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Grade 12 2024 Name: ________________________

Term 1 Literature
Othello Introduction and Act 1

Shakespeare wrote comedies, histories (about the Kings of England) and tragedies. One definition of
tragedy involves three specific elements working together. These culminate in the downfall of the tragic

Technical name Personal Responsibility


How this appears

in Othello

Othello is an example of a "perfect" tragedy because it has all three of these elements. Fill out the table
below with two other Shakespearean tragedies that involve some of these elements.

Names of elements ⇨



3. Othello ✓ ✓ ✓


Senator to

is sleeping with
serves daughter to

Othello married to

2nd in command
friends with
3rd in command
controls married to
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Act 1 takes place in a certain location, and then the entire play moves to a second location. Why do the
following characters move to the second location?

Othello , Iago, Cassio ___________________________________________________________

Roderigo ___________________________________________________________
Desdemona ___________________________________________________________

Act 1 Acts 2 - 5


What this location represents

Act 1
Scene 1


_______________ and _________________ discuss Othello and Desdemona’s (secret marriage).

Roderigo is upset because he is in love with _________________, but Iago assures him that his time will
come. Iago confesses he hates _________________ because he has been passed over for a promotion in
place of _________________. The two men go and wake up Desdemona’s father, _________________,
and tell him his daughter has run away. Brabantio checks Desdemona’s room, and
__________________________________, gathers a search party to find her. He is convinced Othello (a
black man) has ___________________________________________________ to make Desdemona (a
white woman) fall in love with him.

● The scene (and therefore the play) begins in darkness. What effect does this have on the
atmosphere of the entire play?

● The scene also begins in the middle of a conversation. What effect does this have on both the
audience and the pace of the play?

● The whole of Act 1 serves the purpose of a prologue: different themes are introduced and we learn
about what the characters are like and what they want.

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Quotes to Note
Character Quote Explanation / Comments

Iago Iago tells Roderigo how touched he is over the

loss of the promotion.

Iago I follow him to serve my turn upon him.

Iago In following him, I follow but myself.

Iago Iago declares his fraudulence to Roderigo and

the audience.

Brabantio … O, she deceives me / Past thought!

● We haven’t met Othello and Desdemona yet. What impression do you get of them from this scene?

● Iago successfully manipulates both Roderigo and Brabantio in this scene. What is different about his
approach to each of them?

● Iago compares Othello to an animal in an effort to dehumanise him. Can you think of any historical
examples of this? Why is it an effective way to justify hatred?

Scene 2

Iago warns Othello that _________________ is after him, but Othello knows he loves Desdemona so is
not concerned. _________________ arrives and says _________________ has summoned Othello to an
emergency war council. Before they can head there, Brabantio arrives with _________________ and some
police officers, ready to arrest Othello. A fight almost breaks out, and Brabantio accuses Othello, but
Othello calmly responds that he is already on his way to see the Duke, and that Brabantio should
accompany him so they can sort out the confusion there. Brabantio grumpily agrees.

Quotes to Note
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Character Quote Explanation / Comments

Othello Let him do his spite.

My services which I have done the signiory
Shall out-tongue his complaints…

Othello But that I love the gentle Desdemona,

I would not my unhoused free condition
Put into circumspection and confine
For all the sea’s worth.

Brabantio Run from her guardage to the sooty bosom

Of such a thing as though - to fear, not to delight.

● How does the real Othello differ to Iago’s description of him in the first scene?
● Desdemona still hasn’t appeared, but it seems that Othello and Brabantio have two very different
ideas of who she really is. What kind of person do you expect her to be?

● How does Brabantio participate in the dehumanisation of Othello?


Scene 3

The Duke and some senators are worriedly discussing an imminent attack on _________________ by
_________________________. The crowd from before arrives. Brabantio accuses Othello again, who
calmly replies that Desdemona married him of her own free will. He tells the story of how Brabantio
___________________________________________________ and Desdemona was captivated by
__________________________________. Then _________________ is summoned and defends Othello.
Brabantio disowns his daughter and leaves, but not before warning Othello of Desdemona's

The Duke quickly dispatches Othello and his men to defend Cyprus from the upcoming attack; Desdemona
bravely asks __________________________________, wanting to be near her new husband. After
everyone leaves, Iago assures _________________ that not all is lost: he should
__________________________________ to help Iago split up Othello and Desdemona. Roderigo runs
off, and Iago tells the audience his terrible plan to make it seem as if Desdemona is cheating on Othello
with ____________________________.

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Circle Venice and Cyprus on the map below! (These are modern-day political borders)

Quotes to Note (There are a lot… but this is an important – and long – scene!)
Character Quote Explanation / Comments

Duke Valiant Othello... The Duke's description of Othello shows how

much respect this general commands in

Othello ...Rude am I in my speech / And little

blessed with the set phrase of peace [...]
And little of this great world can I speak
More than pertains to feats of broil and

Brabantio Brabantio cannot begin to believe how

Desdemona could fall in love with Othello,
showing his prejudice.

Desdemona My noble father,

I do perceive here a divided duty.
To you I am bound for life and education
… But here’s my husband

Desdemona Desdemona reveals that she was captivated

when she got to know Othello's personality.

Brabantio Brabantio's warning to Othello will plant a

seed that Iago will exploit later on in the play.

Othello My life upon her faith.

Iago ...‘Tis in ourselves that we are thus, or

thus. Our bodies are gardens, to the which
our wills are gardeners.

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Iago Iago begins his soliloquy with an insult to
Roderigo, showing the audience how he is
merely using the man to help enact his
revenge plot.

Iago ...I hate the Moor,

And it is thought abroad that ‘twixt my
He’s done my office.

Iago Iago describes one of Othello's qualities that

in ordinary circumstances would be a benefit,
but that Iago will use to bring him down.

Iago I have’t. It is engendered. Hell and night

Must bring this monstrous birth to the
world’s light.

● Iago began this whole fiasco by waking up Brabantio. Now that they are in front of the Duke, what
do you think Iago wants to happen?
● Notice how Othello approaches these accusations. He takes time to explain himself calmly; he asks
Desdemona to come speak for herself. Does this seem like a man who could be tricked into thinking
his wife is cheating on him? _________________________________________________________
● Now that we’ve finally met Desdemona, what do you think of her?
● What do you make of Brabantio’s claim - that Desdemona is deceitful? True?
● Iago accuses Othello of sleeping with his wife. Does this seem like something Othello would do?
Could this possibly be the only reason Iago has for wanting to destroy him?

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