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MagiCraft Characters/Dialogue


o Starlight (she/they): a typical high schooler by day and fledging magical girl by…

any time she doesn’t have school and isn’t busy. She fights against the fiendish

Legion of the Moon and defends the forest known as the “Gaia Core” from

plunging the world into eternal darkness and draining it of all its magic. She

knows the basics of magic and spellcrafting, such as the three elements of Fire,

Water, and Lightning. Her favorite food is “konpeitō,” those little star-shaped

o Regalia (he/him): a rather mysterious “Tuxedo Mask”-type character that pops in

to assist Starlight at random points throughout her adventures by gifting her

random pieces of magic to enhance her spells. He’s very well-dressed and

presents himself as cool and confident, but really, he’s kind of a coward and can’t

fight much. Starlight doesn’t think much of him, if at all, as he can be a little

overbearing and annoying. …She does think he looks a little familiar, though.

Maybe she saw someone like him in her high school? Spoilers for Midnight Witch

Starlight, but he’s a citizen from the moon, too (and he just so happens to look

just like a human)! He managed to flee before the Legion got to him, and that’s

why he’s on Earth, helping Starlight in as many steps of the way as he can

possibly tread without hiding.

o The Legion of the Moon: shadowy invaders from the cold depths of space.

Despite their primal and hostile nature, they share a hivemind and a goal to cover

the Earth in darkness and drain all of its magical energy. To do so, they target the

Gaia Core, the main source of magic. Come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but

all fall before Starlight’s magical prowess. Created from the citizens on the moon,

but the moon does not have magic to feed on, which is why they came to Earth.

 Chomper: a dog-like creature that runs fast with its stubby legs and bites

with its large maw. Funny little guy. Likes belly rubs.
 Shadowcorn: a bipedal creature that fancies itself as a unicorn, fabled only

in legendary texts. Blasts its attacks from its horn. Hops and skips around

as its method of transportation.

 Eye-shadow: a worm-like creature that is very fast and will ram into

anything it deems a threat. Mostly harmless and annoying with just one,

but deadly and overwhelming in packs. May spawn from a strange flower.

 Bonehead: slow creatures fashioned out of the citizens and powered by the

darkness in the hearts of people. Also considered the most devastating,

capable of shooting out a barrage of lasers.

 DIALOGUE: There won’t be much dialogue throughout “MagiCraft,” but there will be

one bit of dialogue of Starlight and Regalia meeting for the first time in the game,

introducing the “spellsmith” mechanic occurring after a wave.

REGALIA: “The showtime has finally begun!”

STARLIGHT: “Hey, you’re that guy!”

STARLIGHT: “You’re uhh… Umm…”

STARLIGHT: “…I forgot your name again.”

REGALIA: “The name is Regalia! Don’t worry, my little Starlight, for I have

come to rescue you-!”

STARLIGHT: “Oh, I already took care of all the monsters. You’re always a little

late, y’know that? I could’ve gotten hurt. So where’ve you been this time?”

REGALIA: “U-Uhh… W-Well, a performer like me tends to be fashionably late,

you know…! I was uhh…f-finding the right moment to make my re-debut!”

STARLIGHT: “Uh-huh. Sure. What do you want?”

REGALIA: “I believe I have said that I’m here to help you…”

REGALIA: “N-Now, before you chastise me for being a ‘coward,’ I’m here to

grant you new magics to help you against the Legion of the Moon.”

STARLIGHT: “Oh, neat!”

STARLIGHT: “But, y’know… It would be nice if you could, like… I dunno…

Cast some spells at these guys-?”

REGALIA: “AAAAAH, no time for discussing strategies! Quick! Take these off

my hands!”

REGALIA: “Now… Which one of these catches your fancy?”


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