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Cyber Security Certification Exam

Date: 11/05/2024 Max Marks: 50
Time: 1 Hour Min Marks: 20
• Each question carries 2 marks. Obtained Marks:
• All the questions are mandatory.

Q1. What is the primary goal of cybersecurity?

To monitor internet usage
To protect computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure,
disruption, modification, or destruction
To build firewalls and install antivirus software
To develop new computer hardware

Q2. Why is cybersecurity important in today's world?

Because technology is heavily relied upon for personal communication and financial
transactions, making us vulnerable to cyberattacks
Because it helps develop new software applications
Because it is a requirement by law
Because it makes the internet faster

Q3. What is meant by maintaining business continuity in the context of cybersecurity?

Ensuring businesses can operate smoothly without interruptions from cyberattacks
Ensuring employees take regular breaks
Ensuring businesses update their hardware regularly
Ensuring businesses comply with environmental regulations

Q4. Which aspect of the CIA triad ensures that only authorized users can access information?

Q5. Which aspect of the CIA triad ensures that information remains accurate?
Q6. Which aspect of the CIA triad ensures that information and systems are accessible to authorized
users when needed anytime anywhere?

Q7. What is cyber warfare?

Criminal activities conducted through the Internet
Use of cyberspace to conduct terrorist activities
Actions by nation-states or international organizations to attack and damage another
nation's computers or information systems
Unauthorized access to sensitive data for economic gain

Q8. Which of the following is an example of a cybercrime?

Spreading malware for financial gain
Attacking another nation's computers
Conducting terrorist activities online
Unauthorized access to data for political reasons

Q9. What is the main aim of cyber terrorism?

To steal sensitive data for economic gain
To conduct illegal activities online
To develop new cybersecurity software
To create fear, disrupt critical infrastructure, and cause harm

Q10. What is a common cyber threat that involves deceptive emails designed to trick users into
revealing personal information?
Denial-of-service attacks

Q11. What type of malware spreads automatically across networks without user interaction?

Q12. What is the role of a white hat hacker?

To exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain
To identify and fix vulnerabilities in systems ethically
To operate in a murky area, sometimes exploiting vulnerabilities for non-malicious reasons
To develop malware for financial gain
Q13. What does the term "risk" refer to in cybersecurity?
Potential harm or loss from threats exploiting vulnerabilities
Potential benefit from new software
Potential cost of new hardware
Potential gain from data breaches

Q14. What is a vulnerability in cybersecurity?

New software errors
Weak spots in systems that can be exploited by threats
Strong security measures
Authorized access points & hotfixes

Q15. What is an exploit in the context of cybersecurity?

New software application
Security measure to protect data
Code or technique used by attackers to take advantage of vulnerabilities
Authorized network traffic

Q16. What does a breach refer to in cybersecurity?

Unauthorized access to systems, networks, or data
Untrusted data
Authorized access to sensitive data
New software installation

Q17. What is the purpose of authentication in cybersecurity?

Verifying the identity of users attempting to access systems
Allowing open access to all users
Encrypting all data transmissions
Blocking all network traffic

Q18. How do firewalls contribute to network security?

By automatically updating software
By providing internet access to all devices
By monitoring employee productivity
By controlling and monitoring incoming and outgoing network traffic based on security

Q19. What is the primary function of a Network Interface Card (NIC)?

To allow a computer to connect to a network
To monitor network traffic
To provide internet access
To store packet data which can be later used to attack a network
Q20. How does a layer-2 layer-3 router function in a network?
By directing data packets to their intended destinations
By storing data & analyzing it to block access
By providing wireless connectivity
By scanning for viruses

Q21. What role does a switch play in a network?

Transmitting data packets to specific devices based on predetermined criteria
Establishing wireless connections between devices
Encoding and decoding data for transmission
Directing data packets solely to the intended recipient, thereby optimizing network traffic

Q22. What is the primary difference between a hub and a switch?

A switch connects devices wirelessly, while a hub uses Ethernet cables
A hub broadcasts data to all devices, while a switch forwards data only to the intended
A hub modulates data, while a switch demodulates data
A switch stores data, while a hub monitors traffic

Q23. What is the goal of the Information Gathering (Reconnaissance) phase in ethical hacking?
To gather as much information as possible about the target system and its environment
To exploit identified vulnerabilities
To scan the target system for open ports
To cover tracks and erase activity logs

Q24. During which phase does an ethical hacker use specialized tools to scan the target system for
Information Gathering

Q25. What is the ethical hacker's goal during the Exploitation phase?
To understand how an attacker could exploit the vulnerability and the potential impact
To gather as much information as possible about the target system
To identify specific versions of software
To erase activity logs and avoid detection


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