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DATE: 15 APRIL 2024



 Mr Masindi (Rendani`s father) came to school in an attempt to resolve a case

of bullying of his son in Grade 5 Blue.
 At first Mr Masindi was attended by Mr. T. Vundla (Grade 5 Blue class
teacher) and Ms S. Masvusvu. (Subject teacher)
 The above-mentioned teachers decided to involve Mr B Dube who is a
member of the Disciplinary committee as Mr. Masindi was not cooperating.
 When Mr. B. Dube engaged Mr Masindi, he was already angry and shouting
as he demanded to meet the school authorities.
 Mr. B. Dube explained to Mr Masindi that he will be afforded the opportunity to
meet the principal as per his demand so that allegations may be solved.
 The commotion caused by Mr. Masindi attracted the attention of the Principal
(MM Xulu) who immediately intervene and escorted Mr. Masindi to her office
for further discussions.
 The principal and Mr Masindi agreed that a thorough investigation was to be
instituted and the outcome to be communicated to Mr. Masindi telephonically.
 The investigation was concluded by the principal, coincidentally Mrs Masindi
phoned the Principal to find out about the outcome of the investigation. The
principal furnished Mrs Masindi with the outcome of the investigation and the
case was amicably resolved, it was presumed Mrs Masindi represented the
 However, on the 18th of March 2024, Mr. Masindi came to school to fetch his
son at dismissal time, only to find the son crying. A fuming Mr. Masindi
wearing a JMPD uniform went straight to the principal office and accused the
principal of not phoning him and not stopping the bullying of his son by other
 The principal felt Mr. Masindi disrespected and intimidated her because of the
shouting he did in full JMPD uniform. The principal warned Mr. Masindi to
control his temper and stop coming to her office if he (Mr Masindi) is having a
firearm as he is highly emotional.
 This necessitated the principal to investigate a second allegations of bullying
of Mr. Masindi’s son.
 The investigation found that Rendani Masindi was accidentally tripped by
another learner as they were walking along the corridor.
 As the school was investigating the second allegations, a concerned Mr.
Masindi lodged a complaint to the GDE officials. The school acknowledges
receipt of a communique from GDE official.
 The school organised a meeting with Mr. Masindi on the 5 th of April 2024 to
resolve the problem. It was Mr. Masindi’s wish that an official from the GDE
was to be present in the meeting.
 Mr Masindi was furnished with both outcomes of the investigations. He was
satisfied with the outcomes, and it was concluded that Rendani Masindi is
happy at school and no further bullying is taking place.
 However, Mr Masindi was not happy that the principal did not call him about
the 1st incident. The principal explained to Mr. Masindi that the information
was communicated to Mrs Masindi. The principal explained that she did not
call Mr. Masindi to avoid further verbal abuse from Mr Masindi.
 Mr Masindi continued shouting at the principal during the meeting. Mr Masindi
did not cooperate with the panel. He pointed his finger at the principal and
addressed her as “lona”. An angry Mr. Masindi made threats of shooting the
principal, leading to chaos in the meeting.
 Mr Masindi mentioned grudges of which the panel was not aware of. He
mentioned that he took the matter to GDE because he felt being disrespected.
 Mr Masindi left the office unceremoniously and that marked the end of the
 In conclusion, the school will continue to work in harmony with parent(s) and
solve all concerns amicably.

Members present: Ms M.M. Xulu (Principal)

Mr. B. Dube (DC Member)

Mr. T. Vundla (Class teacher)

Ms S.V. Bangani (Subject teacher)

Ms S. Masvusvu (Subject teacher)

Yours in Education


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