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Amazon leadership principles:

- Customer obsession: keep customer trust, make sure to keep them satisfied
- Ownership: leaders are owners, go above and beyond just your own team
- Learn and be curious: always looking to learn every day, try new things
- Think big: think outside the box to deliver to customers
- Have backbone; Disagree and commit: challenge the status quo
- Deliver results: always rise to the occasion no matter what
- Bias for action: speed matters in business
- Invent and simplify: simple can be good
S – Situation: what the story is about
T- Task: role and responsibility in the story
A- Action: steps you took
R- Result: outcome of the actions

FYI: Use “I” and now “We”. Plug in as many numbers.

- Detail orientation
- Time management/ deadline
- Organized/ multi tasking/ to do list
- ask for help

- Day to day
- 6 months down the line
- What specific things do you what from somebody in this role.
- Doubt/Any red flags.
Q1. We are looking for a Brand Specialist who can be self-critical and willing to accept feedback
from others. Talk to me about a time when you received criticism from a co-worker or leader.

S- PD for fossil
T- produce new product group for men’s business
A- do presentation to VP, show presentation to supervisor, and didn’t like no creativity,
R- add personality, add research more customer focused with story to deliver.

Q2. Amazonians have the unique ability to 'Invent and Simplify.' Tell the story of a time when
you faced a complex challenge and found a simple solution.
S- Nieman’s assistant buyer, buyer left to market, other assistant buyer quit.
T- man down office, manage all business, answer calles etc.
A overwhelmed, reached out to other buyer for help, guided, coached.
R- keep office afloat, ownership of position, went above and Beyonce.

Q3. Amazon Brand Specialists should create and communicate a bold direction that inspires
results. Tell me about a time when you introduced a unique perspective or inspiring idea.
S- Neimans, Etho maria (one vendor), doing well.
T- Figure out a way to increase online presence and sales.
A- Went through their landing page, looked and images, copy, too bland, pixelated. Decided to
bring all pieces back in to get reshot and delegated/worked with coordinator to do new copy. 2
day turn around.
R- Due to this, new pictures, more angles, sales increased 15% that quarter and hits on that
page with conversion gong up 200%. I was able to think big, with risk take imitative.

Q4. Amazon Brand Specialists have strong judgment and good instincts. Talk about a time when
you made an unpopular decision that you knew was right.
S- Neimans Orianne collins, new product line, came to office to show.
T- Pick new products for the season, SLAV collection, shackles bangle
A- after meeting with vendor, talk to boss, discuss concerns and fears
R- we were able to avert a PR nightmare and disaster, have backbone, disagree and commit.

Q5. Amazon believes that leaders are never done learning. What is the most important lesson
you have learned in the past year, and how will it benefit you as a Brand Specialist?
S- Seize the day, planning everything, especially with the pandemic, go with the flow mindset
T- analysis paralysis, Samsung get all my warehouse watches audit counted in person
A- no travel during the pandemic and covid restrictions, had to do those virtually and rely on
warehouse associates for accurate results
R- As a Brand Specialist and an Amazonian, I must be ready to 'Learn and Be Curious' and act.
Trying things virtual, going with the flow, successful audit, meet company goals and had very
little margin on error.
Q6. Amazon Brand Specialists are expected to raise the bar and deliver the highest standards.
Talk about a time when you raised the bar in a professional setting.
S- Samsung, inventory and logistics senior specialist, managing inventory gaps between our
system in the office and live results from warehouse scanners
T- Bi-Weekly sync of inventory numbers to reduce gaps and figure out issues
A- so instead of doing it bi weekly I decided to take 30 mins a day instead if a couple hours
every 2 weeks to do my sync and reduce gaps.
R- gaps went from 10% issue to just 0.3% by doing this daily, thus raising the bar. Able to think
big and deliver results.

