English Paper 1

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Total No. of Qucstions - 3| (Total No.

of Printcd Pages-4
B.A./B.Se. VI Semester (CBCS) Examination
Course No. : UENTS - 601

Time Allowed- 2 Ilours Muximum Marks- 40

Note: 1. Inernal Choice in Question No. I Tivo short answer
Iype questions to be attempted out of the given three
questions. (2x5=10)
2. No inernal choice in question No. 2(a) and 2(b). All
parts to be atemped.
3. Internal Choice in Question No. 3(b) - Any fiveparts/
sentences to be done out of the given seven parts.

Altempt any Two of thefollowing in 100 words cach.(2X5=10)

i)/ What docs Bess do to stop the Highwayman from
coming to the inn?
ii) What are the sounds of water that the wTiter mentions
in his narration? (Sounds I like to Hear).
ii) How does the sound of the old man's heart afcct the

5000 |Turn Over

(2) CBS-VI/6(R&P)-214672

2. a) Attempt both the questions : (2x5=10)

You are Ankit of St. John's college, Delhi. Write
areport, as the Cultural Sccretary, for your college
magazine, on the recently organizcd Blood
Donation Canp onthe occasion of the Republic Day

i) Read the following passage and make notes. Givea

suitable title also.

Gandhiji's childhood was asolemn one and lacking

strangely in the frivolities with which we surround
our children today. Children of those days had a
curiously grown-up status, maybe because of the
early marriages to which they had to submit, but
they soon learned to take up and acquaint
themselves with responsibilities and Gandhiji
was no exception to this. Though the youngest in
the family he acquired the grown -up wisdom by
consorting vith his clders, particularly his mother,
imbibing her wisdom and sound common sense.
From the earliest days, his love for truth at any
cost dominated his mind and he was free from the
tiring little innocent lies that fill the life of any child.
b) Attempt both the questions: (2x5=10)

Give an example of two fricnds having a small

talk about the popular restaurants in their city.
if) Write about the conversation between two fiends,
one of whom is suffering from depression and the
other is giving advice or suggestions to overcome
(3) CBS-VI/6(R&P)-214672
3. a) Write the correct tense form of the verbs given in the
brackets. (5x1=5)
Coffee isa beverage (drink) by many gencrations
of people. What most people donot rcalize is that coffce
is (make) from beans (pick) from trecs.
Coffce trecs (be, grow) cither from sccds or
cuttings, These trecs will begin to (bcar) crops when
they are about four years old.
b) Do as directed (any five) : (5%1=5)
The combination of letters "ea" is pronounced
differently in one of the words below. Pick the
odd onc out.
a) Dead
b) Leather

d) Weather.
ii) Which of the following is not a preposition?
a) In.
b To

d) On
ii) Which of the following is not a type of shop?
a) Chemist
b) Dentist's
News agent
d) Bakery
[Turn Over]
(4) CUS-VVG(R&P)-214672

iv) Ihe tenple/architecture/lom an/sculpture and

painting/ot/essential part. (Rewrite the sentence
in correct lornn).
v) Today/with/theirhlhelin/gudgetswclildren/born/
are/hands. (Rewrite the sentence in correct forn).
vi) Cullralothelantheipated/earnival/testival/
Horinbill/nbstis/Nagäland/tie. (Rewrite the
Scntence in correct form),
vii) To be a/kind/this was/of protest/considercd/
uniquc. (Rewrite the scntence in corect form).

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