Final Projek

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finAL prOJecT bOOTCAmp diGiTAL mArkeTinG

bATCH 24 - keLOmpOk 10 - Mei 2024

OuR TeAm

jimmy fRAn eLdA AGusTinA AdRyAn wiLLiAm wijAyA GeRRAL CHAndRA wiGunA AHmAd iqbAL
menTOR TeAm LeAdeR bRAnd sTRATeGy bRAnd sTRATeGy cOpywRiTeR

esTHeRinA muLyAni fiRdHA AkHdAniA kAmiLAH muHAmmAd AfwAn suci mARdiAni sTeVAnus dARmA pRAmAnA
sOCiAL mediA speciALisT sOCiAL mediA speciALisT pAid Ads pAid Ads KOL spesiALisT
bRAnd OVeRView
sOCiAL mediA pLATfORm
cuRRenT business pRObLem And sOLuTiOn
Problem Solution
ObjecTiVe and TarGeT
MarkeTinG anaLYsis
4P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)
MarkeTinG anaLYsis
4P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)
4C (COmpany, CusTOmer, COmpeTiTOr, CHanGe)
Point of Parity Point of Diferences
brAnd pOsiTiOninG
brAnd pOsiTiOninG
Possible Organic Channel

sOCiAL mediA
cOnTenT piLLAR fOR sOCiAL mediA

cOnTenT CALendeR
pAid cHAnneL
pAid cHAnneL
meTA Ads RepORT
mediA pLAnninG Vs ACCTuAL
influenceR mARkeTinG pLAn
influencer mArkeTinG plAn


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