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What is TLS? Explain it?

Answer:TLS is means Temporary learning Spaces are demarcated spaces for

teachers and students to conduct teaching and learning when they can’t do so in
their schools because of displacement or damage/ destruction of the school.

TLSs can and should be established quickly, yet they also lay a foundation for
restarting formal education and enrolling children who were previously out of

How can you help a teacher to develop?


We help teachers to attend in metadology training, in-class observation, and

single-session seminars and get professional certificates by MOE and sub Deps
to continue their teaching and to rise up their capacity developments.

Could you name training Cycle and explain them?

Answer: 6 phases of a training cycle: 1- Identify needs 2- design training. 3-

develop training. 4- deliver training. 5- apply learning. 6- evaluate

1- Identify and assess the actual training needs and address the right issues
with objectives for better achievements.
2- In design phase, to select the best type of training and set framework to
achieve the leaning objectives. Like: virtual training, self-study, instructor-
led classroom training…
3- In Develop phase, Creation and assembly of the following materials that
may be utilized in the training course:
Instructor’s guide , participant’s guide, reference guide, job aids, handouts,
presentations and assessments.
4- In Delivery phase, learners attend the training session or take the training
course (online or self-study).
‫‪5- In Apply learning phase, the learners need to be given the time and‬‬
‫‪opportunities to put their leaning into practice.‬‬
‫‪6- In the Evaluate phase, without an evaluation process training quality‬‬
‫‪cannot be assured and appropriate improvements cannot be made to‬‬
‫‪maintain standards.‬‬

‫?‪What is Methodology and name 3 methods which are the best to use CBE classes‬‬

‫‪Answer: Methodology is a system of practices and procedures that a teacher uses‬‬

‫‪to teach.‬‬

‫‪1-‬‬ ‫‪Teacher centered methods,‬‬

‫‪2-‬‬ ‫‪Learner centered methods,‬‬
‫‪3-‬‬ ‫‪Content- focused methods, and.‬‬
‫‪4-‬‬ ‫‪Interactive/participative methods.‬‬

‫آیا میتوانید چرخه بسیج اجتماعی را در ایجاد صنوف محلی بیان دارید؟‬

‫‪.‬جواب‪ :‬اولین قدم در پروسه تعلیمات محلی بسیج اجتماعی میباشد‬

‫برای ایجاد صنوف محلی معیارات از قبل تعیین شده توسط وزارت معارف مدنظر گرفته میشود قسمیکه‬
‫اول تقاضای جامعه برای ایجاد و فعالسازی صنوف محلی در جوامع شان باید وجود داشته باشد دوما از‬
‫نظر فاصله و مشکالت دسترسی به مکتب عامه شرایط برابر باشد سوما اشتراک و تعهد جامعه در زمینه‬
‫ایجاد صنوف تثبیت و تعهد کتبی اخذ شود(حمایت از تحصیل شاگردان واجازه برای تعلیم و تحصیل‬
‫دختران‪ ،‬تهیه جای مناسب برای ایجاد صنف محلی و تامین امنیت تجهیزات و اسباب صنف شاگردان‪،‬‬
‫حمایت دوامدار از معلم و صنف متذکره‪ ،‬تعهد در ساختن و فعال نگهداشتن شورای مکتب و شورای‬
‫مکتب محلی از ‪ 3‬الی ‪ 7‬نفر تشکیل گردد‬

‫ویژگیهای یک صنف درسی خوب چیست؟‬

‫جواب‪ :‬محل امن و قابل دسترس برای همه باشد ‪ -2‬روشن و مساحت مناسب داشته باشد‪ -3 .‬وسایل گرما‬
‫و سرما مطابق فصل سال‪ -4 .‬آب آشامیدنی قابل دسترس‪ -5 .‬وجود تشناب مناسب‬
‫حل اختالف چیست و شما چگونه یک اختالف را حل میکنید؟‬

‫ گرد هم‬-4 ‫ توصیه و مشوره‬-3 ‫ شنیدن نظریات جانبین درگیر اختالف‬-2 ‫ ریشه یابی اختالف‬-1 :‫جواب‬
‫ حل اختالف به روش عادالنه برد برد‬-6 ‫ عدم جانبداری‬-5 ‫آوری شورای محلی و امام‬

8 steps for solving a problem:

1- Identify the problem 2- clarify the problem 3- identify the root cause of the
problem 4- define the goals 5- develop action plan 6- execute action plan 7-
evaluate the results. 8- continuously improve.

4 steps to solve a conflict:

1- Communicate. Open communication is key in a dispute.

2- Actively listen. to what the other person has to say, without interrupting.
3- Review options. Talk over the options looking for solutions that benefit
4- End with a win-win solution.

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