6,7,8,10) -175.203 A(6,7,8) 117.333 L(7,8) 1.32235 6 0.002964
A(7,8,10) 121.163 L(8,10) 1.47542 7 -0.676619
O A(7,8,9) 124.781 L(8,9) 1.26895 8 0.636416
9 -0.646797
10 0.524133
11 N
10 7 5 OH 11 -0.010638
N 8
6 4 N 1
S N 3 2


D(1,2,3,4) 163.621 Thermodynamic data (kcal mol-1) A(1,2,3) 119.062 L(1,2) 1.47133 Natural charges
D(2,3,4,5) 286.983 Thermal energy -844159.210 A(2,3,4) 108.384 L(2,3) 1.45435 1 0.15543
D(2,3,4,6) -176.076 A(3,4,5) 110.289 L(3,4) 1.52831 2 -0.754565
D(3,4,6,7) -173.688 Enthalpy -844158.090 A(3,4,6) 111.393 L(4,5) 1.39622 3 -0.152973
D(5,4,0.6,7) 64.978 A(5,4,6) 108.117 L(4,6) 1.51315 4 0.158071
D(6,7,8,9) -6.484 Free Gibbs energy -844245.345 A(4,6,7) 107.354 L(6,7) 1.41476 5 -0.754324
D(6,7,8,10) 174.506 A(6,7,8) 117.941 L(7,8) 1.32098 6 0.002964
A(7,8,10) 120.557 L(8,10) 1.47346 7 -0.676619
O A(7,8,9) 125.218 L(8,9) 1.26844 8 0.636416
9 -0.646797
10 0.524133
11 N
10 7 5 OH 11 -0.010638
N 8
6 4 N 1
S N 3 2


in hydroxyl as well as nitrogen atom in aryloxypropanol- behavior of biological effects. In this article, ab initio
amine group than related antipode. method with 6-31G* basis set was employed for investi-
To attain a deeper insight, the crystal of propranolol in gating the geometrical optimization and pharmaceutical
racemic form can be compared with our theoretical study. classification of Timolol, Nadolol, Bunolol, and Propran-
The comparing parameters are given in Table 5. olol enantiomers (Fig. 2). These were along with the cal-
culated energy separating the low energy stereoisomer for
each drug.
Results and discussion In order to determine the lower energy for each enan-
tiomer, we calculated the electronic energies of the mole-
Computational chemistry has proved really useful for the cules as a function of the chiral carbon in the identical
accurate interpretation of the structural and kinetic infor- propanol side chain. The final optimized geometric struc-
mation available for a wide variety of stereoisomers and tural parameters of enantiomers of these beta-blockers

2574 Med Chem Res (2012) 21:2571–2578

Table 2 Energies (E), enthalpies (H), and Gibbs free energies (G) in (kcal mol-1), important bond angles (A), dihedral angles (D), bond length
(L), and natural charges for optimized Nadolol enantiomers obtained by HF (6-31G*) calculations
D(1,2,3,4) 160.297 Thermodynamic data (kcal mol-1) A(1,2,3) 118.798 L(1,2) 1.46953 Natural charges
D(2,3,4,5) 67.838 Thermal energy -635307.222 A(2,3,4) 109.323 L(2,3) 1.45255 1 0.163099
D(2,3,4,6) 170.553 A(3,4,5) 110.799 L(3,4) 1.52809 2 -0.743395
D(3,4,6,7) 166.597 Enthalpy -635306.103 A(3,4,6) 111.358 L(4,5) 1.40513 3 -0.130636
D(5,4,0.6,7) -71.8035 A(5,4,6) 107.592 L(4,6) 1.51509 4 -0.756551
D(6,7,8,9) 2.36261 Free Gibbs energy -635395.517 A(4,6,7) 108.196 L(6,7) 1.40051 5 -0.75879
D(6,7,8,10) -177.677 A(6,7,8) 120.431 L(7,8) 1.35052 6 0.156124
A(7,8,10) 115.085 L(8,10) 1.40445 7 0.011467
A(7,8,9) 123.879 L(8,9) 1.38059 8 -0.291693
OH 9 -0.184692
10 0.440444
HO 11 11 -0.314869
10 7 5 OH
8 4 N 1
3 2


D(1,2,3,4) 164.12 Thermodynamic data (kcal mol-1) A(1,2,3) 119.142 L(1,2) 1.47081 Natural charges
D(2,3,4,5) 286.677 Thermal energy -635308.455 A(2,3,4) 108.519 L(2,3) 1.45432 1 0.15662
D(2,3,4,6) -176.563 A(3,4,5) 110.171 L(3,4) 1.52849 2 -0.751789
D(3,4,6,7) -168.939 Enthalpy -635307.335 A(3,4,6) 11.504 L(4,5) 1.39502 3 -0.152664
D(5,4,0.6,7) 69.707 A(5,4,6) 108.266 L(4,6) 1.51565 4 0.167872
D(6,7,8,9) -7.285 Free Gibbs energy -635396.008 A(4,6,7) 108.114 L(6,7) 1.39898 5 -0.765755
D(6,7,8,10) 173.573 A(6,7,8) 120.463 L(7,8) 1.35952 6 0.003756
A(7,8,10) 115.144 L(8,10) 1.40453 7 -0.69511
H A(7,8,9) 123.846 L(8,9) 1.38147 8 0.433268
H OH 9 -0.27649
HO 11
10 -0.07229
7 5 OH 11 -0.318952
8 4 N 1
3 2


