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Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level




A Research Proposal
Presented to the
Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Gingoog City Colleges
Gingoog City


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Subject Practical Research 1


Shaira Anne M.Beltran

Kendra NIina Hyaccint Barcelona
Sydel A.Gomez
Richie C. Zulita jr.
Karl Venice A. Torrejos
Reyson U. Albinda

May 2023

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level


This research paper entitled “OVERTIME: DISCLOSING DAILY ROUTINE

submitted by Shaira Anne M. Beltran, Kendra Nina Hyaccint Barcelona, Karl
Venice A. Torrejos, Richie Zulita Jr, Sydel A. Gomez, Reyson U. Albinda. has
been examined and recommended for oral examination.




Approved by the Panel of Examiners in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the subject PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 with a rating of ______________.


Panelist Panelist

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the


SHS Coordinator

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level


This study explores how the student creates ways to maximize their time in working and in

studying. The said study also aims to investigate and identify students' experiences while

working. They are starting at how difficult their situation. Next, the problems they encounter.

Then, how they deal and cope with such difficulties. The purpose of this study is to

investigate the experiences of working while studying. In this study, a qualitative study is

used. It is a subjective report which made utilization of a phenomenological way to deal with

accumulating important information. The method that is used in the process of making this

part of the study is the Snowball technique. Based on the participants’ responses on their

perceptions on working while studying, it is confirmed that financial support, self-

development and internal motivation to integrate theory and practice are among the driving

forces of working while studying at university. The findings also show that the participants

have happy feeling and good time management. Moreover, it shows that the effective ways

of overcoming the problems they encounter is through good time management and self-

reflection. The last research question intended to ask the participants their suggestions and

recommendations for students who have similar condition. Among the suggestions are the

students who decide to work while studying must be first of all committed and disciplined.

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level


We would like to acknowledge all the individuals who contributed to the practical research

on working students. Their valuable insights and efforts have been instrumental in the

success of this project. First and foremost, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to

the working students who participated in this study. Their willingness to share their

experiences, challenges, and successes has provided invaluable firsthand information and

formed the foundation of this research. We would also like to extend my sincere appreciation

to the academic institutions that supported this research. Their cooperation and assistance in

accessing data and resources have been crucial in ensuring the accuracy and relevance of our

findings. Furthermore, we are grateful to our research advisor who provided guidance,

expertise, and encouragement throughout the research process. Their invaluable knowledge

and feedback have shaped this study and improved its quality significantly. We would like to

acknowledge the contributions of our colleagues and research team members. Their

collaboration, dedication, and hard work have been instrumental in gathering and analyzing

data, as well as drawing meaningful conclusions from the research findings. Lastly, we

would like to thank our family and friends for their unwavering support and understanding

during the research journey. Their encouragement and belief in our abilities have been a

constant source of motivation. To everyone involved in this practical research on working

students, your contributions are greatly appreciated, and this acknowledgement serves as a

tribute to your valuable input. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to this project.

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level


To the working students, this dedication is a testament to your unwavering determination,

unyielding spirit, and remarkable resilience. You are the unsung heroes of our academic

community, balancing the weight of responsibilities that few can comprehend. This letter is a

tribute to your unwavering commitment to both your education and your employment. Each

day, you embark on a demanding journey, juggling work and study, often sacrificing sleep

and leisure for the pursuit of your dreams. You face countless challenges that test your

endurance and fortitude, yet you persevere with remarkable grace and determination. Your

dedication is truly commendable. As working students, you embody the true essence of

multitasking, embracing the delicate dance between deadlines and paychecks, between

lectures and work shifts. Your ability to seamlessly transition from one role to another is

nothing short of remarkable, and your commitment to excellence shines through in all that

you do. While the road you walk may be arduous, let this dedication serve as a reminder of

your incredible strength and resilience. You have chosen a path that requires extraordinary

effort, and your commitment to self-improvement sets you apart. Your sacrifices are not in

vain, for they pave the way for a brighter future and open doors to opportunities previously

unseen. You are an inspiration to us all, proving that with dedication, perseverance, and an

unwavering belief in oneself, it is possible to conquer any obstacle that stands in your way.

Your hard work and determination remind us that success is not solely measured by grades or

financial gain but by the character forged in the crucible of challenge. To the employers who

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

support these working students, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your understanding and

flexibility provide a vital lifeline to those pursuing their education while shouldering the

demands of the workforce. Your collaboration enables dreams to become realities and

empowers individuals to reach their full potential. To the families and friends who offer

unwavering support, we acknowledge your immeasurable contribution. Your love,

encouragement, and understanding create a nurturing environment that allows working

students to flourish. Your belief in their abilities fuels their drive to succeed, and your

presence provides a sanctuary in times of exhaustion and doubt. To the working students, this

dedication is a testament to your resilience, courage, and tenacity. You are an inspiration to

us all, and your pursuit of education while overcoming the challenges of employment is a

shining example of what can be achieved with determination and perseverance. May your

journey continue to be filled with wisdom, growth, and accomplishment. Know that your

efforts are not in vain, and that your dedication serves as a beacon of hope for others facing

similar circumstances.

