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The subject and verb are fundamental components of a sentence.

Here’s a breakdown of each:

### Subject
- **Definition**: The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or
being something. It tells whom or what the sentence is about.
- **Types of Subjects**:
- **Simple Subject**: The main word or word group that tells whom or what the sentence is
- Example: *Dogs* bark.
- **Complete Subject**: The simple subject along with any modifiers.
- Example: *The big, furry dog* barked.
- **Compound Subject**: Two or more subjects joined by a conjunction (and, or).
- Example: *Cats and dogs* bark and meow.

### Verb
- **Definition**: The verb in a sentence expresses action or being. It tells what the subject
does or links the subject to a state of being.
- **Types of Verbs**:
- **Action Verbs**: Express physical or mental action.
- Example: She *runs*.
- **Linking Verbs**: Connect the subject with a word that describes or identifies it (am, is,
are, was, were, etc.).
- Example: She *is* a teacher.
- **Helping Verbs**: Help the main verb express action or a state of being (has, have, had,
will, shall, etc.).
- Example: She *is running*.

### Examples in Sentences

1. **Simple Sentence**:
- Subject: *The cat*
- Verb: *sleeps.*
- Example: *The cat sleeps.*

2. **Compound Sentence**:
- Subjects: *The cat and the dog*
- Verbs: *sleep and play.*
- Example: *The cat sleeps and the dog plays.*

3. **Complex Sentence**:
- Subject: *The cat that you saw*
- Verb: *is sleeping.*
- Example: *The cat that you saw is sleeping.*

### Identifying Subjects and Verbs

- **Find the Verb First**: Look for the action or state of being word in the sentence.
- **Ask "Who?" or "What?"**: Ask who or what is performing the action or being described
to find the subject.

### Practice
- Identify the subject and verb in the following sentences:
1. *The students are studying for their exams.*
- Subject: *The students*
- Verb: *are studying*
2. *She writes novels.*
- Subject: *She*
- Verb: *writes*
3. *The cake tastes delicious.*
- Subject: *The cake*
- Verb: *tastes*
Understanding the subject and verb in a sentence is crucial for constructing grammatically
correct and clear sentences.

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