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Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1: Origins and History ......................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2: Main Arguments of Flat Earth Supporters ................................................................... 1
Chapter 3: Popularity of the Flat Earth Theory .............................................................................. 2
Chapter 4: Scientific Counterarguments .......................................................................................... 2
Chapter 5: Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 2


The Flat Earth theory is the belief that the Earth is a flat disc rather than a sphere.
Despite modern science having definitively proven the Earth's spherical shape, this
alternative view persists among certain groups. In this text, we will explore the
origins of the Flat Earth theory, its main arguments, reasons for its popularity, and
scientific counterarguments.

Chapter 1: Origins and History

The Flat Earth theory has deep historical roots. In ancient times, many civilizations
believed the Earth was flat. For example, the ancient Egyptians and
Mesopotamians depicted the Earth as a flat disc surrounded by water. The Greeks
also adhered to this theory until the 5th century BCE, when Pythagoras and his
followers proposed the spherical model of the Earth.

With the advent of science and astronomy in Europe, especially through the works
of scientists such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton, the spherical Earth theory
became widely accepted. However, the idea of a Flat Earth experienced a
resurgence in the 19th century, thanks to figures like Samuel Rowbotham, who
wrote "Zetetic Astronomy," defending the Flat Earth theory.

Chapter 2: Main Arguments of Flat Earth Supporters

Modern proponents of the Flat Earth theory present several key arguments in its

1. Vision and Perspective: Supporters argue that if the Earth were spherical,
the horizon should exhibit a noticeable curvature visible to the naked eye.
However, the horizon always appears flat, which they claim supports the
Flat Earth model.
2. Photographs and Videos: They also assert that photographs and videos
from space showing a round Earth are fake and created by governments and
space agencies to deceive the public.
3. Gravity: Flat Earth proponents doubt the existence of gravity, claiming that
if the Earth were spherical, water and other objects should roll off its
surface, which does not happen in real life.

Chapter 3: Popularity of the Flat Earth Theory

Despite scientific evidence, the Flat Earth theory continues to attract attention and
gain popularity. Key factors contributing to this include:

1. Social Media: The internet and social media have played a significant role
in spreading the Flat Earth theory. Platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and
Twitter provide opportunities to quickly and widely disseminate
information, including misinformation.
2. Distrust in Science and Governments: Some people tend to distrust
official sources of information, including scientists and government
organizations. This distrust fuels belief in conspiracy theories, including the
Flat Earth theory.
3. Sense of Belonging: For some individuals, adherence to the Flat Earth
theory becomes a way to express their opinions and connect with others who
share their views.

Chapter 4: Scientific Counterarguments

The scientific community offers numerous pieces of evidence supporting the

spherical shape of the Earth:

1. Curvature of the Horizon: The curvature of the horizon can be observed

from high altitudes, such as from airplanes or using drones. Photographs and
videos taken from such heights clearly show the curvature of the horizon.
2. Satellite Images: Thousands of photographs and videos taken by satellites
show the Earth as a sphere. These data are supported by various space
agencies and independent organizations.
3. Gravity: The existence of gravity is confirmed by numerous scientific
experiments and observations. Gravity explains why water and other objects
stay on the Earth's surface, even if it is spherical.
4. Travel and Navigation: The facts of international flights and sea voyages
also confirm the Earth's spherical shape. Navigation systems and maps based
on the spherical model of the Earth work effectively and accurately.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

The Flat Earth theory represents an interesting phenomenon, demonstrating how

beliefs can persist and even spread despite scientific evidence. Understanding the
reasons for the popularity of this theory and examining its arguments helps better
appreciate the importance of critical thinking and the scientific approach in modern
society. Ultimately, scientific data unequivocally confirm that the Earth is
spherical, and this knowledge continues to be fundamental to our understanding of
the world and the cosmos.

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