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Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Award of the Degree of




Reg.No MB198214

Under the guidance of





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I hereby declare that “the difficulties faced by farmers in India” is the result of the

project work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr. Tejas B Vyas in partial fulfillment for
the award of Master’s Degree in Business Administration by Bengaluru City university.

I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own efforts and that it has not been
submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any other degree or Diploma or


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This is to certify that the project report entitled “DIFFICULTIES FACED BY FARMERS IN INDIA”
Bangalore for award of Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION is a record of work
carried out by he under my guidance.


Date:23/1/2021 Signature:

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I hereby declare that “DIFFICULTIES FACED BY FARMERS IN INDIA” is the result of individual
and original project work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr. Tejas B Vyas and my
external guide in partial fulfillment for the award of Master’s Degree in Business
Administration by Bengaluru City University.

I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own efforts and that it has not been
submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any other degree or
Diploma or Certificate.


Date: Register Number: MB198214

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Introduction to the study 9

Statement of the problem 10

Need and relevance of the study 11


Data collection method 13

Analyzing the collected data 13

Evaluation of the choices 14

limitations 14


Strength 15

Weakness 16

Opportunities 17

Threats 17


Issues/difficulties faced by farmers in 18


Solutions for the problems faced by 24

farmers in India



Experience 27

Learning 29

Conclusion 31

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Bibliography 32

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The main objective of this project is to identify the problems faced by farmers in India and to
make out certain solutions to their problem. It’s found to be a serious issue that will affect
every single human in India. If each one of us is aware of the future effect by these problems,
it will help the life of farmers as well as our country people. Another part is based on its
effect on Indian economy. Agriculture is one of the major reasons for the growth of Indian
economy. There are small problems as well as bigger once, but it’s unnoticed by the
government as well as common people.

Farming is one of the riskiest professions, if it’s not able to attain the level of success, which
leads the life of farmers to dark. Our people will not know about this, because there are a lot
of farmers whole over the country, who works hard to raise the availability of food products
and others. One of the major impact of these problems are suicides of the farmers. It’s not
only a loss for his/her family, but also for the whole country. If this is happening anymore,
we are going to loss the entire farmers over the country. This will make a greater scarcity for
the food and other related product’s, it will affect the whole Indian economy. To make this
not to happen various measures should be taken by the government as well as the people.
Some of the biggest problems are based on the availability of loan, lower rate of water supply

Most of the farmers are living in rural areas. In rural areas the technologies are not much
developed, some of the farmers are not aware of the new technologies and still they are
following the old methods. The rural areas are not much noticed by the government, since the
availability of resources is very low. This project is focused on the research of such problems
and some measures to solve it. Agriculture sector is very important and each one of us should
be familiar with it. The aim of this research is to make a way to reduce the poverty by
pointing out the downfall in agricultural sector. Most of the farmers are facing financial crisis
due to lower level of income. Some of the banks like SBI provides loan for the farmers but
still the issues are not over, as they are not able to repay the loans. Some of the farmers in
rural areas go for loans from lenders with high interest rate, as they doesn’t know about the
loans provided by the banks. Still, we are not able to solve these problems.

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The states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra etc are the main
areas of farming. The environmental conditions are the other factor that plays a major role in
the process of farming. If the conditions are worst, they will not be able to grow crops. Now
the world has changed a lot, but our farmers are still suffering from such things. There are no
proper weather casting systems that informing the farmers or to give them advice.


Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in India. Farming is the major branch in
agriculture, means without food items and raw materials there will be no existence for
agriculture. Indian economy is related with the agriculture. For a better economy the country
should also focus on the agriculture sector. This research shows the problems faced by the
farmers and its major impact on Indian economy. Main goal is to find certain ways to solve
each the problems faced by the farmers. Farmers are the group of people who works without
day and night to serve the people in our country. No one has even think about the day without
food, but if the things are going in the same way the situation will be more worst. The
government as well as the people should take various measures to protect our farmers and to
make them happy.

