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Management Information System (MIS) and Performance of Commercial Banks: A

Conceptual Approach

Dr. Jude E. Madu

Department of Business Management & Marketing
Baze University, Abuja Nigeria

Dr. Hibat Alla Faisal Ahmed Elbadri

Department of Business Management & Marketing,
Baze University, Abuja

Apart from operating in a tight competitive environment, commercial banks in Nigeria are also
saddled with the responsibility of constant regulatory dictates of the Central Bank of Nigeria. To
overcome these problems, commercial banks in Nigeria needs adequate information
management. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of management information
system on the performance of commercial banks in Abuja and to make appropriate
recommendations. This was executed through review of literatures related to the topic under
study. The review was guided by the Independent Variable (management information system
measured through Decision Support System, Transaction Processing System, Operations
Processing System, and Office Information System); and Dependent Variables (performance of
commercial banks measured through increased customer deposits and profitability). The review
shows that Management Information System (MIS) tools have significant and positive
relationship with the performance of commercial banks. This study therefore suggests that
commercial banks in Abuja and other parts of the country should embark on effective utilization
of the tools for Management Information System for improved performance. Further studies can
be executed with empirical data from bank’s employees and customers on the impact of
Management Information System on bank’s performance.
Keywords: Business environment, Business growth, Commercial banks, Competitors, Customer
patronage, Employees, Information management, Information Technology, Profitability.
Management Information System (MIS) is a system used to provide managers with needed
information on a regular basis (Robins & Coulter, 2013). This system can be manual or computer
based even though almost all organizations have moved to computer-supported applications.
Management Information System is the study of people, technology, organizations and
relationships among them (Lemchi & Oparamma, 2018). Management Information System
(MIS) is a people-oriented subject that emphasis on services and information sharing through
technology utilization for the purpose of maximizing benefits from investments in personnel,
equipment and business processes and operations (Osedo & Jemaiyo, 2015). On their part,
Malobi & Nwakubu, 2019 state that Management Information System takes into account
integration nature of information flow as well as the structuring of organization around decision
The term “system” in the definitions of Management Information System (MIS) means “order,
arrangement and purpose” (Williams, 2007). Maker, 2021 reveals that the major uses of
Management Information System (MIS) include among others: to take more efficient and
effective business decisions used to collect any form of financial data; facilitates collaboration as
well as communication among employees who can access, edit and share documents to ensure
communication of relevant information; used for compiling business reports through its ability to
pull-in and present it in an easy to analyze and format mode; it is also useful to our profit and
business organizations to automatically generate reports needed for government decisions; useful
for tracking customer balances and deposits or credits by the banks for prompt and less risky
transactions; and it is used to manage customer relationships. Despite these enormous benefits,
Management Information System (MIS) also experience some challenges such as lack of
adequate skill or manpower to execute the duties, and lack of adequate tools such as internet
availability and access and the needed technological appliances. But because the benefits of
management information system surpass the challenges, there is therefore a great need to embark
on the effective and efficient utilization of Management Information System (MIS) by all
In Nigeria, the banking industry is experiencing very stiff competition. Apart from competition,
commercial banks also have regulatory issues and factors to contend with. Hence the need for
management tools such as Management Information System (MIS). Commercial banks must
have adequate information system that would enable them know and get information about
competitors activities so as to plan ahead of the competitors; information about target market and
customers on how to satisfy and retain their patronage; and information about how to maintain
cordial and profitable relationships among employees and other stakeholders. It is worthy to note
that there are varieties of tools and strategies for executing and realizing the essence of
Management Information System (MIS). These tools and strategies include: Decision Support
System (DSS); Transaction Processing System (TPS), Operation Information System (OIS), and
Office Automation System (OAS). The importance of these tools to commercial banks is the
essence of this study.