Q7. Amazonians know that speed matters in business. Discuss a time when you had to make a
decision on the spot.
S- Samsung, last minute full inventory count due to last minute change in system
T- Normal inventory 1 week, this one 48 hours
A worked with warehouse manager to get associates to work longer split shifts and not
overwork anyone. Turned task to competition. Free movie tickets for first team to complete
R- plan worked finished count in 40 hours and team was connected. Deliver results no matter
what amazon.

Q8. As an Amazon Brand Specialist, you will face constraints that should breed resourcefulness,
innovation, and self-sufficiency. Tell me about a time when you displayed self-sufficiency in the
face of a constraint or roadblock.
S- while producing my new product group @ fossil,
T- PD expensive not hitting margin, figure out better ways,
A- talked to warehouse to find better leathers, talked to accessories for zippers and better
closures, used PU in some places
R- hit margin, while still maintaining integrity and design intended. Raised margin to 60% even
though required margin was 55%. Deliver results.

Q9. Despite setbacks, Amazonians rise to the occasion. Talk about a time when you were
struggling and turned the situation around.
S- while producing my new product group @ fossil,
T- PD expensive not hitting margin, figure out better ways,
A- talked to warehouse to find better leathers, talked to accessories for zippers and better
closures, used PU in some places
R- hit margin, while still maintaining integrity and design intended. Raised margin to 60% even
though required margin was 55%. Deliver results.

Q10. Which of Amazon's 14 Leadership Principles do you feel you need to work on the most?
Frugality, but working on it particularly when trying to deliver the best results I can sometimes
not be as frugal and accomplish more with less. But in my current job I have been trying to
reduce my expenses when it comes to getting task done by the warehouse, reducing travel
costs, cutting down on unnecessary shipments back and fort between my warehouse and
others. I am excited to grow in this particular area so that when I join the Amazon team, I will
be ready to embrace this Leadership Principle without hesitation.

Q11. Choose one of Amazon's 14 Leadership Principles and talk about a time when you
embodied that principle at work or school.
S- Neimans, assistant buyer,
T- get a discount for a high-end piece, but DMM was out for approval
A- calculated discount, filled out the form for the customer, worked the store manager and
associate, got buyer signature and confirmation
R- satisfied client, biggest selling piece of quarter, AB of the month, Customer obsession, earn
customer trust. After DMM came back was satisfied for taking initiative.

Q12. Amazon Brand Specialists strive to improve the customer journey at every turn. Tell me
about a time when you went above and beyond to deliver exceptional service.
S- Neimans, assistant buyer, not customer facing
T- customer called me somehow, needed help with purchasing a piece from the website
A- Didn’t transfer them, helped navigate the website, find pieces they were looking for, got
information about sizing etc. full cart transferred them to customer service
R- satisfied customer, customer obsession, knowledge of products to convince, ownership even
though it was not my position.

Q13. Brand Specialists embrace Amazon's Leadership Principle of 'Customer Obsession.' Talk
about your most challenging customer and how you successfully delivered on their
S- Neimans, assistant buyer,
T- get a discount for a high-end piece, but DMM was out for approval
A- calculated discount, filled out the form for the customer, worked the store manager and
associate, got buyer signature and confirmation
R- satisfied client, biggest selling piece of quarter, AB of the month, Customer obsession, earn
customer trust. After DMM came back was satisfied for taking initiative.

Q14. Amazon believes in 'Ownership', and our team members act on behalf of the entire
company - beyond just themselves or their team. Talk about a time when you served on behalf
of others without being asked.
S- Neimans, assistant buyer, not customer facing
T- customer called me somehow, needed help with purchasing a piece from the website
A- Didn’t transfer them, helped navigate the website, find pieces they were looking for, got
information about sizing etc. full cart transferred them to customer service
R- satisfied customer, customer obsession, knowledge of products to convince, ownership even
though it was not my position.