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Certificate of Originality

We, the undersigned authors, hereby certify that the work contained in this research is
entirely our own original work, and that no part of it has been submitted for any other degree
or professional qualification, or published in any form, without proper acknowledgement.
We have not knowingly or deliberately plagiarized any material from any sources, whether
published or unpublished, and we have made every effort to ensure that the work is free from
plagiarism. We have also adhered to any guidelines or regulations regarding academic
integrity provided by our institution.
We acknowledge that our institution holds the right to take disciplinary action against us if it
is found that any of the above statements are false. We also understand that this certification
of originality is an integral part of our thesis and it will be included in the final version of the
thesis that will be submitted to our institution.


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Signature of advisee over printed name Date


Signature of advisee over printed name Date


Signature of advisee over printed name Date

Signature of advisee over printed name Date


Signature of advisee over printed name Date

Signature of advisor over printed name

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

English Editing Certification Form



Author's Name: Shaira Anne M. Beltran, Kendra Nina Hyaccint Barcelona, Karl Venice A.
Torrejos, Richie Zulita Jr, Sydel A. Gomez, Reyson U. Albinda.
Date of Submission: ________________________________________________________

I, the English editor, certify that I have reviewed the research entitled "OVERTIME:
STUDENT IN GCC” written by Shaira Anne M. Beltran, Kendra Nina Hyaccint Barcelona,
Karl Venice A. Torrejos, Richie Zulita Jr, Sydel A. Gomez, Reyson U. Albinda and have
made necessary revisions to ensure that the language and grammar are of high standard and
conforms to academic writing conventions.

I have corrected any errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and have made
suggestions to improve clarity and coherence in the text. I have also checked for consistency
in formatting, citation, and referencing style as per the guidelines provided by the author's

I declare that the thesis is now ready for submission and that the author has reviewed and
approved my revisions.

Editor's Name: ____________________________

Editor's Signature: ____________________________

Editor's Date: ____________________________

Note: The author is also required to sign the form below to confirm that they have reviewed
the revisions made by the editor and approve the final version of the research.

Author's Signature: ____________________________

Author's Date: ____________________________

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level


Approval Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (i)

Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(ii)

Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (iii)

Certification of Originality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(iv)

English Editing Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (v)

CHAPTER 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-4

Statement of The Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Scope and Delimitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6

CHAPTER 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Review of Related Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-9

Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

CHAPTER 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Research Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Research Locale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Sampling Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Respondents of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Research Instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Data Collection Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Ethical Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14

CHAPTER 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Strategies used to cope with academic stress. . . . . . . . . . . . .15 - 18

Strategies in minimizing academic stress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 - 23

Significance of coping mechanism in minimizing stress. . . . . 23 – 26

Common strategies of Grade 11 Stem students. . . . . . . . . . .27 - 30

CHAPTER 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Summary of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Salient Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Conclusion . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-36

APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

APPENDIX B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

APPENDIX C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

APPENDIX D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40-44

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Chapter I



A lot of people are struggling financially that still wants to finish their studies.

Despite of the circumstances, they were able to find a way to continue their studies. By

working, they were able to sustain their education. Being a working student has many

difficulties they encounter. They weren’t just only physically tired, but also mentally. But for

their future, they will work in order to maintain their education, to pursue their dreams in life.

Researches about working students are mostly conducted at universities developed countries,

but those researches lack knowledge about how working students face their everyday lives

and how they conquer every problem they encounter . Learning is an active social process in

which learners construct new ideas and concepts based on their background knowledge. In

the learning process, there are many goals that must be achieved. To attain the goal of the

learning, there are many ways that can be applied. Unfortunately, there are still many

cases indicated that the students' achievements are still far from expectation. But on the

other hand, there are several of the students which can be categorized into success in the

learning process. The successful in learning activities is also gained by the part-time job

student. In this case, some people assume that the learner who has a part time job will face

some difficulties to join the learning process, because as a learner, particularly in an

educational institute, focus and good time management are needed in order to gain a good

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

achievement. They also should be cleverly put their time in order. If they must work, it

means that they will not have enough time for studying. If so, they will fail in the

university or college. This assumption is not absolutely correct. Working while studying is

not an easy task, especially for full-time students who work for more hours a week, this can

be a tough situation which needs balancing of time Between studies and work. ESPIRITU, E.

J. P., ALGOSO, R. L., CAUBA, L. P., NAMOC, J. M. S., RAMOS, J. P. C., & SAMPANI,

R. S. D. (2022, June). The interpretation of their data concludes that the students were

working as assistants in the campus. assumes extra responsibilities, besides studying. with

the goal of earning for school fees and other necessities. College is really expensive and

students also want the amenities that the extra money accompanies. Working full-time while

also studying clearly requires a lot of effort. Putting so much of one's mental and physical

energy into this uneasy arrangement usually leaves a feeling of fatigue, stress, or both. Many

students are working while enrolling in higher education (Tumin, T., Faizuddin, A., Mansir,

F., Purnomo, H., & Aisyah, N. 2020). This employment somehow affects their academic

studies and college experiences. Among the reasons why students choose to work while

studying are due to increasing study cost, decreasing scholarship, and low family

incomes. These situations have resulted in increasing number of students to do part-time

employment and encourage the students who are willing to continue their studies to higher

education to take loan. Even though there is a specific budget for education in the form of

scholarship, it is indeed not the privilege for most of the students. Hence, loan is considered

the best alternative for students to continue their studiesBased on the aforementioned

justification, the current study investigates how working students, particularly those enrolled

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

in higher education institutions, deal with the difficulties of working and studying. The

purpose of this study is to better understand how postgraduate students balance job and

school, as well as to identify the factors that led them to choose part-time employment and

the difficulties they faced. It is anticipated that the study's suggestions and recommendations

will help working students have more successful careers in both job and school.