This is a conceptual study executed through review of literature related to the variables in this
study. A minimum of twenty published articles related to the topic under study were reviewed.
The Researcher utilized the resources in Baze University Library and the internet. The choices of
the studies reviewed were based on their relationship with the topic under study. This was mainly
determined by the independent variable (management information system measured through
Decision Support System, Transaction Processing System, Operations Processing System, and
Office Information System); and Dependent Variables (performance of commercial banks
measured through increased customer deposits and profitability).
Literature Review
Literature review was achieved through conceptual review, theoretical review, and empirical
Conceptual Review
This comprise of a review of what other scholars have done that are related to the topic under
study, or the topics that constitute the independent and dependent variables.
Concept of Management Information System (MIS)
Management Information System (MIS) is a system used to provide managers with needed
information on a regular basis (Robbins & Coulter, 2013). Williams, 2007 states that this system
can be manual or computer-based, although most organizations have moved to computer
supported applications. The term system in the definition of management information system
means “order”, “arrangement” and “purpose”. It also focuses on providing managers with
information. This information must be processed and analyzed data, and not merely raw or
unanalyzed facts (Malobi,, 2019 ). Management Information System is the study of people,
technology, organizations and the relationships among them (Lemchi & Oparanma, 2018).
Management Information System (MIS) is a people oriented subject that emphasizes on services
through technology utilization for the purpose of maximizing benefits from investment in
personnel, equipment, and business processes (Maker, 2021). Organizations need and use
information system at various levels of activities to collect process and store data. This data is
summed and shared by management in the form of information needed to carry out the daily
operations of business. The implication of this is that every employee in the business
organization uses the information for decision making. Therefore management information
system is a web of information that connects every employee in that organization to take related
decisions geared towards achieving the same organizational goals and objectives. Present day
Management Information System (MIS) rely mostly on technology to gather, compile and
present data.

Major uses of Management Information System (MIS)

1. Making Business Decision
Management Information System (MIS) makes managers take more efficient and effective
business decisions. This is achieved by polling information from a range of sources into a single
data base and presenting the information in a logical format that can be retrieved and utilized
with ease when needed
2. Management Information System (MIS) can be utilized to collect any form of
information that managers require. It can be used to view financial data such as daily
revenue and expenditure at a glance, and trace them to a particular source of department.
This will facilitate necessary decisions.
3. Management Information System (MIS) can facilitate collaboration as well as
communication among employees. This is because employees can access, data and share
documents, and also communicate relevant information on anticipated developments and
warnings across the organization.
4. Management Information System (MIS) is useful for compiling business reports through
its ability to pull in internal and external data from various sources and present it is an
easy to analyze and format mode. For examples, Management Information System (MIS)
makes it easier for bank managers to know how much deposits by customers that are
managed by each employee on periodic basis
5. Management Information System (MIS) is useful to non-profit or government
organizations to automatically generate reports needed for government decisions. This
will help detect and prevent fraud among government employees who are saddled with
the responsibility of generating and managing finances.
6. Management Information System (MIS) helps employees to execute their job. The
employees in the bank find it easy to do their jobs by utilizing data and information
already stored at their disposal to track customer balances and deposits or credits for
prompt and less risky transactions.
7. Management Information System (MIS) is a veritable measure to manage customer
relationships. With customer data bank at their disposals, customer relationship managers
can easily receive and respond to customers complaints as strategic measures to realizing
banks goals and objectives.

Common Challenges in Management Information System

Modern business transactions depend on technology. Therefore, customer interaction and other
internal processes between employees in the organization and even interactions with other
organizations and relevant agencies depends heavily on internet provision and availability and
computer systems that are used to power the transaction. Management Information System
(MIS) represents a general term that constitutes the various technologies that can be found in
organizations including the personnel needed to manage them. Feris, 2019 identifies some of the
challenge facing the utilization of Management Information System (MIS) to include:

i. Some of the problems or challenges confronting the utilization of Management

Information System in modern organization is attributable to lack of solid strategy to
articulate the tools available to gather the necessary data on the organization’s
network. This problem is also attributable to combining the technical aspect of
operation of the organization and other aspects such as marketing and legal. It is
therefore necessary to have a separate department for information and data
management in an organization like Zenith Bank.
ii. There is the difficulty in meeting organizational needs. The need for managing data in
an organization is wide and relies heavily on technology. For instance, sales and
marketing in Zenith Bank relies heavily on customer relationship software to track
customers interactions, while accounting relies on account software for billing,
invoicing and financial tracking. There are also other needs of the organization that
rely on big data analytics. Before taking any decision, management must pull
resources together to ensure they use facts rather that guess.
iii. Another problem associated with management information system is the difficulty to
attract and retain talent to execute the operations. The need for information
technology professionals has recently grown worldwide thereby making it difficult to
hire and retain them. This is because of their high need in information technology
iv. In information technology, nothing is constant. Innovations in technological
approaches on managing information is experienced on yearly bases. This means that
software needs to be upgraded or even replaced according to the challenges and
needs. In other to remain competitive, business organizations such as Zenith Bank
must be abreast with the constant technological changes, thereby investing heavily in
software that will give them edge over other competitors. While responding to these
technological changes, the organization must plan for or employ employees that are
skilled to manage the changes. This may require training and retraining the
employees. All these attract costs.
v. Another major challenges mitigating against organizations efforts towards implementing
Management Information System (MIS) is the ability to interpret new technologies as
stated above. Businesses like zenith bank are exposed to many different types of
software’s operating at once. These can come in the form of general administrative tools
such as Microsoft office, and specialized tools for accounting, customer relationship
management and project management tools. Ensuring that all these tools work together is
very important, otherwise employees will find themselves duplicating some of these
processes and applications. What complicates the matter is that employees mostly work
with more than one computer in the office. Many employees work in the field with
laptops and tablets and even cellphones. These are challenges because they all need to
have the software applications installed in them for maximum utilization.
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
The transaction processing system is the most basic and most elementary tools of Management
Information System. With the system, zenith will be able to record and document all recurring
and routine or daily business transactions. These daily or routine business transactions can come
in the form of: number of deposits daily, number of withdraws over the encounter and through
the Automatic Teller Machines (ATM), number of electronic transfers daily, number of new
customers, inter-bank and interagency transactions, various forms of inventories, and order and
supply of minor accessories, payment of utility bills and payments schedule for international
business. Zenith bank is capable of recording the transaction using this mechanism. This will
enable them observe trends in their daily transactions. For example, if management of zenith
bank discovers that there are more customer deposits or withdrawals from a particular branch in
a particular week, the bank will be able to enquire the reasons for the consistent and abnormal
withdraws, and then take necessary measures.

Decision Support System (DSS)

The Decision Support System (DSS) is a Management Information System (MIS) tool used by
top level management for taking managerial decisions. This Management Information System
(MIS) tools utilizes computers (laptops, desktops and tablets), computing tools, mathematic and
scientific models for analysis. These tools enable the bank to analyze, scrutinize and evaluate all
strategies it could deploy for use in the various departments such as sales and marketing,
electronics transfers, cash withdrawals and deposits, customer care, and foreign exchange
transactions. With the Decision Support System (DSS), the bank will be able to choose the
option that saves the most on cost, time and both human material efforts, while realizing the
maximum benefits.
Operation Information System (OIS)
Operations Information Systems (OIS) are Management Information System (MIS) tools used to
plan and schedule production and distribution functions of the company. With this tool, a bank
branch manager would be able to decide the quantity or volume of cash to be obtained from the
central bank branch of the state it is operating or from it’s head or zonal offices. The tool will
also enable the manager to know how to sequence the distribution and availability of cash for
customers through the branch counter or Automated Teller Machines. The will also enable the
branch manager know what denominations of currency would be made available for customer’s
needs. All these activities are executed by the operations manager of zenith bank branch, for the
purpose of avoiding out of stock problems.

