ICT Application in Control System IGCSE ICT

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A computer control system is a type of control system that uses digital computers to
monitor and control physical processes. These systems are widely used in various
industries, including manufacturing, transportation, energy, and more.
In a computer control system, sensors and actuators are used to measure physical
variables and perform actions, respectively. The measurements are then fed into the
computer, which processes the data and sends commands to the actuators to adjust the
process variables as needed.
Computer can be used to control a range of devices through the use of sensors. Some of
these devices include:
1. Security lights
2. Buglar alarms
3. Central heating controllers
4. Computer controlled greenhouses
5. Automatic cookers
6. Automatic washing machines
7. Microwave ovens

Meaning of a sensor
A sensor is a device designed to measure some physical quantity in its environment. An
example might be a heat sensor that measures the temperature in a room or a pressure
sensitive mat that detects someone walking over it.
Advantages of computer control system
1. It can operate 24 hours a day without taking a break.
2. It can work without holidays or sick days
3. It does not require to pay wages.
4. It will accurately repeat actions over and over again
5. It can process data from sensors very quickly
6. It can take account of hundreds of inputs at the same time
7. It make reliable and accurate decisions than human
8. Computer control system can be used in dangerous or awkward environments

Disadvantages of computer control system

1. The software for the control system is special and may cost a lot of money to
2. if the computer malfunctions the system will not work
3. If there is a power cut the system will not work
4. The computer cannot react to unexpected events as perhaps a person could. It can
only respond in the way it has been programmed.


School management systems are ICT systems that supply school managers and staff with
information that can help them make decisions.

Several ways in which ICT is used to help with the administration and management of
schools are:
1. School registration: this is one of an important part of the school system which ICT
can be applied through
a. Computer based methods of registration
b. Optical mark registration
c. Swipe card
d. smart card
e. biometric methods
2. School timetabling
3. Organization of examinations
4. Computer aided learning
Advantages in using school management system
1. They reduce the work load for teachers in the classroom an in the school office
2. They can provide up-to-date information for parents
3. They can support decision making or school managers
4. They can tackle truancy effectively
5. They can be used to plan timetable

Disadvantages in using school management systems

1. The software is expensive to buy
2. Students data is personal, so there must be no unauthorized access
3. The software are complex, so all staff need training

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