Q15. Amazon Brand Specialists take ownership of their work and never say, 'that's not my job.'
Walk me through a time when you were asked to complete a task outside of your scope of
S- Neimans, assistant buyer, not customer facing
T- customer called me somehow, needed help with purchasing a piece from the website
A- Didn’t transfer them, helped navigate the website, find pieces they were looking for, got
information about sizing etc. full cart transferred them to customer service
R- satisfied customer, customer obsession, knowledge of products to convince, ownership even
though it was not my position.

Q16. Would you rather work with people you are smarter than or work with people smarter
than you?
Smart people surround themselves with smarter people. One of my favorite quotes is never to
be the smartest person in the room. If someone is smarter than me in a particular area, I will
happily work with them and take the opportunity to learn from them. Ego is not an obstacle for
me, and I am happy to recognize and praise exceptional talent.

Q17. Amazon leaders 'Are Right, A Lot.' Tell the story of a time when your strong judgment and
instincts led you to make a good decision.
S- Neimans Orianne collins, new product line, came to office to show.
T- Pick new products for the season, SLAV collection, shackles bangle
A- after meeting with vendor, talk to boss, discuss concerns and fears
R- we were able to avert a PR nightmare and disaster, have backbone, disagree and commit
Q18. Amazon Brand Specialists are never done learning and always seek to improve
themselves. Walk me through the most recent personal or professional improvement you have
made for yourself.
I love to learn every day, keep challenging myself, if were not learning, were not living
S- Samsung, current job, senior logistics and inventory manager
T- running reports to see fulfillment levels by 3PLS (3rd party logistics), created by another team
A- Instead of just getting the report, a couple hours, less busy day to go into salesforce to pull
data and create report.
R- not familiar with salesforce, not required for my team, but now I’ve learnt it, if there is a
need for last minute pull I can do it. Learn and be curious.

Q19. Amazon leaders are encouraged to 'Learn and Be Curious.' Give me an example of when
you stepped outside of your comfort zone to learn something new.
I love to learn every day, keep challenging myself, if were not learning, were not living
S- Samsung, current job, senior logistics and inventory manager
T- running reports to see fulfillment levels by 3PLS (3rd party logistics), created by another team
A- Instead of just getting the report, a couple hours, less busy day to go into salesforce to pull
data and create report.
R- not familiar with salesforce, not required for my team, but now I’ve learnt it, if there is a
need for last minute pull I can do it. Learn and be curious.

Q20. If you could create a 15th Leadership Principle for Amazon, what would you choose?
"If I were to create a 15th Leadership Principle for Amazon, I would create one to say,
'Represent At All Times.' The basis of this principle would be, 'Represent Amazon, your team
members, yourself, and your mission in everything that you do.' As a Brand Specialist for
Amazon, I will be a first-hand representative of the organization, and I must be a good model
inside and outside of the workplace. Should Amazon choose to hire me for this role, I will be a
positive example for the company at all times, ensuring that my behavior and choices reflect
the high standards of Amazon and its leaders."

Q21. Amazon Brand Specialists ensure that problems get fixed and stay fixed. Tell the story of a
time when you discovered a problem and took action to resolve the issue.
S- Neimans, Elizabeth locke (one vendor), online sales going down
T- Figure out a way to increase online presence and sales.
A- Went through their landing page, looked and images, copy, too bland, pixelated. Decided to
bring all pieces back in to get reshot and delegated/worked with coordinator to do new copy. 2
day turn around.
R- Due to this, new pictures, more angles, sales increased 15% that quarter and hits on that
page with conversion gong up 200%. I was able to think big, with risk take initiative.

Q22. At Amazon we 'Think Big' and encourage appropriate risk taking. Tell me about a time
when you took a calculated risk to work toward or achieve a significant goal.
S- Neimans, Elizabeth locke (one vendor), online sales going down
T- Figure out a way to increase online presence and sales.
A- Went through their landing page, looked and images, copy, too bland, pixelated. Decided to
bring all pieces back in to get reshot and delegated/worked with coordinator to do new copy. 2
day turn around.
R- Due to this, new pictures, more angles, sales increased 15% that quarter and hits on that
page with conversion gong up 200%. I was able to think big, with risk take initiative.

