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CA LC U L AT I O N S · D ES I G N · A PPL I CAT I O N S C. 3 .

engineering plastics
Guidelines for the design of moldings in

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© 2004 Ticona GmbH, Kelsterbach


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Further, the analysis techniques included in this publication are often simplifications and, therefore,
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Properties of molded parts can be influenced by a wide variety of factors including, but not limited to,
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Contents 1. Introduction

1. Introduction 2 The quality of a plastics molding in terms of its suitability

for particular application is basically determined by the

2. General comments on molding design 3 following factors:

3. Guidelines for

properties of the molding compound

molding design -

processing conditions

molding design [1].

4. Examples of applications 30

Only by optimizing all these factors can a high-quality

5. Explanation of symbols 37
molding be produced. Thus close cooperation between
the raw material manufacturer, designer and end user is
6. Literature 37

In this brochure, we will deal mainly with "molding

design" and, where necessary to facilitate understanding,
we will briefly discuss such factors as gate location, flow

aids, etc. Unless these points are taken into account,

dimensional or shape deviations in the molding can be

To ensure that the

design chosen will meet molded pan
requirements, "design guidelines" are set out and the
underlying principles explained so that they can be
applied to problems of a similar nature.

Advice is also given on how to achieve the greatest pos

sible design strength for a particular type of stress.

These guidelines relate to the partially crystalline

engineering thermoplastics made by Hoechst:
Hostaform (acetal copolymer)
Hostalen PP (polypropylene)
Hostaform -
Hostacom (polypropylene modified with reinforcing
Acetal copolymer materials)
Celanex (polybutylene terephthalate)
Hostalen PP -
Hostalen GUR (ultrahigh molecular weight
Polypropylene polyethylene).

Hostacom No matter how

important guidelines are, they seldom or
Polypropylene, never replace experience but their practical value is indis

modified with reinforcing materials putable. To illustrate the points we wish to make, we will
refer to examples of components which for different
Celanex reasons have failed in service. We will discuss the causes

Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) of failure and suggest, as far as possible, how to remedy
the defects on the basis of the "design guidelines".
Hostalen GUR
Ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene

registered trademark
2. General comments
A qualitative comparison between the molding shrinkage
of partially crystalline and of amorphous thermoplastics
on molding design (figs. 1, 2 and 3) makes it clear that differences, e.g. in
mold wall temperature, lead to greater differential mold
ing shrinkage partially crystalline thermoplastics
MS in
An important requirement molding dimen
is that actual than in amorphous materials. To this extent, moldings
sions should conform to the required shape (drawing made from amorphous thermoplastics are less prone to
dimensions) within the permissible tolerance limits for warpage.
plastics. By "permissible tolerance limits for plastics" we
mean limits which take into account the fact that plastics Fig. 1 : Molding shrinkage MS as a function of cavity
generally have a higher coefficient of thermal expansion pressure.
than metals, that mold shrinkage and post-shrinkage pro
duce time-dependent dimensional changes in the molding
etc. As a result, it is not usually possible to achieve ISO

tolerances ITS, IT6 or IT7 [2] in injection molding1)

partially crystalline engineering thermoplastics.

IT10 can be achieved with normal

IT9 with some additional
ITS with technically complex procedures.

The term"technically complex procedures" relates both

to the method of processing the materials and to the pro
vision of special machines and molds and appropriate I
ancillary equipment such as temperature control units.
Precision injection molding falls into this category and is
a necessary and costly process which demands a very

high level of technical sophistication. The general design

rule should thus be: Holding pressure

^ a partially crystalline thermoplastics

"Not asprecise as possible b amorphous thermoplastics
but as precise as necessary".

To produce moldings that are as free as possible from Fig. 2: Molding shrinkage MS as a function of mold

warpage or stress, uniform pressure should be

a wall temperature.
maintained throughout the mold cavity since molding
shrinkage depends on cavity pressure (fig. 1).

The relationship between molding shrinkage

wall temperature also makes it essential for the mold
and mold t
wall temperature to be uniform (fig. 2).

Since molding shrinkage isdependent on wall thickness

(fig. 3), it is desirable for moldings to have uniform wall


'; Note:

Ifmoldings are machined from semi-finished product and

Mold wall temperature
annealed to eliminate stresses (heat treatment, e. g. at
140Cfor 1 h, up to 3 mm wall thickness; see also a partially crystalline thermoplastics
brochure C.3.1), ISO tolerances IT7 can be achieved b amorphous thermoplastics
without "technically complex procedures".
Fig. 3: Molding shrinkage MS as a function of wall Fig. Change in shrinkage AM$2 as a result of
thickness s pressure drop Ap2 along the flow path length of a
"thin" sheet.


The method in which holding pressure is optimized as

a function of
molding weight (fig. 6) used in precision
injection molding has very limited applicability here.
As result of the different pressures pi to p4, different

Wall thickness s holding pressure times ÎNI to tN4 would have to be set
per cavity, which is not technically possible. The holding
a partially crystalline thermoplastics pressure time to be set would thus represent only a com
b amorphous thermoplastics promise and would have an adverse effect on molding

In practice, these maximum requirements can only be The pressure drop Ap is described by Hagen-Poisseuille's
approximately met. Thus measurements of pressure law:
versus shrinkage along the flow path of a flat rectangular

cavity (sheet) with a side gate produces the curves

shown in figs. 4 and 5 (identical processing conditions).

