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Cyberchondriac is a new term some of the medical community are using for
people who self-diagnose their medical ailments.

DOCTOR HILDEN: I think people do tend to think they are sicker than they are
based on the searches that they've done.
DOCTOR HILDEN: I hadn't heard the term cyberchondria until very recently.
NARRATOR: He says cyberchondria is becoming more prevalent.

He says cyberchondria is becoming more prevalent and leads to unnecessary
patient anxiety, and requests for tests that are not really needed.

DOCTOR HILDEN: I spend a considerable amount of time reassuring people
that what they have is not as dangerous as they think.
DOCTOR HILDEN: Overall, I think their effect is probably beneficial, in so far as
it does educate people as to what symptoms they should be concerned with.

Hilden says the Internet is a great resource when it comes to preventive care
too, like providing information about cholesterol, cardiovascular health or
quitting smoking.

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