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@PFMS 2024, All Rights Reserved with PFMS, Controller General of Accounts, Min. of Finance, GOI Page 3 of 10
Standard Operating Procedure

Marking SNA Scheme

Public Financial Management System,

Controller General of Accounts,
Department of Expenditure,
Ministry of Finance

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

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2 User – SPCU ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

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1 Introduction
This document is prepared to disseminate general guidelines on process of Marking SNA
Scheme using the PFMS portal. A new page “Mark SNA Scheme” has been created and
provided to State Project Cell User (SPCU) for marking the Scheme as SNA scheme.
Pre-requisities to Marking:
 Scheme should be already registered in PFMS System.

2 User – SPCU
The User Navigates to “Masters>Schemes>Mark SNA Scheme” and the page “Mark SNA
Scheme” opens.

Scheme Type and State both are auto selected. User have an option to change the scheme Type from drop

Based on Scheme Type selection the “Scheme” drop down populates, User selects the scheme from drop down

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The user clicks on the check box SNA Scheme Applicable and then the system displays a box to enter Center
Share and State Share percentages.

1. Sum of Center and State share amount should be 100% .
2. Two digit decimals allowed in center and share amount ratios.
3. For Centrally Sponspored Schemes, Center share amount can’t be zero.

User enters the percentage of state and center share amount and click on the “Submit” button.
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A pop-up confirmation message appears on the screen “Are you sure you want to mark the scheme
[Scheme Code- Scheme Name] as SNA scheme? Click Yes to continue, else No to Cancel.”
The user clicks on the Yes button to proceed further.

Another pop up confirmation message appear on screen “Are you sure the Centre/State ratio [<Centre
Ratio>:<State Ratio>] is correct? Once Saved, you will not be able to edit the centre/state ratio. Click Yes to
continue else No to cancel.”
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User click on Yes button to procees further.

The Scheme will be saved and a message appears on the screen “Scheme Name (<Scheme Code>) has been
successfully marked as SNA”.
The below Grid shows the added-on scheme as SNA.
1. In case the user selects a scheme that is already marked as SNA then a message is displayed on the screen
“Selected Scheme is Already marked as SNA!!”, and Deselecting can be only possible through the “UNDO
SNA” functionality for marking it as NON-SNA.
2. The SPCU User can update the Centre/State Share ratio one time only. SSM can update ratios later on
in case any changes are required.

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