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Good morning teacher, today I will talk about mental health.

Introduction in-tro-Duc -tion

Today we will talk about mental health and its importance, occasionally (o- Kei- sion- a- lly) it
prevents us from doing daily work, sometimes we ignore (ig- nore) the great (te- greyt)
importance of being well with ourselves. (our-self) However, (Hau- e – ver) it is important to note
that mental health can be affected (a-fec- ted) by various (Veh- ri-is) factors, such as (son- yas)
stress, trauma, mental illness(el-ness) , and the social environment.(en- vai-ron-ment) Therefore,
(ter- for) it is essential (eh - Sehn - Shuhl) to take care (kehr) of it and give it the necessary (ne - Ce
- Ssa - Ry) attention to maintain (meɪn- teɪn) emotional balance (ba- les) and an optimal quality of

What do we understand by mental health?

The World Health Organization defines mental health as “… a state of well-being in which the
individual is aware (a- wer) of his or her own (oun) abilities, (a- bi- li- ty ) can cope (co-up) with
the normal stresses of life, can work productively (prow - Duhk - Tuh – vlee) and fruitfully, (fruit-
full) and is able (ei- bol) to do a contribution (can- tri- biu- shen) to your community.” (ca- mui-
ni- ry)

What makes mental health important?

the importance of taking care of mental health for a series of reasons (ri- zhen)

 Daily functioning (fungk- shin- nen) : Good mental health allows (a- lau) us to make
appropriate (a- pro- pi-e – it) decisions, manage (man- gen) stress, maintain healthy
interpersonal relationships.
 Interpersonal relationships: When we take care of our mental health, we are better (beh-
der) able to establish and maintain positive
 Coping with stress and challenges: People with good mental health they have the ability
to cope effectively, (e- fek- di-li) manage stress better, and seek help when necessary.
 Prevention of mental disorders: Taking care of mental health is essential (eh - Sehn -
Shuhl) to prevent the appearance (a- pir- ens) of serious mental
 Impact on physical (fi- zi- kol) health: Chronic (kra- nnek) stress and other mental health
problems can increase (ihn- kris) the risk of physical health problems, such as heart (hart)
disease, diabetes, and autoimmune ( a- rou- I – mun) disorders.
What can I do to take care of my mental health?

Self-care is essential to take care of your mental health. Some self-care activities you can do to
take care of your mental health include:

 Do exercise (ex- er- cise)

 Socialize ( so- shus- liz) with others:
 Maintain a sleep routine that allows you to sleep well
 Eat a nutritious diet
 Talk to a family member or friend
 Practice meditation, relaxation or mindfulness (may- full-nez)
 Ask for help: When we experience stressful or difficult situations, when we have a bad day,
or when we feel down, we can ask for help from family, friends,


In short, mental health is fundamental to all aspects of human life, from emotional well-being to
academic and work performance, physical health, quality of life and community participation. It is
important to address mental health issues ( ih- shuss) proactively and seek support when
necessary to promote well-being in all aspects of life.

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