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» Documents Required for Pump Hydraulic Ch ek |, Fluid Characteristics ~ PFD, Stream Table -PaiD ~ Plot Plan ~ Equipment Data Sheet - Insirument Data Sheet From PFO, Stream table > Name fi > Pumping Temp. (PT) gyy's| = Temp. @ operating pressury/APE, its > Vapor press. ~ This indicates the dump inlet liquid vapor pressure (Yg/om?A), usually [- indicates True Vapor Pressure, not Vapor Pi in general petroleum industry > Specific gravity |, Fluid Characteristics > Non-Newtonian Fluid Properties The pipeline loss calculation and pump performance curve need to be corrected for non-newtonian fluid, like high viscosity fluid, Gels, Siurrys, Paper stack. > Special Requirements A. Two dfferentinds of quid ey: 34) RRR When pumping more than {vo diferent Kinds of quid, of which spectic arity are in big diference, each speci gravy should be indicated In. data shest and pump hydaulle should be calculated for both cases For example, the olly water transfer pump, sometimes the pump is used to transfer water and sometimes used to transfer hydrocarbon. The terminal Dressure of its destination may be Z,,_Sifferent, it should be calculated for each © path |. Fluid Characteristics > Special Requirements ‘A.Two different kinds of liquid (contd) It there are two fluid characteristics, we should calculate both cases Separately and choose the critical one, When filing in pump process data sheet, maximum operating temperature is key factor for material selection, especially for gaskets ‘and gland pecking, even though itis not the ertical case for heed |. Fluid Characteristics > Special Requirements 8. High Pour Fluid + Flow temperature is greater than alo ‘or instaled with heating device. 2.9. BPA Tar, Sulu, High pour crude cil ete ~ Pour Poin! the lowest temperature at which a substance wil fow under given ‘conditions, ©. Corrosive Fluid fot fie83889) Cant be used forthe pump flushing or sealfg full. Pump flushing or sealing fui must be clean fuid or use ether special seal spheric temperatuie. Pump must be insulated nooner pre souang fea fom conoarg 0:9 Sor war (wa HS Ab: Suphuigat. NaOH, te Besa N D. Fuld Containing pattes inte pap ig ants pen wats, en contort ot parle ws) rhe eon ee cece . REQUIRED CAPACITY AND TYPE OF SERVICE > % Over Design 5 ARIE Design Plow arte ‘ecaPActrY OVER DESIGN DESIGN FLOWRATE-NORMAL FLOWRATE, soy, ALLE SODAL HOWE on ART Projact specification should be the first priority, otherwise, use CTCI criteria as below: |) | __Feedand general pumps 10 Reboiler Purparound Refi 20 20, BFW pump > Pumping Rate (Pump Capacity) = Norm, rate: depends onthe process equement ~ Max. (Design) rate: = Norm. rate x (1+% over design) “in: Fw 2) Minimum contiwuous flow {B) Min. Flow Bypase (@) Minimum continuous flow 4244 pop 1% ~ Minimum Continuous Stable Flow 3 884 @ From Conifopal data chest We the lowest fow at wich the pack Sperato without exceeding acceptable ‘beatin mits | | > Pumping Rate (cont'd) (b) Min. Flow Bypass Pump min. fow bypass rate depends on pump suclure and the physical properios of pumping fi It generally fes between 25%-75% of"the nom. ‘low (generally take 30-40% when doing hyéreute| ‘shock on projects}, but the final aump min. lew rate should base on pump vendor's information. “The main purpose of nétaling min. flow bypass on pump discharge tne: (1) To prevent tha shutoff situation. (2) If pump normal fow rate is too smell, there fs no pump with such 1 capacity in the market It can use a bigger capacity pump with mis, fw