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Q1. What is outer layer of earth called? What is its importance in our life?

Ans. The outer layer of earth is called crust. We live on it. This part has mountains,
oceans, rivers, deserts, green fields and rural and urban life. It is 5 km to 70 km
Q2. Which soil is used for pottery? What are its properties?
Ans. Clay soil is used to make to plaster the village houses, bricks and pottery. Clay
particles are small in size. It is soft, sticky and brown. It can hold more water
Q3. Which matter is obtained from the decayed plants and insects?
Ans. Humus matter is obtained from the decayed plants and insects.
Q4. How much of the earth's surface is consist of ocean? Why cannot we
drink it?
97% of the earth's surface consists of ocean. It is so much salty so we can't drink it
Q5. Where is the water found in the form of solid, liquid and gas (vapour)?
Water is found in the form of solid on glaciers. The water is found in the form of
liquid in rivers, lakes and sea. The water is found in the form at gas in clouds
Q6. What are the three parts of Earth on the basis of its structure?
Ans. The outer layer is known as the crust. This part has mountains, oceans, rivers,
deserts, green fields and rural and urban life. It is 5 km to 70 km thick
The middle layer is the mantle. It consists of extremely hot thick fluid lava
The core is the central part of the Earth. It is the hottest and the heaviest
Q7. What are the sources of water?
Ans. Glaciers, streams, rivers, lakes, sea underground water and clouds are
sources water.
Q8. How any types of soil?
Ans. There are three types of soil; sand, clay and silt.
Q9. What are the uses of clay, sand and silt?
Ans. Clay is useful for making pottery, sand for glass and silt for crops.
Q10. What is humus?
Ans. The decayed matter is called humus. It makes the soil fertile.
Q11. Which soil is used to plaster the village houses? Which property of the
soil useful to do so?
Ans. Clay soil is used to plaster the village houses. Clay particles are small in size.
It is soft, sticky and brown. It can hold more water
Q12. How do the plant roots and other creatures inside the Earth respire?
Ans. The plant roots and other creatures inside the Earth respire from the spaces
between the soil particles
Q13. Flash floods are extremely devastating. What causes floods? How can
the excess flood water be put to use?
Ans. Causes of floods are heavy rain and melting of ice.
It is stored in dams and used to grow crops and make electricity etc.
Q14. Define and describe water cycle?
Ans. The water cycle is the way water moves around the Earth in the form of
evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection.
Evaporation: Water from rivers, lakes, and oceans into water vapors
Condensation: The vapor cools down and forms clouds
Precipitation: Rain, snow, hail falls from the clouds.
Collection: Water collects in rivers, lakes, oceans, and underground and then
evaporates again.
Q15. How soil is formed?
Ans. Weathering process changes rocks into small particles into soil. It takes
thousands of years
Q16. How soil is compost of?
Ans. Soil is composed of small particles of rocks, minerals, water and air.
Q17. What do you know about clay soil?
Ans. Clay particles are very small. The soil is soft, sticky and brown. It can hold
more water. Clay soil is used to make to plaster the village houses, bricks and
pottery. Plants do not grow well in it
Q18. Write the characteristics of sand soil?
Ans. Sand particles are big and grey. Water is drained. Plants do not grow well in it
Q19. Why silt soil is good to grow plants and crops?
Ans. Silt is a mixture of sand, clay and humus. It is very useful to grow plants and
crops. It has water, air and minerals for plants.

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