V rime-dependent volume flow of the melt

The same applies to the runner system of a multi-cavity
1 flow path length
mold in which the flow paths have not been naturally or
Y} melt viscosity f=
(&, p, y )
artificially (e. g. with Moldflow analysis) balanced.
& temperature
The pressure differences Ap\ (e. g. fig. 4) give rise to p pressure
*/ shear rate or velocity gradient
shrinkage differences ^IMSj, which can cause warpage,
s sheet thickness
internal stresses etc.

Fig. Change in shrinkage 4MSi as a result of

4: Fig. 6: Pressure drop in the runner system
pressure drop Ap\ along the flow path length of a (not balanced).
"thick" sheet.

G, V^1
Pi Ü X^ S
/ > \
-a '
>"" ^
. 5
* G4
S /


Table 1 Note:
Because the melt stream is split up with multi-point gating

Increase in ...
Causes pressure drop to ... (fig. 8), a weld line is formed in the center of the molding
where the flow fronts unite. In most cases, this is a weak
Flow path length 1 increase (-)
point and frequently also causes a visible flow mark. The
Viscosity r\ increase (-) same effect generally occurs behind any obstacle around

Wall thickness decrease

which the melt has to flow and is particularly apparent in
s (+)
the fiber-filled molding materials (figs. 9 and 10). Fiber
orientation is a prime cause ofanisotropy in mechanical
To minimize pressure drop, the following measures can properties and of differential shrinkage (warpage).
be taken:
Fig. 9: Fiber orientation in a flat bar with flow
Use of molding materials with very high melt index, obstacle [3].
i. e. with very low melt viscosity. Molding compounds
of this type, which are used especially for high-speed
injection molding, include:
Hostaform C 52021
Hostacom Ml U01

Suitable gate location or use of multi-point gating to

shorten and/or equalize flow paths (figs. 7 and 8).

Use of flow aids (cross-sectional enlargement or

additional ribs).

By these means, pressure differences can be reduced or

equalized (use of flow restrictions, such as cross-

sectional narrowing) and uniform cavity filling achieved abc deb
(fig. 11).

Fig. Shortening flow path length by

7: suitable gate a edge region with low fiber content

b random fiber orientation

location; single, central gate.
c fibers aligned predominantly parallel to flow direction
d fibers aligned predominantly at right angles to flow direction
e fibers aligned predominantly parallel to flow direction
f mold wall
g flow obstacle
h molding

To prevent the so-called diesel effect (compressed,

occluded air with high temperature increase: thermal
Note: degradation of the melt), adequate venting must be pro
A central gate can frequently cause warpage (see section 3, vided in the region of the weld line. This can be accom

no. 2). plished, for example, by ejectors positively moved if


possible or in the mold parting line. Depending on


Fig. 8: Shortening flow path length by suitable gate melt flowability or the level of pressure, the depth of the
location; multi-point gating. venting channels should be between a few wm and a
maximum of 0.03 mm. The venting channels should be
Weld line polished to avoid deposits in these areas. Venting chan
nels are at risk from corrosion and must be protected by
selection of an appropriate steel or suitable surface

Butt weld lines (fig. 1 0) are at risk from fracture under

mechanical stress since their strength can be
low (for example in the case of LCP). This effect occurs
particularly behind obstacles around which the melt has Note:
to flow (fig. 10). By deflecting the flow front (melt over Variations in wall thickness generally lead to differential

run), weld strength can be significantly increased. shrinkage and at cross-sectional transition points can in
some circumstances cause surface marks or even increase the

Fig. 10: Improvement in weld strength by diverting notch effect. Cross-sectional changes are therefore not
the flow front. generally permissible without certain provisos. Often just
a few tenths of a millimeter judiciously ground off the core,

for example, will suffice to produce an effective flow aid.

Mold dimensions should therefore always be at the lower
tolerance limit.

In planning a phased design schedule:

"butt" weld line
molding design
"Melt overrun" mold design
mold construction
mold proving

time must be allowed for alterations such as corrections

to the mold, since dimensional orshape deviations in the
molding due to shrinkage are frequently unavoidable.
Attempts at a comprehensive mathematical treatment of
the problem of molding shrinkage with the aim of being
able to predict as far as possible likely shrinkage behavior
have so far met with little success. The same applies to
predicting fiber orientation in reinforced thermoplastics.
1 Practical experience is therefore of greater value.

On the basis of such experience and a knowledge of

material properties, possible to establish guidelines
it is
which should be followed in designing a molding.
Starting with elementary components, section 3 com
pares the actual molding shape with
the required shape
(i. e. drawing dimensions), examines the reasons for the
dimensional/shape deviations and as far as possible

suggests corrective measures. Recommendations are

given on how to achieve the greatest possible design
Fig. 11: Change in pressure drop achieved with flow strength for a particular type of stress.
aids or flow restrictions
Section 4 shows photos of practical examples and com
ments on individualdesign features which have led to
defects and on possible corrective measures.

Row aid (enlargement of cross-section)

' / f / / I
Y -~

How restriction (narrowing of cross-section)

3. Guidelines for molding design

No. 1: Sheet

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation

Problem Fig. 12; Solidification model [15].

Dimensional deviations in a sheet due to shrinkage in Mold cavity shape

the length 1, thickness d and width b directions.