Circulation to meat the requirement. yi REQUIRED CAPACITY ‘AND TYPE OF SERVICE > Pumping Rate contd) Pump minimum Bypass protection: thee contol methods {LAlipr mear onthe pan dace hu wh x conc! vale te FREHleINE< Dremek FO, of ot ata tout ‘ Real Piping Fw Rate Normal Flow Rate Gece fou ae Pumping Flow Rate 2. Automatic Recrculaton Valve (ARV) JL REQUIRED > Pumping Rate (cont'd) 4 | CALCULATION. SUCTION — *FE [9.8 7 cloatore ACITY AND TYPE OF SERVICE Pump minimum bypass protection- three control methods: 3. Restriction orifice (RO) on pump discharge recycle line tin Plow Bypass (Continuous) Process Required Norma Pumping Pow Rate "Nmal Faw Rata * Min, Contnucus Flow Rte Rated Punping Fw Rate "Raed (esg) Flow Rate+ Ni. Coinuous Flow Rata etoaton oft Liisa! | + Elevation gf pump hydraulic calculation is based on ground elevation as 0G yeund =D + For large scale plant aréa, the ground elevation may be different in different area and it will impact on the hydraulic calculation if the — is too big. EX: PTT Phenol (att. 1 sour aru ‘ Mpepeoronee SE Ill. CALCULATION - SUCTION 1. Elevation of iin. Liquid Level 4 cgi es Poa Wl. CALCULATION - SUCTION 2, Elev. of O Top of Fnd. @ Pump Suct. 4 + Elevation of ump impel centering shoul ince the foundation eight, " Ganeraly elavatonof pump mpl cnteine fused. The elvaton must 06 teconfmed fom vendor formation, «Recording to Technica loos No. 128 Pump suction hyéraule calculation shall be based on pump ipoter centering, puree oF co ca upto 200 | Upto 4s 2-10" B50 mm =" a oti000 | 46-227 6" 1050 mm Weemerrtae| — [nenoon [pene ei {. CALCULATION - SUCTION 3. Minimum Static Head No. 3= No. 1—No. 2 4, Minimum Static Pressure No. 4=No3xS.G.110 SltieElea dn) *SP-R «state Preseur, (2g on?) sate Preesre,P = Ppuad <8 %4= SPTX Prater) = (rer 10008 /,3)ch” lent) Static Head Sp. 5. Pressure at Liquid Lovel (Normal Operating Pressure, kolom? g) Pressure at i level should be a pressure control point. Total Pressure Credits No.6 = No4 + No.5 I. CALCULATION - SUCTION | |" 2i5zzm. 7. Lines - According Pt Plan, PIB a Follow project criteria for equivalent lenath (L.) i > Estimation Matos £ ‘ecrding to tpn preiiner layout pipng routing ~ Estimate eal staan enh snd ot number ef pia ins on pump st (Viotal equivalent length (4) = Total straight length (Let) + Total equivalent length for piping fittings 1 Estimation Method 2 According to plot plan preliminary layout piping routing + Estimate horizontal & vertical straight length and caicufte total equivalent Tose, Danan te emuation Blow ° otal equivalent length (14) jrizontal straight lendth x 5 + Vertical Straight length = xS+h ill, CALCULATION - SUCTION 7. Lines - According to Pit Plan, P&I Note: : Generally, pump suction nozzle size is two standard lin sizes smaller than pump suction line dlameter so 2 | reducer is required before pump suction nozzle. Histon. | The pipe length between the reducer and the pump suction nozzle should be estimated as 5 times the ling < slameter of this seament. Po or example yeducer™ ‘The line diameter between the reducer and the pump Suction noele = a" (4PA) “The pipe length between the reducer and the pump suction nozzle (L) = 5 x 4” = 0.508 m Sez 0. a CALCULATION - SUCTION 7. Lines - According o Plt Pan, PAID =e zs Bun | conti) + When there are coolers in suction line, is different for each line segment, static head should be calculated separatoly. Dsesag ile sea calculating for pump Suction Tine equivalent lsonrettic Drawing jensity) of fluid is different in each calculated separately. ine ime in Taases shoul er lll. CALCULATION - SUCTION 8 Lines Loss No. 8 10. 