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everyone w ho feels

This is ftorhat there ‘s more to life

How to become
a Digital Nomad
How to completely uproot your life and travel the world
Welcome to the matrix

Most people are stuck dreaming

01 What the F do you do for a living??

02What are the pros and cons?

03 Which option is best for you?

04 What steps do you need to take?

Thank you
You were lied to….

Put a finger down if you:

Have been told that your childhood dream was unrealistic

Are currently working a job that you hate


Have always wanted to travel, but can only do it a few weeks a
year or less


Dream of freeing up time to chase your passions and do the
things that actually matter to you


Feel fear when you think of a future where you are wasting your life
away in an office


Have been told that you need to climb the corporate ladder to be


Laugh when people say your last trip might have finally got that
travel bug out of your system

(while in reality, you were already planning the next trip on your flight home)
You ENJOY being out of your comfort zone


You have learned to believe that it is normal to trade your time
away in exchange for money

10 You have this insatiable feeling that there must be more to life
than the traditional path that was laid out for you

If none of these sound relatable to you, then I’m sorry to have wasted
your time but this guide is not for you. 

If this DOES sound relatable to you, then please trust me when I say:
You’re onto something.
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all”

Like you, we have a deep desire for something beyond the daily life.

Like you, we went out to chase that.

In 2020 Mila got rejected by the university she applied for, and we

decided to say: fuck it.

We booked a one-way ticket to Thailand and decided not to come back

until we were successful.

To this day that has been the best decision we’ve ever made and we

ever will.

For the past 4 years, we’ve experienced more freedom than I ever

expected was possible.

I can honestly say that I have lived my life and we just turned 23.

There’s more to life and you don’t have to follow the path that has been

laid out for you.

Most people spend their whole lives thinking there are rules and


There aren’t any.

Most people are
stuck dreaming
about the digital
nomad life instead
of living it.
Most people are stuck dreaming about the digital nomad life instead
of living it.


1️. You don’t even know where to start.

You dream about becoming a digital nomad but are so overwhelmed

by how complex you think it is that you don’t even take the first step.

SOLUTION: You just need the right information. 

There are three things you need to know:

What the f it is digital nomads actually do to make money while

Which option is best for you.
What steps you need to take to make it happen.

That’s exactly what this guide will help you with.

2. You are scared you’ll fail. 

You know your options but feel like you don’t have the right skills.

You lack the confidence in YOUR abilities to succeed or maybe you

found out there will be some obstacles in your way.

(no money, no time, no partner)

Rather than doing something about it, you are stuck worrying about it. 

Which means you don’t even start because you think YOU can’t do it. 

SOLUTION: You can deal with obstacles once they cross your path.
Worrying about it WON’T solve a thing.

Know that you don’t need to be an overnight success.

You don’t need to be an entrepreneur.
You don’t need to have any special skills or experience to take your
laptop across the world.

There are people traveling the world full-time with a stable income
who are WAY less qualified than you
Most peopleare
3. You’re overthinking it or you’re just a master procrastinator.

You are planning and thinking about the steps and decisions so much..

..that you get stuck looking for more information without actually taking

SOLUTION: You just need to take one step. And then the next. Once you
know your options and possible challenges, tackle them one by one.

Step 1) STOP hoarding information.

Step 2) Break down your tasks.

Step 3) Do the first step imperfectly. And then the next.

If you don’t take action or make a decision, life will make it for you.

Not taking action is what’s depriving you of a life traveling the world full-

4. You know you want to build a (freelance) business but need

money right now.

Which makes it hard to pick a path without the promise of a steady


It’s tough to balance immediate financial needs with wanting to build

something for the future.

Sometimes, wanting to do what you love doesn’t match with needing a

steady job and money.

And now you are afraid of making the wrong choice and regretting it.

Which can stop you from making any choice at all.


This is the exact issue we struggled with. What we’ve learned is this:

You don’t have to reach your ultimate goal in one go. 

