Tugas Tutorial 2

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Nama Penulis : Fahimah M. Mooduto, M.A..

Nama Penelaah :
Status Pengembangan : Baru
Tahun Pengembangan : 2024

No Tugas Tutorial Sumber Tugas Tutorial
1. Write in English! Modul 4 dan 5
1. 579 = 6 Kegiatan belajar yang
2. 2024 = sesuai dengan capaian
3. 256.000 = pembelajaran yang akan
2. What time is it? Write it down in two dicapai melalui soal
versions (British and American English). nomor 1: Numbers
1. 3:15 15 Nomor 2: Time
2. 1:40
3. 6:30 Nomor 3: Comparative
3. Please fill the comparative or superlative and Superlative Degree
degree appropriately into these sentences Nomor 4: Prepositions
1. Mr. Martin is (fat) 5 Nomor 5: Identify
__________________ than Mr. Tan. Periode of Time in Days,
2. Nani is the (diligent) Months, and years.
____________________ student in Nomor 6: Telling
class. Activities in Relation
4. with the Time: Present
Please fill the preposition appropriately
into these sentences below! Continuous Tense,
1. The students do not go to school … Present Perfect Tense,
Sunday. 12 and Present Perfect
2. This statue was made … 1850. Continuous Tense.
3. I leave for work … six o’clock …
Nomor 7: Telling Time
the morning, and get home … half
and Telephone
past six … the evening.
5. 1. When is your birthday?
2. When date is the Independence Day 4
of Indonesia?
6. 1. It is very cold now. She ……
(wear) her coat now. 12
2. Listen! There is someone …
(knock) at the door.
3. He …… (play) badminton since ten
years ago.
4. I … (look) at this picture for five
5. I am learning English now. I …..
(learn) English since September.
6. I smell something burning.
Someone ……… (cook). (Present
Perfect Continuous Tense)
7. Make a conversation based on this
situation below!

Pak Joko seorang guru SD menelpon

temannya ibu Tuti. Nomor telepon ibu
Tuti: 419772. Yang mengangkat telpon
anak ibu Tuti Bernama Dian. Pak Joko
mau berbicara dengan ibu Tuti. Ternyata
Ibu Tuti lagi ke pasar. Pulang pasar biasa
jam 6.30. Dian menanyakan kepada pak
Joko apakah ingin meninggalkan pesan.
Pak Joko tidak meninggalkan pesan, dia
ingin menelpon lagi.

Total 100

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