Statement of the Problem

General Problem

The study sought to determine exploring the lived experiences of Working Students

in Gingoog City Colleges. Disclosing the Daily Routine and Learning strategy of a Working

Students in Gingoog City Colleges.

To answer the above cited problem, an answer to the following will be sought:

Specific problem

Problem 1

How working students manage their time?

Problem 2

How is their performance in class?

Problem 3

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

What time do they usually wake up?

Problem 4

How they maintain their grades?

Problem 5

What are the lived experience of the students while working at the same time?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

In this investigation we conducted this to determine the routine of every student

workers in Gingoog CIty Colleges during the school year 2022-2023.This study is to focus

on how the student workers manage all the work while studying and what are their strategies

in learning.This study also is only limited to the student workers in the campus and non

other. Next, is to gather relevant data on how did the working students’ cope up with their

struggles and difficulties. Also to know the motivations of the working students. The data

collection will be conducted here in Gingoog City Colleges. Lastly, to fully understand the

experiences of a working students.

Significance of the Study

Students, this study will enable them know/learn how working students manage their time

and their learning strategy.

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Clinical instructor, results of this study could serve as a guide or knowledge about a

working students’ life.

Teachers, this study will serve as a basis to help them to support and acknowledge the

struggle/responsibilities they have.

future researchers, this study will serve as a reference and baseline information for further

develop on studies that are related to Daily Routine and Learning Strategy of a Working


Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Chapter 2


(Introductory Paragraph)


Students working part-time or even full-time while they are in school is becoming the

norm everywhere. Students will eventually be prepared for their future professions through

job employment. While the majority of the study's data will come from commonplace

encounters, these experiences will be examined and supported by specific hypotheses. In this

article Kirillov, A. V., Tanatova, D. K., Vinichenko, M. V., & Makushkin, S. A. (2015) we

have examined main theoretical approaches to time-management and practice of

itsdevelopment in education. Authors have demonstrated the need to focusing on theory and

practice of time-management in Russia considering quickly-changing processes in the world

and deficit of time. Hovdhaugen, E. (2015) study found that working part-time and There are

many benefits to studying full-time, according to respondents in general. believed that part-

time work was necessary to survive in the modern higher education education industry.

Nonetheless, the student may feel under pressure as a result of academic requirements, such

as finishing projects by the deadline and instability in terms of money. These people are

diligent since they work and study. Students lack sleep, and lack of sleep raises the risk

factors for impairment to brain function and sleeplessness. working pupils who are exposed

to a lot .Even with a good wage, a heavy workload will eventually have a negative impact on

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

one's health and wellness. Second, this study will also make use of the Sociobiology Theory

of Edward Wilson published in 1975 that talked about the relationship between social

behavior and Charles Darwin’s Evolution Theory. It focuses on the hypothesis that natural

selection partly affects the behavior of an individual. Natural selection is a process in which

different biological traits become more or less ordinary based on the effect that a specific

attribute has. Furthermore, sociobiology investigates and illustrates that the concept of one’s

behavior may be due to by the genes of their parents. This theory gives shape to this study in

a way that it helps to offer a valid point over the circumstances that surround the research

participants which have urged the decision to be a working student to afford education. It will

also aid in the comprehension of the behavior of the students as they adapt to what a certain

thing adequately fit in that precise social change whether their determination is genetically

passed or environmentally-circumstantial. It is through this theory that the experiences and

characteristics of the participants are given meaning and importance in their decision-making

process. Lastly, this research will use the Existential Theory which is a branch of Philosophy

that focuses on the meaning of life. Existential Theory can be taken as a philosophical theory

which means that someone's development depends on their choice and which emphasizes that

everyone is free and responsible. It is the view of humans that define their meaning in life

and try to make rational decisions despite existing in.

an irrational universe.

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature

As reported by van Eerde, W. (2015) engaging students in part-time and some full-

time employment is progressively a common phenomenon everywhere. As also stated in a

study 30 years ago, working while studying provides students with quite naturally an

indication of the requirements that will be needed to function effectively in one's later career

Alvarez Sainz, M., Ferrero, A. M., & Ugidos, A. (2019).In recent years, further studies found

that students who are working part-time can easily develop team cooperation, customer care,

communication, and practical skills .Small, F., & Attree, K. (2016) Students can have the

prospect to directly relate the experiences of working part-time to enhance and refine their

academic knowledge, motivation and employment prospects . Thus, some researches have

concluded that a combination of financial needs and the opportunity to gain experiences will

ultimately enhance career opportunities in the future .According to the research conducted by

(Esmond, B. 2015). while working part-time and studying full-time has a variety of positive

outcomes, respondents generally viewed part-time employment as a necessity to survive in

the contemporary higher education sphere. In (Jaworski, C., Ravichandran, S., Karpinski, A.

C., & Singh, S. 2018) study, it is understandable that the money earned from part-time

employment is spent usually on essential living expenses. From the perspective of students

themselves, part-time work is often an introduction to the real world which will assist them

both in personal and career development especially in the higher education sector .Higher

education institutions should identify opportunities to increase the extent to which students

could be more familiar with work and expose them to educational, part-time vocational and

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

career experiences (Arts, M., & Bronkhorst, L. H. 2020). There is a wide variety of studies

that examined the impacts of part-time employment on full-time students. Based on the

research of Hanus, M. D., & Fox, J. (2015) for instance, considered that working part-time

leaves less desired time to study. Also, Astridge, D., Sommerville, A., Verheul, M., &

Turner, A. P. (2021) specified that new students who choose to do a part-time job while

having full-time academic load were most likely to suffer from stress and sleep deprivation.

