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College Board AP Chemistry Your notes

4.5 Stoichoimetry
Conservation of Mass
Mole Calculations
Ideal Gas Law & Solutions

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Conservation of Mass
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Conservation of Mass
Mass cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be rearranged
The Law of conservation of mass states the mass must state the same over time
During chemical processes, the atoms in chemical compounds are rearranged to form new ones
The principle of mass conservation can be used to calculate the amount of products or the amount of
reactants for a given chemical equation

Worked example
The following chemical reaction is carried in a chemical reactor:
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
If 4 g of hydrogen gas were used during the reaction, and 36 g of water were collected at the end of
the reaction. How much oxygen gas reacted?
Step 1: Count the amount of grams of reactants and products. If there is an unknown mass, place
it as an unknown (x)
Mass of the reactants (g) Mass of the products (g)

4+x 36

Step 2: Set up a mathematical equation using the law of conservation of mass

mass of reactants = mass of products
4 + x = 36
Step 3: Solve the equation to find the unknown mass of oxygen
4 + x = 36
x = 36-4 =32
32 g of O2 reacted

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Mole Calculations
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Mole Calculations Using Balanced Equations
Mass to moles calculations
Chemical amounts are measured in moles
The mass contained in one mole of a substance is called the molar mass (M)
The molar mass is is the same as the relative atomic mass in elements, or the relative molecular mass in
The molar mass can be calculated using the periodic table of the elements
The unit for the molar mass is g mol-1
The amount of moles (n) in a mass of sample (m) can be calculated with this formula

Worked example
Calculate the number of moles in 19.0 g of O2
Step 1: Calculate the molar mass of O2
M = relative molecular mass of O2
M = 2 × mass of O
M = 2 × 16.00 g mol-1
M = 32.00 g mol-1
Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of O2
n = m/M
n = 19.0 g/ 32.00 g mol-1
n = 0.594 mol of O2

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Exam Tip
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It is a good practice for your exam to work using the units during the whole calculation. This can help
you to keep track if your workings are giving sensible answers. E.g. The number of moles calculated is
not usually greater than 20 mol

Reading balanced chemical equations

A balanced chemical equation works like a recipe to that show the moles of reactants and products
involved in the reaction
The coefficients (numbers before each chemical formula) are equivalent to the number of moles
E.g Burning hydrogen to produce water is read like this: 2 mol of hydrogen react with 1 mol of oxygen to
produce 2 mol of water
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

Moles to moles calculations

Since the chemical equation is a recipe, the ratio between the moles of products and reactants is the
same no matter the amount of moles
Multiple ratios can be written down for the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to produce water
2 mol of H 2 2 mol of H 2 1 mol of O 2
1 mol of O 2 2 mol of H 2 O 2 mol of H 2 O

The ratios work as conversion factors and they can also be inverted depending on the practice
The ratios are used to calculate unknown moles of reactants and products

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Worked example
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How many moles of water (H2O) are produced when 6.7 moles of O2 react with enough moles of H2?
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
Step 1: Use the quantity given by the statement to start a new mathematical multiplication
6.7 mol of O2 ……………..
Step 2: Choose the best ratio from the chemical equation. It must have the following units: the
quantity that you already have at the bottom, and the quantity that you need on top
Quantity that you have = mol of O2
Quantity that you need = mol of H2O

2 mol of H 2
1 mol of O 2

Step 3: Use the conversion factor to obtain what you need.

2 mol of H 2
6. 7 mol of O 2 × = 13 . 4 mol of H 2 O
1 mol of O 2

The reaction of 6.7 moles of O2 with enough moles of H2 produced 13.4 moles of H2O

Mass to mass calculations

One of the most assessed calculations in exams are mass to mass calculations
The general process to perform this calculation is summarized in the next figure:
Mass to mass calculations summary

General process for a mass to mass calculations showing the formula or the ratio that must be used for
each step

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Worked example
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How many g of hydrogen gas (H2) react with enough O2 to produce 350.0 g water H2O?
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
Step 1. Set up the steps using the general process for a mass to mass calculation. The initial
quantity is always given by the statement

Step 2: Calculate the moles of water using its mass and molar mass
M = relative molecular mass of H2O
M = 1 × mass of O + 2 × mass of H
M = 16.00 + 2 × 1.008
M = 18.016 g mol-1
n = m/M
n = 350.0 g/ 18.016 g mol-1
n = 19.4272 mol of H2O
Step 3: Calculate the moles of hydrogen gas (H2) needed using the ratio from the chemical
1 mol of H 2
19 . 4272 mol of H 2 O × = 19 . 4272 mol of H 2
1 mol of H 2 O

