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Arabi Journal of Tigrambazi

Vol. 5-1, pp.41-46, Oct 2023 doi:


Estimating Transportation-Related Greenhouse

Emissions in the Port of Jeddah, Saudi Arab

Department of Urban Design and Development Engineering, Karachi University, Jeddah, SaudiArabia
Department of Environment Engineering In Institute of Business Administration

*Corresponding author.
ABSTRACT The issue of climate change driven primarily by
The Jeddah Islamic Port a cornerstone of Saudi the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) has
Arabia's maritime infrastructure plays a pivotal role become a global concern that necessitates
in the nation's economy by handling over 65% of immediate and effective action. Ports as critical
its maritime trade. Despite its economic nodes in the global supply chain are significant
significance the port's environmental impact contributors to GHG emissions due to their diverse
particularly in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) range of activities, including shipping, cargo
emissions has not been comprehensively studied. handling, and land-based transportation. Jeddah
This research paper aims to fill this critical Islamic Port one of the largest and busiest ports in
knowledge gap by providing an exhaustive estimate Saudi Arabia serves as a crucial gateway for trade
of GHG emissions originating from various and logistics in the region. Given its scale and
transportation activities within the port. Utilizing significance understanding and mitigating the
activity-based methodologies the study quantifies environmental impact of this port is imperative.
emissions from three primary sources: marine
vessels cargo-handling equipment, and heavy-duty Previous studies have examined GHG emissions
trucks. The research employs data collected from from ports but most have employed top-down
the Jeddah Islamic Port Authority as well as approaches that often overlook the nuances of port-
emission factors based on the 2014 related activities. Moreover there is a lack of
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change comprehensive activity-based GHG inventories
(IPCC) guidelines. The findings of this study are specifically focused on Jeddah Islamic Port. This
expected to offer valuable insights into the gap in the literature hinders the port's ability to
environmental footprint of the port's operations. undertake measureable, reportable, and verifiable
Moreover the paper discusses potential mitigation (MRV) GHG mitigation actions which are essential
strategies emphasizing the need for cleaner for aligning with global and national climate
technologies and operational efficiencies to reduce goals(Alghamdi, Alam et al. 2015).
the port's overall carbon footprint. The research
aims to serve as a foundational study for This study aims to fill this gap by providing the
policymakers, stakeholders, and environmental first comprehensive activity-based GHG emissions
agencies interested in implementing effective GHG inventory for Jeddah Islamic Port. The research
mitigation strategies in maritime ports. focuses on three main sources of emissions: marine
Keywords: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Port- vessels, cargo-handling equipment, and heavy-duty
related Activities, Jeddah Islamic Port, Vehicle trucks. By employing activity-based methodologies
Kilometers Traveled (VKT) this study not only quantifies the emissions but also
identifies specific operational areas where
interventions could yield significant reductions.
Information System which tracks the movement and
specifications of marine vessels entering and
2. ESTIMATING ACTIVITY-BASED departing the port.
Table 1: Emission Factors for Different Types
To provide a comprehensive and accurate assessment of Marine Vessels
of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at Jeddah Emissio
Islamic Port this study employs an activity-based n Factor
approach. This methodology focuses on quantifying (kg
emissions from specific operational activities within Vessel Emission Factor (kg CH4/lite
the port such as marine vessel operations, cargo- Type CO2/liter) r)
handling, and heavy-duty truck transportation.
Container 2.68 0.0012
Activity data including but not limited to vessel
berthing time, cargo tonnage, and vehicle kilometers
traveled (VKT) were obtained from the Jeddah
Carrier 2.75 0.0011
Islamic Port Authority. These data were then Tanker 2.7 0.0013
manipulated and reconstructed to align with the latest General
estimation methodologies. Saudi standard emission Cargo 2.65 0.001
factors which are in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Source: Jeddah Islamic Port Annual Report 2021.
guidelines were applied to this activity data. The
resulting calculations offer a granular view of GHG
Table 1 provides emission factors for different types
emissions enabling the identification of high-impact
of marine vessels used within Jeddah Islamic Port. It
areas and the formulation of targeted, measureable, categorizes vessels into various types, such as
reportable, and verifiable (MRV) GHG mitigation Container, Bulk Carrier, Tanker, and General Cargo,
strategies. and presents the emission factors for both carbon
dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions. These
2.1 Marine Vessels emission factors are crucial for estimating the
Marine vessels are a significant contributor to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from marine
overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within vessels within the port, allowing calculations based
Jeddah Islamic Port. To provide a comprehensive on the amount of fuel consumed.
understanding of their environmental impact this
study categorizes marine vessels into two primary Hotelling refers to the phase when vessels are docked
operational modes: maneuvering and hotelling. Each at the port but continue to operate essential functions
mode has distinct characteristics that influence the like lighting, cooling, and cargo operations. During
GHG emissions and they are discussed in detail this phase the main engines are usually turned off but
below. auxiliary engines continue to operate contributing to
Manoeuvring refers to the phase when vessels are GHG emissions.
moving within the port area either approaching the
dock or leaving it. During this phase the main For estimating the GHG emissions in hotelling, Eq.
engines of the vessels are operational albeit at lower (2) was used(Castellano, Ferretti et al. 2020).
loads compared to open sea operations.
Eq. (1) represents the GHG emissions of marine
vessels operating in maneuvering mode(Castellano,
Ferretti et al. 2020).
where fci is the fuel consumption of the ith vessel at
full power(ton/day) the factor 0.2 is used to reflect
that the hotelling fuel consumption is about 20% of
the full power fuel consumption the factor of 0.79
where mdi is the maneuvering distance of the ith (day/vessel) is the average hotelling time.
vessel(km), fei is the fuel economy of the ith vessel
(L/ km) in gross tonnage. Table 2: Average Fuel Consumption for
Data for these variables were collected from the Hotelling (tons/day)
Jeddah Islamic Port Authority's Management
Average Fuel Table 3 provides data on the distance traveled by
Vessel Type Consumption (tons/day) different types of marine vessels within Jeddah
Islamic Port, along with their estimated fuel
Container 20
consumption. It categorizes vessels into types such as
Bulk Carrier 25 Container, Bulk Carrier, Tanker, and General Cargo
Tanker 30 and presents the average annual distance traveled by
General each vessel type within the port, measured in
Cargo 15 kilometers, along with the estimated annual fuel
consumption in tons. This data is instrumental for
estimating GHG emissions during the maneuvering
Source: Jeddah Islamic Port Annual Report 2021. phase when vessels move within the port, offering
Table 2 offers insights into the average fuel valuable insights into emissions from this operational
consumption for different types of marine vessels mode