7(D) x No. 7(E) / 100 9, Total Suction Line Loss No. 9= Sum. of No. 8 =r ill, CALCULATION - SUCTION 10. Miscellaneous Losses This losses mainly refef to the acceleration losses of reciprocating pump. 4 + The flow in the suction accelerates at the start of the pump stroke til reaching maximum velocity, and this change of flow velocity in acceleration procedure creates pressure drop. ae + Acceleration head could be obtained by: 4, Acceleration head empirical equation: . = Hae, secectenoneggs 7 Cea . oe ‘Sento noe andor scruementres a8 aac det ern eae 2. The graph of acceleration head estimation, line length and flow veloctty. Alkylation P-3002 (att.2, page 3) “41. Suction Equipment Losses + Sirainer pressure deop 42. Total Suction Losses No. 12 = No. 9#No. 10+ No.1 + For initial calculation, the losses can be estimated by suction + The suction fine size and true pipe length should be provided 21 for vendor to calculate the exact acceleration losses. Ex: CPC : Sean 28 refer fo the equipment data sheet. Ill, CALCULATION - SUCTION 43, Pump Suction Pressure No, 13 = No. 6-No.12 IV. GALCULATION - NPSH L + Net Positive Suction Head, NPSH. ‘The pressure available at the suction of the pump provides the pressure to transport liquid, and also provides the vapor pressure of liquid which | l cannot be utilized. Thus, the absolute pressure at the suction of the pump! should be calculated. a l + Available NPSH, NPSHa i “The absolute presSure atthe suction ofthe pump. + Required NPSH, NPSHr ‘The minimum pressure Tead required at the pump suction to prevent, | cavitation, 4 * Cavitation Liquid vaporizes when the pressure in the pump suction drops below th ‘vapor pressure. This may cause noise, vibration and damage to impeller + Relationship between NPSHr and NPSHa: ‘The reference elevation must be the same, NPSHa > NPSHr Pump operates at safe condition and no cavitation occurs. NPSHa = NPSHr Cavitation is impending, and it may occur when the operating condition changes. The safety margin is required. NPSHa < NPSHr ‘The fluid in the pump casing will partially vaporize and result in cavitation, unstable discharge pressure and vibration. IV, CALCULATION - NPSH 14, Pump Suction Press. at Design Flow (kg/cm? A) Atmosphere pressure could lift the water to 10.33 m height. No. 14 = No. 13 + Atmosphere Pressure 415. Vapor Pressure at Max. PT (kalom?A) 16. Available Pressure (kg/cm? A) Effective pump suction pressure should be higher than the liquid ‘vapor pressure in order to prevent cavitation, especially for the saturated liquid. ‘Cmgesearnen toaigney ES = No. 14—No. 15 IV. CALCULATION - NPSH 47. NPSHa No.17 = No. 16x 10/8.G. 4 “Npstta ~ Avetlable Pressure (bg / en? x10 ‘Pa ‘The NPSHa from hydraulic calculation needed to be modified = with the margin when filing in the Pump Data Sheet, ; iV, CALCULATION - NPSH NPSifa in Pump Data Sheet eae ithe Ads 4 in ttt rey worn RC Ss To avoid design error or operating condition changes, safety mardi should be applied, NNPSH safety margin must be deducted from the result of hydraulls. calculation, but double deducting with the margin of purchase ag) specification should be avoided to prevent NPSHa from being, excessively small, priority. Otherwise, CTCT criteria can be used. NPSH Safety Margin is usually related to the properties of process. fluid. ~ Ifthe process fue enturated ula, the changes of operating condition can eal affect the status of the quid, Thus, the higher safety merain fs requlred, where {sthe common value. + For non-saturated ligul, the Safety Margin in 2 fs general used ee orem no en ei it : penne . z/ rata pi ea : em rahe ec tgs one ; a ave a se ark Ws i regan memes inne om et aera oh el ne = TEES F A lV. CALCULATION - NPSH (Exampié 4] NPSHa of BFW Pump hydraulic caloulation = 20 ft Purchase specification has already stipulated NPSHa- NPSHr= 3 ft NPSH Safely Margins of BFW =7 ft ‘Then, NBSHa in Pump Data Sheets: 20- (7-3) = 16 ft [Example 2] 'NPSHa of CW Purnp hydraulic calculation = 20 ft Purchase specfcaion has already stipulated NPSHa -NPSHr = 3 ft NPSH Safely Margins of OW = 2 ft ‘Then, NPSHs in Pump Data Sheet Is 20 (2-3) = 21 ft > 20 ft (hydraulic calculation) However, the NPSHa with Safety Margin Is higher than the NPSHa with hydraule ‘aleuiaton, The result of hydrauilc calculation is used, which is 20 fin Pump Data Sheet. IV. CALCULATION - NPSH 48, NPSHi + (actual pump test by Vendor) + NPSHr is usually determined by the pump vender and ta i elaborated and recorded on the pump characteristic cury graph, Generally, for centrifugal pump with low capacity, NPSHF ig about 5~16ft(1.6~4.7m) The larger pump capacity, the higher NPSHY. | To achieve NPSHa > NPSHr | — Increase NPSHa andor reduce NPSFir | eS esas ices Chou Raise the liquid'evel’ Lower the pump Use a double suction Impeller Reduce the Suction tina” ~ “Hee'a larger impeller eye friction loss. area Use a booster puna Use an over-sized pump |" ge Res utpna setae reece i byedenee ee Several smaller pumps in {mesa paral Ree - el osc 49. Flow Rate F6% 4 Uilee + Maximuminormal/minimum flow rate should be calculated. For the main flow, ratad flow rate should be calculated 20, Line Losses (ij44 3)2-M) {ooton perro avatar) — oP Setimats method 4 = According! to lot plan preliminary layout piping = routing and estimate ial evaight length and [ WSEEE™ wal total pumber of piping ngs. LS 3 “Total equivalent length = total stsght longi + | ee total equivalent longi for pipe ings === CALCULATION - DISCHARGE 20. Line Losses se eedihctile > sximatermaitoda FADIA dg GERI ‘Azzarding to plot plop Cima hotzonal& vertical sight length and estimate hal equal gh based on te xual Lo= Lnxa+(j}2 +L (Pipe clameteris smaller than 10") Les Ling px2 | Ly Pipe diameters graatsr than 10°) Lect entatertira 5: beta sat sora he rp or eqdpmert nz sn azo Compared with Suction Line Losses be = Lh x $+ L7 + When precisely calculating the pump discharge side equivalent length, it must regard the Spoo! or Isometric Drawing as a basis. 20. Line Losses 6 Forfa Phasd Flowe(/>Y 3 +The pre Oy UAE. length should be estimated Yor horizontal & vertical section separately —~ 24, Total Line Losses REE CL J = * pon Be Eee | + Whyis there two phase flow? - Pressure loss due fo an elevation, i ‘The pressure ata certain point onthe pine liacharge lino isineuffciont to euperacs tha fut resulting in vaporization oft ~ Heated by an exchanger ‘The fluid vaporizes bacatse tha fompersture risa ~ ‘exceeds o boing point + Why should we calculate horizontal sections and vertical sections separately) - Different flow patterns may exist in each section - Refer to wo phase flow pattems in the next slide. i feet rere sac re teeta =e ea Vertical Section V. CALCULATION - DISCHARGE ‘Two Phase Flow Patterns Horizontal Section V. CALCULATION - DISCHARGE 22. Equipment Losses | le || PeereseeeTosatneersn | tower ‘wnen pump ow tia ot equal to ‘up ow ra, he posers oe of. ‘eaupiont seul | Fow ore 2 O15 || totter (FH 10 Sale Her Ey 03507 || orte tee ed 0-638 | ins vate $20 038-14 Wemesh Denisar [3 2003 | Ts Ta 351.0 ! 