Soils Activity 7-8

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Name: Joan S.

Section: BSAB 2-2
Lab schedule: Monday 2:00-5:00 pm
Date of submission: May 31, 2024
VIII. Questions to answer

1. What is the new unit for expressing cation exchange capacity (CEC)?

The new unit for expressing cation exchange capacity (CEC) is centimoles
of positive charge per kilogram (cmol/kg). This unit standardizes CEC
measurements regardless of soil texture or other factors, making
comparisons between soils more accurate.

The new unit for expressing cation exchange capacity (CEC) is centimoles
of positive charge per kilogram (cmol(+)/kg). This replaces the previous
unit of milliequivalents per 100 grams (meq/100g).

2. How many grams of K* will replace 2 m.e. of Ca2+? The atomic weight
of K* is 39. Show your computation.
Equivalent weight of Ca²⁺= 40 g/mol (atomic weight of Ca²⁺) / 2 (valency of Ca² ⁺)

= 20 g/m.eq

Equivalent weight of K⁺ = 39 g/mol (atomic weight of K⁺) / 1 (valency of K⁺)

= 39 g/m.eq

40 g of Ca²⁺ = X g of K⁺

Solving for X:

X = (40 g * 1 m.eq) / 39 g/m.eq ≈ 1.03 m.eq

3. What will be the approximate base saturation percentage of the two soil samples similar in texture,
amount of organic matter and similar pH? Explain.
the soil samples are similar in texture, organic matter content, and pH, their base saturation percentages
would likely be close. However, without specific data on the cation exchange capacity and the actual
concentrations of these cations in the soil, it's challenging to provide an exact estimate.

4. Compute for the cation exchange capacity of the soil given the following amount of
exchangeable cations.
Grams in exchangeable
form (per 50 g soil)
m.e / 100 g soil


H 0.01 0.02

K 0.039 0.078

Ca 0.200 0.400

Mg 0.060 0.12

Na 0.023 0.046

5. Compute for the percent base saturation using the formula:

% Based saturation= m.e. of bases / 100g x 100

Total CEC (m.e. / 100g)

Total Base m.e /100g=0.078+0.400+0.120+0.046=0.644

Total CEC= 0.66+0.01(H)=0.654 m.e/100g

%BS = (0.644/0.654) *100= 98.47%

6. Given two soil samples with different soil textures, a sandy loam and a silty loam type, having similar
pH and percentage base saturation. How will they compare as to their amount of exchangeable bases?

Sandy loam soil has larger particles and larger pore spaces compared to silty loam soil, which
has smaller particles and smaller pore spaces.Due to its larger particles and pore spaces, sandy
loam soil typically has lower cation exchange capacity (CEC) compared to silty loam soil. CEC
refers to the soil's ability to retain and exchange cations.

7. What is the relationship of pH with CEC and pH with percentage base saturation?

pH indirectly influences both CEC and percentage base saturation in soil, with higher pH
generally associated with higher CEC and percentage base saturation, and lower pH associated
with lower CEC and percentage base saturation.

IX. List of Reference

Name: Joan S. Sibulboro
Section: BSAB 2-2

VIII. Questions to answer

1. Define pH and explain how it derived.

It stands for "potential of hydrogen" and is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. It
is derived from the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration [H+] in the solution.
The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Values below 7 are acidic, while values
above 7 are alkaline or basic.

2. What is the relationship of soil pH to the availability of soil nutrient elements?

Acidic Soil (pH < 7): In acidic soil, essential nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and
magnesium become less available to plants. Neutral Soil (pH = 7): Soil with a neutral pH
generally provides an optimal environment for nutrient availability, as essential nutrients are
more likely to be in a form that plants can easily absorb.Adjusting soil pH through processes like
liming (raising pH) or acidification (lowering pH) can help optimize nutrient availability for
plant growth.

3. When do you lime a soil and why?

liming of soil is needed when its pH is too acidic for optimal plant growth. Liming raises the pH
of acidic soil, making it more neutral or slightly alkaline.

4. Explain the reaction involved when liming a soil.

The calcium ions (Ca²⁺) formed in the reaction replace the hydrogen ions, reducing the acidity of
the soil and raising its pH level. This makes the soil more alkaline, which can be beneficial for
plant growth by improving nutrient availability and soil structure.
5. Which liming material would be most effective, the Ca(OH)2 or the CaCO3

Calcium hydroxide is more soluble in water compared to calcium carbonate. This means
that it can react more quickly with soil acids to neutralize them and raise the pH faster. Calcium
hydroxide can raise the pH too quickly and may cause pH levels to overshoot the desired range if
not applied carefully. Additionally, calcium hydroxide is more expensive than calcium
carbonate, so cost may also be a factor to consider.

IX. List of References


• pH affects nutrient

availability,considered optimum for nutrient availability.


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