The following applies:

Lw- or where Jl =
Lw -
i _
r ^
J1=L w Soft cc Solidified frame

Contour shrunk
As a result of the rapid cooling in the corner

region of the molding (fig. 12 /, see also section 3,

no. 5), a certain (relatively low) degree of thickness

shrinkage occurs in the sheet (A d). Because of the Fig. 13

consequent curve in the shape, damage can be caused

to a grained surface if demolding is carried out in an

inappropriate direction. With smooth surfaces, differ

ences in gloss in the corner regions are frequently direction

For demolding pans with a grained surface, demolding

tapers of 0.5 < < 1 per 1/100 mm grain depth t

have proved successful.

No. 2: Quarter disk

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation


Problem The movement of unit volume from a via b to c in a

mold with cross-sectional enlargement (pinpoint gate)

Dimensional/shape deviations due to radial shrinkage causes increasing stretching at right angles to the flow

MSr (radius r), thickness shrinkage MSj and circum direction (stretching flow). If this elongation is frozen-in,
ferential or tangential shrinkage MSt. Because of the orientation will be produced at right angles to the flow
change in length At in the tangential direction, there is direction. By using wide gates (film gates), this distor
a change in the (right) angle y>. This causes the mold tion/stretching effect can be diminished or eliminated
ing to deviate from the required shape. Differential completely, depending on the width of the gate. As a
shrinkage a MS MSr MSt generally leads to
= -
result, the warpage tendency will generally be less with
twisting or arching of the surface [4]. this type of gating [4].

Volume distortion inside quarter disk with a pin


point gate (left) and a square sheet with film gate

(right), fig. 14.

Fig. 14
1 h

t t t
1 \-

t t 1
1 1-

No. 3: Stepped sheet

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation



Shape deviation (warpage, folding particularly in the Fig. 15

region of lower wall thickness Si).

The extent of shrinkage depends on wall thickness
(fig. 15). The side with wall thickness Si shrinks less
which 7-
and is thusrelatively longer can cause folding
and also warpage in region $2-

Corrective measure:
Try as far as possible to ensure uniform wall thickness. "a


Warpage of the molding can also occur when a film gate

is usedif the sprue remains attached until the part has
completely cooled. Wall thickness

Corrective measure:

Degate immediately after demolding, while the part is

still hot.
No. 4: Sheet

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation

.ivi- i')x-


Shape variation (warpage) due to differential Fig. 16


The extent of shrinkage is
dependent on mold wall
temperature (fig. 16). The side with the higher mold
wall temperature $^2 shrinks (shortens) more than
the side with mold wall temperature $wi (bimetallic ft
effect) and the molding arches.
Corrective measure: s
Try as far as possible to ensure uniform mold wall

molded pan with *W *W2
In a surfaces having different textures
Mold wall temperature
(e. g. one side polished, the other grained), warpage
can occur despite uniform mold wall temperatures

iïwi "&W2 and uniform temperature control systems!

No. 5: Angle

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation


$W1 $W2

s* = i/2-s 1,4- s

Problem Fig. 17

Shape deviation (angular warping A (f) due to

differential shrinkage, danger of void formation.

Despite uniform mold wall temperatures $wi $W2> =

local uneven cooling of the molding takes place due to

differences in mold wall contact areas:

mold wall contact on one side,

"normal" cooling
mold wall contact on both sides,
"increased" cooling
a) Simpler mold design
no mold wall contact

reduced cooling

Corrective measures:

Increase mold cooling, particularly in the comers.

Reduce material accumulation (s*) in the corners,

(figs. 17a, 17b: s\ < 82).

Because of the reduction in wall thickness, an undercut
"H" is formed in the relevant demolding direction.

b) More complicated but more effective mold design

No. 6: T-profile

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation

Sink mark



Shape deviation (angular warping Aqp) due to

shrinkage, risk of void formation and sink
Pi; #v
marks (t).

Sink mark as a result of excessive web width a and

local material accumulation Q (angular warping),

see no. 5.

Corrective measures:

Reduce web width a,

as a general rule: 0.3 s Si a Ss 0.5 s.

Increase effective
holding pressure (figs. 18 and 20).
Web width a
Increase mold wall temperature $w (fig. 18).
Choose more suitable design solution (fig. 19).
Use a blowing agent (e. g. Hostatron system Fig. 19

P 1940 or P 1941, see also photo 6,

page 31).

A number Decorative Decorative

of thin ribs groove rib

1 to 1.5 s

*; Note:
Demolding in the rib direction is possible only with splits Wall thickness reduction
because of the undercut H. in the transition*)

Fig. 20 Fig. 21 : Gating for an eye on a wall.


The reason for the expected sink marks is not the web
width a but the dimension x:


Holding pressure p sin a

Fig. 22 Fig. 23

Grained molding Matt line Flow

surface direction


Transversely fed ribs, fig. 23, are often incompletely
formed in the vicinity of the gate. Since the melt
takes the path of least flow resistance, the melt can
come to a standstill in thin ribs and thus freeze pre
Rib maturely. This prevents the rib region being filled.
Corrective measures are not always possible in such

In addition, air bubbles can occur on the surface of the

molding. This
phenomenon is caused
by entrained air
from the rib region. Generally speaking, this effect
does not occur with longitudinally fed ribs.
Flow direction

Feeding through the rib, fig. 22. As a result of the
so-called fountain effect (nodal point in fig. 22),
a clearly visible matt line is formed above the rib area

if the molding is gated through the rib. The matt line

cannot be avoided by material modifications.