The condition of the farmers in our country is really bad there are different problem’s that
effect’s their daily life. This problems even includes the environmental changes, if there is no
proper rainfall in a season the farmers were not able to grow the crops. The water scarcity is
the other problem, due to inadequate supply of water. The farmers are not aware of the
growth in the technology there is no certain system to assist them. Due to these problems
farmers are going for suicide. If this happens anymore, our country is going to face scarcity
for food on the future. Farmers are now working without the profit and there is no proper
income for the farmers. This has made a great financial crisis they don’t have money for their
personal uses. The government is providing money for credit to the farmers. But still they are
not able to survive because they can’t repay the loan. Some of the small scale farmers are not
even aware of certain bank loan they borrow money from lenders at a high interest rate. All
these problems should be solved.

The situation has become worsened due to the COVID-19. Because of lockdown, farmers are
facing great problems due to the loss in market as well as the availability of resources. Small
farmers will always take the machines for rent because its affordable for them than buying
new machines. Due to such a pandemic situation farmers were not able to grow the crops.
The government was not able to take measures due to this riskiest situation. They are waiting

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with a hope that, there will be some changes occur and will be able to develop a better
harvesting system.

The farmers give importance to the life of other people, but no one is bothered about the
farmers. Most of their families are suffering without proper education, healthcare etc. The
better way to stop this is to develop some good plans that will give the solutions for each of
their problems. The government as well as citizens should take this matter serious and have to
work together to bring changes in the life of farmers. If the things get changes, it will show a
major growth in the Indian economy as well as it reduces the poverty.


The people who work hard for serving their nation, to make others feel happy in the form of
food and other resources are simply called as farmers. It plays a role in the form of
agriculture in Indian economy. Agriculture is the sector that provides the employment for
many people. But the farming sector is facing some big challenges. So it’s not only the need
of farmers to solve these problems, all the citizens as well as government is responsible to
help them. The situation now made the agriculture as a non profitable sector, because there is
no sufficient income for the farmers. This research is necessary because the things should
change. Most of the small farmers were from rural areas. Now a day’s there are lot of
changes in the technology. But the farmers in rural areas are still suffering. They don’t have
proper knowledge about the technology. The introduction of mobile phones and other
facilities should help the farmers by the introduction of certain apps, which are useful to share
the information with them. If the climatic changes are unfavorable, it will be a great disaster
for the farmers. The result will be a zero harvesting year. This is still happening for small
farmers because of no proper weathercast. If they are provided with proper information, it
helps them to decide the crops suitable for specific climate. The farmers are also the citizens
of our country. By these much of development in our country, and the farmers are still
following the old methods. It’s something difficult to see, because they are serving us without
any complains. A proper system should be developed to reach their needs. The government
should link with the agricultural sector, should check about the downfall in the sector as well
as the reasons for the fall. Today half of the agriculture sector is in the hands of corporate.

These people are still working, but on the future who will be ready to opt a job like farming?
Now it’s one of the riskiest profession than the other jobs. There are no proper workers
available for farming, because there is no availability of proper income. Farmers not only
grow food products, they also work with clothing. Therefore our every day needs are satisfied

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because of farmers. There are some people who stands as a middlemen between farmers and
the market. Some of the small farmers are not able to sell their goods directly in the market,
they go for these middlemen for help. But the farmers are not getting the actual price for their
goods. These middlemen taking more than half of the shares and the farmers were helpless.
We should never forget that the backbone of our country is farmers, without them our country
is zero. The real estate in our country has grown up to a level, in this level farmers are not
able to find a land affordable for farming. Their families are still suffering, but they are not
ready to give up. They are still hoping for a bright future, they are happy in serving others.
Like every human being they also have some dreams to fulfill, mainly about the future of
their children. They wants to provide their children with good education, they want them to
be well settled in the future. They loves their profession, but they doesn’t want to see their
children working in farm. But in this situation they are not even able to provide them with a
good clothes, they are not able to fulfill the dream of their children. They didn’t have a proper
security for their health. All these problems should be changed. Every citizen as well as the
government is responsible to give an end to this situation.

