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Ibanez, Romulo III / Fajardo, Ricel Mae

Teacher: Alegado, Julius Jr.
Duration: (45 minutes)

A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning The students should be able to;

Competencies/Objectives a. Define Ohm’s Law
Write the LC code for each b. Apply the proper alignment of series and parallel circuit through the use battery
c. Discuss the importance of proper alignment of series and parallel circuit through the
use battery.

II. CONTENT TLEFEX (Electronics Technology)

III. INTEGRATION  Participation, Cohesive ideas

 Can perform calculation of ohm’s law formulas

A. References IMS: PowerPoint Presentation, with Traditional Visual Aids

1.Additional Materials  Whiteboard and markers

from the Learning  Projector and laptop for PowerPoint presentation
Resource (LR) portal  Handouts of Ohm's Law formula
 Multimeters

B. Other Learning Resources N/A

V. PROCEDURES Teachers Activity

Alright, as we open this day with new discussion, may I request everyone to
please rise, and could I ask someone to lead us with a prayer please?

Alright, please settle down.

Good Day Students, Before we proceed to our topic today I would want to have a quick
introduction of myself. Well, I am Rommy Ibanez, I will be your instructor today. You
can call me Sir, Roms. And I am extremely excited to be spending my time as an
with you all.

How are you?

A. Brief Introduction and
Well that’s great!
Reviewing the previous
lesson or presenting the
new lesson I understand that it’s quite hard to study when the heat index is keep on increasing so

So for your compliance on your attendance, for you to be recognized please state your
last name and please clap your hand twice!

Did you get me?

Alright, I know we’ve been learning some topics, few days ago, Can anyone tell me what
we had discussed last meeting?

Alright Well Done!

B. Establishing a purpose for Now, I will be showing you an Illustration, And tell what does it mean to you, or what
the lesson Ideas might cross in your mind when you see this?

C. Presenting So, Today we will be studying a new topic. But before that we will have this interacting
examples/instances of the task, When I point the area of your group, all the members will stand and say what is
new lesson written on a paper attached under your table:
Group 1: We are smart
Group 2: We are bright
Group 3: We will listen very well
Altogether: We are ready to Learn!

Alright, please settle down!

Upon starting our topic, can anyone volunteer to read?

The students should be able to;
a. Define Ohm’s Law
b. Apply the proper alignment of series and parallel circuit through the use battery
c. Discuss the importance of proper alignment of series and parallel circuit through the
use battery.

Alright thank you so much

D. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills What is Ohm’s Law?
#1 Scenario: Let’s say you are walking and suddenly apporach by someone, and ask you, What is
Ohm’s Law, what do you think would be your response?

Alright, Excellent insights class!

For a simple definition, Ohm's Law is a fundamental principle in electrical engineering

and physics that describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in an
electrical circuit. implies that the current through a conductor between two points is
directly proportional to the voltage across the two points and inversely proportional to the
resistance between them.

In practical terms:
If the resistance is kept constant, increasing the voltage will result in a proportional
increase in current.
If the voltage is kept constant, increasing the resistance will result in a decrease in

This is just a trivia but of course we will focus on our objectives.

Activity #1
In this activity, all members will gather as one line with holding each other tightly, in this
case, each member has a great function on their group. However, the 1st person in the line has
the huge task to do. Every front person will catch the last person of the other line while
protecting his own member ESPECIALLY the last person.

E. Discussing new concepts Proper alignment of series and parallel circuits using a battery is crucial for several
and practicing new skills reasons, impacting the efficiency, safety, and functionality of the electrical system.
(Analysis) Activity #2
In this Activity, Each group will discuss the proper alignment of series and parallel
circuits using a battery. However this is the twist, upon receiving the given topic each
group has to discuss it through the YELL (Like Bleachers Yells!) You stay where
you are, basically you should stay which group you are in. Action should be done by
standing and sitting in your perimeter.

