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A high-mobility hole bilayer in a germanium double quantum well

Alberto Tosato,1 Beatrice M. Ferrari,1 Amir Sammak,1, 2 Alexander R.

Hamilton,3, 4 Menno Veldhorst,1 Michele Virgilio,5 and Giordano Scappucci1, ∗
QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology,
PO Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
QuTech and TNO, Stieltjesweg 1, 2628 CK Delft, The Netherlands
School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia
ARC Centre of Excellence for Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies,
University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia
Dipartimento di Fisica “E. Fermi”, Università di Pisa, Largo Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy
arXiv:2201.06862v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 18 Jan 2022

(Dated: January 19, 2022)

We design, fabricate, and study a hole bilayer in a strained germanium double quantum well.
Magnetotransport characterisation of double quantum well field-effect transistors as a function
of gate voltage reveals the population of two hole channels with a high combined mobility of
3.34 × 105 cm2 V−1 s−1 and a low percolation density of 2.38 × 1010 cm−2 . We resolve the indi-
vidual population of the channels from the interference patterns of the Landau fan diagram. At a
density of 2.0 × 1011 cm−2 the system is in resonance and we observe an anti-crossing of the first
two bilayer subbands characterized by a symmetric-antisymmetric gap of ∼ 0.69 meV, in agreement
with Schrödinger-Poisson simulations.

The development of high-quality undoped Ge/SiGe a

quantum wells [1, 2] has established planar Ge as a front- Ti:Pd
runner material platform en route to a large-scale spin- Al2O3
qubit quantum processor [3]. In only three years, key
milestones have been demonstrated, such as stable and Ge
quiet quantum dots [2, 4] , single hole qubits [5] with z
long relaxation times [6], singlet-triplet qubits [7], fast
two-qubit logic [8], universal operation on a 2 × 2 qubit 5nm
array [9], and simultaneous qubit driving at the fault-
tolerant threshold [10]. Exploiting the third dimension b
by integrating two (or more) quantum wells in the same
heterostructure could provide extra degrees of freedom
for designing an entire new class of quantum device archi-
tectures with tailored electronic properties. For example,
quantum devices patterned in multiple layers may pro-
vide increased qubit connectivity for high performance
quantum circuits. In these devices, the wavefunction of
quantum confined holes may be shifted or delocalized
in between quantum wells, providing a larger parameter Figure 1. a Schematics of the Ge/SiGe heterostructure with
the gate stack and cross section of the double quantum well
space for effective mass, g-factor, and spin-orbit coupling by transmission electron microscopy. b From left to right
tuning [11]. These are relevant parameters for advanced at increasing negative gate voltage (V0 , V2 , and V3 ), each
spin-qubit control [3]. Furthermore, bilayers with high- panel shows the heavy-holes band edge (black solid line), the
mobility at low density may provide a suitable test bed wavefunction of the subbands above the Fermi energy (colored
for exploration of exotic phenomena such as exciton con- dashed lines), and the total density p3D = p1 |Ψ1 |2 + p2 |Ψ2 |2
densation [12, 13] and counterflow superconductivity in (red solid line) vs. bilayer depth (z). Here Ψ1 , Ψ2 are the
solid state devices at accessible temperatures [14, 15]. wavefunction amplitudes and p1 , p2 the densities of the first
and second subband. The Fermi energy is set as the reference
Here we demonstrate hole bilayers in planar Ge double energy at 0 eV.
quantum wells with high mobility at low density, a first
prerequisite for exploring any of these exciting avenues.
Through careful design of the heterostructure and be- Figure 1a shows a schematics of the heterostructure,
cause of the low disorder in both quantum wells, we are along with a cross section of the double quantum well
able to study in detail the quantum transport properties by transmission electron microscopy. The Ge/SiGe bi-
of the system in the tunnel coupled regime and observe layer was grown on a 100 mm Si(001) substrate in a
the signature of a symmetric-antisymmetric gap when we high-throughput reduced-pressure chemical vapor depo-
tune the density in the quantum wells to be the same. sition reactor [1]. The 16 nm bottom quantum well