As many studies suggested, indeed a combination of full-time studying and part-time

working can cause a damagingeffect on the physical and mental health of students. It can

create a negative impact on academic performance (Hovdhaugen, 2015; Creed, French &

Hood, 2015; Darolia, 2014). In the study (umin, T., Faizuddin, A., Mansir, F., Purnomo, H.,

& Aisyah, N. 2020) they believed that students who are working part-time would most likely

miss lecturers with a lot of lessons to catch and feel that they could achieve higher grades had

they not been working. For that reason, universities should be aware of contemporary

students' lives. They should introduce an element of flexibility as a mean of structuring

assignments and course requirements to support this .Positively, perhaps students might

obtain personal transferable skills, enhance employability and increase confidence in the

world of work (Scott, F. J., Connell, P., Thomson, L. A., & Willison, D. 2019) However,

negatively, students who are working part-time tend to achieve poorer marks compared to

their classmates who are studying full-time. In particular, a part-timer working student is a

common phenomenon. Faizuddin, A. (2017) suggested that universities have a moral

requirement to more effectively understand and manage the stressors experienced by students

studying full-time and working part-time. Perhaps, providing appropriate training for

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

students would be an alternative. Universities who are struggling with the debates regarding

the cost or validity of practical skills training might be able to take advantages of the synergy

that exists as a means of solving these tensions.

Theoretical Framework of the Study

The stability of the nation and society is greatly influenced by the employment of

college students. Since college students' employment rate prediction can assist universities

and education management departments in understanding the changing trend of college

students' employment and developing corresponding college students' employment rate

measures, it has become a hot topic in research on college students' management. Many

academics have performed in-depth analysis and research on the issue of predicting college

students' employment rates and have proposed some techniques for doing so. At the

beginning, college employment rate prediction uses an expert system to create an expert

knowledge base by examining the characteristics of changes in college employment rate by

some experts in Many academics have performed in-depth analysis and research on the issue

of predicting college students' employment rates and have proposed some techniques for

doing so. Although the working process of this method is complicated, the effect of college

employment rate prediction is closely related to knowledge richness. Initially, college

employment rate prediction adopts an expert system to establish an expert knowledge base

for college employment rate prediction by analyzing the characteristics of college

employment rate changes by some experts in the field. Later, approaches for forecasting the

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

employment rate of college students based on statistical theory arose. These methods use

multiple regression analysis to model and forecast the changing characteristics of the

employment rate of college students. Since multiple regression analysis assumes a linear

variation characteristic of college students' employment rate, while the actual college

students' employment rate is influenced by the economy of a region, the employment policies

of the country and city, and college students' own psychological factors, which has a strong

nonlinear relationship, the parameters of the multiple regression analysis model are estimated

based on historical data of college students' employment rate. The ability to predict college

students' employment rates using neural networks has emerged with the emergence of current

statistics and nonlinear theory. The employment rate of college students can be predicted

more accurately using a neural network than using multiple regression analysis thanks to its

superior nonlinear fitting capabilities. However, the prediction results are susceptible to

"overfitting" because of the complicated structure of neural networks and the substantial

amount of historical data necessary for the college employment rate, which raises the actual

cost of college employment rate prediction. This research suggests a way of predicting

college student employment rate based on the gray system in an effort to address the present

issue of significant error of college student employment rate prediction. First, we gather

historical data on the employment rate of college students; next, we fit the change

characteristics of that rate's employment rate using the gray system to create the prediction

model for that rate; and finally, we carry out a simulation test using that rate's historical data

to assess the method's effectiveness and superiority.

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Definition of Terms

Overtime: refers to additional pay for hours worked beyond the standard 40-hour workweek

Disclosing: to make known or reveal to another or to the public.

Daily Routine : commonplace tasks, chores, or duties as must be done regularly or at

specified intervals; typical or everyday activity: the routine of an office. regular, unvarying,

habitual, unimaginative, or rote procedure.

Learning strategy: A learning strategy is an individual's way of organizing and using a

particular set of skills in order to learn content or accomplish other tasks more effectively and

efficiently in school as well as in non-academic settings

Working student: Working students are called to those students who are working or having

a part-time job while studying. They are ordinary people who do not have professional or

very highly paid jobs. Some of them spend their time working in libraries, cafeterias, faculty

rooms, and some school offices.

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Chapter 3


This chapter outlines the method employed in this study to look at how working

students view their experiences.

Research This Design

Researchers gain information more from Cotabato State University students, who

conducted the same research that a qualitative study is used in this study. It is a subjective

report that used a phenomenological approach to cope with gathering crucial information.

This method focuses on deciphering and interpreting the significance that participants give to

their daily experiences (Sutton, J., & Austin, Z. 2015). The focus of the qualitative method is

on human behavior traits (Ferreira, Mouton, Puth & Schurink, 1998). The goal of this

approach is to understand and interpret the motives and meanings that underlie commonplace

human behavior rather than to make generalizations (Bailey, 1987; Bogdan and Taylor, 1975;

De Vos, 1998; Ferreira et al., 1988).