7A 555 05-04 + Ouuashould be considered an fo ale shouldbe mosis. V. CALCULATION - DISCHARGE sae Sse: ‘Based on fow instrument data sheet. + White pump flow rate is not equal to flowmeter rato(D/S), preseure loss of equipment should be corrected as : etiowest poe Flow Meter ia {ie ta eres TS sy Sse i 24, Total Variable AP 7 No, 24 = No. 21 + No. 22+ No. 23 No Bseaonat ose V. CALCULATION - DISCHARGE 25. Control Device AP + The contro valve is the main facility to regulate pressure change ina system. (flow post torae) + For pumped circuits, Control Valve AP at max. flowrate shall be = Ta] ie Te eee AY asinag(@P) of ta vale posse shop 8° i (potncuchehicl valve a Yo ermal fe Raearasticnreptemmtealte-n0 by Aon tapast m3 V. CALCULATION - DISCHARGE 26. Other losses For example, column inlet distributor and spray nozzle. Note: The pressure drop of spray nozzle is usually larger than distiibutor and can be differentiated by the P&lD or data sheet of inlet pipe. . invtiat HTS v. CALCULATION - DISCHARGE termina Aylg 27. Toy lata shat FA Pres -FTominalpreseurg/sould be a pressure conto point and 22 #] petting proseuro should awaye be used. wf. tog IFEOR (End of Run) opertng pressure staer than SOR (Sort cra apeang resute ‘According to ASME code, Sec. Vill, Div. |, BFW pump discharge pressure should be sufficient to supply boller drum 3% above highest PSV set pressure. Thus the terminal pressure should always be PSV set pressure. Note that, in some project, the terminal pressure should be considered as the PSV popping situation. ema ibstakete By ret v. CALCULATION - DISCHARGE 28, Static Head Sintec Head = 4 i “pt (For simpfiieaton, assume p, enough safety margin (ts) xB sta fet and choose the largest one to provide Nolet T pressure provided a he highest pint shouldbe enough o evel ul vaperzaon "Nt shou ba basa on te saa base at NPSHapurpsuson nozzle cantaine orp of ump foundation) V. CALCULATION - DISCHARGE 29. Discharge Pressure No. 29=Sum. of No. 24 to No. 28 Vi. CALCULATION - DIFFERENTIAL PRESS. AND HYDRAULIC HORSE POWER | DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE ANO ! HTORAULIC HORSE POWER ones 30, Design Decharge Pressore Promo: 29) —_ No, 30 kolo 21, Desin Suan renin Tesh) tn Neatenaria -aa9 send ——s 22. et oterent eresuae Go. 2-86.51) Fa Re eyo nots teed safer ifrERENTIL PRES: PYDRALIIG HORSE Fe 2 sn ten eri ain 29 (are) ofena8 ann oni to 2695 toon 32, MeL iterenlPresaure Vo. 20.40") Vi, CALCULATION - DIFFERENTIAL PRESS. AND HYDRAULIC HORSE POWER 32. Net Differential Pressure i Consider the priority of Safety factors: © Consider the specification of owner or project in the first privity. ® No safely factor for EPC, @ Use the diferental head with pears safety factor for pump data nar sheet VI. CALCULATION - DIFFERENTIAL PRESS. AND HYDRAULIC HORSE POWER 32. Net Differential Pressure 1.0 kg/amn? and below 2s Greater than 1.0 Kalen to 2.0 > 120 aie ~ forreRarm preneune n> kgiem? a Shen essa ene ont 2) “Greater than 3.0 kg/er? fo 10.0, uno __tnaele_(wes0dhy toenas ‘egleme 4 esa suc essere 19 ebe) veal ‘2a00 lena Greater than 10.0) 105 Fe entrees ia 03031) i Oe Gao eas gene Vi. CALCULATION - ESTIMATED SHUTOFF PRESSURE Causes for pump shutfl: pump discharge manuel valve closed by mistake, contol valve (FV ‘or LV) closed due to instrument fallure ete Even with pump min. flow line installed, equipment, instruments and ines for pump discharge ‘shoud sil be designed for shutot pressure. 