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4SLS Desktop Checking Assessment Form for Application # ________________


Smart Site Safety System (4S) Labelling Scheme

Desktop Checking Assessment Form

Application Number: Date of Application:

A. Type of works: (choose either one)

✘ Public new works Non-public new works

Public RMAA Non-public RMAA

B. Name of Employer/Project Owner: Civil Engineering and Development Department

C.1 Centralised Management Platform (CMP)

✘ Yes Not mentioned
has been used.

C.2 Digitalised permit-to-work system (PTW)

✘ Yes Not mentioned
has been used.

D.1 Risk identified Risk of poor management of 4S devices.

D.2a Proposed device Centralized Management Platform

D.2b No. of device(s)


D.2c Description on how the device(s) work JARVIS TIGHT is an intelligent and user-friendly web-
based Centralized Management Platform (CMP) with
access control that effectively manages and collects all
signals received from the Smart Site Safety System
(SSSS). It serves as a centralized hub for various
construction data, including Building Information
Modelling (BIM), site progress updates, intelligent
alerts and early warnings, data from construction
apps, IoT sensor data, and weather information.
The CMP provides project managers and stakeholders
with a transparent and accurate real-time overview of
the project, accessible anytime and from anywhere. It
ensures uninterrupted operation through constant

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4SLS Desktop Checking Assessment Form for Application # ________________


monitoring by a health monitoring system and trained

site management personnel.
To ensure the security of all data, video, audio, and
images, the CMP utilizes a secure Internet connection
with 256-bit SSL encryption. Furthermore, it is hosted
on a cloud-based server certified with ISO 27001, ISO
20000, and ISO 27017, adhering to industry-standard
security practices. Regular IT security audits are
conducted to maintain up-to-date security standards,
safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of the stored data in the CMP. The
cloud service is provided by Huawei Cloud Computing
Technologies Co., Ltd, which is located in Hong Kong.
D.2d PA number OR

Submission of specifications ✘ Submitted Outstanding

D.2e Location plan for the 4S devices, sensors /cameras

✘ Submitted Outstanding
with fixed location(s) OR

Operation arrangement documents of the 4S

✘ Submitted Outstanding
solutions without fixed location(s)

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4SLS Desktop Checking Assessment Form for Application # ________________


D.1 Risk identified Risks of unplanned site plant mobili

D.2a Proposed device Digitalised tracking system for site

D.2b No. of device(s) 50

D.2c Description on how the device(s) work The Digitized Tracking System for site plants, powered
tools, and ladders is designed to enhance operational
safety and efficiency by providing a centralized
platform for real-time online tracking. Key features of
the system include attaching a unique digital
identification code to each piece of equipment,
allowing for the monitoring of the equipment's test
certification, examination, checking, and maintenance
records via a mobile device. This facilitates the
immediate display and extraction of equipment status
from the centralized management platform or control
platform, ensuring that all equipment is up-to-date
and compliant. Additionally, the system is capable of
sending alert messages that include details such as the
digital identification number, date and time of
scanning, and the equipment's status, prompting
follow-up actions if required.

D.2d PA number OR

Submission of specifications ✘ Submitted Outstanding

D.2e Location plan for the 4S devices, sensors /cameras Submitted Outstanding
with fixed location(s) OR

Operation arrangement documents of the 4S Submitted Outstanding

solutions without fixed location(s)
 Please duplicate the page if more type of devices is submitted by the applicants

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D.1 Risk identified Risk of missing hazard identification

D.2a Proposed device Digitalised permit-to -work system

D.2b No. of device(s) 1

D.2c Description on how the device(s) work The activities of Digitalized Permit-to-Work System
display on the CMP.

D.2d PA number OR

Submission of specifications ✘ Submitted Outstanding

D.2e Location plan for the 4S devices, sensors /cameras Submitted Outstanding
with fixed location(s) OR

Operation arrangement documents of the 4S Submitted Outstanding

solutions without fixed location(s)

D.1 Risk identified Risk of unauthorized person entering

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D.2a Proposed device Hazardous areas access control by

D.2b No. of device(s) 5

D.2c Description on how the device(s) work Refer to DEVB TC(W) No. 3/2023 – Annex A Item 5(d)
(i-iii), the Electronic Lock and Key System serves as an
automated access control and warning system to
ensure that unauthorized individuals cannot open
locked covers, doorways, and barriers to hazardous
areas within the Site. This system plays a crucial role in
enhancing safety and regulatory compliance while
effectively controlling access to restricted areas. Such
(a) electrical distribution board cabinet
(b) floor opening equal to or larger than 500mm x
(c) entrance to confined space areas
(d) lift shaft openings
To achieve its objectives, the Electronic Lock and Key
System utilizes electronic locks that can only be
opened by authorized electronic keys embedded with
the key owner's identity. The access authority for
opening designated electronic locks is periodically
reviewed and renewed. Unauthorized duplication of
electronic keys is strictly prohibited.