The qualitative approach organizes information that is mostly verbal, derives meaning

from the participant's perspective, and also seeks to understand the interpretations that people

make of their daily experiences (Favor and Higson-Child, 1995; De Vos, 1998). The data

collecting strategy for this study, which focuses on the participants' subjective experiences

with the disclosure process and the procedure as it is interpreted, makes a qualitative

approach the most appropriate one. Marshall and Rossman (1995) went on to explain that the

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

qualitative technique is the best choice if a research study seeks to reveal the unexpected and

explore new directions.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Gingoog City Colleges, this place was selected because

the topic focuses on college students that are being supported by the school, Gingoog City

Colleges. This study was been implemented on first year to fourth year college students. This

research study was implemented inside the school, Gingoog City Colleges, mostly, at the

canteen area since researchers often see them facilitating or looking out for the canteen.

Sampling Procedure

The Snowball Method is the approach taken in creating this component of the study.

A non-probability sampling technique called snowballing was used to create a sample of

individuals who were able to offer enough data for the inquiry. Using the "snowballing

sampling" technique, each researcher is sent to a different participant in turn. Despite having

a personal connection to the participants, the researchers only chose those who provided a

wealth of pertinent study-related information. In order to obtain diverse data, the researcher

must put together a sample of individuals from various backgrounds.

Respondents of the Study

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Following careful recruitment and proper participant selection. The researchers

approached and asked them to participate after being acknowledged. During the study's data

gathering. Information was sent to the participants’ page, informing them of their ability to

reject the researcher and to guarantee that involvement was voluntarily given. Following the

contestants' decision to they were immediately apprised of the information supplied by the

researchers were not needed to assure them that information would be treated in confidence.

provide their identity information. Eventually, they received authorization documents for

there. They signed to indicate their involvement and permission for the audio recording.

The chosen participants are three (3) first year college students, three (2) second year

college students, three (30 third year college students, and three (3) fourth year college

students. All participants have experienced working while studying and qualified to be the

participant. The participant's provided information is given with full disclosure which

involves disclosing one's personal information or presented information.

Research Instruments

The study's research questions were formulated by all of the researchers and were

precise. The investigation will first go through an examination and validation procedure, with

Mr. Joseph David Pregoner serving as the validator. The questions will be pilot tested upon

clearance. Interview questions and a tape recorder are the equipment employed in this

qualitative phenomenological investigation for credibility reasons. They can choose the

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

language they were most familiar with because the questions are written and asked in

English, allowing students to express themselves freely.

Data Collection Procedure

Data is gathered through face-to-face individual interviews. As stated by

According to Ferreira et al. (1988), interviewing is the most important form of data

collection. The Semi-structured interviews need a list of questions and concerns to be

prepared before the conversation is held. There is a semi-structured this

qualitative study, which allows the researchers to provide clarification concerns and queries

that came up throughout the interview process that were significant. This The sort of

interview also enables the researcher to interpret nonverbal cues. and responses that are

required for data analysis. The hiring procedure was audio recorded, subsequently being

transcribed. a lack of bias on the part of the researcher the participants is a critical component

in developing a rapport between the both the participant and the researcher as it inspires

some of the participants. The Researchers are also wary of how emotions may alter

effectiveness and the veracity of the information (Ferreira, et al., 1998: 147). Apparently,

Bogdan& Taylor (1975) suggest fostering an environment where participants might feel The

interviewer's goal is to make the subject feel at ease and enable them to speak freely

responsibility. By participation from the participants, this procedure was accomplished in

selecting a suitable and accommodating location for the interviews.

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Ethical Considerations

When the subjects were identified, their knowledge-based consent was them. This

step was initially completed by reading aloud to both participants. they are asked to sign a

consent form after being given full disclosure of the recording and participation. Recognize

and demonstrate their agreement. In 2016, Steffen said that moral Research considerations

are important, especially qualitative research. because researchers are in a position of

authority when interpreting Words of the participant. Prior to collecting the data, the main

moral concerns surrounding Participants' safety, privacy, and rights to remain anonymous

and secret will all be respected. Take care of it. The confidentiality provision was explained

to the participants. That is It suggests that privacy protection is a problem. It does need

maintaining a factual information shared between the participant and the researcher, and not

informing others. .The researchers must protect their subjects from injury because Respect

must be given great regard. Moreover, the researchers will build credibility This will be

accomplished by maintaining the anonymity and confidentiality of the research an example, the researchers will speak with students about their working

while enrolled in school, experiences that will remain anonymous and confidential may

maintain the respondent's security and comfort. the transcripts and the final report will not

include the subject's names or other private information,Several participants are pleased with

the transcription of their details. once the transcription, storage of the cassettes in a secure

location, and eventual destruction It will be better for the study when the research is complete

and a written report is available. privacy of the participant.

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Chapter IV



This chapter includes the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the data gathered in the

study. The presentation of data is based on the sequence of the problem presented in this


Objective Number 1

What are the strategies do you do in studying?

Table No. 1


R1 Focusing on my target. Goal

R2 Student centered strategies and Time management. Priorities

R3 Having patience of all school works. Patience

R4 Avoid multitasking. Versatile

R5 Work harder. Determined

R6 Understand the study cycle Understand

R7 Stress, Stress

Especially as you get nearer to exam periods, we need to study

even more can make a part-time job feel like a burden.

(Interpretation and Analysis)

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Time management and avoiding procrastination are important for several reasons:

Increased productivity: When you manage your time effectively and avoid procrastination,

you can get more done in less time. This increased productivity can help you achieve your

goals more quickly and efficiently.