were obtained by HF/6-31G* calculations (Tables 1, 2, 3, Complete geometry optimizations are performed on the
4). Attention is particularly paid to the stereoisomerism of method of HF/6-31G*. The major structural features of
above beta-blockers around the hydroxyl-bearing carbon of these molecules are briefly summarized in Tables 1, 2, 3,
the aryloxypropanolamine. This rather detailed theoretical and 4. Docking the S isomer of beta-blockers into the
study is accounted for under the following objects: geom- beta2-adrenergic binding site have shown the isopropyl
etries, thermodynamics, and natural charges outcome of side chains is the key where the amine and hydroxyl groups
NBO for stereoisomers. are interacting with Asp113 and Asn293 (Topiol and Sabio,

Med Chem Res (2012) 21:2571–2578 2575

Table 3 Energies (E), enthalpies (H), and Gibbs free energies (G) in (kcal mol-1), important bond angles (A), dihedral angles (D), bond length
(L), and natural charges for optimized Bunolol enantiomers obtained by HF (6-31G*) calculations
D(1,2,3,4) 159.499 Thermodynamic data (kcal mol-1) A(1,2,3) 118.812 L(1,2) 1.47432 Natural charges
D(2,3,4,5) 67.571 Thermal energy -563207.322 A(2,3,4) 109.323 L(2,3) 1.45444 1 0.03479
D(2,3,4,6) 170.370 A(3,4,5) 110.832 L(3,4) 1.53212 2 -0.734985
D(3,4,6,7) 167.322 Enthalpy -563206.221 A(3,4,6) 111.412 L(4,5) 1.40123 3 -0.13958
D(5,4,0.6,7) -70.962 A(5,4,6) 107.598 L(4,6) 1.51112 4 0.15015
D(6,7,8,9) 8.968 Free Gibbs energy -563287.369 A(4,6,7) 108.198 L(6,7) 1.3898 5 0.186936
D(6,7,8,10) -171.826 A(6,7,8) 120.689 L(7,8) 1.3454 6 -0.00179
A(7,8,10) 116.488 L(8,10) 1.40123 7 -0.69602
A(7,8,9) 122.898 L(8,9) 1.3798 8 -0.56397
11 9 0.41855
7 5 OH 10 -0.39952
O O 11 -0.30933
8 4 N 1
9 3 2


D(1,2,3,4) 168.132 Thermodynamic data (kcal mol-1) A(1,2,3) 116.099 L(1,2) 1.46123 Natural charges
D(2,3,4,5) 286.298 Thermal energy -563198.212 A(2,3,4) 108.898 L(2,3) 1.45211 1 0.03840
D(2,3,4,6) -176.896 A(3,4,5) 110.097 L(3,4) 1.52221 2 -0.750913
D(3,4,6,7) -170.618 Enthalpy -563197.099 A(3,4,6) 111.556 L(4,5) 1.37431 3 -0.15260
D(5,4,0.6,7) 68.059 A(5,4,6) 108.187 L(4,6) 1.5099 4 0.16330
D(6,7,8,9) -15.343 Free Gibbs energy -563280.088 A(4,6,7) 107.897 L(6,7) 1.40123 5 -0.765532
D(6,7,8,10) 165.457 A(6,7,8) 120.368 L(7,8) 1.3486 6 0.00121
A(7,8,10) 115.587 L(8,10) 1.40123 7 -0.69453
A(7,8,9) 123.869 L(8,9) 1.3798 8 0.41702
11 9 -0.25356
7 5 OH 10 -0.05037
O O 11 -0.31608
8 4 N 1
9 3 2


2008). In each case, the amino-propyl-hydroxyl segments (Tables 1, 2, 3, 4). Correspondingly, among the studied
overlap well. These indicate that N2C3C4O5 is the most drugs, (S)- and (R)-Propranolol have the lowest and highest
important fragment in biological activity of these drugs. dihedral angles around the N2C3C4O5 bond.
The small degrees of non-planarity for these drugs are After carrying out geometry optimization calculations at
measured through their dihedral angles N2C3C4O5. Dihe- the HF level and determining the thermal energies (E),
dral angles around the N2C3C4O5 bond are calculated for thermal enthalpies (H), and thermal Gibbs free energies
each stereoisomer. These were found for (S, R)-enantio- (G) for each enantiomer of considered drugs, the results
mers of Timolol, Nadolol, Bunolol, and Propranolol which were tabulated in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4. These portray that
are as follows: (286.983, 66.454); (286.677, 67.838); (S)-enantiomers are more stable than related (R)-enantio-
(286.298, 67.571), and (285.076, 78.586), respectively mer. Also, (S)-enantiomers are important for energetic