Work your way to your ideal life.

Trade shitty problems for less shitty problems.

In this case, that would mean: get a remote job FIRST.

And while you have that job, work on your (freelance) business on the


Do this until you feel that your (freelance) business is taking off a little

bit and then make the switch to working on your business full-time.

(this is what WE are doing right now)

Here are two important notes:

1. You’re not stuck:

No matter what you choose now, you can always change direction


2. Just choose:

There is no such thing as the wrong choice.

You can and will succeed if you pick any of these and stick with them

long enough to make it happen.

The absolute most important step is THAT you make a decision,

otherwise you will be stuck dreaming instead of doing forever.


What the F 

do you do 

for a living??
First, let’s get into what the f it is digital nomads actually do to make
money while traveling.

If you’ve ever walked past someone working on their laptop in some

tropical destination and wondered:

“What the f do you do for a living??”

We’re here to shed some light on this. 

There are three types of digital nomads:

a) People with a remote job

b) Freelancers

c) Entrepreneurs

We created an overview just to give you an idea of what digital nomads

do for a living.
L iterally, ANY job you can do with a laptop can be
done remote because hello people it is 2024.

a) Remote work:
Customer support: Assist customers
via email, chat, or phone with all sorts
of things (this is what we did for 3 years in HR - no we didn’t
have any relevant previous job experience)
Marketing: Create social media posts
with Canva, write parts for the website,
talk with content creators, etc

Administrative work: ALL businesses b) Freelance:

have A LOT of administration needing
to be done, no matter what branch Web designer: Work on freelance
projects to create websites for clients.

Data entry: You simply fill in or review You don’t have to be a graphic

mountains of data, usually from one designer to do this, most low-ticket

system into another. providers simply use Squarespace

Sales: This can mean helping Photographer: Create photos for

customers, completing sales, finding companies, hotels, events, & portraits

new clients, and making sales calls (aka anyone who needs photos)

Recruitment: Search for potential job Translator: Translate written

applicants online, manage job listings, documents or websites (or proofread

review resumes, and arrange and edit those)

interviews. S ome of these still might sound daunting or

difficult, but trust me, they’re not - we’ll Virtual assistant: From administrative
explain how to apply to these anyway and support and managing calendars to
GET the job in our remote work ebook handling emails. This can be ANYTHING.
(Often for other remote freelancers and entrepreneurs because
they are busy people and love help with their daily tasks)
c) Business: Video editor: Every brand nowadays
needs videos. Edit and/or produce
E-commerce store owner: Start your
videos for clients on their social media,
online store selling products of your
website, or ads
choice. Ever heard of Shopify or Etsy

Social media manager: Most businesses

Create digital products: These can be
have no clue how social media works.
anything from courses and ebooks to
You can easily help businesses grow
templates, lists, calculators, or any kind
and manage their online presence
of resourc

Content writer: Create content for

Affiliate marketer: Promote products or
websites, blogs, captions, basically
services of other companies and earn
everything that has text
a commission for each successful
referral Alot of content creators/influencers Online tutor: Teach virtually. This can
make a part of their income this way. be anything. One that is common is
Online coach: If there’s something
teaching English.
you’re better at than 80% of people,
then there’s someone out there who
wants to get your help to grow.
Second, what are the pros and cons of each option?

There’s on overview of the pros and cons of each option on the next page.

Our take on all three options:

1. Remote Job - LEAST RISKY

Getting a remote job is the only option that offers stability, a regular paycheck,

and benefits from the start.

Which makes it perfect for those who dream of traveling the world…

…but don’t want to or can’t deal with the financial insecurities that come with

freelancing or starting an online business.

2. Freelance - QUICKEST TO START

If you already have some financial back-up and can handle the fluctuating

paychecks, then becoming a freelancer is the quickest way to become a

digital nomad.

Because you can start with small projects that you can do remote from the


In most cases, it’s easier to get your first client as a freelancer than it is to get a

remote job.