Office Automatic System (OAS)

The Office Automation System (OAS) tool of Management Information System consist of
activities executed with computers, communication related technology and the various personnel
assigned to execute the official functions. The Office Automation System (OAS) covers office
transactions and also supports official activities at every level in an organization. These official
activities are in the form of managerial and clerical activities. Office Automation System (OAS)
are executed through applications such as emails, voice mails, intercom calls and connectivity,
social media and word processing which covers creation of document (including memos, reports,
letters and other electronically printable materials). It is important to note that this created text
can be copied, edited, and stored through processing commands.

Performance of Commercial Banks.

Commercial banks are also known as deposit money banks (DMS), and their main business is
money transaction. Commercial banks take the risk of attracting deposits from customers, and
disbursing these deposits fund borrowers who pay interest. Therefore the ability to attract interest
from customers determines the performance of a commercial bank. Performance of Commercial
Banks can be measured with variables such as: Profit after Tax (PAT), Return on Investment
(ROI), Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Capital Employed (RCE), Return on Equity (ROE),
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non-Performing Loans (NPL) and loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR).
All these are obtainable from Figures on the Published Balance Sheet of the Banks.

Theoretical Review and Framework

In this section, some theories that are related to the variables in this study were reviewed. The
aim is to prove the relevance of this study to the financial sector and the entire economy of a
Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory
This theory was originally propounded by Denning in 2004. This theory is made up of three
major components which include: Innovation, Diffusion and Adoption. In the theory Denning,
2004 defined an Innovation ‘as an idea, practice or object that is perceived to be new by a person
adopting the entity; Diffusion means communicating or spreading of the news of the innovation
to the group or individual for which it is intended, while Adoption is the commitment to and
continued use of the innovation’. Refining this theory, Rogers, 1995 postulates that “diffusion of
innovation occures when potential users of the innovation become aware of the innovation, judge
its relative value and make a decision based on their judgment that leads to implementing or
rejecting the innovation, and seek confirmation of the adoption or rejection decision”.
The implication of this theory is that there is need to develop new ways to execute business
activities. This ways could be information and communication technology and its utilization in
the banking industry. The operations of this utilization of information and communication
technology must be communicated to all personnel of the bank who must work jointly to achieve
the goals and objectives of the bank. This theory is therefore relevant to our study because
innovation in information and communication technology is inevitable in the banking industry.

Resource-Based View (RBV) Theory

This theory was propounded by Wemerfelt in 1984. The theory proposes that a firm’s
performance is determined by the resources it owns. Applying this theory to the use of
Management Information System (MIS), it is believed that Management Information System as a
Management tool is an organizational resource that can enhance organizational capabilities and
eventually lead to higher performance of the organization. Other followers of the theory state
that organizational resources that can create advantage must have the following attributes:
“valuable (this means that the resource can enable a firm to conceive or implement strategies that
can improve its efficiency or effectiveness); rare (this means that the resources should not be
possessed by a large number of competing firms); imperfectly imitable (this means that the
resources should not be easily imitated due to unique historical conditions, causally ambiguous,
or social complex); and non-substitutable (this means that the resource should not be easily
replaced by other substitutes)”. This theory is relevant to our study because Zenith Bank is a big
and global brand that can only survive the increasing rate of competition in the Banking industry
through constant innovation Management Information System.

Organizational Control Theory

This theory was originally developed by Orlikowski, 1991. The theory states that the mechanism
of control and its application in an enterprise resources planning system should be employed as a
tool for sensitization of the employees. This control of the enterprise or business organization
can be achieved through Management Information System. The implication of the theory is that
the enterprise or business organization should be controlled through a centralized system
achieved through Management Information System. This must form part of the organization’s
procedures and processes. One major advantage of the theory if adopted is that it is cost efficient
through the administration and utilization of data. This theory is relevant to this study because
the theory advocate the use of Management Information System to realize cost effective and
efficient control mechanism of the organizations resources for the purpose of realizing the
organizational goals.

