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'Gay marriage should be legalised in all countries around

the word’ Do u agree? (11/1/2024)

Legalizing homosexual marriage on a global scale is a complicated

and multidimensional topic. While opponents frequently point to
cultural or religious convictions, supporters contend that it is an issue
of equal rights and social progress. The justifications for the
international legalization of homosexual marriage will be discussed in
this essay, with an emphasis on the benefits to society, individual
liberties, and equality.
A crucial first step toward attaining equality is allowing gay couples
to be married. Denying them this privilege helps to keep sexual
orientation discrimination alive. The principles of international human
rights prioritize treating every person equally, regardless of their
sexual orientation. Global legalization is consistent with these ideas.
Legalizing homosexual marriage acknowledges and honors people's
right to select their life partners according to their own feelings of
commitment and love. It is a basic human right to be able to marry,
and it makes sense to extend this right to same-sex couples as it
embodies the idea of individual freedom. Legalization promotes
tolerance and inclusivity by recognizing the variety of relationships
and forms of love. It conveys a message of acceptance, lessening
prejudice and stigma towards the LGBTQ+ population and fostering a
more sympathetic and perceptive international community.
There are financial benefits to legalizing gay marriage, including
more wedding and related industry spending. Socially, it helps
maintain the stability of families and communities because it gives
legally recognized and supported couples a legal advantage.
Numerous nations have already made gay marriage lawful, a sign of
changing public opinion and an appreciation for inclusivity. The
movement for legalization is congruent with the global trend of
LGBTQ+ rights recognition and protection.
To sum up, the argument in favor of legalizing homosexual marriage
on a global scale is based on the ideas of equality, personal liberty,
advancement in society, and the financial and social advantages it
provides. Even while disagreements over cultural and religious views
may persist, the movement for the global legalization of LGBTQ+
rights indicates that accepting this movement is a step toward a more
equitable and welcoming society.

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