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The research is based on the difficulties faced by the farmers in India. This subject is most
important for all our citizens. Many of them have written articles, books, stories etc about the
farmers. These give the research more key information and get to know the real picture of a
farmer’s life.

There are many reports and details about the crisis in the Indian economy due to the
agricultural sector. These reports are found from daily magazines as well as newspapers. A
detailed study among the farmers and the problems that causes difficulties is highlighted. It
will help the government as well as the citizens to have a new approach to the needs and
welfare of the farmers. There are a lot of difficulties for the farmers, even there are much
problems due to the environment. If there is no proper rainfall in a year, it will impact the
harvesting system. The problem in the availability of water, electricity, proper machinery etc
also causes a big problem for the farmers.

Data collection method

The data’s are collected from the people who have done studies in agricultural sector and
from the magazines like “India today, Outlook, farmers weekly, Krishi Jagran and Small
farmer’s Journal” were used to refer the details. Books named “Agricultural problems of
India” and the newspaper named “Economic times” are used. There were a lot of articles
published, which shows us the things happening in the agricultural sector.

Analyzing the collected data

By analyzing the collected data, we find that the farmers and their families are facing
different problems that are unsolved. This made a great increase in the number of farmers
committing suicide. These news were published in news papers, television etc, but these news
were ignored, because these problems were happening every day. If any of the people stand
in front to support them, this will never happen to our farmers. By getting the details of the
suicides of farmers during the year, we recognized that the problems are not being solved.
The government and other news channels have the details in clear, but none of them have

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taken the issue in serious. The small farmers were facing the maximum of these problems,
because they are from rural areas. Here we found the information’s about our Indian farmers.
By analyzing these information’s we have found the problems and the solutions for each of
them. The data shows that more than 10,000 farmers died during the year 2019. Every year
this is happening, so these solutions should bring into effect by the government, each of us
should take this as a serious issue, because the farmers made our country to stand strong, they
are still feeding us. To protect them we should do our best.

Evaluation of the choices

Both primary as well as the secondary methods are used to collect the data’s. With the help of
primary method we are able to get the clear information’s from the experienced people. We
are able to discuss with them and able to point out their views. In the case of secondary
method, data’s were collected from certain articles, magazines, newspapers, books, NGO etc.
It helps us to understand the point of view by different people and helps to collect more data.
This approach is a better way because, it helps to evaluate the farmers in detail and to made a
study about the situations they go through. By this research we got some new knowledge
from this subject. Main understandings are mentioned below:-

. The problems related with farming and its changes in Indian economy.
. The impact of environmental changes, that causes great difficulties on growing crops.
. The farmers in the rural areas still unaware on the growth in technologies

. The future view on India, when there is no farmers and farming.


. Different views for different people while interacting.

. Problems faced due to COVID-19, while traveling to collect the primary data

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Farming plays an important role in food security of our country. The increase in population is
the main reason that made the food demand high and also some pressure on natural resources.
SWOT analysis helps to find the strategies for the development of farming methods. Based
on the results various measures are taken for the growth of small farmers, development of the
quality crops, make sure the proper availability of resources etc.

1 Strengths

The lands in our country are of best quality and effective for growing best quality of

 Natural method of farming followed by the farmers, to avoid environmental


 Large varieties of natural resources, fruits, vegetables and other food items are
produced in large quantities.
 India is second on the list of countries with largest agricultural land.

 The farming system in India is still using the manpower for the cultivation of

 Less use of chemicals in growing crops, because the farmers are oriented towards
the health of the people.

 The farming contributes the conservation of natural resources and the better way
of its utilization.

 The knowledge of farmers, about the crops and the climate suitable for each crop
is at its best level.

 Indian agriculture contributes about 18% of India’s gross domestic product


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 India is the country with largest cattle inventory in the world

 It increases the opportunity for the labour because it requires more labourers.