36a, PSV Set Prossure 35b, Suction Vessel Elev. of NLL (H,), Elov. of HLL (H,) ‘When entering 35b. in the pump calculation software ‘of the Process Department, NUL and HLL refer othe liquid level calculated from ground level 35, Suction Prossure Mormat= [No-13 + (Hr-Not)* Sp. Gr40 Max.= PSV set pressure + (H2" Sp. Gr)/10 SEeres GE eee tase toon Vi. CALCULATION - ESTIMATED SHUTOFF PRESSURE 36, Shutoff Differential, Hao ‘The pump driver, ether turbine or moter, would have an influence on the pump operating curve. + For turbine, is shut off pressures about 1.45 times of dP. + For moto, ls shutoff prassure is about 121.3 times of dP. +The default value ofthe head rise factor 1.2 the programm “This preliminary estimation should folow the guideline ofthe projector LE. The value estimated shouldbe later reconfirmed with tne pump vendor. See tha next slide for the-figures 1.45 for trbing and 1.2-1.3 for motor. Seen a= Head detctr a — Vi. CALCULATION - ESTIMATED SHUTOFF PRESSURE ‘Suppose mechanical allowance of structure as follows: ‘18% pressures du to pump characterises 5% pressure le elowance for manufacture iclerance 5 speed allowance fer trbine con (governor erence 1 speed alowane far reduced aad ‘SHUT OFF DIFFERENTIAL (TURBINE DRIVER) = 105,/105)'(106)' _ 150 TAKE (ap, Sy) | | | Pg ten As « 100" 100" ie) () 100" so = ‘SHUT OFF DIFFERENTIAL (MOTOR DRIVER) = (P+ 1S ap ytQS = 28 gfe? 100 ~ 100 Vi, CALCULATION - ESTIMATED SHUTOFF PRESSURE 37. Shut Off Pregsure (follow project spec. or LE's criteria) 2 Foreentfugal oumed Shut off pressure (ha tax. suo, pressure + Normal dif pressure [i}b Normal suc pressure * (head ise factor asin No.36)"Normal df pressure >The CTE! pump saleuation program would avomnatiealy show the graster onebetveen case (1-8 and (y8, (2) Max. suc. pressure + {head rte factor asin No.36'Normal cf. pressure > Follow project spac. oF LE eteriato choose ether ease (1). one For yrocating put 2 Rcrarecgteny Jens PVs oquled to boinwiated atthe dischageside iano ® PV eet pressure: Ea ees 8 {iN mere than the maximum stow rorking pressure (Q) No less than 110 percent ofthe at echarge pressure or the rated discharge pressure plus 4.78 kelem? (25 pi), whichever Is greater. ee lloy, Max <1Shon + 508. Process Flow Diagram » Steam Table + Piping & Instrument Diagram Plot Plan Equipment Data Sheet = Instrument Data Sheet + PFD & stream table + P&ID + UBFD/ UFD + Equipment data sheets + Flow meter and control valve data sheet + In-line device data sheet for pressure loss ( ex: sfraer) + Plot plan and battery condition, + Special requirements (1) Process design criteria’ (2) Process department pump hydraulic calculation guide (3) Basic engineering design data Purnp data sheet (att. 3) > Review the pumping fluid properties and pumping conditions from “Pump Data Sheet’. Process Flow Diagram & Stream Table (att. 4) > Check the paths, phase of suction (liquid phase only), phase of discharge (single or two phase) and the operating céndition of terminal equipment. Process Flow Diagram & Stream Table > Select the terminal pregsure of pumping system in a stable pressure equipment, such as tank, drum, tower etc. > Confirm the consisteny of the operating data. \g & Instrument Diagram (att. 5) fre on een Informati ion for Pui P Circuit Sketch Refer to att. 7 Notes Specified in Pump Data Sheet: Design / Turndown flowrate. Suction’ design temperature. Maximum suction pressure. NPSH available. Estimated shut off pressure. Shut off pressure limitation. Pump suction/discharge line size. Toxic compounds, if any.

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