Women Empowerment, MUN Speech

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The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor
says, “It’s a girl.” –Shirley Chisholm
Greetings Everyone,

Women empowerment is the pivotal part in any society, state or country. In this male dominated
society, women have always suffered. The participation of women and their involvement in electoral
process is an important marker of the maturity of democracy in any country. According to the United
Nations Commission on the Status of Women, only 22.8% of parliamentarians worldwide are women,
despite the fact that women make up 49.58% of the world population. In countries at all levels of
economic development, a woman’s personal preference is the key factor in determining whether
she will seek out and engage in paid work.

The number of female representatives in legislative bodies in the Centre and in most of the states of
India is below 20% .In order to get more women in political office, they must be educated on politics
specifically. According to studies carried out by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, one of the
best ways to increase female political engagement, and therefore representation, is to enhance
existing training programs for women in politics. UN Women have found that woman’s involvement
impacts decision-making in a positive way - with examples including better childcare in Norway and
more drinking water projects in India

To conclude, I would like to say that, Male and female legislators must work together in order to
solve the myriad of problems in their countries. In order to meet worldwide development goals and
build strong, sustainable democracies, women must be encouraged, empowered and supported in
becoming strong political and community leaders.




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