Reduced stress: Procrastination often leads to increased stress and anxiety, as tasks pile up

and deadlines loom. Effective time management can help you reduce stress by ensuring that

you have enough time to complete tasks without feeling overwhelmed.

Improved decision-making: When you manage your time well, you have more time to reflect

on decisions and make better choices. Procrastination, on the other hand, can lead to rushed

decision-making and poor outcomes.

Increased opportunities: Effective time management can help you create opportunities for

yourself. For example, if you manage your time well, you may have the time to take on new

projects or learn new skills, which can lead to career advancement and personal growth.

Better work-life balance: When you manage your time effectively, you can create a better

balance between your work and personal life. This can lead to increased happiness and

fulfillment in both areas. Overall, time management and avoiding procrastination are

important because they can help you achieve your goals, reduce stress, make better decisions,

create opportunities, and improve your work-life balance.

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Objective No. 2

How do you manage your time for your self while working and studying?

Table No. 2


R1 By avoiding procrastination and using my leisure time wisely. Intelligent

R2 Time management, if this is vacant time, we started to work my Free time


R3 By having school works after working. Obligation

R4 Follow a schedule & Prioritize wisely. Follow

R5 Making my works in vacant time. Available

R6 Set priorities. Priorities

R7 Budget your time to make the most of it. Chart

(Interpretation and Analysis)

Managing your time effectively is important when you're working and studying because it

helps you balance your responsibilities and ensure that you have enough time for yourself.

Here are some reasons why managing your time for yourself is essential:

Reduces stress: When you manage your time effectively, you can complete your tasks and

assignments without feeling overwhelmed or stressed. This can help you maintain a healthy

work-life balance and reduce the negative impact of stress on your physical and mental


Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Increases productivity: When you have a plan for your day or week, you can focus on your

priorities and use your time more efficiently. This can help you complete your work and

study tasks faster, leaving you with more time to pursue your personal interests and hobbies.

Helps you achieve your goals: Effective time management can help you prioritize your goals

and ensure that you're making progress towards them. Whether you're working towards a

promotion or finishing a degree, managing your time can help you stay on track and achieve

your goals faster.

Improves your overall quality of life: When you have time for yourself, you can pursue your

interests, hobbies, and relationships outside of work and study. This can help you feel more

fulfilled and satisfied with your life overall.

In summary, managing your time for yourself is crucial when you're working and studying

because it can reduce stress, increase productivity, help you achieve your goals, and improve

your overall quality of life.

Objective No. 3

What are the techniques you do to make things easier?

Table No. 3


Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

R1 I think positively in every situation I face and I always choose Positive

to believe in myself that I can do it.

R2 Don’t complicate things but to rest to but have better Rest


R3 Understand and go with flow. Adaptable

R4 Create a schedule & Time management. Obligation

R5 Understand and analyze. Comprehensive

R6 Plan a head. Abstracted

R7 create a schedule &time Planning

(Interpretation and Analysis)

As a working student, managing your time effectively is crucial. Balancing the demands of

work, school, and personal life can be challenging, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed.

That's why having techniques to make things easier can be incredibly important. One

technique that can make things easier for working students is time management. By setting

goals and prioritizing tasks, students can make the most of their time and ensure that they are

meeting all of their obligations. This can include setting aside specific times of the day for

studying, working on assignments, and completing work tasks. Another technique that can be

helpful for working students is effective note-taking. By taking detailed and organized notes

during lectures, students can save time when studying for exams and writing papers.

Effective note-taking techniques can include using bullet points, highlighting key concepts,

and summarizing important information. Additionally, learning effective study techniques

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

can be crucial for working students. By understanding how to study efficiently, students can

save time and retain information more effectively. This can include techniques such as

breaking down study sessions into smaller chunks, utilizing mnemonic devices, and

practicing active recall. Moreover, technology can also play a significant role in making

things easier for working students. There are various apps and tools that can help with time

management, note-taking, and studying. For instance, apps like Trello can help students stay

organized, while tools like Grammarly can assist with writing and editing papers. Having

techniques to make things easier can help working students maintain a healthy work-life

balance. By reducing stress and increasing productivity, students can improve their overall

academic performance and work performance. This can also help them to achieve their long-

term goals and aspirations.

In conclusion, having techniques to make things easier is essential for working students.

Time management, effective note-taking, and studying techniques, and technology can all

play important roles in helping students manage their time and responsibilities effectively.

By utilizing these techniques, students can reduce stress, increase productivity, and achieve

success both academically and professionally.

Objective to. 4

What are the challenges you encounter while studying and working at the same time.

Table No. 4


R1 The challenges I’ve been encounter while studying and working at Lack

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

the same are having enough sleep and having difficulties how I

manage my time for my studies and working code lock.

R2 Fatigue & mental and physical. Drain

R3 By my work as and working student. Work

R4 Stress, especially as you get nearer to exam periods, there need to Stress

study even more can make a part-time job feel like a burden.

R5 Struggling. Struggle

R6 Can’t focus sometimes Abstracted

R7 By struggling our time management Struggling

(Interpretation and Analysis)

Working while studying can be a challenging experience for many students. Juggling the

demands of a job while also trying to succeed academically can lead to a variety of

challenges. In this essay, we will discuss some of the challenges that working students

encounter. One of the primary challenges for working students is time management.