Corrective measure:

Relocate the gate or conceal the matt line with edge

rib (see fig. 19).

No. 7: Box with base

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation


1 L
V"\ "~


Problem Corrective measures:

Increase mold cooling in the corners

Shape deviation (angular warping). Reduce material accumulation in the corners

(fig. 24):
See no. 5.
Increase wall thickness towards the center

(by about 20 to 30%).

Fig. 24 Base:
Increase wall thickness towards the edge
Walls: d2 = 1.2 to 1.3 'd, [5] (by about 20 to 30%).

Fig. 25
& -s
Unfavorable Corrective measure

Temperature control Temperature control

V; :v
<* *>*

Base: d. = 1.2 to 1.3 -d, |5] k2zZZZ5

/ // //


^ZZZZZZ3_j, i
Note: Nate:
Watch forpossible undercut. Ifpossible do not me ejectors in the comers of the
box because where there is an ejector, mold cooling is
inadequate (fig. 25).

No. 8: Box with partition wall

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation


/ /

Problem Fig. 27

Shape deviation (angular warping), see no. 5. ^ish-

Warping of rib (folding).
Cause: l \
K \ \ V\
Differential shrinkage as a result of non-uniform wall s / \ \/\^= ! S
thickness (fig. 26). f / \
/ \
The relatively thick outside walls shrink more than
Rib \
the rib. The rib therefore "pushes" outwards (fig. 28).
Corrective measures:

Try to ensure uniform wall thickness.

Avoid the sink marks which might then be Note:
expected by reducing the transition region between Demolding in the rib direction is possible only with splits
the rib and the wall
(fig. 27, see also no. 6). because of the undercut H.

Fig. 26 Fig. 28

As a general rule:

>-^/ / / / /7-V / / / /V"/' / / S * <-4\

uo / / /
s / / 1 /

' 1 /
/ ! ;
/ /
Thick ribs "pull" walls inwards

t t t /

Thin ribs "push" walls outwards

Wall thickness

No. 9: Snap-fit element

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation


Shape deviation (angular warping) Fig. 29

See no. 5.

Corrective measures:

Increase cooling by using materials with good


thermal conductivity, e. g. forged, multi-alloy alu

minium bronze, DIN designation AlBz 10 Ni or
AlBz 9 Mn [6] or, for example, by using cooled
copper pins inserted in the steel core (see fig. 29).
Design measures, see no. 7.

No. 10: Internally stressed cylinder

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation

/ // / / /^
-f u __1Î-
Cutl 7
-^ *-
/ /

/ /
/ /

/ /

/ /

/ /

/ /
/ à
Cut 2

m &"

Problem Corrective measures:

Reduce material accumulation.

(High) internal stresses in a cylindrical molding; Design measures, see no. 5.
void formation. Increase core cooling, see no. 9.

If necessary, anneal the molding, e. g.:

Cause: store for 1 hour [7] at $ = 140C to reduce internal
Internal stresses due to restricted shrinkage. stresses(with relatively high internal stresses, creep
Void formation as a result of material accumulation. strength may be reduced).

To make a quality assessment of the internal stress con
dition or warpage tendency of a molding, cuts are made
through it. Depending on the extent to which deforma
tion has been restricted, the cuts will liberate internal
stresses which thenoften produce clearly visible warping.
To match up the cut faces again (cuts 1 and 2), opposing
forces 5?^ are required, i. e. the deformation is (theoreti
cally) reversed. With this experiment, the internal stress
condition of a molding can be readily assessed in terms
of quality.

No. 1 1 : Screw boss

Required shape Dimensional /shape deviation

,'Smk "''
/ / "

y / '
' *
*. / / / (
./ ^
/ /
S ' '
V//. r / / / A
'., / /

/ /

/ /

/ / /
/ /

( {

Problem Note:
If the beat content zs too high or there zs inadequate
Formation of a sink mark. cooling, a glossy mark may form in region 1 (fig. 30).
The same also applies to ejector pins (fig. 31).
Causes: Because of the expanding effect of thread-catting screws
Poor heat conduction from the core hole. and hence the risk of crack formation, the core hole dia
Vacuum effect through the cylindrical core. meter d in region 2 (fig. 30) should be enlarged. The

length of the hole should be about 0.3 d [14].

Corrective measures:

Submerge the core in the wall.

Provide cooling on the outside and/or in the Fig. 31 Visible mark above
vicinity of the boss. an ejector
Produce the core from thermally conductive mate
rial and with appropriate dimensions provide core
Provide the greatest possible taper () for the core.

Fig. 30



Cooling channels in the
vicinity of the ejectors

No. 12: Sheathed metal shaft

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation


Problem Note:
As a of creep stress on the plastic sheathing, cracking
Cracking in the plastic sheathing of a metal shaft. can occur in the relatively long term (months to years!).

Notch effect (e. g. cross holes, thread etc.) can additionally

Causes: promote cracking (see no. 13) and the above general rule
Internal stresses (tensile stresses) due to restriction does not apply in such cases.
of shrinkage (restriction of radial deformation). To test design strength, a thermal cycling test (e. g. at -30
Wall thickness s too low. and + 80C) has proved suitable.