Transactive Memory System (TMS) Theory

This theory was originally developed and made public by Wegner, 1985. This is often used
to study the internal cognitive processes of one team with its antecedents and outcomes. The
major philosophy of the Transactive Memory System (TMS) is to articulate, understand and
coordinate the domain knowledge of team members to achieve better organizational
performance. Currently, the transactive memory system theory has been useful in several
organizational needs such as team performance, knowledge sharing, knowledge management,
virtual team and team cognition. These are very useful segments of business management,
psychology and communication. The theory plays a crucial role in knowledge collaboration
research to our study because it does not focus on the process and antecedents of knowledge
collaboration within the team alone, but also on the outcome which represents organizational
performance. This theory is relevant to our study because it emphasis team work for the
realization of organizational goals and objectives.

Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework or underpinning theory for this study is the Diffusion of Innovation
(DOI) Theory propounded by Denning in 2004. The reason is because of the implication of this
theory. The implication of this theory is that there is need to develop new ways to execute
banking and financial transactions or activities. This way is the Management Information System
and its utilization in the banking industry. The operations of this utilization of Management
Information System must be communicated to all personnel of the bank who must work jointly
to achieve the goals and objectives of the bank.

Empirical Review
This section reviewed previous studies executed and published by other scholars whose studies
are related to this particular study.
“Management Information System and Organizational Performance in Selected Deposit Money
Banks in South East Nigeria” was executed by Malobi, U.E., Onwuka, E.M., & Nwakobi, N.P.,
and published in International Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship Volume 1 Number
1, 2020 pages 23-34. This paper examined the effect of decision support system, executive
information system, artificial intelligence, research and development information system and
Management Information System (MIS) support staff on organizational performance. Relevant
theoretical and empirical literatures relating to management information system and
organizational performance were reviewed. The study used the resources-based view theory as
its theoretical framework. The study adopted the survey research design. The population of the
study comprise of 15952 employees of seven selected banks from where a sample size of 384
was arrived at using Partem formular. A five point likert scale questionnaire was employed as the
instrument for data collection. The data generated were analysed with descriptive statistics and
multiple regression analysis. The major findings include that: decision support system, executive
information system, artificial intelligence, research and development information system and
Management Information System (MIS) support staff have significant positive effect on
organizational performance in selected banks in south –east Nigeria. Based on this, the study
recommends updating of management information system and top management support to it in
order to improve organizational performance.
“Impact of Management Information System on the Performance of the Organization
(Profitability, Innovation, and Growth)” was executed by Abdul, G.A. & Fahad, K., and
published in Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development, Volume 21, 2020. The objective
of the study is to show how management information system gives positive impact on the
performance of the organization and how it can increase profitability, innovation and growth of
the organization. Primary data was obtained through a structured questionnaire from 200
employees of 31 organizations in Pakistan. Regression and Correlation test were applied to
measure relationships between the variables. The result shows that there is positive relationship
between performance of the organization and management information system.
“The impact of ICT on banks: a case study of Nigeria Banking Industry” was executed by Luka,
M.K and Frank, I.A, and published in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and
Applications, volume 3, number 9 of 2021 pages 145-149. This paper considers impact and
trends of ICT on banking industry of the 21 st century. The aim is to ascertain the level of use of
ICT infrastructure and their impacts on customer’s service which invariably determines growth
of banks. A random sampling technique was employed to distribute questionnaire to four
hundred (400) customers of four selected banks in port-Harcourt. The data obtained was
analyzed through the percentage method. The major findings include: ICT has a positive impact
on the productivity of banks employees as perceived by customers; ICT has positive impact on
employee’s innovation; ICT has improved the quality of service rendered by the bank; and
customers are attracted to the banks services because of perceived value of the bank services.
Based on these findings, the study recommends that the banks needs: to multiply their effort or
investment on ICT, human capital and firms restructuring; come up with innovative products that
will satisfy customers banking needs at a reduce costs; and bank should ensure they render
prompt and efficient service. This study is relevant to our study because it examines the
