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The Student Association Senate

Bill Number XX-XX-XX

Introduced by: GUSA Finance and Appropriations Co-sponsored by: Senator Sheila Walsh, Senator Bridget Power, Senator Zach Singer, Senator Christopher Chang, Senator Cannon Warren, Senator Lexi Cotcamp, and Senator Colton Malkerson.

Georgetown University Student Association

In the school year 2011-2012 AN ACT TO Create A Referendum Allocating the Student Activities Fee Endowment and interest account The following text shall be submitted to the undergraduate student body of Georgetown University for referendum: Whereas the Student Activities Fee Endowment has failed to fulfill its original purpose and currently serves no benefit for students, it should be allocated to projects and initiatives that enrich the undergraduate experience at Georgetown. The GUSA Senate proposes allocating funds from the Student Activities Fee Endowment and interest account to the following three proposals as defined: **Students may vote on each proposal at the bottom of the page** _________________________________________________________ Social Innovation and Public Service (SIPS) Fund, $1,250,000 This proposal will allocate approximately $100,000 each year to support three distinct programming areas that focus on: increasing exposure to service and social justice on campus, expanding opportunities for individuals to make an impact, and supporting student-led non-profit organizations and social ventures. The SIPS Fund will support these program areas through direct grants, organizational partnerships, and in-kind contributions and co-sponsorships. Any Georgetown student or alumnus (who graduated after 2001), and projects in which they play a principal role, are eligible for funding. A nine-person board comprised of three students, three alumni, and three faculty members will oversee the SIPS Fund, which will be managed day-to-day by a student director and five-member student committee.

_________________________________________________________ Georgetown Energy Solar Panels, $250,000 This proposal will allocate $250,000 to install rooftop solar panels on 43 University-owned townhouses. Energy savings from these panels will be directed back to the Georgetown University Student Association for allocation to student activities. Funds allocated for this project, but not spent by May 2012, will be placed into a Green Fund managed by the SIPS Fund. The Green Fund will finance future solar panel installations and other sustainable initiatives, which students may propose. In the event that the SIPS Fund is unsuccessful at referendum, GUSA will manage the future installation of solar panels and other sustainable initiatives on behalf of the Green Fund. _________________________________________________________ New South Student Center Enhancements, $2,048,412 This proposal will allocate $2,048,412 to build an outdoor terrace and renovate the first level of the New South Student Center. The terrace will be located on the southern side of the Student Center facing the Potomac River. This 4,670 square foot terrace will serve as an outdoor lounge, study area, and event space. The first level renovation of the Student Center will add approximately 2,780 square feet of additional study and lounge space. The first $206,763 of interest earned on the principal of this allocation to the Student Center will support the first level renovation of the Student Center. Any interest earned beyond this figure will be allocated to the SIPS Fund. In the event that the SIPS Fund is unsuccessful at referendum, interest earned beyond this figure will be placed in the Student Activities Fee Reserve account. _________________________________________________________ I support giving $1,250,000 of student money to the SIPS Fund proposal. YES ___ NO ___ I support giving $250,000 of student money to the Georgetown Energy proposal. YES ___ NO ___ I support giving $2,048,412 of student money to the New South Student Center proposal. YES ___ NO ___

_________________________________________________________ The following rules shall govern the above referendum: 1. The GUSA Election Commission shall conduct the referendum. 2. All University rules and regulations regarding campaigning shall apply to this referendum. 3. For each proposal, at least 2,000 students must vote in the referendum to be considered legitimate. 4. For each proposal, a majority vote in the affirmative is required for approval. 5. Voting on the referendum shall be open for 72 hours from Tuesday, January 24th through Thursday, January 26th, 2011. 6. The GUSA Senate shall have a budget of $200 to educate the student body about the referendum. This money may only be used to promote participation in the referendum and educate the student body on the issues in an unbiased manner. 7. The referendum may not take place if agreements between GUSA and each proposal are not signed by January 23rd, 2011.

Certification We hereby certify that the foregoing bill was duly considered by the Senate at a meeting at which quorum was present and that the same was approved by a vote of __ in favor and __ opposed, on __ and signed into law __.




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