D.2d PA number OR

Submission of specifications ✘ Submitted Outstanding

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D.2e Location plan for the 4S devices, sensors /cameras Submitted Outstanding
with fixed location(s) OR

Operation arrangement documents of the 4S Submitted Outstanding

solutions without fixed location(s)

D.1 Risk identified Risk of Collisions, Overturns, Human

D.2a Proposed device Unsafe acts / dangerous situation

D.2b No. of device(s) 10

D.2c Description on how the device(s) work The system camera is designed to detect individuals
entering the danger zone. To ensure comprehensive
coverage, the camera will be installed in all directions.
Additionally, a protective casing will be provided for
the camera. When the camera detects someone in the
danger zone, automatic warnings will be triggered.
These warnings are conveyed through audio and
lighting signals, which are specifically designed to alert
mobile plant operators of potential danger. The
effectiveness of the warning system will be proven
through live trials, which will demonstrate the
accuracy of the SSS component in issuing timely and
accurate warnings, alarms, and alerts corresponding
to specific incidents.

D.2d PA number OR

Submission of specifications ✘ Submitted Outstanding

D.2e Location plan for the 4S devices, sensors /cameras Submitted Outstanding
with fixed location(s) OR

Operation arrangement documents of the 4S Submitted Outstanding

solutions without fixed location(s)

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D.1 Risk identified Risk of human fatigue, stress or hea

D.2a Proposed device Smart monitoring devices for workers

D.2b No. of device(s)


D.2c Description on how the device(s) work Refer to DEVB TC(W) No. 3/2023 – Annex A Item 5(b)(i-
ii), combination of smart watch would be used to
monitor the workers and frontline site personnel. A
total solution for worker management in construction
site is supposed. Smart Watch would be used to
monitor the workers and frontline site personnel. In our
platform, the distribution of the workers would be
visualized in real-time and heart rate monitoring.

D.2d PA number OR

Submission of specifications ✘ Submitted Outstanding

D.2e Location plan for the 4S devices, sensors /cameras Submitted Outstanding
with fixed location(s) OR

Operation arrangement documents of the 4S Submitted Outstanding

solutions without fixed location(s)

D.1 Risk identified Risk of Behavior and Integration wit

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D.2a Proposed device Safety Monitoring System using Artificial

D.2b No. of device(s) 2

D.2c Description on how the device(s) work Refer to DEVB TC(W) No. 3/2023 – Annex A Item 5(g)
(i-ii), contractor shall provide and install the Safety
Monitoring System using Artificial Intelligence with
protective casings and sensor systems to collect videos
that can cover all areas of the Site for real-time
monitoring of the site conditions.

D.2d PA number OR

Submission of specifications ✘ Submitted Outstanding

D.2e Location plan for the 4S devices, sensors /cameras Submitted Outstanding
with fixed location(s) OR

Operation arrangement documents of the 4S Submitted Outstanding

solutions without fixed location(s)

D.1 Risk identified Immersive Learning, Reinforcement

D.2a Proposed device Safety Training with VR Technology

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D.2b No. of device(s) 1

D.2c Description on how the device(s) work For workers engaging in the following high risk
activities on topic(s)
relevant to their duties on a half-yearly basis:
(i) Heavy lifting operation;
(ii) Heavy machinery operation;
(iii) Working in confined space;
(iv) Use of suspended working platform;
(v) Erection/alteration/dismantle of bamboo scaffolds
and/or trussout bamboo scaffolds.

D.2d PA number OR

Submission of specifications ✘ Submitted Outstanding

D.2e Location plan for the 4S devices, sensors /cameras Submitted Outstanding
with fixed location(s) OR

Operation arrangement documents of the 4S Submitted Outstanding

solutions without fixed location(s)

E Document checklist

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4SLS Desktop Checking Assessment Form for Application # ________________


E.1 Project scope of works ✘ Submitted Outstanding

E.2 Other supporting documents

E.2a Risk assessment Submitted ✘ N/A

E.2b 4S Implementation plan ✘ Submitted N/A

E.2c Safety plan Submitted ✘ N/A

E.2d Other documents: (Please specify)

F. Document Submission Completion Date 按一下或點選以輸入日期。

G. Secretariat's Summary (If any)

Checked by: Reviewed by:

_______________ M-CD
Name: Date:

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