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Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of

Health Things 1st Edition K. Shankar

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The Fusion of Internet of Things, Artificial

Intelligence, and Cloud Computing in Health Care
Patrick Siarry (Editor)

Artificial Intelligence based Internet of Things

Systems Souvik Pal (Editor)

Internet of Things Artificial Intelligence and

Blockchain Technology R.Lakshmana Kumar (Editor)

Artificial Intelligence-based Internet of Things

Systems First Edition Souvik Pal (Editor)
Artificial Intelligence to Solve Pervasive Internet of
Things Issues 1st Edition Gurjit Kaur (Editor)

Convergence of Deep Learning and Artificial

Intelligence in Internet of Things 1st Edition Ajay

A Fusion of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of

Things for Emerging Cyber Systems Intelligent Systems
Reference Library 210 Pardeep Kumar

Blockchain, Internet of Things, and Artificial

Intelligence 1st Edition Edited By Naveen Chilamkurti &
T. Poongodi & Balamurugan Balusamy

The Educational Intelligent Economy Big Data Artificial

Intelligence Machine Learning and the Internet of
Things in Education 1st Edition Tavis D. Jules
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Metal Band Stiffens Brush
In painting, and other work where a brush is used, it is often
desirable to stiffen the bristles. This may be done readily by fixing a
band of sheet metal over the brush, to slide tightly. By adjusting it,
the length and stiffness of the part of the bristles used may be
Rubber Band Prevents Tangling of Telephone

It is exasperating to pick up the telephone receiver to answer a call

and find the cord twisted or wound around the telephone standard. A
long receiver cord will not tangle if a rubber band is used to support
it, as shown in the sketch. The elastics permits considerable play,
and if the fullest extension of the cord is desired, it may be supported
on several linked rubber bands, on the left of the standard.—K. M.
Coggeshall, Webster Groves, Mo.
Improvised Trousers Hanger in Train Berth

The berth of a sleeping car is usually provided with a coat hanger,

but if there is a rod on it for trousers, there is nothing to keep them
from slipping off. By removing two of the curtain hooks, hanging the
trousers over the curtain pole, and replacing the hooks over the
trousers, a satisfactory hanger is obtained, which will not permit
them to slip down no matter how rough the road.
Headrest for Porch Swing

The Hinged Board Provides a Comfortable Headrest, and Is a Safety


Here is a “peach” of a homemade porch swing—a shock-

absorbing species. The top board is attached with springy hinges,
and affords an ideal headrest. It also tends to prevent children from
climbing over the back.—H. W. Hart, St. Paul, Minn.
Fruit-Picking Pole with Gravity Delivery Chute
For picking fruit without bruising it, in the home garden, or for
exhibition purposes, the fruit-picking pole shown in the sketch is
useful. A wire ring is fixed to the top of the pole, and the bag,
suspended from it, is fastened to the pole at intervals. The fruit is
removed by means of the ring and drops to the bottom of the chute,
which is held closed by the hand. For picking large quantities of fruit
a receptacle is carried by the picker.—Mrs. Ella L. Lamb. Mason,
A Set of Electric Chimes
A set of electric dinner chimes is a welcome and useful addition to
many households, and may be made at a trifling cost by the average
person handy with tools. The completed article is shown in Fig. 1,
the details in Fig. 2, and the wiring diagram in Fig. 3. The woodwork
is of ¹⁄₂-in. stock. The back A, Fig. 2, is 1¹⁄₂ in., by 9³⁄₄ in. long. The
ends may be shaped to suit the builder’s fancy. The shelf B is 4 in.
square, and is fastened to the back piece 2¹⁄₄ in. from the upper end.
It supports the magnets C, which are made on cores, ³⁄₈ in. in
diameter and ³⁄₄ in. long, with ends ¹⁄₁₆ in. by 1 in. in diameter. The
spools are wound full of No. 28 silk-covered copper magnet wire.
These coils mounted on the shelf by means brass straps D. Four
magnets are used, the forward one being omitted in Fig. 2.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
When the Buttons are Pressed, Tones are Given Forth by the Electrically
Operated Gongs

The supports E, for the tubes, consist of ¹⁄₂-in. lengths of ¹⁄₄-in.