Balancing work and school can be difficult, especially when there are other obligations, such

as family and social events. Students may find it challenging to prioritize their time

effectively, leading to stress and burnout. Another significant challenge is fatigue. Working

long hours and attending classes can be physically and mentally exhausting. This can impact

the student's ability to concentrate and retain information, making it challenging to succeed

academically. The lack of rest and sleep can lead to low energy levels, and this can make it

difficult for students to perform well both at work and in school. Financial difficulties are

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

another challenge that working students often face. Many students work to support

themselves financially, which can lead to stress and anxiety. Financial pressures may make it

difficult for students to afford textbooks, technology, and other necessary resources, which

can impact their academic performance. Additionally, working students may feel isolated and

disconnected from their peers. They may miss out on social events or group study sessions

because of their work schedules. This can make it challenging to form meaningful

connections and friendships with other students, which can impact their overall academic

experience. Finally, working students may find it difficult to balance their work and school

commitments during the exam season. They may have to take time off work to study or

complete assignments, which can lead to financial difficulties. Additionally, the pressure of

performing well on exams while also meeting work responsibilities can be stressful and


In conclusion, working students face many challenges, including time management, fatigue,

financial difficulties, isolation, and balancing work and school commitments. It is important

for students to prioritize their time effectively and seek support when needed, such as seeking

financial aid, utilizing study groups, and talking to academic advisors. By being aware of

these challenges and seeking out resources and support, working students can succeed

academically and professionally.

Objective No. 5

How do you manage your time?

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

Table No. 5


R1 By avoiding procrastination and disciplining myself. Evade

R2 Balancing. Balance

R3 Making school works in my vacant time. Free time

R4 Follow a schedule & prioritize wisely. Obligation

R5 Set goals correctly. Aim

R6 Take a break between task. Recline

R7 Follow a schedule &prioritize wisely Follow

(Interpretation and Analysis)

Managing time effectively is a critical skill for anyone, but it is especially important for

working students who need to balance their academic responsibilities with their work

commitments. As a working student, you may have a limited amount of time available to

you, and it can be challenging to juggle all of your responsibilities. However, with good time

management strategies, you can make the most of your time and achieve your goals.

One of the most important reasons why time management is important for working students

is that it can help reduce stress. When you are trying to balance multiple responsibilities, it is

easy to become overwhelmed and feel like you don't have enough time to get everything

done. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and even burnout. However, by prioritizing your tasks

and managing your time effectively, you can reduce stress and feel more in control of your

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

schedule. Another reason why time management is important for working students is that it

can help improve your academic performance. When you have a clear plan for how you will

spend your time, you can ensure that you have enough time to study, complete assignments,

and prepare for exams. This can help you achieve better grades and make the most of your

education. In addition to reducing stress and improving academic performance, effective time

management can also help you achieve your career goals. By prioritizing your work tasks

and making time for professional development, you can build your skills, network with

colleagues, and advance your career. This can help you achieve success in your chosen field

and reach your long-term career goals. Effective time management is essential for working

students who want to achieve their academic and career goals while also managing their

work responsibilities. By prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, creating a schedule,

avoiding distractions, and taking breaks, you can make the most of your time and achieve

success in all areas of your life.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations of

the study for further understanding and future research.

Summary of the Problem

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

This study was conducted to determine the lived experiences of working students here in

GCC: A Phenomenology Theory. Furthermore, the research was Phenomenology since it is

lived experience. In this study, a total of 7 respondents, taken from 1st year to 4th year

college students working under the supervision of the school, Gingoog City Colleges. Data

was gathered through an interview. Communication letter and letter of consent are being

applied to sustain the essential data from the respondents. The data were analyzed through

thematic analysis.

Salient Findings (Provide introductory statement for this)

The following findings are based on the research accomplished during the project, an

interview of the literature. The salient findings are the following:

1. The respondents set goals. Followed by creating a planner, or schedule, as well as

time management. The respondents do their task on their free time usually. They try to

estimate the expected responsibilities they’ll do, for the reason that to avoid loaded school

works and procrastination. They motivate their selves as well to keep them going and

striving. Lastly is having self discipline.

2. Based on the data we’ve gathered, setting priorities does really help them as they

know on what will they be doing next, and to circumvent accumulate tasks.

3. The respondents find time management important as it make things easier and


Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

4. The things that the respondents do to be able to manage and cope up with everything

aside from time management is disciplining their selves. It’s because no matter how you

planned it, if you’re lack with action, you won’t be able to do the things you needed to do.

Conclusion (Provide introductory statement for this)

The study was conducted to base on interpretations and findings, the study revealed the


1. Students in Gingoog City Colleges work part-time Employment during school could

improve grades if working promotes aspects that correspond with academic success‚ such as

industriousness or time management skills‚ or instead reduce grades by reducing time and

energy available for school work. Otherwise‚ working might be associated with academic

performance‚ yet not directly influence it‚ if unobserved student differences influence both

labor supply and grades.

2. Being Working Student When I see a working student‚ I admire them right away

because you feel the energy they have. In the Philippines‚ the ten students who graduated in

high school that is common to them‚ only four of them are able to study in college.

3. Looking at their schedule critically can help them find some more time for studying

and sleeping. Working students should also do whatever it takes to get more organized.

Scheduling study hours when students are at their peak‚ whether it is morning or night‚ can

maximize academic performance.

