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ISSN 2278-3091

Volume 8, No.6, November – December 2019

Hien D. Nguyen et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(6), November - December 2019, 3081 - 3086
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
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Model for representation the relations between geometric objects and

Drawing a figure of the problem in Plane geometry

Hien D. Nguyen1, Khang Le2, Phong T. Luc3, Minh N. Phan4, Vuong T. Pham5
University of Information Technology, VNU-HCM, Vietnam, Email:
University of Information Technology, VNU-HCM, Vietnam, Email:
University of Information Technology, VNU-HCM, Vietnam, Email:
University of Information Technology, VNU-HCM, Vietnam, Email:
Sai Gon University, Vietnam, Email:


When building the Intelligent Problem Solver (IPS) in plane In [2, 3], the authors present an Intelligent Problem Solver for
geometry, the figure of a problem is very important. Though solving exercises in plane geometry at middle school.
the figure, the hypothesis can be specified adequately and Although the system could give step-by-step solutions, it did
visually. When solving a problem, the figure helps to imagine not have the figure to illustrate the problem.
and grasp the important information from the problem. In this
paper, based on the knowledge base of plane geometry which In this paper, the knowledge model of relations, Rela-model
was built by Rela-model, the relational network between [3, 5], is applied to represent the knowledge base of plane
geometric objects in a problem is proposed. Using this geometry. Based on the structure of this knowledge base and
network, algorithms for automatically drawing the figure of a the semantic network [6], the relational network between
geometric problem are designed. The program for geometric objects in a problem is proposed. Using the
automatically drawing the figure is designed and tested for improved relational network, algorithms for automatically
mathematical exercises in middle-school. This program is
drawing the figure of a problem are designed. Based on those
useful to support the problem-solving in plane geometry.
results, a program for automatically drawing the figure of a
geometric problem are built. This program is useful to support
Key words: Knowledge representation; intelligent problem
solver; knowledge of relations; relational network; automatic the problem-solving in plane geometry.
The next section analyses some related works for drawing of
1. INTRODUCTION the figure of plane geometry. Section 3 presents the
knowledge base of plane geometry using the knowledge
Intelligent Problem Solver (IPS) is a kind of intelligent model of relations. This section also proposes the relational
learning system. In an IPS, the problems will be represented network to represent the relations between geometric objects.
by specification language and this system can solve many Section 4 presents the problems about automatic drawing a
kinds of the problems in the curriculum of the knowledge figure of plane geometry, and designs of algorithms for
domain. The knowledge base of an IPS system should be solving them. There are two problems for solving it: Building
adequate to solve problems in the certain knowledge domain the relational network between geometric objects, and
and their specification language was similar to that of human drawing the figure of an exercise. Based on the proposed
[1]. Besides, the solutions of this system are step-by-step, knowledge model and algorithms, a program for a program
readable and suitable with the learners’ level. for drawing the figure of geometric exercises has been set up
and tested in section 5. The last section concludes the paper
When building the IPS in plane geometry, the figure of a and gives some future works.
problem is very important. The figure makes the learner being
able to observer the problem visually. Though the figure, the 2. RELATED WORK
hypothesis can be specified adequately. When solving a
problem, the figure helps to imagine and grasp the important Nowadays there are many programs can support the drawing
information from the problem. Drawing the figure is also a of the figure for geometric problems, but it still has the
method to realize the facts in the hypothesis more clearly and limitations for building the IPS in plane geometry.
quickly. From that, an IPS in plane geometry with the
illustrate figure meets the requirements of an IPS in education GeoGebra is an interactive geometry intended for learning
[4, 16]. and teaching mathematics [9]. The program can draw some
basic geometric objects: Point, Segment, Line, Circle. Besides,
in [10, 11], GeoGebra is also used as an automatic reasoning

Hien D. Nguyen et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(6), November - December 2019, 3081 - 3086

