(Transcription) Ms. Tupaz

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Manila High School

LLAUDERES: So once again, good morning po ulit ma’am. I am Christina Llauderes po, 3 rd-year English in
Philippine Normal University

RELATO: Good morning, ma’am. Thank you for accepting this interview. We’re together with our
research leader, Ariecel Porol. I am Ghecarl Relato, also a 3 rd year English Major in Philippine Normal
University Manila. We are here to conduct our semi-structured interview about our research entitled,
“Rethinking Pedagogy: Challenges and Opportunities of Teaching English Language in Hybrid Learning

Rest assured that this interview will be kept confidential and solely be used for research purposes.

LLAUDERES: So with that, you may now introduce yourself by stating your name, age, school, years of
experience, and the grade level you are teaching.

P3: Okay. Hi. Good morning, everyone. So I’m Miss Adlemi Rose Tupaz, 23-years old with my age, and I
have been teaching for almost 4 years now and I have handled Grades 7 to 12, all of the grade levels.
And currently I’m teaching at Manila High School at Intramuros Manila.

LLAUDERES: Thank you, ma’am. So now we’re going to proceed with the interview questions na po.

RELATO: Yes, ma’am. For our first question po, (1) What have been your expectations regarding your
institution before the actual implementation of hybrid teaching?

P3: Okay. So before the implementation of hybrid teaching, I expected that our school would be ready in
terms of the following; first, in terms of technological assistance. So the school should’ve been able to
provide teachers internet connectivity and equipment such as laptops, projectors, speakers, etc; Second,
is on safety, of course, since we are still on the state of the pandemic, health protocols should be
implemented and strictly followed. So the schools should’ve provided, uhm, students and teachers
protective equipment such as, uhm, face mask and alcohol. And lastly, on teachers and students’
preparedness, okay? So students, both students and parents should have been oriented on how the
hybrid learning and teaching should go and on the other hand, teachers should’ve undergone trainings,
uh, facilitated by the school for better execution of the hybrid teaching and learning.

RELATO: Yes, ma’am. Uh, with the things that you’ve said regarding technological tools or technological
support or safety, do you think that your school, ma’am where you are teaching or the Manila High
School is well-prepared in adapting this kind of learning modality? How so?

P3: Uh, yes. I believe that our school, uhm, was ready in terms of the following that I have mentioned a
while ago because I have observed it on the implementation. We are currently actually implementing
the hybrid teaching and learning and all of those things that I have mentioned were observed naman
when we started that type of modality.
LLAUDERES: So uh, thank you ma’am. For our question number 2, (2) Can you tell us po about your
language teaching style in an online classroom po, online classroom. So did you alter this to fit in the
hybrid mode of teaching?

P3: So, with regards to my language teaching style… whenever I create activities and provide examples
for my lessons in language teaching and learning… as much as possible, uhm, I contextualize them using
real-world examples or personal experiences. So, this enable learners to communicate effectively and
appropriately since the materials given to them is something that they find relevant in their daily living.
So they can connect with it, they find meaning on it. And I also apply, uhm, collaborative learning in my
class where students are given the chance to work with their peers on a particular task. And if uhm.. I
think, in my case, uhm, I’m not altering them for hybrid teaching. I believe that they are still as effective
as before when I was employing them in the traditional classroom or online classroom. They are just still
as effective when employed in hybrid teaching. So I’m not altering them, I’m just adopting them right

LLAUDERES: So uhm, what is the difference po between teaching English online and teaching it in a
hybrid classroom.

P3: Uhm, of course there are some challenges encountered in the hybrid teaching or in a hybrid
classroom because you are really uhm, there is really a need to adjust your teaching strategies for in
hybrid classroom it’s really a combination of both online and face-to-face. So you need to, as a teacher,
it’s your role to uhm, make your students not be left out; both of those students who are attending face
to face and then those who are attending remotely. So you need to make sure that all of them can keep
up on that particular time that you’re having the synchronous lessons. So in terms of those, uhm,
attending remotely, you need to make sure of your… the use of your technology that they are still with
us during that time because it could be that they could no longer hear you while you are having the
lesson on face-to-face. On the other hand, for those who are in the face-to-face, you might be yelling at
them already because you are with your earphones, right? You’re wearing your earphones or your
headphones so you can also hear those people in the remote class. So that’s also…that’s also a problem
or that’s also a challenge whenever we are having the hybrid teaching. So…yes. Those are the things that
I have been encountering during the hybrid teaching.

LLAUDERES: So speaking of applications and technological tools po… what technological tools or some
of the technological tools do you use in creating instructional materials for your hybrid classes?

P3: Okay so…you’re probably familiar with these. Your professors must’ve used these or you have
known about these technological tools. So of course we have those applications or tools used for
gamifications such as the Quizizz, the Kahoot! You can also create polls using Mentimeter, polls
everywhere, Padlet. So those are some of the tools that I’m using in my classes in the hybrid classroom.

RELATO: Thank you, ma’am. So with that po, as you mentioned these technological tools, may I know
ma’am how do you prepare your materials or activities and yourself in a hybrid classroom?

P3: Okay..so.. just like what I said awhile ago, I actually adopted some of the materials that I used from
the previous school years but it’s just that… modifications should just be done talaga in order to cater to
the needs of the students who would be attending face-to-face and for those who were attending the
class remotely.
RELATO: With these considerations ma’am with those attendees in face-to-face and in online, would say
that you’re already prepared as teacher for this new mode teaching or this hybrid learning modality?

P3: Okay so, personally, I believe that I’m still not prepared for this new mode of teaching as, you know,
we were all caught off guard by the pandemic, right? So, but as a teacher, as an educator, you know this
already… that we must be flexible. So yes, I can say that I am still slowly learning to adapt in this new
mode of teaching.

LLAUDERES: So for number 4 po, what are the benefits naman…of conducting English classes and
activities in a hybrid classroom? So, in what way po did you benefit from it? But if not, cite instances that
will explain how it is not beneficial for you as a teacher?

P3: In a way, I can say that it’s beneficial for it’s something new, ‘no? It’s a combination nga of face-to-
face and the online as well. So somehow, I get to explore new teaching strategies, I get to challenge
myself as well how I am as a teacher, how can I adopt on such scenarios. So it’s like a form of self-
improvement. It’s like a form of a challenge for me as a teacher on how I can handle such situations.

[continue from 10:40]

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