Expert System IGCSE ICT

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An expert system is an ICT system that uses artificial intelligence to make decision based on
data supplied inform o answer to questions. This means that the system is able to respond in
the way that human expert in the field would come to a conclusion. I good expert system is one
that can match the performance of a human expert in the field

Expert system consist of the following experience:

1. Knowledge base: a huge organized sets off knowledge about a particular subject
2. Rule base: this is made up of a series of IF, AND, OR ad THEN statement that form a
set of rules to closely follow human like reasoning
3. Inference engine: - this part uses the rules base along with the knowledge base to make
decision or conclusion based on the fact being enter by the users.
4. User interface:- this uses an interactive screen (which can be a touch screen) to present
question and information to the operator and also receives answer from the operator


1. Expert are interview

2. Data is collected from experts
3. Knowledge base is designed and created
4. Rules base is designed and created
5. input and output format/screen are designed and made
6. Expert system is checked by using known results or real life scenario

The process involved in a typical expert system such as medical expert system or diagnosis are
as following

1. An interactive screen appears and asks the user questions

2. Answers are type in or options are selected on a touch screen
3. The inference engine matches the data with the knowledge base, using the rules base
until matches are found
4. The system suggests the possible diagnosis and suggests treatment
Expert system can be applied in several ways, such as

1. Medical diagnosis: a health service website that enables users to determine whether they
need to call a doctor or visit a hospital
2. Prospecting for minerals and oil:- using geological information expert system can use
the information to determine the most likely place to choose for further exploration
3. For giving tax advice to individuals and companies
4. Car engine fault diagnosis
5. Chess games:- chess game software is an expert system because it mimics an expert
chess player


1. Fewer mistakes: human expert may forget but expert system don’t
2. Less time to train :- it is easy to copy an expert system but it take many years to train a
human expert
3. It is cheaper to use an expert system
4. It is more expertise than a single expert
5. Always ask question a human expert may forget to ask
1. It lack common sense
2. It cannot respond to a body language
3. The system relies on the rules it is made up


Computer applications play a crucial role in the retail industry by providing various tools and
systems to streamline operations, enhance customer experience, and improve overall
Uses of computers in the retail industry:
1. Point of Sale (POS) Systems: POS systems are computer-based systems used for
processing sales transactions, managing inventory, and generating sales reports. They
enable retailers to accept payments, track sales, and provide efficient customer service.
2. Inventory Management Systems: These computer applications help retailers manage
their inventory by tracking stock levels, automating reordering processes, and providing
real-time insights into product availability.
3. Customer Relationship Management Systems: CRM systems allow retailers to store and
manage customer data, track customer interactions, and analyze customer behavior.
4. E-commerce Platforms: Retailers utilize e-commerce platforms to sell products online,
reach a broader customer base, and facilitate secure online transactions.
5. Supply Chain Management Systems: Retailers utilize computer applications to manage
their supply chain, including order processing, logistics, and distribution.
6. Digital Signage and Interactive Displays: Computers are used to power digital signage
and interactive displays in retail stores. These displays can showcase promotional
content, provide product information.

POS terminals consist of the following hardware

1. Bar code reader/laser scanner: - this is used to input number that is coded in the bar code
as a result of thick and thin lines
2. Keyboard:- the keyboard is used to enter codes on items if the bar code is damaged
3. Touch screens:- these are often used in restaurants where there are no goods to scan
4. Swipe card reader: - these are used to swipe the magnetic stripes on loyalty cards
5. Chip and pin readers: - these are used by customers to insert their credit /debit cards
containing a chip

Point of sale terminals are connected via networks to other systems such as
1. Loyalty card systems
2. Account systems
3. Automatic stock control system


Internet shopping, also known as online shopping or e-commerce, refers to the process of
purchasing goods or services over the internet. It involves using a computer, smartphone, or
other internet-connected device to browse online stores, select products, make payments, and
arrange for delivery or pickup.


1. Wide range of goods to choose from
2. No traveling costs to go for shopping
3. You can order goods room anywhere in the world
4. Goods are deliver to your home

Disadvantages of online shopping TO CUSTOMERS

1. It is difficult to assess the quality of the goods before ordering
2. Hidden cost of postage and packing
3. Lack of customer relationship
4. Challenges of returning wrong size or faulty good
5. Customers


1. Goods can be sell at any time
2. There is no expensive fitted out high street stores to pay for
3. Less shoplifting
4. It is easy to keep in touch with customers as they can be email
5. Warehouse can be site anywhere that rental is cheap
6. Goods can be sell to anyone in the world

Disadvantages of internet shopping to the store

1. It lead to lose of job
2. Specialize ICT knowledge is needed to set up the website
3. Virus attack could stop people from being able to access the store
4. Not everyone have access to the internet
5. Challenges of hackers accessing customer credit cards details.

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