tool for automatic finding of geometric conjectures and the Definition 3.2: Let K = (C, R, Rules) be a knowledge
verification or denial of these conjectures through the model of relations as Rela-model. The model of a problem on
Relation command. However, it only can draw a figure K is:
manually, it cannot product the figure automatically from the (O, F)  Goal
hypothesis of the problem. In which: O = O1, O2 …, Om, the set of objects in the
The Geometer's Sketchpad is a commercial interactive F = f1, f2,…, fn, the set of facts
geometry software program for exploring Euclidean Goal = g1, g2,…, gk, the goal of the problem.
geometry [12, 13]. It can construct the figure alike the
Each gi  Goal is: Determine an object, or Consider a
drawing with the compass and straightedge method.
relation between objects.
Nonetheless, this program only can draw a figure manually.
B. Knowledge base of plane geometry
The program in [7] uses the relational network between The knowledge of plane geometry, which has been mentioned
geometric objects to draw the figure of the problem in [14], can be represented by the Rela-model [3].
automatically. However, its specification language is too (C, R, Rules)
simple, so it only can execute each object discretely, it cannot 1) C–set of concepts: Set C consists of concepts, such as:
process based on the hypothesis of the problem. C = C(0)  C(1)
C(0) = {, POINT, LINE} // : set of real numbers.
The study of this paper proposes a model to represent the C(1) = {SEGMENT, RAY}
relational network between geometric objects in a problem Concept SEGMENT  C(1) has structure:
based on the combination between the knowledge model of Attrs = {_A, _B, len}, which:
relations and the conceptual graph. The structure of this _A, _B: POINT
network is improved from [7] to represent objects and their len: ;
relationships more clearly and exactly. This approach is Facts = {len > 0}
carried out based on a logic pattern in terms of semantic RulObj = { }
relation between objects [8]. This network is the foundation to C(2) = {ANGLE, TRIANGLE and types of it,
design of algorithms for drawing the figure of plane geometry QUADRANGLE and types of it, CIRCLE, …}
automatically. Concept PARALLELOGRAM  C(2) consists of:
Attrs = { A, B, C, D, O, a, b, c,
A, B, C, D, O: POINT
3.1 Knowledge base a, b, c, d, m, n: SEGMENT
S, p: 
A. Rela-model and model of problems
The Rela-model is an effective model to represent the
knowledge of relations [5]. This model was applied to Facts = {a//c, b//d, a =
represent knowledge domains about plane geometry [3] and c, b = d, O = m intersect n,
solid geometry [14]. In this section, Rela-model is used to OA midpoint AC, O midpoint BD}
represent the relations between geometric objects in the
figure. RulesObj = {r1:{m ⊥ n} → {this: ROHMBUS},
Definition 3.1 [5]: The knowledge model of relations, r2:{m = n} → {this: RECTANGLE},
called Real-model, is a tube: r3:{a = b} → {this: ROHMBUS},
(C, R, Rules) r4:{BOD = Pi/2}→ {this:
In which: RECTANGLE},
(1) C is a finite set of concepts. Each concept c is a class of r5:{m ⊥ n} → {S = ½*m*n}}
objects and has an instance set, called Ic. Concept c is a 2) R–set about relations:
triple (Attrs, Facts, RulObj), which Attrs is a set of There are various kinds of relations between concepts in C
attributes, Facts is a set of facts of concepts, and RulObj - Relations on c  C: there are binary relations between
is a set of deductive rules of concept. objects that have the same type, such as:
(2) R is a finite set of binary relations between concepts in + Relation between Congruent triangles
C. + Relation between Similar triangles
(3) Rules is a set of inference rules of the knowledge - Relations on ci  cj (ci, cj  C): there are binary relations
domain. Each rule r  Rules has the form: u(r)v(r), between objects that have different types:
where u(r), v(r) are set of facts. + Relation on MIDPOINT: between a point and a
+ Relations on PERPENDICULAR (): between
two lines, two segments, a line and a segment, etc.

Hien D. Nguyen et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(6), November - December 2019, 3081 - 3086