Q23. Amazon Business Specialists must show bias for action and understand that speed matters
in business. Tell me about a time when you had to take a calculated risk.
S- Neimans, Elizabeth locke (one vendor), online sales going down
T- Figure out a way to increase online presence and sales.
A- Went through their landing page, looked and images, copy, too bland, pixelated. Decided to
bring all pieces back in to get reshot and delegated/worked with coordinator to do new copy. 2
day turn around.
R- Due to this, new pictures, more angles, sales increased 15% that quarter and hits on that
page with conversion gong up 200%. I was able to think big, with risk take initiative.

Q24. Amazon Business Specialists drive excellence by reducing costs. Talk about a time when
you used innovative thinking to reduce costs, save money, or improved profitability.
S- while producing my new product group @ fossil,
T- PD expensive not hitting margin, figure out better ways,
A- talked to warehouse to find better leathers, talked to accessories for zippers and better
closures, used PU in some places
R- hit margin, while still maintaining integrity and design intended. Raised margin to 60% even
though required margin was 55%. Deliver results. Frugality.
Q25. Amazonians listen attentively, speak candidly, and treat others respectfully. Talk about a
time when you had to critique someone else's work.
S- Samsung, senior logistics and inventory manager. Team of junior specialists
T- junior member was presenting some information about health of warehouses
A Saw some discrepancies in the numbers as I had just looked at the numbers a day prior for
something else, old data, after the meeting went to the team member informed them. They
pulled wrong cos they didn’t know how to get current, showed them how
R- team got accurate numbers for the report in update. Have backbone, critique respectfully.

Q26. Amazon Brand Specialists dive deep and stay connected to the details. Talk about a time
when you leveraged data to solve a problem or make a decision.
S- Samsung, senior logistics and inventory manager.
T- every day I use data to see what products are moving faster, what orders are coming up soon
A- use it to keep optimum level of inventory, if need to order more (send out POS team), move
to another warehouse that needs, get from other warehouse
R- manage warehouse efficiently for online, reduce turnaround time by 50%. Deliver results.

Q27. One of Amazon's Leadership Principles is, 'Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit.' Tell me
about a time when you disagreed with a manager, professor, or leader.
S- Neimans Orianne collins, new product line, came to office to show.
T- Pick new products for the season, SLAV collection, shackles bangle
A- after meeting with vendor, talk to boss, discuss concerns and fears
R- we were able to avert a PR nightmare and disaster, have backbone, disagree and commit.

Q28. Amazon Brand Specialists focus on delivering results; however, failures still happen. Walk
me through a time when you failed. What did you learn from the situation?
S- Neiman marcus, spring and fall books.
T- pick products and vendors to feature in the book
A got a feel of which vendors were interested, new what pieces would work, but caved to
wanting to please vendor and feature when they wanted to show.
R- spring 2017 book was not as successful, got a lot of complains from store mangers about the
pieces featured not selling. Learned to follow gut feeling and what works instead of just only
pleasing vendor. (prove to them they will be successful with your choice). Have backbone.

Q29. Amazon Brand Specialists should have a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Engineering,
Business, or a similar field. Walk me through your education and how it will benefit you as a
Brand Specialist with Amazon.
S- bachelor’s in marketing, masters MBA in business
T- graduated on time for both, challenged me
A studied hard, took as much from practical experiences to my job.
R- best grades in Supply chain, marketing, managing business in a global society, this education
helped me build a strong foundational knowledge in business, professional discipline, and
interpersonal skills. Think big.

Q30. Amazon has a solid culture of inclusion. How have you demonstrated an active
commitment to diversity and inclusion in your most recent role?
S- Samsung, diverse company
T- day to day work life, take
A get differing opinions on issues I come along with, join different groups within the
organization that help with learning and broadening horizons.
R- well rounded induvial of thought, respect others’ opinions and cultures. Teach about my
experiences as well. When I hopefully join amazon, hope to join affinity groups.

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