2 Weakness

. There is a lack in the availability of resources.

. Small scale farmers are not aware of new technology.
. There is no proper weather casting system.
. Difficulties faced by farmers to find a local market place.
. There is no proper availability of income.
. Poor quality of seeds provided by private sectors, the government fails to
evaluate the seeds.

. Farmers in rural areas are not aware of lower interest loan provided by

. There are no proper facilities to store the products.

. No proper transporting systems for the farmers, to transport their products to
the market

. No proper supply of electricity by the government, which made the process

too slow.

. The problems caused due to middle person in the market.

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3 Opportunities

. Farming creates employment opportunities for many people, especially for the people
in rural areas.

. It helps in the growth of agro based industries, all over the country
. Increase in the exporting opportunities of India.
. New technologies are developed.
. Increase in population.
. It contributes for development of the capital.
4 Threats

. Climatic changes that made difficulties in growing crops.

. More share by corporate companies than the government
. More cost of production and low level of income.
. Low quality of machine’s are provided for farming.

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India’s set of experiences enlighten right regarding its farming proficiency, fantastic climatic
conditions and normal asset accessibility. India uses broad pieces of its property for the
development of wheat, rice, cotton etc. Likewise it’s a main maker of flavors, heartbeats and
milk in worldwide market. Basically India is a persuasive horticulture force to be reckoned
with around the world, having ranchers and all connected specialists as its spine. In the same
way as other different areas, the horticultural scene additionally faces long term issues and
startling difficulties that are pivotal to correct. We should talk about a portion of the
fundamental issues ranchers face in India and the most ideal arrangements.

1 Issues/ difficulties faced by farmers in India

There is a rapid increase in the demand of food and other natural products due to increase in
population. So it’s the duty of government as well as citizens to protect farming. There are
various measures taken but still the problem is unsolved. Here we are going to discuss each
problems faced by farmers in India.

. Non availability of water

Water accessibility in India is more than adequate to flood all development territories,
the issue is that we actually need to discover modest and appropriate answers for use such
gigantic water supplies. Because of a few reasons, ranchers either don’t get the fitting
measure of water or don’t get the gracefully on schedule, numerous ranchers depend on water
for water system.

. Less use of modern farming equipment

In many regions, until this point in time, ranchers follow crude development techniques,
generally utilized furrow and significant local adornments keep on being rancher’s

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inclination. In spite of no lack of proficient gear and hardware, there’s almost no utilization
of present day gear, significantly on the grounds that most ranchers don’t have lands
sufficiently enormous to utilize progressed instruments, substantial apparatus.

. Over dependence on traditional crops

Indian ranchers are developing rice and wheat throughout recent centuries in a few locales.
The inordinate creation of the two grains, commonly lead to the capacity, deal issues and lack
of other homestead items. Numerous ranchers relying on just these conventional harvests,
shows an absence of a successful cross country horticulture plan.

. Helpless storage facilities

In provincial zones, storerooms are either inadequate or totally missing. In such a
circumstance, ranchers generally have no other alternative than selling their products quickly
once it’s prepared, at market costs that are regularly low. They are far away from an authentic

. Transportation problems
Absence of modest, proficient methods for transportation is a major issue generally found in
the Indian agribusiness area. Little ranchers actually depend on bullock-trucks for moving
their products. Beside, lakhs of towns are associated with interstates and market focuses with
impermanent streets that become sloppy and futile in downpours. Thus, ranchers can’t
convey their produce to the focal market and weakly sell it in nearby market at low expenses.

. High interest rate

A great many ranchers end their carries on with every year because of obligation trouble.
Absurdly high loan fees ought to be proclaimed illicit, and the administration must take
speedy, exacting and suitable activity against eager cash banks. Another issues is little and
peripheral ranchers need to experience awkward methods to get institutional credit.