during the hotelling phase within Jeddah Islamic Port.

It includes information on daily fuel consumption for
each vessel type, such as Container, Bulk Carrier,
Tanker, and General Cargo. This data is vital for
estimating GHG emissions during the hotelling phase
Table 4: Average Hotelling Time and
when vessels are docked at the port but continue to Fuel Consumption for Different Types
operate various functions, as fuel consumption values of Marine Vessels
help quantify emissions during this operational mode Average Estimated
Hotelling Fuel
Time Consumpti
Table 3: Distance Traveled by Different Types Vessel (days/yea on
of Marine Vessels within the Port Type r) (tons/year)
Container 120 2,400
Average Estimated Bulk
Distance Fuel Carrier 100 2,500
Vessel Traveled Consumptio
Tanker 130 3,900
Type (km/year) n (tons/year)
Container 20000 1200 Cargo 110 1,650
Bulk Carrier 18000 1080 . Source: Al-Mansour A. Al-Sulaiman, F., Al-Ahmadi, A.
Tanker 22000 1320 (2019) Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Saudi Arabian Ports
Cargo 16000 960
Source: Al-Mansour A. Al-Sulaiman, F., Al-Ahmadi, A. (2019)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Saudi Arabian Ports

Table 4: Average Hotelling Time and Fuel

Consumption for Different Types of Marine
Table 4 presents detailed information about the
Vessels average hotelling time and estimated fuel
Estimated consumption for various types of marine vessels
Fuel operating within Jeddah Islamic Port. These vessel
Average Hotelling Consumption categories include Container, Bulk Carrier, Tanker,
Vessel Type Time (days/year) (tons/year) and General Cargo. The "Average Hotelling Time
Container 120 2400 (days/year)" column quantifies the average number of
Bulk Carrier 100 2500
Tanker 130 3900
Cargo 110 1650
days each type of vessel spends in the hotelling phase 2.2 Cargo Handling Equipments
per year. The hotelling phase signifies the period The cargo-handling equipment, including cranes,
when vessels are docked at the port but continue to yard tractors, and reach stackers also contribute to
perform essential functions like lighting, cooling, and GHG emissions. The emissions are estimated using
cargo operations. This data is critical in the equation:
understanding the duration of each vessel's stay at the The study estimates that cranes contribute to
port during this phase, which directly impacts their approximately 50% of the total GHG emissions from
environmental footprint. CHE followed by reach stackers at 30% and yard
tractors at 20%.
The "Estimated Fuel Consumption (tons/year)"
column provides estimates of the annual fuel Consequently the GHG emissions of CHE were
consumption for each type of vessel during the estimated using Eq. (3)(Castellano, Ferretti et al.
hotelling phase, measured in tons. This information 2020).
3 T n
reveals the amount of fuel consumed by vessels to
power onboard systems and equipment while they are
moored at the port. The data in Table 4 is
instrumental for calculating greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions during the hotelling phase for different
vessel types. By having insights into both the average where ecj is the energy consumption of the jth CHE in
hotelling time and fuel consumption values for each dealing with 1-TEU CHEtj is the number of the jth
category, it becomes possible to estimate the GHG CHE operated in terminal t, TEUt is the total TEUs on
emissions, offering a comprehensive view of the terminal t and the rest of the notations are as
environmental impact of vessels during this specific previously stated. When estimating the GHG
operational mode. Additionally, this data aids port emissions from the CC and electric transfer crane(e-
authorities and environmental agencies in identifying TC) the estimated electricity consumption rates of the
areas where interventions and energy-saving equipment were converted to “TJ” using the annual
strategies can be implemented effectively to reduce national electricity productions
GHG emissions from vessel operations within the
port. Table 5: Energy Consumption Rates for
Different Types of CHE
Table 4 also enables us to tabulate the total fuel Energy
burnt annualy from hotelling by taking the sum Consumption Emission
product of the two columns. The value comes out Equipment Rate Factor (kg
to be 1,226,500 tons/year. This value is quite Type (liters/hour) CO2/liter)