and the 8 nm top quantum well are separated by a gate voltage is swept more negative up to a value V0 =
thin 3 nm Si0.2 Ge0.8 barrier. The bilayer is grown on −3.45 V. In particular the Hall density increases linearly,
a strain-relaxed Si0.2 Ge0.8 buffer layer obtained by re- consistent with a parallel-plate capacitor model of an H-
verse grading and is separated from the gate-stack by FET with a single quantum well [17]. We estimate a
a 66 nm Si0.2 Ge0.8 barrier. The quantum wells are com- percolation density pp = 2.38 × 1010 cm−2 by fitting the
pressively strained, leading to states in the quantum wells conductivity to percolation theory σxx ∼ (p − pp )1.31 in
with heavy hole (HH) symmetry being lower energy than the low density regime [18]. For V0 ≤ Vg ≤ V1 both
light holes (LH) states. the Hall density and conductivity deviate from the lin-
The asymmetric design of the bilayer—the top quan- ear behaviour expected from SP simulations and flat-
tum well being narrower than the bottom quantum ten out. This observation signals that holes start pop-
well—allows both wells in the undoped heterostructure ulating the second subband; These holes are localized
to be populated by applying a negative voltage to the top in the top quantum well, thereby screening the electric
gate only [16]. We illustrate this capability in the three field at the bottom well. However, carriers in the top
panels of Fig. 1b, which report the results of Schrödinger- quantum well do not contribute to transport as their
Poisson (SP) simulations of our bilayer for increasing neg- density is still below the percolation density. A further
ative gate voltages. Each panel shows the HH-band-edge, increase in negative gate voltage triggers transport in
the total hole density and the wavefunction amplitude for the top quantum well and for V1 ≤ Vg ≤ V2 we ob-
the first Ψ1 and second Ψ2 subband of the bilayer sys- serve a transitory decrease in combined mobility due to
tem, as a function of the spatial coordinate z. At small inter-layer scattering [19]. For Vg ≥ V2 the combined
gate voltages (V = V0 , left panel), only the first sub- mobility recovers its original monotonic increasing be-
band is populated and its wave function Ψ1 is localized haviour and saturates at Vg = V3 , reaching a maxi-
in the bottom well. At larger gate voltages occupation mum value µ = 3.34 × 105 cm2 V−1 s−1 at bilayer density
of the second subband becomes favourable with its wave- p = 2.21 × 1011 cm−2 .
function Ψ2 initially localized in the top well. Then, the To elucidate the quantum transport properties of the
energy of the second subband increases with gate voltage bilayer we show in the right panel of Fig 2a a colour map
until it anticrosses the energy level of the first subband at of σxx as a function of Vg and the inverse magnetic field
the resonance point. The central panel (V = V2 ) shows B −1 . Dark regions correspond to filled Landau levels
the system at resonance. In this regime, the wavefunc- (LLs) with vanishing σxx and correspondingly quantized
tion of the first and second energy states are delocalized σxy . Bright lines correspond to sharp peaks in σxx at
across both wells giving rise to the symmetric Ψ1 and an- half-filled LLs. Line cuts of ρxx and σxy at Vg = V0 , V1 ,
tisymmetric Ψ2 states characteristic of a tunnel-coupled V2 , and V3 , are reported in Fig 2b as a function of mag-
double quantum well system. The energy separation be- netic field. For Vg ≤ V0 , the conductivity color map re-
tween the symmetric and antisymmetric states reaches its veals a LL fan diagram typical of a single subband 2DHG,
minimum (∆SAS ) at resonance. Upon further increasing with Zeeman splitting resolved at B −1 < 2.5 T−1 . This
the gate voltage (V = V3 right panel), the wavefunction is highlighted in line cuts at V = V0 : ρxx shows clean
of the symmetric state shifts towards the top well and the Shubnikov–de Haas (SdH) oscillations that vanish when
total carrier density of the top quantum well increases σxy develops flat conductance plateaus at integer multi-
while the one of the bottom quantum well remains un- ples of e2 /h.
changed. For V0 ≤ Vg ≤ V1 , the population of the second sub-
We fabricated Hall-bar shaped heterostructure band becomes favourable, charge starts accumulating in
field effect transistors (H-FETs) featuring platinum- the top quantum well effectively screening the electric
germanosilicide ohmic contacts [1] to the bilayer and field in the bottom well. Although we observe the con-
performed measurements in a 3 He dilution refrigerator ductance peaks associated to the first subband saturating
with base temperature of 50 mK and equipped with a with gate voltage due to this screening effect, the fan di-
12 T magnet. Standard voltage-bias four-probe lock-in agram associated to the second subband appears only at
technique at a frequency of 17 Hz was used for mag- Vg = V1 , in agreement with the observations in Fig. 2a,
netotransport characterization as described in ref. [1]. when the density in the second subband overcomes the
We measure the longitudinal ρxx and transverse ρxy percolation threshold and contributes to transport. Cor-
components of the resistivity tensor and via tensor respondingly, the line cuts for ρxx and σxy at Vg = V1
inversion calculate the longitudinal σxx and transverse show a complex pattern resulting from the parallel trans-
σxy conductivity. port of two channels with different density and mobility.
The three panels of Fig. 2a show the zero-field longitu- The hole bilayer reaches the resonance point at Vg =
dinal conductivity σxx , the bilayer density p and the car- V2 , corresponding to a bilayer density of 2.0 × 1011 cm−2 .
rier mobility µ as a function of gate voltage Vg . At turn- At this point the wavefunction of the first and second sub-
on, only the bottom quantum well is populated. Mobility, band are fully delocalized across both wells and we ob-
density, and conductivity increase monotonically as the serve in the fan diagram the anticrossing of the σxx peaks




(1 ,

(2 ,

(3 ,


xx e2/h
Vg (V)

(3 , 2
(2 , 1


(1, 1)

(2, 2)

(3, 3)
p (1011 cm 2) xx (e2/h) (105 cm2/Vs) B 1 (T 1)

V0 V1 V2 V3

xy (e 2/h)
(k )