. Government schemes are yet to arrive at small farmers

The government brought certain debt-relief schemes, which additionally covered direct
agrarian advance to focus on ranchers. Be that as it may, the vast majority of such
government assistance projects and appropriations declared by both the focal and state
governments are yet to arrive at helpless ranchers, while large/affluent proprietors are
immensely profited.

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. Quality of seeds
Seed is a basic and fundamental contribution for achieving higher harvest yields and
continued development in agrarian creation. Circulation of guaranteed quality seed is as basic
as the creation of such seeds. Sadly, great quality seeds are far from most of ranchers,
particularly little and minimal ranchers principally in light of excessive costs of better seeds.

. Agricultural marketing
Rural showcasing still keeps on being in an awful shape in rustic India. Without sound
showcasing officers, the ranchers need to rely on nearby brokers and go betweens for the
removal of their homestead produce which is sold at discard cost.

. Manures and fertilizers

Indian soils have been utilized for developing harvests more than huge number of years
without thinking about recharging. This has prompted consumption and weakness of soils
bringing about their low efficiency. The normal yields of practically all the harvests are
among the least on the planet. This is a difficult issue which can be tackled by utilizing more
manures and fertilizers.

. Holding of land
This is one of the significant motivation behind why ranchers are not capable. Since the
greater part of the helpless ranchers have a limited quantity of land and that too in divided
way. What’s more, as per information, the normal size of holding of land per ranchers is
diminishing each year. It implies the circumstance is deteriorating. This issues turns out to be
more genuine in thickly populated states with less cultivating land. It gets hard for a rancher
to flood and reap in divided terrains in light of the fact that a ton of time is squandered in
moving the assets starting with one field then onto the next.

. Heavy pressure of population

The Indian agriculture is characterized by heavy pressure of population. About 70 per cent of
the total population is directly or indirectly depend on agriculture. The fast growth of
population in industrialization and urbanization are putting enormous pressure on arable land.

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. Agricultural prices
In order to expand food creation, it is important to guarantee that the costs of food grain set
by the government every now and then give sufficient motivating force to ranchers so they
can procure sensible livelihood. In India, guard crops prompts fall in income of farmers.

. No proper crop rotation

Consistent creation of grains on a similar plot of land decreases the richness of the dirt which
might be reestablished if different harvests like heartbeats, vegetables and so on are
developed there. As the ranchers are generally ignorant, they are not a lot of cognizant about
the advantages of harvest pivot. In this way, land loses its fruitfulness to a significant degree.

. Soil erosion
Huge parcels of ripe land experience the ill effects of soil disintegration by wind and water.
This zone must be appropriately treated and reestablished to its unique fruitfulness.

. Environmental changes
Some changes in climate made a great impact on growing crops. The affect of global
warming that cause changes in temperature, rainfall etc. This may lead for the growth of
insect population that causes damage to the crops.

. Impact of COVID-19
India’s progressing lockdown to control the spread of COVID-19 is undermining the farming
area as it covers with the hour of gather. The lockdown has wrecked gather readiness and
absence of farming work to help in reap and limitations on transportation of produce not
withstanding being given waivers as fundamental administration.

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60% of Indian farmers are small farmers

Farmers in india

small farmers
marginal farmers
landless farmers
large farmers

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Agriculture GDP growth falls

Agri GDP Agri

-1 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

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Solutions for the problems faced by farmers in India

. Multiple cropping
For better yield and productive outcomes, ranchers are encouraged to develop numerous
harvests, include apple, pineapple, papaya, banana, coconut, ginger, turmeric and numerous

. Agriculture modernization
If we encourage youth for farming and related occupation, this sector will definitely boom.
They already have basic institutional education and knowledge they can learn and grow
quickly. For instance, almost all of them have smart phones by using a modern agriculture
app they can perform well in the farms. Besides introducing modern technology and passing
advanced equipment to small farmers will help boost efficiency, productivity and quality.

