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Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Week 10
Technology and Innovation

Spring 2023


Introduction to Technology Management: What is it?

“…planning, directing, control and coordination of the development and

implementation of technological capabilities so that firms can shape and
accomplish their strategic and operational objectives”


Remember, capabilities aren’t static!

Cetindamar et. al. (2016)

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Introduction to Technology Management: Key Processes


Exploitation Selection


Protection Acquisition


Cetindamar et. al. (2016)

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Introduction to Technology Management: Identification

“[the ability to] sense/spot technologies and their

applications that are (or may be) of importance to the

Technology Intelligence
Forecasting • Systematic
• Predicting way of
the future organising

Cetindamar et. al. (2016)

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Your turn: Identification Processes

Does forecasting make sense?

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Introduction to Technology Management: Selection

“selecting and developing technologies and business

models that build competitive advantage through
assembling and orchestrating internally or externally
owned resources.”

• Technology audit
• Forecast the technology
• Analyse and forecast the environment Strategic
• Analyse and forecast the market/user
• Analyse the organisation
• Develop the mission
• Design organisational actions Strategic
• Put the plan into operation Choice

Cetindamar et. al. (2016)

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Your turn: Selection

How would you go about

undertaking selection

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Introduction to Technology Management: Acquisition

How will the company obtain the technologies

necessary for its business?

•Project Mix
•Resource Allocations
Build •Measurement and Evaluation
•Joint Ventures
•Open Innovation…

Processes •Sponsoring university
•External R&D centers
Rent Buy •Licensing agreements
•Vendors / suppliers
•Acquiring machinery or
the firm

Cetindamar et. al. (2016)

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Your Turn: Acquisition

What are some key

considerations for collaboration
through joint venture?

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Digital Innovation Stage in
Digital tools


Search Broadcast search/crowdsourcing; cross-sector

“Digital innovation includes the networking of actors pattern matching; patent mining; innovation
contests; innovation markets; user communities,
such as businesses and customers across all value- netnography, internal collaboration platforms.
added chain segments… and the application of new
technologies…As such it requires skills that involve
Select Idea markets; voting via collaboration platforms;
the extraction and exchange of data as well as the crowdfunding; decision support tools; Machine
analysis and conversion of the data into actionable learning/AI applied as decision tool; Simulation and
information. This information should be used to prototyping to extend the exploration phase at low
calculate and evaluate options in order to enable
decisions and/or initiate activities… In order to Implement Simulation and prototyping tools e.g., 3D printing
collaboration platforms; co-creation communities;
increase the performance and reach of a company, it
virtual teams; AI/machine learning.
involves companies, business models, relationships,
products, etc.”
Capture Value Networking and viral marketing to accelerate
diffusion; platform models to concentrate and
deploy knowledge; ecosystem construction; AI
machine learning

(Tidd and Bessant. 2020)

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Digital Innovation: Cases
2010 Haiti Earthquake

Within a short period, volunteers and locals co-created and diffused:

• An ‘instant’ banking system that aid agencies could use to distribute cash for food, medicine etc.
• Open street mapping to provide up-to-date information about affected populations, damaged
infrastructure etc.
• Reuniting displaced people using the phone network as a database and communications centre.
• Crisis mapping and emergency communications.
• Creating online access to key information but also to provide employment opportunities.
• Providing resilient and fast voice-based communication.

• The increasing availability of mobile communications has opened the door to an online workforce for
very low-income rural areas. This allowed Sama (then, a non-profit called Samasource) to create a
gateway for disadvantaged groups to enter into the digital economy.
• Today, Sama is a private organisation focussed on AI data labelling for computer vision with an
expanded ESG agenda.
(Tidd and Bessant. 2020)

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Digital Innovation: something to consider

Systems Level Thinking

“Bringing together individuals
and organisations that interact
or innovate in ways not
otherwise possible, with the
potential for non-linear
increases in utility and value”

Changing Role of
Responsible Innovation “Innovation is about
There is “significant creating value from ideas
potential for economic – and so knowledge
and social transformation creation and deployment
from riding this is at the heart of the
technological wave”. But process”
it also has a dark side

(Tidd and Bessant. 2020)

21227 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

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