Corrective measures:

Increase wall thickness s.

As a general rule: s fa 0.3 to 0.4 d,

where d =
up to *= 25 mm.

Avoid weld lines where possible.

Preheat the shaft before insert molding (e. g. up to

& = 80 to 100C).
Provide the pressfit joint with a separately made
plastic bushing [13].

No. 13: Threaded spindle with handwheel

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation

Stce! h^h
/ Tbuwl
ld; y>/jr//'Ayy
, I
/ / w / /rr/7^

f'& 7 yl 'I/ I
/ / IT / /'S///\\/{t
//WYSri^LA^^ /
\ ', '

/ y / '

H'ile". supt1"-1 t'nr :-;vcrt 1 Po. ib'e .Tick.r.g

in rhc mold

Problem Corrective measures:

See no. 12.

Cracking in the plastic sheathing of a metal shaft. Design measures (fig. 32).
As faras possible avoid restriction of axial shrinkage.

Causes: Mount the metal shaft in the mold without

Internal stresses due to restriction ofshrinkage supporting pins.
(restriction of radial and axial deformation).
Notch effect at the cross hole (1), thread (2) and
thread runout (3) points. Fig. 32
Wall thickness s is too low.
The thin plastic film which forms between the
supporting pin and steel shaft in injection molding
is frequently a cause of cracking. From here, the
crack can spread out over the whole cross-section
of the component (see also photo 5, page 31).

To tot design strength, a thermal cycling test (e.g. at -30
and + 80C) has proved suitable.

No. 14: Cylinder with internal tube under internal pressure stress

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation

Supporting fin


v'^ ^
Flexural Supporting
stress fin

X Tensile stress

Problem The Increase in stress leads to a reduction in design

strength (and especially here to a reduction in creep
Stresses resulting from restricted deformation under strength).
internal pressure stress.

Corrective measures:

Cause: So long as the present design is retained, it is impossible

For the -
not practically feasible -
case of unrestricted to remove all restriction on deformation but the amount

deformation (i. e. without supporting fins) and an of restriction can be kept down to reasonable limits by
internal pressure stress of pi pa p> only the dia
= =
increasing the wall thickness s2. In the "K"
meter d2 of the cylinder would increase by adequately dimensioned radii should be provided to
minimize notch effect (but risk of sink marks).

M2 =
^dl or
Ad2 _
p d2
2 s2 E d2 :~2-s2-E Verify optimization steps through long-term trials under
simulated practical conditions (acceleration is possible
Since the cylinder and internal tube are supported by by using higher temperatures). Avoid the present design
fins, this diameter increase is largely prevented. As a as far as possible. A possible design solution for joining

result, tensile stresses are set up in the fins, which are the internal tube to the cylinder while largely avoiding
increased by the notch effect at "K". Superimposed on shrinkage restriction is shown in fig. 33.
these stresses may be
shrinkage stresses arising perhaps
from non-uniform cooling conditions. The cylinder Fig. 33
and internal tube undergo a shape deviation when
there is sufficiently high flexural stress in the "K"

When the supporting fins exceed a certain thickness,
sink marks are formed on the cylinder surface and inside

of the internal tube.

No. 15: Screwed joint

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation




Problem Fig. 35

Cracking in a screwed joint with countersunk screw.

Expanding action of a countersunk screw due to
initial screw stress (fig. 34).
Distance a is too short.

Possible weld line in the region of the crack.

Corrective measures:
Position of gate
more favorable than ,
Move weld line by relocating gate (fig. 35). since a2 > a,
Use cylindrical screw (figs. 36 a and 36 b).
Increase distance a.

Fig. 36 a Fig. 36 b

As a result ofstress relaxation, the screwed joint can loosen.
For this reason, it is advisable to me shoulder screws A
(fig. 36 a) or split metal sleeves (fig. 37) (see also photo 13,
page 34).

Fig. 34

Fig. 37

split metal

Pr =
Pa when = 45

No. 16: Split piston ring

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation


Section A B
Section A B

Problem Fig. 38

Shape deviation (ovality, gap too wide) on a split

piston ring.

Angular deviation, see section A -
B (see also no. 5).

Corrective measure:

Reduce material accumulation in the corner region

(fig. 38).

Section A-B

No. 17: Clip

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation


Reinforcing rib

Problem Fig. 39 a

Excessive elongation and/or cracking of the spring

element of a clip.

Restricted deformation due to a reinforcing rib which

makes the free bending length bi of the spring element

too short. As a result

6 -*

Corrective measures:

Shorten or omit ribs to reduce flexural rigidity and

hence increase the free bending length b2 (fig. 39 a).
Fig. 39 b

kperm. U2

i. by increasing the free bending length (flexible


design), elongation can be considerably reduced and

hence design strength increased. The holding power of
the snap-fit joint is however reduced because of the
increase in bending length b2. A very effective design
solution is achieved by using two spring elements
which support each other (see fig. 39 b X).
O See no. 18.

1 l

No. 18: Non-detachable snap-fit joint

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation

Weld line cracks

Spring element

Problem Fig. 40

Rounded corners

Cracking in a non-detachable, snap-fit joint.