Group 3
Voltage Distribution
Series Circuits: In a series circuit, the total voltage from the battery is divided among the
components. Each component experiences a voltage drop proportional to its resistance.
Proper alignment ensures that each component receives the correct voltage needed for its
operation. If components are misaligned, it can lead to inadequate voltage for some
components, causing malfunction or inefficient operation.

Parallel Circuits: In a parallel circuit, the voltage across each branch is equal to the
battery's voltage. Proper alignment ensures that each branch gets the same voltage,
allowing components to operate correctly. Misalignment can cause some branches to
receive incorrect voltages, potentially damaging the components.

Group 2
Power Efficiency
Series Circuits: Proper alignment minimizes resistance losses, ensuring that the power
delivered by the battery is efficiently used by the components. Incorrect alignment can
lead to higher resistance and power losses, reducing the overall efficiency of the circuit.

Parallel Circuits: Proper alignment ensures that each branch operates efficiently without
unnecessary power losses. Misalignment can cause some branches to consume more
power than necessary, reducing the overall efficiency of the system.

Group 1
Current Distribution
Series Circuits: The current in a series circuit is the same through all components.
Proper alignment ensures that the current flows smoothly through each component. If the
alignment is incorrect, it can create points of high resistance, overheating, and potential
failure of the components.

Parallel Circuits: In a parallel circuit, the total current from the battery is divided among
the branches. Proper alignment ensures that the current distribution is balanced according
to the resistance of each branch. Misalignment can cause excessive current in some
branches, leading to overheating, circuit damage, or even fire hazards.
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Applying proper alignment of series and parallel circuits using a battery involves
Assessment 3) understanding how to connect components to achieve desired electrical characteristics.
Series Circuit Alignment
In a series circuit, components are connected end-to-end, so the same current flows
through each component. The total resistance is the sum of individual resistances, and the
total voltage is distributed across each component.

1. Connect the Battery:

-Connect the positive terminal of the battery to the first component's positive side.

2. Connect Components in Series:

Connect the negative terminal of the first component to the positive terminal of the
second component.
Repeat this process for all subsequent components.

3. Complete the Circuit:

Connect the negative terminal of the last component to the negative terminal of the

To connect three resistors (R1, R2, R3) in series with a battery:
V1​ +V2​ +V3​ ​
R1​ +R2​ +R3​

Parallel Circuit Alignment

In a parallel circuit, components are connected across the same two points, so the voltage
across each component is the same. The total current is the sum of the currents through
each component, and the total resistance is less than the smallest individual resistance.

1. Connect the Battery:

Connect the positive terminal of the battery to a common positive point for all

2. Connect Components in Parallel:

Connect the positive side of each component to this common positive point.
Connect the negative side of each component to a common negative point.

3. Complete the Circuit:

Connect the common negative point back to the negative terminal of the battery.

Activity #3
In this activity, We will apply the proper alignment of series and parallel circuits using
a battery. Each group will be given a task to do. They have to identify who will be
their Main character. As they have chosen their character, they will be given a
synthetic equipments Like Battery, Conductors, Switch and etc.., They have to
assemble the equipments to make the main character function. Each group is FREE
to select their character (like: Barbie, Toy Telephone, Robots..etc)

The facilitator will check if the equipments have placed accordingly.

After checking the facilitator will try to turn the switch to see how the object does its

G. Making generalizations - In your own idea why do you think it is essential to know the proper alignment of
and abstractions about Series and Parallel Circuit?
the lesson
-As the topic discussed how would you relate your life to a battery as it is a unit of
Instruction: Write T if the statement is true and F if the
statement is otherwise. Provide your answer before the
H. Finding practical number of each questions.
applications of concepts and I.True or False
skills in daily living (10items)
Instructions: Choose and circle the letter of the correct answer.
II. Multiple Choice

Prepared by:
Ibanez, Romulo III
Fajardo, Ricel Mae
Alegado, Julius Jr.

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