Ertos 2

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Course Code: V18VLT16 V18 HTNO


M.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations – May – 2019
Embedded Real Time System
Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 60

Answer All the Questions

All Questions Carry Equal Marks

1. 12 M
A. i. Explain Kernel services in an operating system. CO1-K2(6M)
ii. Explain Handling of Interrupt source calls. CO1-K2(6M)
B. i. Discuss OS security issues. CO1-K2(6M)
ii. Discuss RTOS Task scheduling Models. CO1-K2(6M)

2. 12 M
A. i. Explain basic functions and types of RTOS for an embedded system. CO2-K2(6M)
ii. Explain the basic features of mCOS-II in RTOS. CO2-K2(6M)
B. i. Explain the basic features of OSEK. CO2-K2(6M)
ii. Discuss windows CE features in RTOS. CO2-K2(6M)

3. 12 M
A. i. Sketch the state Diagram for ACVM tasks and explain its software CO3-K3(6M)
ii. Demonstrate the ACC Hardware Architecture. CO3-K3(6M)
B. i. Briefly explain about the software layers in software architecture of a CO3-K3(6M)
Digital camera system?
ii. With suitable diagrams explain TCP stack hardware and software CO3-K3(6M)

4. 12 M
A. i. Discuss process commands in Linux. CO4-K2(6M)
ii. Write a program illustrates the use of fork () function call. CO4-K3(6M)
B. i. Discuss the Shell variables and Shell programming constructs. CO4-K2(6M)
ii. Discuss operating system software. CO4-K3(6M)

5. 12 M
A. i. What is an RTLinux module? Explain. CO5-K2(6M)
ii. Develop a program for multithreading using RTLinux CO5-K3(6M)
B. i. Explain Semaphore management. CO5-K2(6M)
ii. Develop a program to display a message periodically using RT Linux? CO5-K3(6M)

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