Cracking due to sharp, unrounded edges in the
joint opening.
Cracking in the center of one side of the opening
promoted by a weld line.
i. element rigid Wall thickening
y too great, e. spring
Ratio too

and/or snap-in hook too wide.

Undercut H too large.
Corrective measures: elongation of the spring element when
To calculate
Radius the corners (fig. 40). assembling snap-fit joint, the following applies:
Locate the gate that the weld line is not in the

region of the spring element; if this is not possible

= 12
H K)
Thicken out the wall in the region of the weld line
(see also photo 16, page 35). H)'-(>î-)
Reduce ratio y i. e. increase 1 and/or reduce b.
Values for perm. in [8].
Reduce undercut H.

No. 19: Deflection of differently shaped profiles

Load IF


1 rssssf^

B, H, s =


"si m

0.62 0.48 0.44

0.57 0.46 1.12 0.33

relative deflection f

Problem Fig. 41

Relative deflection of different profiles. The deflection

f of a flexurally stressed component (fig. 41) is
calculated from:

F-P F /f
f =


To keep deflection to a minimum, the product of the

elastic modulus E and axial moment of inertia J should

be as large as possible (E J "flexural rigidity").


The elastic modulus is determined by the material

while the moment of inertia depends on the design of
the molding. By choosing suitable reinforcing ribs,
deflection or design strength can be influenced over a
relatively wide range. This applies particularly to the
height of a profile whose moment of inertia runs to
the third power.

No. 20: Torsional rigidity of different U profiles

1 I 1
27.29 29.76 28.10

Relative torsional rigidity

Problem Fig. 42

Relative torsional rigidity of different U profiles.

The angle of torsion Q in a torsionally stressed com

ponent (fig. 42) is calculated from:

180 Mt-l
JT "G-Jp
To keep the angle of torsion Q as low as possible, the
product of the shear modulus G and polar moment of
inertia Jp should be as large as possible (G Jp =

"torsional rigidity").

The shear modulus is determined by the material

while the polar moment of inertia depends on the By choosing suitable reinforcing ribs, the torsional
design of the molding. rigidity or design strength can be influenced over a
relatively wide range [9].

No. 21: Snap-in hook with engaging lug and cut-out

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation

II \ ; >.

p ;\'

/ s


Cracking at the corners of the cut-out when the snap- Fig. 43

in hook ismechanically stressed.

Design toorigid because li is too short.
Notch effect due to sharp edges of the cut-out
^G\ J
promotes cracking.
^^ ill j1 1
Corrective measures:
edges (r)
Try to attain a more flexible design (la > li and if
possible reduce s), i. e. reduce the localized elonga-
-^[8] (fig. 43). n X

Radius the edges well (r).


No. 22: Components anchored in a baseplate (outsert molding)

Required shape Dimensional/shape deviation

Component made from Hostaform


Shape deviation due to restricted shrinkage. Fig. 44

Tight anchorage of the plastic component in the
baseplate (outsert technique) leads to shrinkage
stresses (which can also cause a metal baseplate to

warp), as the distance between the fixing points is

too great. The component can "lift" from the plate.

Corrective measures:

Divide the component up into several segments Fig. 45

(fig. 44).

Reduce distance 1 (fig. 44, 12 < It).

If necessary provide an elongated hole to fix the
component (fig. 45).

Accurate positioning of the component is not guaranteed
when using an elongated hole in the baseplate.

Conclusions from section 3:

General design rules Factors determining the serviceability of a molding

Keep wall thickness as low as possible Material selection

Try to minimize wall thickness deviations Molding design
Try to achieve uniform wall thickness as far as Mold design
possible Injection molding parameters
Avoid material accumulations
Compress thin ribs To developan optimum solution, component designers

Stretch out thick ribs must workclosely with material suppliers, mold makers
Avoid flat surfaces and injection molders, drawing on a collective pool of
Radius corners and edges experience.

4. Examples of applications
Photo 1: Lantern gearwheel made from Hostafonn with
feather key and internal hexagonal screw. Became of the
sharp-edged design of the key and weakening of the cross-
section due to the thread, stress is increased by the notch
effect. The crack originates in the notched base of the key.
For corrective measures see photo 2.

Photo 2: Fanwheel made from Hostaformfor a radial-

flow fan. Feather key correctly designedfor plastics
(large radii \). No weakening of the cross-section as
the threaded hole is omitted.

Photo 3: Water supply connector (washing machine) made

from Hostaform with sharp intersections (t) formed by
splits. The crack originates in the base of the notch. Correc
tive measure: as far as possible, radius the notch base,
otherwise change the design.

Photo 4: Internally stressed cylinder made from Hostaform
(see also section 3, no. 10).
In addition to void formation, sink marks and warpage,
it is possible to discern angular distortion in the base region
on the right of the photo liberated by a saw cut. The angu
lar distortion is an indication of the internal stresses in that

region. Corrective measure, see section 3, no. 10.

Photo 5: Gearwheel made from Hostaform with metal

insert. Over a period of time, cracks appeared in the
hub due to restricted
shrinkage and an excessively low wall
thickness (the chamfer on the metal insert makes it look as
if the wall is relatively thick). Corrective measure: increase
wall thickness (see also section 3, nos. 12 and 13).

The cracks were made visible by the dye penetration
method. / Flash: cracking from inside to outside.