Since the ratio is 1:1 the moles of hydrogen needed must be the same
Step 4: Calculate the mass of hydrogen gas (H2)
M = relative molecular mass of H2
M = 2 × mass of H
M = 2 × 1.008

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M = 2.016 g mol-1
n = m/M Your notes
m = 19.4272 mol × 2.016 g mol-1
m = 39.165 g
Step 5: Write the answer with the correct number of significant figures
Since the only quantity given by the statement has 4 significant figures, the answer must be
written down with 4 significant figures
The mass of hydrogen gas needed to produce 350.0 g of water is 39.17 g

Limiting reactant Calculations

In chemical reactions with two or more reactants, the most common scenario is the one of the
reactants determines when the reaction ends
The limiting reactant is completely consumed during the chemical reaction and it limits the amount of
product formed
The reactants in excess occur in greater amount than the amount needed to react completely with the
limiting reactant
The amount of product calculated using the chemical reactant is also known as theoretical yield
The general process to perform this calculation is summarized in the next figure:
Limiting reactant calculations summary for a generic equation

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General process for a limiting reactant calculation showing the formula or the ratio that must be used for
each step. The generic equation is shown above the diagram

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Worked example
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Calculate the theoretical yield of water (H2O) collected, when 200.0 g of hydrogen gas (H2) react with
200.0 g of oxygen gas (O2)
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
Step 1. Set up the steps using the general process for a mass to mass calculation. The initial
quantities are always given by the statement

Step 2.1: Calculate the moles of water produced by the mass of hydrogen gas
M = relative molecular mass of H2
M = 2 × mass of H
M = 2 × 1.008
M = 2.016 g mol-1
n = m/M
n = 200.0 g/ 2.016 g mol-1
n = 99.206 mol of H2

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2 mol of H 2 O
99 . 206 mol of H 2 × = 99 . 206 mol of H 2 O
2 mol of H 2
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Step 2.2: Calculate the moles of water produced by the mass of oxygen gas
M = relative molecular mass of O2
M = 2 × mass of O
M = 2 × 16.00
M = 32.00 g mol-1
n = m/M
n = 200.0 g/ 32.00 g mol-1
n = 6.25 mol of O2
2 mol of H 2 O
6. 25 mol of O 2 × = 12 . 5 mol of H 2 O
1 mol of O 2

Step 3: Analyze the amount of moles and determine the limiting reactant
The least amount of moles of water was produced with the mass of oxygen gas. Therefore, the
limiting reactant is oxygen gas (O2)
Step 4: Calculate the mass of water (H2O)
M = relative molecular mass of H2O
M = (1 × mass of O) + (2 × mass of H)
M = 16.00 + (2 × 1.008)
M = 18.016 g mol-1
n = m/M
m = 12.5 mol × 18.016 g mol-1
m = 225.2 g of H2O
Step 5: Write the answer with the correct number of significant figures
Since both quantities given by the statement have with 4 significant figures, the answer must be
written down with 4 significant figures
The theoretical yield of water is 225.2 g of H2O

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Percent Yield Calculations Your notes

In all the scenarios, external conditions to the experiment will not allow to reach the 100% of yield
during a reaction
The amount of product that is actually produced in laboratory conditions is called actual yield
The actual yield is always less than the theoretical yield
A comparison between the theoretical yield and the actual yield can be represented using the percent
yield, whose formula is shown below
actual yield
percent yield = × 100 %
theoritical yield
Percent yield calculations are usually mixed with limiting reactant calculations

Worked example
The theoretical yield of water in the previous worked example was 225.2 g of water. If the reaction was
carried in the laboratory and 198.3 g of water were collected at the end of the reaction. What is the
percent yield of the reaction?
Step 1: Determine the actual yield and the theoretical yield
Actual yield = 198.3 g
Theoretical yield = 225.2 g
Step 2: Plug the values inside the percent yield formula
actual yield
percent yield = × 100 %
theoritical yield

198 .3 g of water
percent yield = × 100 %
225 .2 g of water
percent yield = 88. 06 %

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Ideal Gas Law & Solutions

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Calculations of Gases & Solutions
Calculations with Ideal Gases
Gases that participate in chemical reactions can be used to perform mole calculations
It must be assumed that all the gasses behave as ideal gases
Therefore, the ideal gas equation must be used depending on the context of the problem
The ideal gas equation connects the pressure (P), volume (V) and temperature (T) of an ideal gas with
the amount of moles (n)
The equation is shown below:
PV = nRT
The gas constant (R) can adopt different values depending on the units used for pressure, volume and
R = 8.314 J mol-1 K-1 = 0.08206 L atm mol-1 K-1 = 62.36 L torr mol-1 K-1
These values will be shown in the Equations and Constants section at the beginning of your AP
Chemistry examination

