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Lab X

Youssef Yasser 202101134

May 2023

0.1 SunSpot A

Table 1: SunSpot A
Day Date Longitude Daily Change
1 June 22 -60 -
2 June 23 -45 15
3 June 24 -32.25 12.75
4 June 25 -20 12.25
5 June 26 -10 10
6 June 27 7.5 17.5
7 June 28 22.6 15.1
8 June 29 33.6 11
9 June 30 45 11
10 July 1 60 15
11 July 2 75 15
12 July 3

Average daily change: = 13.46 day

0.2 SunSpot B

Table 2: SunSpot B
Day Date Longitude Daily Change
1 June 22
2 June 23 -62.5 -
3 June 24 -48.4 14.1
4 June 25 -37.7 10.7
5 June 26 -25.5 12.5
6 June 27 -10 15.5
7 June 28 7.2 17.2
8 June 29 17 10.2
9 June 30 27 10
10 July 1 44 17
11 July 2 56.5 12.5
12 July 3 70 13.5

Average daily change: = 13.32 day

0.3 SunSpot C
Average daily change: = 13 day

Lab X • May 2023

Table 3: SunSpot C
Day Date Longitude Daily change
1 June 22 -60
2 June 23 -45 15
3 June 24 -34.5 10.5
4 June 25 -22 12.5
5 June 26 -12.5 9.5
6 June 27 5 17.5
7 June 28 20 15
8 June 29 30 10
9 June 30 38 8
10 July 1 57 19
11 July 2 70 13
12 July 3

0.4 QUestions
• No
• The average daily rate the sunspots = 13.26 degree

• Certainly, there are sunspots that seem to undergo alterations in their size or configuration as time
passes. This phenomenon arises from the intricate magnetic processes taking place within the sunspots.
When the magnetic field inside the sunspot interacts with the magnetic field of the neighboring area,
it can result in the sunspot expanding or contracting.
• for A = 13.46 degree
day , for Group B = 13.32 degree

• since we know that

degree 360
And ω = 13.39 day , =⇒ S = 13.39 ≈ 26.8857 Days

• since we have
365.25 · S
P =
365.25 + S
And S = 26.8857, so P = 365.25+26.8857 ≈ 25.0424 Days.

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