. Importance to farmer’s education

Numerous ranchers are uninformed of harvest pivot. Instruction is essentially improved in
metropolitan regions, however the government neglected the requirement for the equivalent
in provincial territories, especially in the general farming area. This is the motivation behind
why ranchers stay uniformed of a few, government-gave plans and their advantages.

. Requirement for crop insurance

Harvest protection is fundamental yet simple, fast settlement of cases is essential. There’s a
requirement for straightforward file based protection that threats policy holders similarly
inside a characterized geological territory. Record based protection framework has low
operational and transnational expenses and guarantees faster payouts.

. Proper management of water

Water assets can be completely used through interstate coordination on water the executives;
water can without much of a stretch be conveyed to the zones where it is generally required.
Associating the streams and building public streams/channels will tackle water flexible issues
and improve water system office, helping ranchers on the off chance that rainstorm falls flat.

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. Reduce the land holdings
Solidification of divided ranch lands at the grass-root level under the management of the
administration is the best arrangement. Union should be possible through co-usable
cultivation, corporate cultivating and shared cultivating. The utilization of complex
homestead hardware and gear will assist the minimal ranchers with expanding the farming

. Improvement of storage facilities

To comprehend the issue, there is a continuous exertion started by the Food Corporation of
India, the state warehousing corporation and central warehousing corporation to extend the
storerooms and build up a support stock for possibilities.

. Avoid dependence on traditional crops

Underwriting relationship of ware based ranchers and spreading mindfulness is an
exceptionally compelling approach to defeat the over-reliance on conventional yield. The
seed banks are assuming a significant part in helping ranchers change to different assortments
of yields to encourage a smooth progress.

. Improvement in quality of fertilizers, manures and biocides

Request to keep up the nature of the manures, 52 compost quality control labs have been set
up in various pieces of the nation. Also, there is one central fertilizer quality control and
training institute at Faridabad with its three territorial focuses at Mumbai, Kolkata and

. Improvement in markets
To spare the ranchers from the grasp of the cash loan specialists and the center men, the
legislature has come out with managed markets. This business sectors by and large present an
arrangement of serious purchasing, help in destroying misbehaviors, guarantee the utilization
of normalized loads, and quantifies and develop appropriate hardware for settlement of
debates consequently guaranteeing that the producers are not exposed to misuse and get
gainful costs.

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. Problems related to credit should be solved
The farmers are facing problems due to lack of capitals, the government provides low interest
loan facilities for farmer. But, these facilities are not able to solve the problems of farmers in
rural areas, because they don’t have proper knowledge about the credit facilities provided by
the government. So the government should create a system to help the farmers in rural area
and make them aware.

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It was a better topic to do research, and was really interesting. The farming sector stands as a
backbone to all of our life. It is our duty to find the difficulties faced by them and show it to
others, because the future is decided by farmers. They serve us with food and other natural
products. As a citizen we should know the complete details in farming and their contribution
to our life. During this research, it feels the pain of farmers while collecting the primary data.
Some of them started to do works like daily wage, by finding some gap time from farming,
because they are not able to find a proper income for their livelihood. Some of the farmers
lost their own house, land etc, due to difficulties in repayment of money from lenders.

The problem in the availability of water, electricity, proper machinery etc also causes a big
problem for the farmers. These reports are found from daily magazines as well as
newspapers. There are many reports and details about the crisis in the Indian economy due to
the agricultural sector. There are a lot of difficulties for the farmers, even there are much
problems due to the environment. . If there is no proper rainfall in a year, it will impact the
harvesting system. A detailed study among the farmers and the problems that causes
difficulties is highlighted. The solution for each problem is defined in this research. If these
plans are executed properly, our farming sector will be perfect than any other country in the
world. It will show a major growth in the Indian economy as well as it reduces the poverty.

By watching television, reading news paper there will be small or big news relating to the
farming sector, but every one of us leave it normal. But the great experience is from this
research, when we are dealing with this sector, it came to know the seriousness about the
topic and its future impact. From this research we get to know that some of the difficulties in
any of the sector, will cause great impact to us today or in the upcoming future.