2576 Med Chem Res (2012) 21:2571–2578

Table 4 Energies (E), enthalpies (H), and Gibbs free energies (G) in (kcal mol-1), important bond angles (A), dihedral angles (D), bond length
(L), and natural charges for optimized Propranolol enantiomers obtained by HF (6-31G*) calculations
D(1,2,3,4) -170.122 Thermodynamic data (kcal mol-1) A(1,2,3) 115.879 L(1,2) 1.4498 Natural charges
D(2,3,4,5) 78.586 Thermal energy -515524.111 A(2,3,4) 109.219 L(2,3) 1.4498 1 0.0349761
D(2,3,4,6) -173.958 A(3,4,5) 111.057 L(3,4) 1.5196 2 -0.724099
D(3,4,6,7) -64.814 Enthalpy -515522.102 A(3,4,6) 113.365 L(4,5) 1.40123 3 -0.120652
D(5,4,0.6,7) 60.459 A(5,4,6) 110.188 L(4,6) 1.5169 4 0.131253
D(6,7,8,9) -0.105 Free Gibbs energy -515600.452 A(4,6,7) 107.598 L(6,7) 1.49124 5 -0.762059
D(6,7,8,10) -179.997 A(6,7,8) 120.288 L(7,8) 1.35432 6 -0.03340
A(7,8,10) 115.018 L(8,10) 1.43432 7 -0.723861
A(7,8,9) 124.216 L(8,9) 1.3597 8 0.466922
11 9 -0.293322

10 7 5 OH 10 -0.097253
O 11 -0.166702
8 4 N 1
3 2


D(1,2,3,4) 168.568 Thermodynamic data (kcal mol-1) A(1,2,3) 115.973 L(1,2) 1.46302 Natural charges
D(2,3,4,5) 285.076 Thermal energy -515525.269 A(2,3,4) 108.746 L(2,3) 1.45652 1 0.040415
D(2,3,4,6) -175.652 A(3,4,5) 110.196 L(3,4) 1.52517 2 -0.754984
D(3,4,6,7) -65.301 Enthalpy -515524.149 A(3,4,6) 113.237 L(4,5) 1.39868 3 -0.149132
D(5,4,0.6,7) 173.771 A(5,4,6) 106.003 L(4,6) 1.5178 4 0.166931
D(6,7,8,9) -0.742 Free Gibbs energy -515601.813 A(4,6,7) 108.02 L(6,7) 1.40407 5 -0.782603
D(6,7,8,10) 179.352 A(6,7,8) 120.089 L(7,8) 1.34794 6 -0.017278
A(7,8,10) 115.017 L(8,10) 1.43238 7 -0.710772
A(7,8,9) 124.519 L(8,9) 1.36137 8 0.467674
11 9 -0.2971452
7 5 OH 10 -0.1042182
O H 11 -0.1927931
8 4 N 1
3 2


description of each drug. All of these drugs possess enantiomers, and organizes the biological activity of non-
intrinsic high degree of enantioselectivity in binding to the selective beta-blockers. Nitrogen and oxygen atoms in above
beta-adrenergic receptor. The (S)-enantiomer organize functional group act especially as active sites and can bind to
much greater affinity for the binding to the beta-adrenergic beta-receptor. Natural charges for oxygen atom of hydroxyl
receptors than corresponding (R)-enantiomer. and nitrogen atom for (S)-timolol are -0.754324 and
Natural charges were calculated for each atom in men- -0.754565 as well as in (R)-timolol are -0.754324 and
tioned molecules at the HF level with 6-31G* basis set -0.741955, respectively. These cases are found for
(Tables 1, 2, 3, 4). However, aryloxypropanolamine group (S)- and (R)-Nadolol as follows: (-0.765755, -0.751789)
includes the most important atom in these molecules. and (-0.75879, -0.743395), respectively. Also, above
Whereas, this functional group is the active site in all natural charges are calculated for (S)- and (R)-Bunolol

Med Chem Res (2012) 21:2571–2578 2577

Table 5 Some of the bond angles (A, angstrom) and bond lengths Furthermore, all conformers in crystal structure are found
(L, degree) for crystal of propranolol and optimized calculated in thermal equilibrium and racemic forms, whereas our
calculations are performed for chiral molecules.
Parameters Obtained by theoretical Obtained by
calculation X-ray data Acknowledgments This research was partially supported by a grant
from Pharmaceutical Research Network, Tehran, Iran and Pharma-
A(3,4,5) 110.2 109.6 ceutical Sciences Research Center of Mazandaran University of
A(2,3,4) 108.7 112.2 Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran. The authors gratefully acknowledge the
A(1,2,3) 115.9 112.5 financial support of this study by the Mazandaran University of
Medical Sciences ‘‘Professor’s projects funds’’ and ‘‘Pharmaceutical
A(5,4,6) 106 107.4 Research Network of Iran’’.
A(4,6,7) 108 103.4
A(3,4,6) 113.2 110.7
L(7,8) 1.347 1.386
L(6,7) 1.404 1.446
L(4,6) 1.518 1.539 Ammon HL, Howe DB, Erhardt D et al (1977) The crystal structures
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