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Worked example
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The reaction of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) produces calcium chloride
(CaCl2), water (H2O), and carbon dioxide gas (CO2). If the reaction takes place in a container at 1.02
atm and 27.0 ℃. How many liters of carbon dioxide are released when 50.0 g of sodium carbonate
reacts with enough hydrochloric acid?
Step 1: Write a balanced equation for the chemical reaction
CaCO3 + HCl → CaCl2 +H2O + CO2
Balance Cl
CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 +H2O + CO2

Left Right

Ca 1 1

C 1 1

O 3 3

H 2 2

Cl 2 2

The equation is balanced

Step 2: Analyze the statement and set up the steps that you are going to use to solve the problem.
The initial quantity is always given by the statement

Step 3: Calculate the moles of calcium carbonate using its mass and molar mass
M = relative molecular mass of CaCO3

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M = (1 × mass of Ca) + (1 × mass of C) + (3 × mass of O)

M = (1 × 40.08) + (1 × 12.01) + (3 × 16.00) Your notes
M = 100.09 g mol-1
n = m/M
n = 50.0 g/ 100.09 g mol-1
n = 0.49955 mol of CaCO3
Step 4: Calculate the moles of carbon dioxide using the ratio from the chemical equation
1 mol of CO 2
0. 49955 mol of CaCO 3 × = 0. 49955 mol of CO 2
1 mol of CaCO 3

Since the ratio is 1:1 the moles of carbon dioxide must be the same
Step 5: Calculate the liters of carbon dioxide using the ideal gas equation
PV = nRT
Since the answer must be in liters, R = 0.08206 L atm mol-1 K-1
The pressure and temperature are given by the statement: 1.02 atm and 27.0 ℃
When working with the ideal gas equation, temperature must be in Kelvin. Therefore,
K = °C + 273
K = 27.0 + 273
K = 300 K
Once, temperature is in Kelvin and pressure in atm. The ideal gas equation can be
PV = nRT
Rearranging the equation,
V =

Replacing the variables by the quantities given by the statement,

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(0. 49955 mol) (0. 08206 L atm mol −1 K−1 ) (300 K)

V =
1. 02 atm
Your notes
V = 12.057 L
Step 6: Write the answer with the appropriate number of significant figures
Since all the quantities from the statement are given with 3 significant figures. The answer must
be written with 3 significant figures
The volume of carbon dioxide produced is 12.1 L

Calculation with Solutions

There are a lot of chemical reactions between solutions
A solution is a liquid homogeneous mixture that has two components: a solute (in small amounts) a
solvent (in big amounts)
The solvent in most of the reaction is water
The amount of moles that are involved in the reaction depends on the concentration of the solution
and its volume
Molarity (M) is used to quantify the concentration, and it connects the moles of solute (n) and the
volume of solution in liters (V)
n of solute
M =
V of solution in liters

Remember that L = dm3

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Worked example
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How much L of 0.100 M KCl solution will react completely with 0.200 L of a 0.200 M Pb(NO3)2?
2KCl (aq) + Pb(NO3)2 (aq) → PbCl2 (aq) + 2KNO3 (aq)
Step 1: Analyze the statement and set up the steps that you are going to use to solve the problem.
The initial quantity is always given by the statement. In calculations with solutions, start always
with the reactant or product that you have the most information
Since, volume and molarity are given for Pb(NO3)2, it must be the starting point

Step 2: Calculate the moles of Pb(NO3)2 using the molarity equation

n of solute
M =
V of solution in liters

Rearranging the equation,

n of solute = M × V of solution in liters
Replacing the values,
n of solute = 0.200 M × 0.200 L
n of solute = 0.04 mol of Pb(NO3)2
Step 3: Calculate the moles of KCl that reacted using the ratio from the chemical equation
2 mol of KCl
0. 04 mol of Pb (NO 3 ) 2 × = 0. 08 mol of KCl
1 mol of Pb (NO 3 ) 2

Since the ratio is 1:2 the moles of KCl must be double

Step 4: Calculate the volume in L of KCl solution that are needed to react completely
n of solute
M =
V of solution in liters

Rearranging the equation,

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n of solute
V of solution in liters =
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Replacing the values,

0. 08 mol of KCl
V of solution in liters =
0. 100 M

V of solution in liters = 0.8 L

Step 5: Write the answer with the appropriate number of significant figures
Since all the quantities from the statement are given with 3 significant figures. The answer must
be written with 3 significant figures
The volume of KCl solution required to react completely with the Pb(NO3)2 solution is 0.800 L

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