Cain and Abel Activity - Johnson D. Delos Santos

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Review Questions for Dictionary Attack

1. Perform a web search about dictionary attacks to learn

about it. What were your thoughts before initialling the
Dictionary Attack?
Cracking a simple password it basically some kind of virus you could install to gain/breach
2. Why are only half of the passwords cracked?
Because of the other 3 password has more complex combination with upper and lower case
letters and also has combination of symbols.

3. Is there any correlation among the passwords that were

hacked and those that did not?
The password that has been breached has a pattern number, name of users and other easy to guess
which is the password.

4. Try adding your own password and using Dictionary Attack

on it. Was it cracked? Why or why not? Take a screen shot of
the cracked password, if cracked, and the time left to crack, if
It wasn’t cracked because my password has a lot of combination of numbers and letters with no
pattern on it.
Review Questions for Rainbow Tables

1. Why was ‘PaSS’ the only one decrypted using this

rainbow table?
Rainbow tables is a concept in cryptographic wherein it focuses on a small group with 128
distinct value. Encrypted data has something else with it, it cannot read and read only
2. Compared to Dictionary Attack was Rainbow Table
Attack able to crack faster? Why or why not?
Rainbow Table attack crack the password in more or less 20 minutes base on my observation while
doing the activity.
3. Why do you think rainbow tables take so much time
and space to use?
Rainbow table analyzes encrypted data wherein it search approximately 10 to the power of
39(1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,) as per our activity 7,000,000 possible

Review Questions for Brute Force

1. Is brute hacking a good option? What are your thoughts on
it compared to other methods of password cracking?
Yes, if have no other option but using brute force takes time because it uses every single words,
numbers, and special character.

2. Why the password (PassWORD) was harder to crack

compared to the others?
I think it is because of its string type because the first letter is in upper case then the other one is in the
lower case and after these letters comes another 4 letters that are upper cased.

3. Why were the two passwords (15473 and c@t69) that

wasn’t cracked previously, cracked now?

This may be the cause of using passwords with mixed characters and using unpinned password.

4. Are there any correlation between the length and variety

within passwords that make it crack able or uncrackable?
Yes, because the longer and more complex the password is the harder for it to be cracked.

5. Is there any way to speed up the time needed to crack hard

Yes you can speed up the cracking of password using brute force if you lessen the characters needed to
be used or if you know exactly what characters are needed to be used.

1. Deliverables for It’s Your Turn

2. Review Questions for Dictionary Attack

3. Review Questions for Rainbow Tables

4. Deliverable for Brute Force

5. Review Questions for Brute Force

6. Additional Password to Crack

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