B(T) B(T) B(T) B(T)
Figure 2. a From left to right: gate voltage (Vg ) dependence of the hole bilayer Hall density p, conductivity σxx at zero magnetic
field , and mobility µ. The bilayer behaviour at Vg = V0 , V1 , V2 , and V3 is further described in the main text. b Colour map
of the conductivity σxx as a function of Vg (same range as in a) and the inverse magnetic field B −1 . Dark regions correspond
to filled Landau levels with vanishing σxx and correspondingly quantized σxy . In brackets the filling factor (νsbb1 , νsbb2 ) for
the first and second subbands where ν = 0 indicates an empty subband. c From left to right: ρxx (black) and σxy (red) as a
function of magnetic field B at Vg = V0 , V1 , V2 , and V3 . These line cuts are obtained from the magnetotransport measurement
in b. σxy shows plateaus at integer values of the total filling factor (νsbb1 + νsbb2 )

arising from the first subband with the corresponding Vg ≈ −3.61 V the bilayer system reaches its saturation as
peaks arising from the second subband. The anticross- the triangular quantum well at the interface between the
ing is better resolved at high magnetic field, where the SiGe barrier and the dielectric starts populating, screen-
LLs energy separation is large compared to the disorder- ing the electric field in both quantum wells from further
induced LLs broadening. The line cuts at resonance show increases in Vg .
a very distinct feature. A dip develops in ρxx in corre- A closer inspection of the fan diagram and line cuts
spondence of the quantum Hall plateaus in σxy at odd reveals two interesting features of quantum transport in
filling factors 3, 5 and 7. This observation is a clear the bilayer. The first observation is about the develop-
signature of the anticrossing of symmetric-antisymmetric ment of the σxx peaks of the first subband in the color
subbands at the resonance point in a tunnel coupled bi- map. We note for V1 ≤ Vg ≤ V2 that an increase in neg-
layer system [20]. If the two quantum wells were not ative Vg induces a shift of the peaks towards larger in-
tunnel coupled, at resonance we would observe plateaus verse magnetic field, implying that the charge in the first
in σxy only at even filling factors and a doubling of the subband decreases as Vg is swept further negative. We
ρxx peaks height, arising from the measurement of two ascribe this behaviour to the negative compressibility of
independent hole gases in parallel. the second subband [20]. When the charge density is still
Finally, as the negative gate voltage is further in- relatively low in the second subband, the first and second
creased beyond resonance, the energy separation be- subbands are localized in the bottom and top quantum
tween the symmetric and antisymmetric gap increases; well, respectively. Making Vg more negative must in-
the symmetric subband rises in energy (and thus hole crease the total density. The negative compressibility of
density) and the antisymmetric state remains relatively the low density gas hole in the top quantum well causes
unchanged due to electric field screening effect. The line the density in the bottom quantum well to decrease im-
cuts at Vg = V3 show a larger ρxx peak separation in cor- mediately after the top well is populated, explaining why
respondence to larger odd Hall conductance plateaus. At the σxx peaks move to higher B −1 (lower B) in the region

V3 V2 V1 V0 p1, sim in this region. Furthermore, in the range between V0 and

 p2, sim V1 , we ascribe the deviation of the measured Hall den-
ptot, sim
p1, exp sity p from the simulated bilayer density ptot,sim , to the
 p2, exp population of the second subband when its density is still
p +DOO
cm 2)

below the percolation threshold and effectively does not

 contribute to transport.
Around resonance (Vg = V2 ) we observe the avoided-
p (10

crossing of the simulated and experimental densities of

the first and second subband. From the subband popu-
lation difference at resonance ∆pSAS = p1 − p2 we calcu-
 late the experimental energy gap between the symmetric
and antisymmetric subbands by dividing ∆pSAS by the
 spin-resolved 2D density of states m∗ /2π~2 . We obtain
        ∆SAS ∼ 0.69 meV, which is in agreement with simula-
Vg 9 tions.
In summary, we have designed, fabricated, and mea-
Figure 3. Comparison of the experimental and Schrödinger- sured a hole bilayer in strained Ge double quantum wells.
Poisson simulated densities in the bilayer system as a function The bilayer has high-mobility, low percolation density,
of gate voltage (Vg ). The blue and orange solid lines are the and a large symmetric-antisymmetric energy gap at res-
simulated density for the first and second subband, respec- onance in agreement with simulations. Taken together,
tively. The gray solid line is the simulated total density in
these results open up a plethora of exciting new pos-
the bilayer. The blue and orange dotted lines are the density
of the first and second subband, as computed from the posi- sibilities for the Ge quantum information route, ranging
tion of the Shubnikov-de Haas conductance peaks in Fig. 2b. from Ge quantum devices and circuits with increased con-
The dotted gray line is the bilayer Hall density reported in nectivity to the exploration in this new platform of rich
Fig. 2a. physics associated with quantum Hall effects in bilayers.
Data sets supporting the findings of this study are
available at
V1 ≤ Vg ≤ V2 [21, 22].
The second observation is about the emergence at res-
onance (Vg = V2 ) of a quantum Hall state plateau at
σxy = 1e2 /h. This dissipationless state could be ascribed

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