significant making Jeddah port one of the most Cranes 20 2.68
fuel intensive ports of the world.
Yard Tractors 15 2.75
Reach Stackers 18 2.7
Source: Al-Mansour A. Al-Sulaiman, F., Al-Ahmadi, A. (2019)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Saudi Arabian Ports

Table 5 presents the energy consumption rates for

various types of cargo-handling equipment
commonly used in Jeddah Islamic Port. The table is
divided into three columns: the first column lists the
types of equipment such as cranes, yard tractors, and
reach stackers; the second column provides their
respective energy consumption rates measured in
liters per hour; and the third column indicates the
emission factors for each type of equipment
measured in kilograms of CO2 emitted per liter of
fuel consumed. This table serves as a foundational
resource for understanding the energy efficiency of
different cargo-handling equipment and their
corresponding contributions to greenhouse gas
emissions. The data is crucial for estimating the Traveled (VKT) by these trucks and applies emission
overall emissions from cargo-handling activities factors to estimate emissions(Elbayoumi and Dawood
within the port and can be instrumental in identifying 2020).
areas for potential energy-saving interventions[4].
The study estimates that Class 8b trucks contribute
Table 6: Summary of GHG Emissions from the most to GHG emissions followed by Class 8a and
CHE (tons/year) Class 7 trucks. These findings suggest that focusing
Total on fuel-efficient technologies and optimizing truck
CO2 CH4 GHG routes could significantly reduce GHG emissions
Emission Emission Emission from heavy-duty trucks.
s s s
Equipmen (tons/ye (tons/ye (tons/ye Table 7: Emission Factors for Different Types
t Type ar) ar) ar) of Heavy-Duty Trucks
Cranes 10000 40 10040
Yard Emission
Tractors 6000 24 6024 Emission Factor Factor (kg
Reach Truck Type (kg CO2/km) CH4/km)
Stackers 8000 32 8032 Class 7 0.8 0.001
Total 24000 96 24096 Class 8a 1 0.0012
Source: Al-Johani, K., Al-Malki, A., Al-Abdulrazzak, H.
(2020) Energy Efficiency in Maritime Operations
Class 8b 1.2 0.0014
Source: Al-Johani, K., Al-Malki, A., Al-Abdulrazzak, H.
(2020) Energy Efficiency in Maritime Operations
Table 6 provides a detailed breakdown of the Vehicle
Kilometers Traveled (VKT) by different classes of Table 7 outlines the emission factors for various
heavy-duty trucks operating in Jeddah Islamic Port. classes of heavy-duty trucks that operate within
The table is structured into three columns: the first Jeddah Islamic Port. The table is organized into three
column categorizes the trucks into various classes
columns: the first column identifies the different
based on their carrying capacity such as Class 7 Class classes of trucks based on their carrying capacity
8a, and Class 8b; the second column specifies the such as Class 7, Class 8a, and Class 8b; the second
average distance each class of truck travels annually, column provides the emission factors for CO2
measured in kilometers; and the third column measured in kilograms per kilometer traveled; and
estimates the annual fuel consumption for each class
the third column lists the emission factors for CH4
measured in tons. This table is instrumental for also measured in kilograms per kilometer. This table
understanding the land-based transportation activities is essential for quantifying the greenhouse gas (GHG)
within the port specifically the role of heavy-duty emissions from land-based transportation activities
trucks. It serves as a critical data point for calculating within the port. It allows for a more nuanced
the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from these understanding of how different types of trucks
trucks and is vital for developing measureable, contribute to the port's overall GHG emissions and
reportable, and verifiable (MRV) GHG mitigation serves as a key input for any measureable, reportable,
strategies[4]. and verifiable (MRV) GHG mitigation
strategies(Elentably 2018).
2.3 Heavy-Duty Trucks
Heavy-duty trucks play a vital role in the logistics
chain transporting cargo to and from Jeddah Islamic
Port. While these trucks are essential for the port's
operations they also contribute to its greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions. This section aims to quantify these Table 8: Summary of GHG Emissions from
emissions and discuss potential mitigation strategies. Heavy-Duty Trucks (tons/year)