Yet, it’s harder to build a stable and reliable income and thus it takes time and

financial insecurity before you make this a success.


Starting an online business offers the highest potential for long-term freedom

and independence because it’s scalable.

However, this path costs significant upfront investment in time and resources.

There’s no guaranteed income at the start, and it can take a while before you

see any results.

If you’re ready to take risks and have the patience and financial cushion to

see your efforts pay off over time, this might be the path for you.
Remote job
Steady paycheck from the star
Less flexibility compared to freelancing and
Job securit running a busines
Benefits (health insurance, retirement plans, Limited control over work projects and directio
etc. Potentially limited growth and income potentia
Clear structure for your work day Dependence on employer for job stabilit
Clear career pat Risk of layoffs and downsizin
Team environmen Limited geographic flexibility if company
Minimal administrative task policies are stric
Opportunities for promotions and raises within Job satisfaction dependent on company
the company cultur
It might take some time before you get a
remote job

High flexibility and control over work schedul
High flexibility and control over work schedul
Ability to choose projects and client Ability to choose projects and client
Potential for high income with diverse project Potential for high income with diverse project
Independence and self-managemen Independence and self-managemen
Quick entry into the digital nomad lifestyl Quick entry into the digital nomad lifestyl
Potential to build a strong personal bran Potential to build a strong personal bran
Opportunity to work on diverse and interesting Opportunity to work on diverse and interesting
project project
Can scale up by raising rates or taking on more Can scale up by raising rates or taking on more
clients clients

Starting an Online Business

High growth and income potentia
CONS High risk with potential financial instabilit
Complete control over business decisions and Requires significant time, effort, and resources
directio to start and gro
Opportunities for passive income through Requires self-discipline and time management
products or service skill
Scalability by hiring employees or automating Responsible for all aspects of the business
processe (marketing, sales, administration, etc.
Potential to innovate and create unique No guaranteed income, especially in the early
products or service stage
Leveraging digital marketing and e-commerce High competition in the online business spac
for growt Potential for financial losses if the business fails
Possibility of exiting or selling the business for a
03 Which option
is best for you?
Third, which option is best for you?

It’s important to realize that there is no such thing as a “wrong choice”.

You have the flexibility to pivot and adapt as you go. Each step you take
is a learning experience that brings you closer to your dream.

To give you an idea: our journey went a little something like this

1. We started with low-paying jobs that were physically very intense 

(Mila was a waitress and Magnus did manual labor in logistics)

We barely saw each other as Magnus worked the early mornings to
afternoons and Mila worked afternoons to late nights.

2. AFTER THAT, we tried to wing it and start a business. We failed.

3. THEN we started working as colleagues in a grey office, but we still

struggled with a job that was far from ideal because it wasn’t remote
and we did not love the work.

4. FINALLY, we turned that job into a remote job. But we still worked a
job that we didn’t like and we had traded the boring grey office for the
fear of losing our jobs at any moment.

5. NOW, we live in Bali and quit our remote jobs after having built
enough stability to rely on our freelance and online business The
Remote Concept.

Having a remote job in HR might not have been our dream job, but it’s
been our stepping stone to a freelance and online business
03iWhi ch optio
So which one is best for you?
Making a choice depends on two factors:

1. Your long-term goals (what you dream of)

2. Your current situation (what you currently need)

If you dream of finding a remote job and aren’t looking to start a

business of your own, great, you should get a remote job. 

If you dream of freelancing or starting an online business and have the

time and financial cushion to build something great, and awesome, you
(QbusiuincekssquANestD ihaonvefoar thlargoseesuwhmoofdreamomneofy waststarintig nawg aay on a
found your direction. 

baconulkdacpocossiunblytbefomor “fure tuimporertinanvestt thmeannts”inv:estwhiicnhg iinnvYOestU?me)nt

And for those of you who dream of starting a freelance or online

But don’t have the time or financial cushion to take risks and build
something, welcome. We were the same
We tried risking it anyway
Trying to build something while we had no skills or resources
Were living off our savings but we quickly ran ou
And we quickly got burnt out from the financial stress. 

