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My Reflection

Christian Jay Revidad


1. How is motor control Learning in physical development?

Motor control learning is a critical aspect of physical development, particularly in
infancy and childhood but also throughout the lifespan. It refers to the process by
which individuals acquire and refine the ability to control their movements to
achieve specific goals. This process involves the integration of sensory information,
such as proprioception (awareness of body position) and vision, with motor
commands to produce coordinated and skilled movements.

2. Why is motor control learning important in teaching PE, sports and dance?
Motor control learning plays a crucial role in teaching PE, sports and dance by
facilitating skill acquisition, refinement, injury prevention, performance, and the
promotion of lifelong physical activity. By understanding the principles of motor
control learning and applying evidence-based teaching strategies, educators can help
students develop the skills and confidence they need to thrive in physical activity

3. Explain the process of skill development in the concept of motor learning?

Skill development in motor learning is a dynamic press that involves progressive
stages of learning, practice, feedback, and refinement. Understanding these
principles can inform teaching and coaching practices aimed at optimising skill
acquisition and performance across various physical activities and context.

4. Cite a student learning experience in PE where the process of motor control

learning is applied using the different type of coaching feedback?
Throughout this learning experience, the coach employs different types of coaching
feedback tailored to the students stage of skill development. By providing descriptive
feedback in the cognitive stage, prescriptive feedback in associative stage, and
reinforcement feedback in the autonomous stage, the coach supports the students
motor control learning process and helps them progress toward ps mastery of the
basketball shooting kill.

5. Formulate the sequence of procedure in motor learning development?

For instance, babies first learn to hold their heads up, then to sit with assistance,
then to sit unassisted, followed later by crawling, pulling up, cruising, and then
walking. As motor skills develop, there are certain developmental milestone hat
young children should achieve

6. Write a sequential procedure on how to apply the principle of motor control

learning in dance movement.

The Learning Process

The motor learning process includes these essential stages:

1. Attention and observation (perception) of a demonstrated skill

2. Replication (execution) of what has been observed
3. Feedback
4. Repetition (further practice)

In most formal dance classes, your teacher provides the initial information by
demonstrating and explaining a dance combination. You then perform the
movements, and those movements are encoded in your mind. With repetition,
that movement becomes a part of your memory. When the same or similar
movements are required, you must recall it mentally and transfer it to physical
execution. By the time the motor skill is embedded in memory, it is an image
or concept of the task that is recalled at this level of execution, as opposed to
a complicated series of details, multiple body parts, or individual muscle
activation. This step is the final goal of the motor learning process.

7. Formulate a sequential on how to teach speed accuracy coordination in

sport exercise.
Teaching speed, accuracy, and coordination (SAC) in sport exercise requires a
systematic approach to ensure effective learning and skilll development. Here’s a
sequential procedure:

 Introduction and explanation

 Demonstration
 Practice with progression
 Feedback and correction
 Progressive challenges
 Repetition and reinforcement
 Integration into Gameplay
8. Write a reflective paper summary about the relationship of the mind the body
SDA reflective.

These last years, I have gained new perspectives about myself by paying
more attention to my mind, my body and my spirituality. Looking back, I notice
how my life has been shaped by new habits such as meditation, yoga, a
healthy diet, following my heart, healing and other self-care practices which
have all helped me to better sense how my mind-body-soul are
interconnected. Most of this connection happens subtly and the more I worked
on consciously experiencing those 3 integral parts of my being, the more I
could sense their distinct qualities in my life. Still, experiencing our daily
imbalances or wellbeing isn’t the only driver for our personal growth.
Knowledge is another essential ingredient that ensures we interpret our
experiences in the right way and choose the right life habits. I find it
particularly interesting to keep learning more about what defines me as a
human being. Based on my personal experience and some of my learning, I
will give it a try at unveiling the beautiful connections behind our being as a
Mind, Body and Soul.

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