square brass rod. One end of the rod is drilled and tapped for an 8-
32 screw which holds the support in place. Drill a small hole, ¹⁄₄ in.
from the end, for the pin G, made of steel wire. The tapper H is made
from a 4¹⁄₂-in. length of stiff iron wire; 1¹⁄₄ in. from one end a ³⁄₈-in.
cube of iron, J, is soldered, the wire passing through it. The ends of
the wire are fitted with balls as shown. A nickeled gong, K, covers
the four magnets. The end of the tapper is passed through the hole
in the gong and the ball riveted into place.
Four ³⁄₄-in. diameter tubes are used, respectively 3, 4, 5, and 6 in.
long. When the apparatus is assembled as shown, and one of the
magnets is energized, the latter will draw the iron cube J toward it,
and the tapper will strike one of the tubes.
To control the current supplying the magnets, four small push
buttons mounted on a wooden base are used. They are wired up
with the battery and coils, as shown in Fig. 3. A wire from each of the
coils runs directly to one terminal of the battery, the other wire from
each coil being connected to a separate push button. The other
sides of the push buttons are connected to the battery. By this
means any of the magnets may be energized at will, the coils and
corresponding push buttons being marked L and M, etc.,
Tabs for Turning Sheet Music Quickly

Musicians sometimes have trouble in turning over sheet music

quickly. Here is a simple way to turn the leaves quickly and easily:
Paste a tab on the edge of each sheet, as shown. The first sheet is
tagged at the top, the second in the middle, and the last sheet at the
bottom, like a letter file. Where there are many sheets, it is easy to
grasp the upper tab, on each successive sheet.—M. W. Meier,
Chicago, Ill.
A Springy Hammock Support Made of Boughs

The Camp Bed can be “Knocked Down,” or Transported Considerable

Distances as It Stands

In many camping places, balsam branches, or moss, are available

for improvising mattresses. Used in connection with a hammock, or a
bed made on the spot, such a mattress substitute provides a comfort
that adds to the joys of camping. A camp hammock, or bed of this
kind, is shown.
The Poles are Selected Carefully and Set Up with Stout Cross Braces at the
Middle, and Lighter Ones for the Mattress Support

To make it, cut four 6-ft. poles, of nearly the same weight and 1 in.
in diameter at the small end. These saplings should have a fork
about 2¹⁄₂ ft. from the lower ends, as resting places for the crossbars,
as shown. Then cut two poles, 2 in. in diameter and 3¹⁄₂ ft. long, and
two smaller poles, 3 ft. long. Also cut two forked poles, 4¹⁄₂ ft. long,
for the diagonal braces. Place two of the long poles crossing each
other, as shown, 1 ft. from the ground. Set up the second pair
similarly. Fix the crossbars into place, in the crotches, the ends of the
crotch branches being fastened under the opposite crossbar. The
end bars are fixed to the crossed poles by means of short rope
loops. The mattress is placed on springy poles, 7 ft. long and 2 in.
apart, alternating thick and thin ends. The moss is laid over the
poles, and the balsam branches spread on thickly. Blankets may be
used as a cover.—J. S. Zerbe, Coytesville, N. J.
A Revolving Card, or Ticket, Holder

A holder which may be ornamented and trimmed with leather or

other materials, was made of several disks of wood, joined at the
center by a thumbscrew, and provided a neat place for calling cards,
post cards, etc. The block A, which fits against the wall, is ³⁄₈ in. thick
and 2 in. in diameter. The disk C is ¹⁄₄ by 7 in., the disk D, 6 in., and
the metal disk E, 6 in. in diameter. The edge of the metal disk, which
may be of ornamented or etched brass, or copper, is curled forward
as shown. The thumbscrew B holds the disks together and fastens
them to the wall.—James E. Noble, Portsmouth, Ontario, Can.
Testing Direct Current Polarity with Litmus Paper
Litmus paper laid on glass, and moistened with a weak solution of
sodium sulphate can be used to test the polarity of a direct current. If
the two conductors are touched on the moistened paper, the latter
will turn red at the positive, and blue at the negative conductor.

¶A berry stemmer made of a small pair of tweezers is useful for

removing superfluous buds from garden flowering plants.
An Automatic Fishhook
The hook A is made of tempered brass or steel wire of a gauge
sufficient for the size of the fish to be caught. A wire of No. 18 gauge
is about right for ordinary fishing, with a No. 20 or 22 gauge for the
trigger. Hooks, C C, can be soldered on the points to angle for larger
fish. Barbs are not required for smaller fish.
Such a hook will catch the fish, even if they only nibble, and is
especially good for fishing through the ice. Use a bob and a pole,
and bait the short hook with a minnow or worm. The extreme length
of a hook for catching a 1-lb. fish should be 3 in. Fasten the line as
shown at B.—Contributed by Robert C. Knox, Waycross, Ga.

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