The study employs a travel demand model to CO2 CH4 Total GHG
estimate the GHG emissions from heavy-duty trucks. Truck Emissions Emissions Emissions
The model calculates the Vehicle Kilometers Type (tons/year) (tons/year (tons/year)

) Heavy-Duty
Class 7 4000 50 4050 Trucks 12400 140
Class Total 161400 736
8a 4800 48 4848 Source: Al-Harbi, M., Al-Salem, S. (2018) Survey on Energy
Consumption and Emissions in Jeddah Islamic Port
8b 3600 42 3642 Table 9 is a comprehensive summary that aggregates
Total 12400 140 12540 the estimated annual greenhouse gas (GHG)
Source: Saudi Environmental Agency (2020) Manual on emissions from the three primary sources of
Estimation Methods for Greenhouse Gas Emissions transportation within Jeddah Islamic Port: marine
vessels, cargo-handling equipment, and heavy-duty
Table 8 consolidates the estimated annual greenhouse trucks(Lee, Yeo et al. 2017). The table is organized
gas (GHG) emissions from various classes of heavy- into four columns: the first identifies the specific
duty trucks operating within Jeddah Islamic Port. The sources of emissions the second quantifies the annual
table is organized into four columns: the first column emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) in tons the third
categorizes the trucks based on their carrying presents the annual emissions of methane (CH4) in
capacity such as Class 7, Class 8a, and Class 8b; the tons and the fourth calculates the total annual GHG
second column presents the estimated annual CO2 emissions for each source by summing the CO2 and
emissions for each class measured in tons; the third CH4 emissions. This table serves multiple pivotal
column provides the estimated annual CH4 emissions roles. It provides policymakers with a synthesized
also measured in tons; and the fourth column view of the port's GHG emissions aiding in the
calculates the total GHG emissions combining both formulation of targeted mitigation strategies. For port
CO2 and CH4 for each class of truck(Khodeir, operators the table offers a snapshot of the
Shamy et al. 2021). This table serves as a summary environmental impact of various activities guiding
of the research findings related to land-based operational adjustments for better sustainability.
transportation within the port and is crucial for Additionally the data serves as a foundational
understanding the relative contributions of different element for developing measureable, reportable, and
types of heavy-duty trucks to the port's overall GHG verifiable (MRV) GHG mitigation actions aligning
emissions. It also forms the basis for measureable, with both national and international climate goals.
reportable, and verifiable (MRV) GHG mitigation Lastly the table sets the stage for future studies by
strategies. identifying the key areas where further research could
lead to more effective GHG reduction strategies.
Overall Table 9 serves as a cornerstone for the study's
conclusions and recommendations offering a
3. ESTIMATION RESULTS consolidated and quantified overview of the GHG
emissions from different transportation sources
This section presents the consolidated findings of the
within the port.
GHG emissions from the three main sources of
transportation within the Jeddah Islamic Port: marine
vessels, cargo-handling equipment, and heavy-duty
trucks. The results are based on the activity-based
methodologies described in the preceding sections
and provide a comprehensive view of the port's
environmental impact.