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

4. Self-development is also a driving force. They want to improve themselves, the

quality of life they have, and gain experiences that they could possibly use in the future. Most

of the reason why students work is because of money.

Recommendation (Provide introductory statement for this)

This study has contributed the working students of GCC their perception of coping

mechanism and strategies on working while studying The recommendations are as follows:

1. Student should make work hard and deserve some time to unwind and relax, the best

way to cope with your stress is working student should always allow themselves that time, it

is an important part of succeeding since you want to avoid burnout.

2. Teachers should help students how to manage their time properly. They should

support and acknowledge the struggle/ responsibilities they have.

3. Guidance counselor should provide one-on-one emotional guidance and help students

plan for their futures by guiding them in building a career.

4. Future researchers should discover or study more coping mechanism and strategies

that may apply to a working student.


Alvarez Sainz, M., Ferrero, A. M., & Ugidos, A. (2019). Time management: skills to learn
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Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level

1. What are the strategies do you do in studying?

2. How do you manage your time for yourself while working and studying?

3.What are the techniques you do to make things easier

4.What are the challenges they encounter while studying and working at the

same time

5.How do you manage your time

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level



April 13, 2023

High School Principal
Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.


Senior High School Coordinator

Dear Ma’am,
Greetings of peace and prosperity!
The undersigned are working on a research paper entitled “Overtime: Disclosing Daily Routine and Learning
Strategy of a Working Student in GCC” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject in Practical
Research 1.
In connection with this, the researchers would like to ask permission to conduct the study in our school
specifically, Senior High School Department, to be drawn and purposively sampled. This will be done using
The researchers look forward with deep gratitude to your favorable response and wholehearted support for the
success of this study.
Respectfully yours,

Noted by: Approved by:

Joevannie B. Acera, LPT BRENDA J. OCLARIT

PR I Teacher Senior High School Coordinator

High School Principal

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level




Macopa St., Paz Village Subdivision, Gingoog City

Dear Respondents,

We are Grade 11 Student under the HUMSS strand of Gingoog City Colleges, Inc. We are conducting a
research entitled “Overtime: Disclosing Daily Routine and Learning Strategy of a Working Student in GCC” in
our Practical Research 1.

In order to achieve the outcome we needed of our study, we would reverently ask your consent to have you as
one of our respondents, provided that our Practical Research Adviser, SHS Coordinator, and Principal approved
and signed this paper.

To show our gratitude, we assure you that we will not consume nor distract your respective and personal time.
We highly appreciate your cooperation and perseverance that you will give us in order to conduct this study.
Your response to the questions is pivotal in contributing the indispensable information in our study on attaining
legitimate outcome.

Your answer and time are being appreciated. We highly assure that the information you give us will remain
confidential and will only be deliberately used on this academic research.

Respectfully yours,

Shaira Anne M.Beltran Reyson U. Albinda

Student Researcher Student Researcher

Kendra Nina Hyaccint Barcelona Richie C. Zulita Jr.

Student Researcher Student Researcher

Sydel A. Gomez Karl Venice A. Torrejos

Student Researcher Student Researcher

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level



Name: Shaira Anne M. Beltran

Address: Brgy.23 Mercado Avenue , Gingoog City
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: June 3, 2005
Place of Birth: Gingoog City, Misamis Oriental
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Email Address:
Present Position: Student
School Address: Paz Village, Brgy. 24-A Macopa St, Gingoog City


Elementary: Manuel Lugod Central School

Secondary: Gingoog Christian College

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level



Name: Richie C. Zulita Jr.

Address: P-5 Lunao Gingoog City
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 18 2006
Place of Birth: P-5 Lunao Gingoog city
Civil Status: SINGLE
Religion: Roman Catholic
Email Address:
Present Position: Student
School Address: Paz Village, Brgy. 24-A Macopa St, Gingoog City
Elementary: Lunao Central School

Secondary: St. Mary’s Academy of Lunao

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level



Name:Karl Venice A. Torrejos

Address: P-7, Lunao Gingoog City
Gender: MALE
Date of Birth: April 4,2006
Place of Birth: Purok 7 Lunao Gingoog City
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman catholic
Present Position: Student
School Address: Paz Village, Brgy. 24-A Macopa St, Gingoog City


Elementary: Lunao Central School

Secondary: St. Mary’s Academy of Lunao

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level



Name: Sydel A. Gomez

Address: Brgy 22, C.V Lugod street
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: August 22, 2005
Place of Birth: Ginggog City
Civil Status: Single
Present Position: Student
School Address: Paz Village, Brgy. 24-A Macopa St, Gingoog City


Elementary: Don Restituto Baol Central School

Secondary: Gingoog City

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level



Name: Kendra Nina Hyaccint Barcelona

Address: North Poblacion Medina, Misamis Oriental
Date of Birth: September 16, 2005
Place of Birth: Gingoog City , Misamis Oriental
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Email Address:
Present Position: Student
School Address: Paz Village, Brgy. 24-A Macopa St, Gingoog City

Elementary: Governor Pelaez Elementary School

Secondary: St. Isidore School

Gingoog City Colleges – Senior High School Level



Name:Reyson U. Albinda
Address: Brgy23 Purok 3, Gingoog city
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: January 31, 2005
Place of Birth: Gingoog city
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman catholic
Email Address
Present Position: Student
School Address: Brgy. 24-A Macopa St, Gingoog City


Elementary: Don Restituto Baul Central School

Secondary: Gingoog City College

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