relevance of information and communication technology on the productivity of banks measured
though customer satisfaction.
“Enterprise Resource Planning and Organizational Performance of Deposit Money Banks in
Rivers State Nigeria” was executed by Bestman, A.E and Otabor, M., and published in
International Academy Journal of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurial Studies, Volume
8, Issue 3, of 2021 pages 26-37. The study investigated the influence between enterprise resource
planning and organizational performance of deposit money banks in rivers state. Cross-sectional
survey research design was utilized. A population of seventy respondents made up of five
managers each from fourteen deposit money banks. A questionnaire was administered on the
respondents. The hypotheses postulated were tested using the Pearson product moment
completion coefficient. The major findings include that enterprise resource planning has strong
influence on the measures of performance; and revenue growth and profitability of deposit
money banks have strong influence on banks performance. The study recommends that deposit
money banks should have plans for the development of human capital through ICT training. The
study is relevant to our study because it explains the relevance of information and
communication technology (ICT) on employees resource development and productively.
“Effect of ICT adoption on competitive performance of banks in an emerging economy: The
Nigeria experience” was done by Dalis, D.T., Obumneke, E., & Anyatonwu, E. and published in
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 22, Issue 8, Pages 81-89 of August 2022.
This study is a synthesis of empirical facts and the descriptive design was adopted for the
execution of this study. The population of the study comprises of 896 staff of Zenith, Diamond,
UBA and Guarantee trust banks located in FCT Abuja. A self-administered questionnaire was
used to elicit primary data. The data obtained was analyzed with both descriptive and influential
statistics while the hypotheses postulated where analyzed with the T-test statistics. the major
findings include that: the internet (WEB) transactions has a significant impact on branch
expansion of deposit money banks; mobile payment transactions have significant effect on the
operations and service delivery of deposit money banks; and ATM transactions have significant
influence on profitability levels of deposit money banks. Based on the findings, the study
recommends that: banks should incorporate ICT into their strategic plans for effective
performance in payment and delivery system; banks should pay more attention to the use of
information and communication technology in all banking operations; and banks should give
regular training to bankers to enable them be aware of current innovations in the use of
information and communication technology.
“Electronic fraud and credit facilitation of banks in Nigeria” was executed by Ogbonna, K.S.,
Okaro, C., & Igwe, E.L. and published In journal of Accounting Information and Innovation
volume 5, number 10, pages 1-14 October 2021. The aim of the study was to examine the impact
of electronic fraud on credit facilitation of banks in Nigeria. The study utilized secondary data
sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria electronic fraud forum (NEFF) annual report of
various years for POS, ATM, WEB, MOBLIE, Internet banking and E-commerce; and Central
Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin for total banks loans and advances (TBLA) for the period
2011 to 2018. The data was subjected to Augmented Dickey fuller unit root test and error
correction model. The study further conducted BG serial correction test. The major discoveries
of the study include that the pool of electronic fraud affects total credit facilitation capacity of
banks in Nigeria significantly: and that electronic fraud committed through internet and mobile
banking impact on credit facilitation of capacity of banks positively and significantly. Based on
the findings, the study recommends that Central Bank and other banks should work with internet
providers to always identify point of order of online transactions so as to be able to trace the
electronic fraud stars to their point of location. This study is relevant to our study because it
identified the existence of fraud and its impact on electronic banking which is facilitated by
information and communication technology.
Research Gaps
The existing gap for this study is that no study has been carried out on the utilization of
Management Information System (MIS) by Commercial Banks in the Federal Capital Territory
Abuja. The Federal Capital Territory Abuja is the center of political and economic power of the
country with an increasing population. It should therefore be a point of reference for the
utilization of Management Information System by Commercial Banks in Abuja. Also, available
studies did not reveal the application of empirical data on the opinion of bank employees and
customers on the impact of Management Information System on Banks performance. This is an
opportunity for further research.
Conclusion and Suggestion
This study discovered that Management Information System (MIS) tools have significant and
positive relationship with the performance of commercial banks operating in Abuja. This study
therefore suggests that commercial banks in Abuja and other parts of the country should embark
on effective utilization of the tools for Management Information System for better performance.
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