+ Relations on PARALLELE (//): between two 3.2 Relational Network of Geometric objects
lines, two segments, a line and a segment, etc. Though the knowledge base of plane geometry in section 2.1,
+ Relations on INTERSECT: between two lines, the relations between geometric objects in the figure of the
two segments, a line and a segment, etc. geometric problems can be represented by the relational
Besides, some hierarchical relations between concepts in network. This network is built based on the combination
C are also constructed: between the structure of Rela-model and the conceptual graph
+ Hierarchical relations on class Triangle. [5, 7].
+ Hierarchical relations on class Quadrangle. Definition 3.3: Relational network between geometric
3) Rules–set of rules: Some particular rules can be objects
represented by deductive rules: Given a knowledge base of plane geometry K = (C, R,
●{a: SEGMENT, b: SEGMENT, c: SEGMENT, Rules) as Rela-model, and a problem P = (O, F)  G as Def.
a // b, b  c} 3.2. The relational network represents the relations between
→{a  c} geometric objects in the problem P is a graph:
O = AB intersect CD} In which:
→{AOC = BOD, AOD = BOC}.  Vertex is a set of vertices of the graph. Each vertex is a
● {DEF: TRIANGLE, P: POINT, Q: POINT, geometric object. There are two kinds of objects:
P midpoint DE, Q midpoint DF} * Primitive object: the object can be determined
→{PQ // EF, PQ = ½ EF} freedom or based on other objects.
C. Kinds of facts * Deductive object: the object is implicitly determined
if and only if its attributes are determined.
Let K = (C, R, Rules) be a knowledge model of relations as
Rela-model. Kinds of facts is classified as Table 1:
Example 3.1:
Table 1: Kinds of facts - An object of POINT-concept is primitive kind.
Kind Denote Condition Example - An object of LINE-concept is primitive kind
Kind 1: AB: Segment, - An object of ANGLE-concept is deductive kind because
Inform the x:c x  Ic, c  C d: Line, that object is determined if and only if its two rays are defined.
object kind T: Triangle
- An object of TRIANGLE-concept is deductive kind
Kind 2:
Determine an because that object is determined if and only if its three
x x  Ic (c  C) Triangle(ABC) vertices are defined.
object or an
x.a a  x.Attrs T.S (area of triangle T)
attribute of an
object  Arc is a set of arcs representing the relations between
Kind 3: objects. Those arcs is used to connect the vertices of the
Determine an
x= AB = 5 relational network. There are two kinds of arcs:
object by a value x  Ic (c  C)
<const> Angle(ABC) = /3 * Connection arc ( ): Represents the connections
or a constant
expression between primitive objects.
Kind 4: AB = AC * Implicitly arc ( ): represents the connection with
x  Icx , y  Icy
Equality on x=y Triangle(ABC) = the deductive object.
(cx, cy  C)
objects Triangle(DEF) Example 3.2: Given the triangle ABC. The relational
AB // CD.
Kind 5: network between geometric objects of triangle ABC is as
A relation xΦy AB  BC. Fig.1:
between objects AH bisector

Specification of facts:
facts ::= FACT: fact-def+
fact-def ::= object-type | attribute | name | relation
object-type ::= concept (name) |
concept (name, <name>* )
relation ::= relation ( name, <name> + )
relation-def ::= RELATION name;
ARGUMENT: argument-def+
ENDRELATION; Figure 1: Relational network of triangle ABC
argument-def ::= name: type;

Hien D. Nguyen et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(6), November - December 2019, 3081 - 3086


Given a knowledge base of plane geometry K = (C, R, Rules) Based on the knowledge domain about plane geometry in [15],
a program for drawing the figure of geometric exercises has
as Rela-model, and the problem P = (O, F)  Goal as Def.
been set up and tested. This program can draw some kinds of
3.2. There are two problems for drawing the figure of the
geometric objects: Point, Line, Angle, Triangle and its other
problem P.
kinds, Quadrilateral and its other kinds, and Circle.
 Problem 1: Build the relational network G between
geometric objects in the problem P.
 Problem 2: Based on the relational network G, draw
the figure of the problem P.
4.1 Algorithm for building the relational network
Input: Knowledge base of plane geometry K = (C, R,
Rules), problem P = (O, F)  Goal
Output: Relational network G represents geometric
objects in the problem P. Figure 2: User-Interface of the program for drawing the figure of
geometric exercises
G is an empty graph (1) Input the hypothesis of the exercise
For each fact f in F do (2) The figure of the exercise which drawn by the program
1. Create sub network based on fact f.
For each object o in f do Example 4.1: Given a triangle ABC and a circumscribed
{ circle with center O. The altitudes AD, BE, CF of ABC meet
If object o does not depend on other objects at H and intersect the circle (O) at M, N, P, respectively. Prove:
then AEHF is an inscribed quadrilateral.
Object o is an isolated vertex. Model of problem:
Elif object o is a deductive object then O = {Triangle(ABC), Circle(O),
Add the implicitly arcs from dependent D, E, F, H, M, N, P : Point}
objects to o. F = { Circle(O) circumscribed Triangle(ABC),
Else AD altitudes Triangle(ABC),
Add the connection arcs from dependent BE altitudes Triangle(ABC),
objects to o. CF altitudes Triangle(ABC),
} H = AD intersect BE,
2. Merge sub network into G. M = AD intersect Circle(O),
od; N = BE intersect Circle(O),
Return network G; P = CF intersect Circle(O)}
Goal = {Prove: Quadrilateral(AEHF):
4.2 Algorithm for drawing the figure of the problem InscribedQuadrilateral}
The figure of this problem has been drawn by the program as
Input: Problem P = (O, F)  Goal of the knowledge
Fig. 3:
domain about plane geometry K = (C, R, Rules),
Relational network G represents geometric
objects in the problem P.
Output: A figure of the problem P.