Table 9: Summary of Total GHG Emissions

Emissions Emissions
(tons/yea (tons/yea
Source r) r)
Marine Vessels 125000 500
Equip 24000 96
 Marine Vessels: They are the largest
Co2 Emissions (tons/year) contributor to GHG emissions accounting
for approximately 77% of the total
emissions. Among them hotelling
CO2 Emissions (tons/year)
Marine Vessels operations are the most significant
Cargo-Handling equip contributing 60% of the marine vessels'
Heavy duty trucks total emissions.
 Cargo-Handling Equipment: These
contribute to about 15% of the total GHG
emissions with cranes being the most
15% significant contributor within this
 Heavy-Duty Trucks: They account for
approximately 8% of the total GHG
emissions. Class 8a trucks are the largest
contributors within this group.
The results indicate that the most effective way to
77% reduce the port's overall GHG emissions would be
to focus on marine vessels particularly their
hotelling operations. However significant
reductions can also be achieved by optimizing the
Figure 1: CO2 Emissions from different Sources efficiency of cargo-handling equipment and heavy-
duty trucks.


Cargo Handling Equipments
Heavy Duty Trucks This study aimed to provide a comprehensive
Marine Vessles estimate of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from
various modes of transportation within the Jeddah
13% Islamic Port. The research employed activity-based
methodologies to quantify emissions from marine
vessels, cargo-handling equipment, and heavy-duty
trucks. The findings indicate that marine vessels are
the largest contributors to GHG emissions,
19% accounting for approximately 77% of the total
emissions(Mahfouz, Mostafa et al. 2020). Cargo-
handling equipment and heavy-duty trucks
contribute 15% and 8% respectively(Pedersen
68% 2019).
The study serves as a foundational work for
understanding the environmental impact of
transportation activities within the Jeddah Islamic
Port. It offers valuable insights for policymakers,
stakeholders, and environmental agencies
Figure 2: CH4 Emissions from different Sources
interested in implementing effective GHG
mitigation strategies.
Key Findings
Some Key Recommendations from the study
are(Sornn-Friese, Poulsen et al. 2021):
Focus on Marine Vessels: Target a 20% Khodeir, M., et al. (2021). "Source apportionment and
reduction in GHG emissions from hotelling elemental composition of PM2. 5 and PM10 in Jeddah
operations by 2030 through the adoption of cleaner City, Saudi Arabia." Atmospheric pollution research
technologies and alternative fuels. 3(3): 331-340.
Optimize Cargo-Handling Equipment: Aim for
a 15% improvement in energy efficiency for cargo- Lee, T., et al. (2017). "Environmental efficiency
handling equipment especially cranes by 2025. analysis of port cities: Slacks-based measure data
envelopment analysis approach." Transport Policy 33:
Implement periodic maintenance every six months
to ensure optimal performance.
Route Optimization for Heavy-Duty Trucks: Mahfouz, J. B., et al. (2020). "JEDDAH
Utilize route optimization algorithms to achieve a INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER SEAPORT
10% reduction in Vehicle Kilometers Traveled TERMINAL." Journal of Critical Reviews 7(8): 411-
(VKT) by heavy-duty trucks by 2024. 413.
Policy Interventions: Introduce a carbon pricing
mechanism by 2023 to incentivize emission Pedersen, R. K. (2019). "A preliminary report on a
reductions. Establish penalties for exceeding coastal and underwater survey in the area of Jeddah,
emission limits starting at $50 per excess ton of Saudi Arabia." American Journal of Archaeology
CO2 emitted to be implemented by 2022. 119(1): 125-136.
By setting these specific numerical targets Jeddah
Islamic Port can make measurable progress in Sornn-Friese, H., et al. (2021). "What drives ports
reducing its GHG emissions thereby contributing to around the world to adopt air emissions abatement
global efforts to mitigate climate change. measures?" Transportation Research Part D: Transport
and Environment 90: 102644.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the
Jeddah Islamic Port Authority for granting us access
to invaluable data and operational insights without
which this research would not have been possible.
Special thanks go to Dr. Farhat Hossein whose
expertise in environmental science greatly enriched
this study.

Alghamdi, M. A., et al. (2015). "Receptor modelling
study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia." Science of the Total Environment 506:

Castellano, R., et al. (2020). "Evaluating the economic

and environmental efficiency of ports: Evidence from
Italy." Journal of Cleaner Production 271: 122560.

Elbayoumi, O. and A. Dawood (2020). "Analysis of the

competition of ports in the Middle East container ports
using HHI." Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering

Elentably, A. (2018). "Strategic and Operational Plan

Implementation of Seaports (Utilization Jeddah Port)."
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation 9(4).

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