It is important to identify weather the doing research is qualitative, is it use full for others?
Here in this research it’s totally assured in its quality. Each and every contents are useful and
important in the life of an Indian citizen. There is a great motivation developed during this

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research that, I am doing the work for the development of our people. By different methods
of research, I am able to explore in the farming sector and learn more things while doing this
project. This work gave more knowledge on dealing with a project. The main thing is about
management of time. Proper time management helps to complete the work by collecting
effective data on time.

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This project gives me more knowledge on farming sector of India. Farming plays an
important role in food security of our country. The condition of the farmers in our country is
really bad, there are different problems that effects their daily life. This problems even
includes the environmental changes, if there is no proper rainfall in a season the farmers were
not able to grow the crops. The water scarcity is the other problem, due to inadequate supply
of water. The farmers are not aware of the growth in the technology there is no certain system
to assist them. Due to these problems farmers are going for suicide. If this happens anymore,
our country is going to face scarcity for food on the future. Farmers are now working without
the profit and there is no proper income for the farmers. This has made a great financial crisis
they don’t have money for their personal uses. The government is providing money for credit
to the farmers. But still they are not able to survive because they can’t repay the loan. Some
of the small scale farmers are not even aware of certain bank loan they borrow money from
lenders at a high interest rate.

Farming is the major branch in agriculture, means without food items and raw materials there
will be no existence for agriculture. Indian economy is related with the agriculture. For a
better economy the country should also focus on the agriculture sector. This research shows
the problems faced by the farmers and its major impact on Indian economy. Main goal is to
find certain ways to solve each the problems faced by the farmers. Farmers are the group of
people who works without day and night to serve the people in our country. The government
as well as the people should take various measures to protect our farmers and to make them
happy. From this study we understood the need of farming. It bring a great changes to the
environment, if the farming sector was protected. We have already discussed about the
problems and its solution. If it’s done, we can expect some of the basic changes in
environment that includes the following:

. Better quality of land, for better cultivation.

. Reduce the pollution in the environment.
. The best quality of products, that assures good health to the consumers.
. The conservation of rainwater and use it effectively.

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The improved farming sector not only brings changes in environment, it also contributes to
the Indian economy as well as citizens. Some of such contributions are as following:

. The growth of agricultural sector will positively impact on the Indian economy, it will
increase the GVA.

. Reduce the poverty and provide employment for unemployed population.

. Growth of industries related to food and other natural products.
. Reduces the health related issues on humans.
. It increases the opportunity for the export of agricultural products in India.

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The difficulties faced by farmers in India are found in the form of a research. Each problem’s
are noted and the solutions were found. Now it’s the time for the government as well as the
citizens to take some steps to protect the farmers. Agricultural sector is the strength of our
country, so each of the citizens should be aware of the future of our country. The farmers
give importance to the life of other people, but no one is bothered about the farmers. Most of
their families are suffering without proper education, healthcare etc. The government as well
as citizens should take this matter serious and have to work together to bring changes in the
life of farmers. If the things get changes, it will show a major growth in the Indian economy
as well as it reduces the poverty. The small farmers were facing the maximum of these
problems, because they are from rural areas. Here we found the information’s about our
Indian farmers. By analyzing these information’s we have found the problems and the
solutions for each of them. The data shows that more than 10,000 farmers died during the
year 2019. Every year this is happening, so these solutions should bring into effect by the
government, each of us should take this as a serious issue, because the farmers made our
country to stand strong, they are still feeding us. To protect them we should do our best.

With the better improvement in the farming sector, we can bring a bright future for our
country or else our future will be in danger. The farming will maintain a perfect nature,
healthy food, essential resource’s, provide employment, develops the economy etc. Every one
of the citizens dreams for such a future. Without these developments there are no changes to
bring in our country. As a citizen of India, every day I dream for a better future and a better
growth. This research made a notice on the farming sector and their contributions. Researches
like this are needed to notice the people about the situations that our country goes through.

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