So we decided to try it another way -> we learned how to find a remote job.
03iWhi ch optio
Our remote job was filled with boring HR tasks, annoying colleagues,
and useless meetings.

Yet, getting that job is the best thing we ever did.

You see, there’s no such thing as overnight success.

Meaning that for most people 

becoming a digital nomad

is not so glamorous.

It’s about trading shitty problems for slightly less shitty problems.

It’s time to make a choice

There are people traveling the world full-time with a stable income who
are way less qualified than you.

It’s time you make a choice and go for it.

04 What steps
do you need
to take?
04 What steps do
you need to take?
Lastly, let’s talk about which steps you need to take to make it happen.

This ebook was designed to help you understan

What the f it is digital nomads actually do to make money while


Which option is best for you.

And which steps you need to take to make it happen.

In the chapters above, we talked about the three options you have to

become a digital nomad and which of those options is best for you.

We believe you downloaded this ebook because you want to change

your life and you’re interested in traveling the world.

So, this is the moment:

We challenge you to get out of your regular environment: today.

Go to a place you haven’t been before: a cafe, a library, somewhere.

Take a pen and paper with you.

Now, write down: “I want…” followed by something you want your life

to look like:

• Where you want to live

• What you want to do for a living

• How much you want to make

• What you want your days to look like

It can be literally anything. Write down at least 10.

Now, I want you to set a goal for yourself, for example:

“I want to leave the Netherlands in 6 months and I want to travel to


Circle it 10 times.
04youWhat steps
Great! Now, there’s no going back… now that you’ve actually visualized it
and written it down: it’s going to suck.

Every day is going to be a little harder because you haven’t made it

happen yet.

Our goal with this ebook is to create so much friction that you are going
to NEED to take the next steps. 

We challenged you to go to a place you’ve never been before because

changing your environment detaches you from the strings of your old
life and speeds up your growth. 

Spend the rest of your time in this new environment writing down the
next steps you need to take to reach your goal
To start a freelance or online business, that could look something like
Choose a business Idea and conduct market research
(websi t e, social media, email list,
Set up your business infrastructure
Develop products or service (create an offer, set prices)
(find leads and convert them into buyers with a marketing funnel)
Market and scale your business

To find a remote job, that might look something like

Choose an industry to focus on and conduct research about
opportunities and how to market yoursel
(resume, moti vati on letter,
Set up your online presence
email, social
Learn how to identify remote job opportunitie
Apply until you get a yes
04youWhat steps
Step-by-step framework
If you’re ready for the next step and want some guidance on how to get
to your goal:

We’re currently creating a step-by-step framework with our proven

method to successfully get a remote job.

To help you avoid the same mistakes we made.

To make it a LOT easier and simpler to make money online.

And to share how to ACTUALLY get a remote job so you can travel the

It’s everything we would’ve wanted to know when we were starting out

A step-by-step guide on everything from building your resume to
applying for a remote jo
The best strategies we’ve found to get a remote jo
How you can still win even if you don’t have any qualification
Resume, cover letter, email, portfolio, email-signature & follow-up
How to know which jobs to apply to and where you can find the
Extra guides on creating a LinkedIn, interview questions, and using
A series of follow-up emails to keep you accountable

If you want something DIFFERENT from the 9-5.

Join the waitlist for our remote work accelerator program

PS: Everyone on the waitlist gets early access and a discounted price.
Thank you
We look forward to starting the!is journey
with you, until next tim

I hope after reading this you know you’re onto

something. You know your options and you know
what your next step is going to be.

We’re grateful to be part of your journey, looking

forward to see where it takes you and we’re
ALWAYS interested to hear what steps you’ve
taken, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

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