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Bangladesh Scouts
31nd CALT, 24-30 April, 2014
NSTC, Mouchak, Gazipur

Day-1, 24 April, 2014, Thursday

Officer of the day: Scouter Fazle Rabbi, LT
Time Activities Responsibilities
08.30-10.00 Registration, Scouter A. Sattar (AS)
Course Materials- Distribution Scouter Touhid Uddin Ahmed (TUA)
10.30-11.00 Group Distribution Scouter Dhanalal Muhuri (DLM)
Scouter Jalal Uddin (JU)
11.00-11.30 Pre-Course Evaluation Sayed A F M Ataur Rahman (AR)
11.30-12.30 Integration Session Scouter Md. Nazrul Islam (CL)
ICE Breaking Scouter Abdus Sattar (AS)
Course Information Scouter Abdul Awal Bhuan (AAB)
Know your home Scouter Shamsul Huq (SH)

14.30-16.00 Course Discipline Scouter Md. Nazrul Islam (CL)

Do’s & Don’ts Scouter Dhanalal Muhuri DLM
Participants Expectation & Scouter Mr Kamal Uddin (KU)
Course Objectives Scouter Md. Nazrul Islam (CL)
17.00-18.00 Training Need Scouter Dhanalal Muhuri (DLM)
Analysis (TNA)
19.00-19.45 Inaugural Ceremony Scouter Abdul Awal Bhuan (AAB)
Psychology of Training Scouter Abul Kalam Azad (CNC)
19.45-20.45 Manners &Etiquette Scouter Jala Uddin (JU)
20.30-20.45 Evaluation of the Day Scouter Fazle Rabbi (FR)

Short Full Name of Trainer
CL Md. Nazrul Islam, LT FR Md. Fazle Rabbi, LT
AR Sayed A F M Ataur Rahman, LT TUA Touhid Uddin Ahmed, LT
AM Arshadul Mukaddish, LT AAB Md. Abdul Aowal Bhuyan, LT
DLM Dhanalal Muhuri, LT HH Md. Habibul Haque, LT
KU Md. Kamal Uddin, LT AZ Md. Akhtaruzzaman, LT
AS Md. Abdus Sattar, LT SH Md. Shamsul Huq, ALT
JU Md. Jalal Uddin, LT HRS Hamzar Rahman Shamim, AD
IH A M M Iftekhar Ul Haque, LT SA Sabiha Afreen, AD

Md. Nazrul Islam, LT

Course Leader
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Bangladesh Scouts
31nd CALT, 24-30 April, 2014
NSTC, Mouchak, Gazipur

Day-2, 25 April, 2014, Friday

Officer of the day: Scouter Ssyed A F M Ataur Rahman, LT
Time Activities Responsibilities
06.00 Fresh & Physical Exercise HH
07.30 Flag Hoisting KU
07.50-08.05 National anthem, Scout Promise, Reflection KU
and Learning of Yesterday
08.05-10.00 Scouting Knowledge : CL, KU
Fundamentals of Scouting
Vision & Mission
10.30-11.30 1) World Program Policy AS
2)Youth Involvement Policy
(Safe from Harm policy)
11.30-12.30 Strategic Plan : AM/TU- NC(CD)
APR Strategic Plan
BS Strategic Plan
14.30-15.00 Manures & Etiquette JU
15.00-16.30 World Scouting : KU
Structure & History
17.00-18.00 Communication Skill : FR, HH, HRS
Information Communication Technology
Power Point Presentation
19.00-19.45 Communication Skill : FR, HH, HRS
Information Communication (Practical)
19.45-20.45 Leadership Skills : DLM
Theories, Characterize of Effective
20.30-20.45 Evaluation of the Day AR

Theme of the day : Quality leader, better scouting.

Md. Nazrul Islam, LT

Course Leader
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Bangladesh Scouts
31nd CALT, 24-30 April, 2014
NSTC, Mouchak, Gazipur

Day-3, 26 April, 2014, Saturday

Officer of the day: Scouter Dhanalal Muhuri, LT
Time Activities Responsibilities
06.00 Fresh & Physical Exercise HH
07.30 Flag Hosting AS
07.50-08.05 National anthem, Scout Promise, Reflection AS
and Learning of Yesterday
08.05-10.00 Adult Learning Skill : CL
Adult Learning Principles,
Theories & Style
Learner Centered Approach
10.30-11.30 Training Skill : AM
Qualifications Responsibilities of ALT
Competencies of trainer
11.30-12.30 Method & Technique :
Brain Storming, AS
Buzz Group FR
14.30-16.30 Method & Technique :
Group Discussion KU
Project Work Group IH
17.00-18.00 Method & Technique :
Penal Presentation TUA
Panel Discussion AAB
19.00-19.45 Method & Technique
Lecture Method JU
Team Talk DLM
19.45-20.45 Method & Technique :
Case Study AS
Role Play Method HH
20.30-20.45 Evaluation of the Day DLM

Theme of the day : Appropriate Method Effective Session.

Md. Nazrul Islam, LT

Course Leader
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Bangladesh Scouts
31nd CALT, 24-30 April, 2014
NSTC, Mouchak, Gazipur
Day-4, 27 April, 2014, Sunday
Officer of the day: Scouter A.M.M. Iftekharul Haque, LT
Time Activities Responsibilities
06.00 Fresh & Physical Exercise HH, AZ
07.30 Flag Hosting JU
07.50-08.05 National anthem, Scout Promise, Reflection and JU
Learning of Yesterday
08.05-09.00 Adults Resources DLM
Life Cycle of AIS
09.00-10.00 Self Development :
Personal Support Training AAB
Self Directed Learning (SDL) IH
10.30-12.30 Management Skill (Electives) AS
Attitude & Motivation, KU
Risk & Safety Management AM
Creativity TU
Crisis Management TA
Conflict Regulation DLM
14.30-16.00 Course Management AM
Course Venue & facilities. TU
Scheduling (curriculum) Staffing & Budgeting JU
Course Administration KU
Course Evaluation & Reporting AZ
17.00-18.00 Marketing of Scouting
Promotion AS
Scouting as a brand
Supply services AM
19.00-19.45 Personal Development Skill :
Human Relations TA
Principles of Communication, Listening & Feedback
Oral, Presentation & Written Communication
19.45-20.45 Other Training Methods
Seminar, Symposium Workshop, Conference JU
20.30-20.45 Evaluation of the Day IH

Theme of the day : Build Your Self.

Md. Nazrul Islam, LT

Course Leader
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Bangladesh Scouts
31st CALT, 24-30 April, 2014
NSTC, Mouchak, Gazipur

Day-5, 28 April, 2014, Monday

Officer of the day: Scouter Touhid Uddin Alhmed, LT
Time Activities Responsibilities
06.00 Fresh & Physical Exercise HH, AZ
07.30 Flag Hosting IH
07.50-08.05 National anthem, Scout Promise, Reflection TUA
and Learning of Yesterday
08.05-09.00 Method & Technique :
Demonstration AZ
Base Method HH
09.00-10.00 Other Training Methods :
Tutorial group DLM
Round Table AS
10.30-12.30 Training Aids: AM, KU

14.30-16.00 Management skill :

Backdating FR
Check list
17.00-18.00 Management skill :
Session preparation AM
Writing Crouse Objectives
Writing session objectives
19.00-19.45 Planning skill :
Developing Session Plan CL
Distribution of Topic/ Session
19.45-20.45 Session Preparation for Practicum AAB

Theme of the day : Proper Planning is the key to success.

Md. Nazrul Islam, LT

Course Leader

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