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1. Numbers!
 579 = Fife Hundred And Seventy Nine 
 2024 = Two Thousand Twenty Four
 256.000 = two hundred and fifty six thousand

2. What time is it? Write it down in two versions

 3:15
British English: - Quarter past three - Three fifteen.
American English:
- Three fifteen. (Most common)
- A quarter after three. (Less common, but still understood)

 1:40
British English: a) Twenty past one.
American English:
- Forty minutes past one. (More common)
- Twenty after one. (Less common)

 6:30
British English: -Half past six.
American English: -Six thirty.
3. Comparative and Superlative Degree !
1. Mr. Martin is fatter than Mr. Tan. (Comparative degree)
2. Nani is the most diligent student in class. (Superlative degre
4. Please fill the comparative or superlative degree appropriately into these
sentences below!
3. Mr. Martin is fatter than Mr. Tan. (Comparative degree)
4. Nani is the most diligent student in class. (Superlative degre
5. Please fill the preposition appropriately into these sentences below!
a. The students do not go to school on Sunday
b. This statue was made in 1850.
c. I leave for work at six o’clock in the morning, and get home at half past
six in the evening.
6. Identify Periode of Time in Days, Months, and years.
1. My birthday is June 14
2. The Independence Day of Indonesia is on 17 August.
7. Telling Activities in Relation with the Time: Present Continuous Tense, Present
Perfect Tense, and Present Perfect
1. It is very cold now. She is wearing her coat now. (Present Continuous
I use the present continuous tense because she started wearing the coat now
due to the current coldness. The action is ongoing.
2. Listen! There is someone knocking at the door. (Present Tense)
Here, the present tense works best. The knocking is happening right now, a
single action in the present moment.
3. He has played badminton for ten years. (Present Perfect Tense)
The present perfect tense is ideal for this sentence. It describes an action that
started in the past (ten years ago) and is completed, but might have an
impact on the present (his skills perhaps).
4. I have been looking at this picture for five minutes. (Present Perfect
Continuous Tense)
This is a perfect example of the present perfect continuous. The action of
looking started in the past (five minutes ago) and continues up to the present
5. I am learning English now. I have been learning English since
September. (Present Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous)
This combines two tenses. You are currently learning English (present
continuous), but you also started learning back in September (present perfect
continuous) and haven't stopped.
6. I smell something burning. Someone has been cooking. (Present Perfect
Continuous Tense)
8. Make a conversation based on this situation below!
 Dian: Hello, who is this?
 Pak Joko: Hello Dian, this is Pak Joko, Rara's teacher. Is your mom
 Dian: Mom is at the market, Pak. She usually comes home at 6:30. Do
you have a message for Mom?
 Pak Joko: Oh, I see. Alright, then I'll call again later.
 Dian: Okay, Pak. I'll tell Mom.
 Pak Joko: Thank you, Dian.
 Dian: You're welcome, Pak.

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