Photo 6: Strips made from Hostalen PP with

a U-shaped

right strip has clearly visible sink marks.

cross-section. The
Corrective measure: by using about 0.3 0.7% of a blow

ing agent (e. g. Hostatron

System P 1940), the sink marks
can be eradicated, left strip.

The use of blowing agents in processing Hostaform,
Celanex and Hostalen GUR is generally not recom

Photo 7: Brake cable conduit made from Hostaform
(modified with MoS2) in warped condition. Corrective
measure: the tendency to warp can be overcome by reduc

ing wall thickness (\) through hollowing out the edge


Photo 8: Box with partition walls and integral hinge made

from Hostalen PP. As ofdifferent wall thickness,
a result
the partition walls have warped. Corrective measure:
see section 3, no. 8.

Photo 9: Box-shaped switch housing made from Hostaform

with severe angular distortion in the comers. Corrective

measure: see section 3, no. 5.

Photo 10: Fire extinguisher head made from glass-fiber-
reinforced Hostaform. Cracking due to restricted deforma
tion (design- and material-dependent) and notch effect (\)
in the rib base. Unfavorable design. Improvement possible

by using non-reinforced Hostaform.

Photo 11: Conveyor belt supporting roller made from

Hostaform with insert molded roller bearings. After
machining, cracks formed on the bearing surface because
the minimum wall thickness was understepped. Corrective
measure: see section 3, no. 12.

Photo 12: Threaded nut made from Hostaform. Void for

mation (\) in the of greatest wall thickness (about

15 mm). Corrective measures: void formation can be coun

tered by using high-molecular-weight materials such as
Hostaform C 2521 or Hostaform T 1020. From the process
ing point of view, it is advisable to use a high holding pres
sure and the largest possible gate while at the same time

ensuring problem-free demolding of the thread.

Photo 13: Fixing lug on a radiator fan shroud made from
Hostalen PP with split metal sleeve. This design will
effectively counter any loosening of the screw joint under
service stress (extreme temperature variations, vibration).
Service temperature range: -40 to +80C.

Photo 14: Disk made from Hostaform, 100 mm diameter,

1.5 mm thick, with central sprue. The tendency of the

upper disk to warp is due mainly to the unfavorable gate

location (see also section 3 no. 2, fig. 14). Corrective

measures: by using an extremely easyflowing Hostaform

grade it is possible virtually to eliminate warping while
retaining the same processing conditions. Upper disk,
Hostaform C 9021, lower disk Hostaform C 52021
(extremely easyflowing).

Photo 15: Furniture door look with aflat spring made from
Hostaform. spring A, the rigid design of the spring ele

ment, aggravated by the notch effect ftj, had to be im

proved. The weakening effect of the weld line 1 also had to
be taken into account in the design. Corrective measures:

the design aim was basically achieved by making the spring

element 2 more flexible (reducing the section modulus) and
by reducing the notch effect (increasing the notch radius \)
(see spring B). By increasing the wall thickness of spring B,
design strength in the region of the weld line was im

Photo 16: Gearwheel made from Hostaform (dk 11 mm)

with 3 spring elements, 6-point gating (ty), thickness of

leaf springs s 0.1 5 mm. As this precision pan cannot be

produced with only 3 gates, a weld line 1 (weak point) is

formed at each of the 6 gating points in the spring element
2. The wall thickening 3 serves to improve weld strength.
To ensure that the weld lines consistently occur in the
thickened wall areas, very accurate synchronization of the
gates and close adherence to specified processing conditions
are required [10], [11]. Good venting must also be ensured

at 3.

Photo 17: Outsert molding with Hostaform. To avoid stres

ses (due to of the auxiliary runners),
restricted shrinkage
warpage of the outsert molded components and possible
bending of the baseplate, it is necessary to design auxiliary
runner 1 in the form of a flexible spring -
i. e. with a curve

[12]. To minimize the spring rigidity of the runner, its

width should be smaller than its height.

Photo 18: Balance wheel with pallet made from Hosta


form. This design uses a pressfit joint between the metal

spindle/plastic hub [13]. For functional reasons, the pallet
was designed with non-uniform wall thickness in the hub

region. The initial stressing caused by the pressfit joint

("jointing pressure") led to cracking (I) in the area of the
smallest cross-section. The reason for this is the uneven
stress distribution since the initial stressing is mainly con

centrated in the area of the smallest cross-section. Correc

tive measure: try to design the hub with uniform wall

Photo 19: Switch lever with spherical bearing point made
from Hostaform. Because of uneven wall thickness distribu
tion and large material accumulation it is difficult to injec
tion mold a uniformly curved sphere (left). Corrective
measure: a design suitable for plastics can be achieved by

reducing wall thickness and largely avoiding material

accumulation (right). The recesses thus created serve at the
same time to receive lubricant.

Photo 20: Warpage (left) of a push-button frame made from

Hostaform for televisions. Corrective measure: reduction of
wall thickness in the comers (right \).

Photo 21: Metal guide element, sheathed on three sides

with Hostaform, with 2 anchoring points [12]. The guide
element warped (A <p) due to restriction ofpost-shrinkage
by the
anchoring points. Corrective measure: provide single
anchoring point; design narrow side of the guide element
with a swallowtail.