For each vertex v in G.Vertex do

If there are not any arc to v then
v is generated freely.
Elif v depends on other vertex then
v is drawn based on other objects.
Figure 3: The figure of the example 4.1
Elif v is a deductive object then
v is implicitly determined by previous objects.
(All objects are determined by defining their coordinates or Example 4.2: Given a parallelogram ABCD, AB = 7,
equations). AD = 9, and O is the intersection point of AC and BD. Let OI
od; be the bisector of DOC with I belongs to DC. Let M be the
Show the figure intersection point of AI and BD, N be the intersection point of

Hien D. Nguyen et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(6), November - December 2019, 3081 - 3086

BI and AC. The line MN meets AD, BC, CD at J, K, L program can determine them clearly for automatic drawing.
respectively. However, some problems have the complex relations between
Prove: AI is the bisector of DAC objects, so the program have not yet drawn them.
Model of problem:
O = {Parallelogram(ABCD), 6. CONCLUSION
O, I, M, N, J, K, L: Point} The figure is an essential factor in the geometric problems.
F = {AB = 7, AD = 9, Based on the knowledge model of relations, Rela-model, a
O = AD intersect BC, relational network between geometric objects is given. This
I belongs DC, OI bisector DOC, network is a semantic network representing the relationships
M = AI intersect BD, N = BI intersect AC, between objects in a geometric problem. Using the network,
J = line(MN) intersect AD, algorithms for automatically drawing the figure of the
K = line(MN) intersect BC, problem are proposed. The program can draw almost basic
L = line(MN) intersect line(CD)} geometric objects in middle-school, such as point, line,
Goal = {Prove: AI bisector DAC} triangle, Quadrilateral, circle. The figure generating by this
program is natural, precise and similar the figure drawn
The figure of this problem has been drawn by the program as manually.
Fig. 4:
In the future, the program for automatically drawing the figure
of a problem will be combined to the Intelligent Problem
Solver in plane geometry [2, 3]. This combination makes the
IPS more completely when it can give the solution and the
figure of the geometric problem, and that IPS can meet the
requirements of an IPS in education [16]. Moreover, the
method for drawing the figure can be studied to apply for
drawing the figure of a problem in solid geometry [5, 14].
Figure 4: The figure of the example 4.2

5.2 Results of testing

The exercises for testing is collected from books [15]. Those 1. D. Nhon. Intelligent Problem Solvers in Education:
problems are classified by grades from 6th – 9th: Design Method and Applications, in Intelligent
 6th grade: The problems are about geometric objects: systems, V. Koleshko, Ed., InTech, 2012, ch.6.
line, segment, ray, angle and their relations. 2. N. Do, H. Nguyen. A Reasoning method on Knowledge
 7th grade: Besides geometric objects in the 6th – Base of Computational Objects and Designing a
grade, the problems are about: triangle and their System for automatically solving plane geometry
problems, in Proceedings of World Congress on
properties: altitude, bisector, etc.
Engineering and Computer Science 2011, San Francisco,
 8th grade: Besides the knowledge of triangle, the
USA, 2011, pp. 294-299.
problems are about: quadrilateral and their 3. H.D. Nguyen, V.T. Pham, T.T. Le, D.H. Tran. A
properties, kinds of quadrilateral: parallelogram, Mathematical Approach for Representation
rhombus, rectangle, square, etc. Knowledge about Relations and Its Application, in
 9th grade: Besides the knowledge of triangle and Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on
quadrilateral, the problems are about: circle and Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE 2015), Ho
their properties, kinds of circle: circumscribed circle, Chi Minh, Vietnam, 2015, pp. 324-327.
inscribed circle, escribed circle.
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7th grade 16 9 56%
LNCS 3220, pp.87-97, Springer, 2004.
8th grade 16 14 88%
9th grade 15 12 80% 5. N.V. Do, H.D. Nguyen, A. Selamat. Knowledge-Based
Total 59 43 73% model of Expert Systems using Rela-model.
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In 6th and 7th grades, geometric objects in problems are not Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), Vol. 28, No. 8, pp.
closely interrelated. The problems only have single inquires 1047 – 1090, 2018.
for each object, so they are not enough data for drawing them
exactly. In contrast, in 8th and 9th grades, the relations between
geometric objects in problems are closely. Hence, the

Hien D. Nguyen et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(6), November - December 2019, 3081 - 3086

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