5. Explanation ofsymbols 6. Literature

[1] Hoechst AG: C.3.3 Design of moldings made from
Symbol Explanation
engineering plastics.
E N/mm2 elastic modulus
[2] ISO basic tolerances for linear dimensions
F N load
DIN 7151.
G N/mm2 shear modulus
H mm undercut
[3] R. P.Hegler: Faserorientierung beim Verarbeiten
J mm4 axial moment of inertia
kurzfaserverstärkter Thermoplaste,
JP mm4 polar moment of inertia Kunststoffe 74 (1984) 5, pp. 271 -277.
L,l mm length on the molding,
flow path length
[4] W. Woebcken: Orientierungserscheinungen in
Mt mm torque Preß- und Spritzgießteilen,
P N/mm2 initial screw stress
Kunststoffe 51 (1961) 9, pp. 547-562.
V cmVs time-dependent volume flow
MS % molding shrinkage
dimensions on the molding
[5] U. Haack,J. Riecke: Verstärktes und gefülltes
a, b, d, t mm

f mm deflection
Polypropylen Eigenschaften, Anforderungen und

r mm radius
Problemlösungen in der Elektrogeräteindustrie,
Plastverarbeiter (1982) 9-12.
P bar, N/mm2 pressure, injection pressure
s mm wall thickness
[6] N. N. : Kupfer-Knetlegierungen, Informationsschrift
a,<p 0
angle on molding der Zollern Stahl und Metall GmbH & Co.,
A signifies change in the value
of the variable which follows it,
72488 Sigmaringen.
e.g. 41, Zip
[7] N. Klein: Neuere Untersuchungen über das Warm
perm. elongation, permissible
lagern von Präzisions-Spritzgußteilen aus Acetal-
n Pa- s dynamic viscosity of the Plastverarbeiter (1971) 3.
& C temperature
0 twisting angle
shear rate, velocity gradient
[8] Hoechst AG: B. 3. l Design calculations for snap-fit
joints in plastic pans.
similar, proportional
(axial pitch) bei
[9] R. Bald et al.: Steifigkeitsprobleme großflächigen
approximately, approximately Karosserieteilen aus Chemiewerkstoffen,
equal to ATZ 83 3.
O gate location
directing of force, jointing
[10] Patent specification DE 27 14 020 CE.

[11] Hoechst AG: Hostaform Report 3/81: Micro-

precision in Hostaform.

[12] U. Haack: Outsert-Technik, Verfahren zur wirt

schaftlichen Herstellung feinwerktechnischer
Feinwerktechnik und Meßtechnik 87 (1979) 6.

[13] Hoechst AG: B. 3.4 Design calculations for pressfit


[14] Hoechst AG: B. 3.2 Fastening with metal screws.

[15] S. Stitz: Dissertation, TH Aachen (D 82): Analyse

der Formteilbildung beim Spritzgießen.

Engineering plastics
Design Calculations Applications
Publications so far in this series:

A. Engineering plastics
A. 1.1 Grades and properties -
A. 1.2 Grades and properties -
A. 1.4 Grades and properties -
Hostalen GUR
A. 1.5 Grades and properties -
Vandar, Impet
A.2.1 Calculation principles
A.2.2 Hostaform -
Characteristic values and
calculation examples
A.2.3 Hostacom -
Characteristic values and
calculation examples
B. Design of technical mouldings
B. 1.1 Spur gears with gearwheels made from
Hostaform, Celanex and Hostalen GUR
B.2.2 Worm gears with worm wheels made from
B.3.1 Design calculations for snap-fit joints in plastic
B.3.2 Fastening with metal screws

B.3.3 Plastic parts with integrally moulded threads

B.3.4 Design calculations for press-fit joints
B.3.5 Integral hinges in engineering plastics
B.3.7 Ultrasonic welding and assembly of engineering
C. Production of technical mouldings
C.2.1 Hot runner system Indirectly heated,

thermally conductive torpedo

C.2.2 Hot runner system Indirectly heated,

thermally conductive torpedo

Design principles and examples of moulds for
processing Hostaform
C.3.1 Machining Hostaform
C.3.3 Design of mouldings made from engineering
C.3.4 Guidelines for the design of mouldings in
engineering plastics
C.3.5 Outsert moulding with Hostaform

In this technical information brochure, Hoechst aims to

provide useful information for designers who want to

exploit the properties of engineering polymers such as
Hostaform. Our technical service team will also be
pleased to advise you on materials, design and processing.

This information is based on our present state of knowl

edge and is intended to provide general notes on our
products and their uses. It should not therefore be con
strued as guaranteeing specific properties of the products
described or their suitability for a particular application.
Any existing industrial property rights must be observed.
The quality of our products is guaranteed under our
General Conditions of Sale.

Applications involving the use of the engineering plastics

Hostaform, Celanex, Hostacom, Hostalen PP and
Hostalen GUR are developments or products of the
plastics processing industry. Hoechst as manufacturers
of the starting material will be pleased to give the names
of other processors and users of plastics for engineering

© Copyright by Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft

Issued in August 1 9967 1st edition

Hostaform ® , Celcon ®
polyoxymethylene copolymer (POM)

thermoplastic polyester (PBT)

Impet ®
thermoplastic polyester (PET)

thermoplastic polyester alloys

thermoplastic polyester elastomer (TPE-E)

Vectra ®
liquid crystal polymer (LCP)

Fortron ®
polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)

Celstran ® , Compel ®
long fiber reinforced thermoplastics (LFRT)

ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (PE-UHMW)

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